Azure Nested Virtualization with VMWare Workstation

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hey guys how's it going hope everybody's having a great day so far today we're going to look at enabling vmware workstation inside of an azure virtual machine typically the officially supported method to perform what we're going to be doing which is called nested virtualization would be to utilize hyper-v and for whatever reason if you guys just don't prefer to use hyper-v or you prefer to use vmware or the different kind of feature sets whatever it is that's what this video is going to be about and hopefully it provides some useful information to some of you guys um so first and foremost i do want to give credit to the gentleman that posted this online i have found that this is not really a subject talked about um quite a bit usually a lot of people just refer to using hyper-v for the nested virtualization so i did want to record a video for you guys that would prefer to learn it this way and i will be drop dropping the link to the the blog post um in the description if you guys want to see the original source uh so without further ado let's go ahead and jump into it uh you guys could ignore this this is just some stuff i've been playing around with but first and foremost we'll go ahead and spin up an your virtual machine so let's go into here we'll go ahead and add virtual machine and the particular image and size should not be of much relevance maybe the windows image might but this is what i tested it on which was windows 10 2004 with the e4s underscore vu v4 size um so i'll be using that for this video you guys again should be able to use other builds as well and for the resource group i recently just created the lab so i'll be using this but you guys can of course create your own call this vmware test um and then of course go ahead and just configure as normal for whatever it is that you want to have in your environment don't forget to check this here at the bottom and again this is all going to be based on what you guys want to have in your particular environment i'm just going to use the default settings and we're going to go ahead and get this started all right so the deployment just completed so let's go ahead and move over to the resource and get connected via rdp all right and we're in so let's go ahead and first things first give it a second to settle open up our web browser and start downloading vmware workstation all right you just go to google i can just navigate to the first link here and i'll go ahead and drop these links in the description as well so you don't need to search if you don't feel like it let's go ahead and install this as soon as it's done just takes a few seconds here default settings should be fine here for vmware workstation now you can just uncheck this here however you want to do it all right and we're finished so let's go ahead and open up vmware workstation go ahead and play around with it for a second just to take a look at and see what the error is that we'll receive let's go ahead and just try uh enable the trial and we'll just do file new virtual machine just to typical i will install the os later windows 10 default values are fine and when we go ahead and try to power this on we get an error here vmware workstation and hyper-v are not compatible remove the hyper-v roll from the system before running vmware workstation all right so let's go ahead and see what we can do um and so first things first let me open up a notepad i have here with some handy dandy links and i'll of course be dropping this in the description um so we need to go ahead and grab this zip file from this microsoft url all right it's already done go ahead and extract this guy and what we're going to want to do is a shift right click within the folder to open a powershell window and we're going to want to run a couple of commands here so first things first we're going to run this particular command so let's just copy it right click to paste press enter and we'll do a capital r for run once and we'll wait for about a minute or so all right the script finished and it says please reboot the machine for the settings to be applied so we'll go ahead and initiate a reboot alright so i just went ahead and reconnected to the machine after the reboot is complete and now we want to do is we want to go back to the same directory and open up another powershell window go back to our commands here and we're going to do these three commands let's do this disable all right you should get an error that's fine you can ignore that and what we also want to do is run these commands as well and you should get an error on that one as well that's fine and let's do this last one and let's give the machine one more reboot all right so we're back in now for the third time let's go ahead and open vmware workstation and let's go ahead and try this again and see what happens there we go so it's going to give us a little other hint you can just click ok and we can see here we didn't have any operating system installed but it seems to be working so that's pretty cool so let's go ahead and take this one step further and we'll go ahead and mount a um windows iso to it so i have a link that i have that i'm going to download it and i'll i'll drop a link as well in the description how you guys can can get an iso to test with if you guys don't have one all right so i just got my iso downloaded so i'm going to go ahead and mount it via the cd drive here restart it and there we go let's go ahead and pre proceed with the windows install let's see if there's any bugs or anything all right and we're back so i went ahead and skipped the first time wizard for you and of course get through the windows install but look at that we're up and running with a windows 10 virtual machine running in vmware workstation so let's play around with it a little bit further and kind of see if everything seems to be working go ahead and try to open up edge here all right looks pretty good needs to be working let's see if vmware tools works may need to navigate manually if it doesn't start all right vmware tools seems to install [Music] wow look at that so the resizing is already working looks great it's of course going to prompt for a reboot here but um i'll just skip that for right now um but there you have it folks fully fledged virtual machine uh via nested virtualization with vmware workstation in azure um so i really hope that this was helpful for you guys um i have a couple of projects that i want to work on that i will be posting in the future so stay tuned um for some additional content leveraging vmware and azure and looking forward to getting that out to you guys thanks for watching and have a great day take care
Channel: Chris Martel
Views: 1,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ahbCoaOVKPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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