Azure Dip Powder and Dip Liquids | Dip Into Kindness Ep 3 | Dip Powder Glitter Ombre

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[Music] hey everyone welcome back to sip and dip with chelsea for today's video i am going to be unboxing swatching and using some of these glitters that model ones was so kind to send over to me on this hand i have details and information on that on my instagram page so if you're interested in these colors be sure to go check that out and without further ado let's go ahead and dive in so on the inside it came with instructions and one thing that is standing out to me the most is it is saying it is fast drying so i'm a little bit nervous about that but we are gonna give this a try so i'm gonna pop one out of the little container it comes in i really like that they're all separately packaged and this is azure powder they're numbered so they don't have names this one in particular is number 55. and around each of these jars is a protective seal this is something that i really love i've said this before in some other videos where i've reviewed their products it just gives that extra safety and i i personally like that um when you open it up there is a seal on the inside but you're gonna see it's in my lid but it is there and not to mention look at how gorgeous that glitter is so this is three dips and one dip of clear and we have 38 53 59 57 and 58. and last but not least is 60 56 31 55 and 54. so last month they sent me over a package and it had some really pretty halloween colors and i thought these two just looked perfect together so i grabbed this one and i'll also be using azure's dip liquids today they are fast drying as well so we're gonna see how this works out i don't particularly recommend using a fast drying powder i think it's fine if you're just doing solid colors but you do run the risk of not being able to clean up you know if it's dried too fast and for ombres but you're gonna see that towards the end of this video when i do my ombre how it goes for me so as you might have seen in the title today is going to be episode number three of dip into kindness you guys gave me such an overwhelming love and support towards my last episode and the other one as well and i got so many messages saying please keep doing these so we're gonna keep doing as many as we can through the holiday season and today's episode is going to be about a school in arkansas so what's going to happen i'm going to get into as much as i can once i get to ombre i'll get back to nails and then keep finishing my story so like i mentioned today's story is about a school in arkansas they were on the brink of shutting down they had an annual budget deficit of over 250 000 their electric bill alone was over 600 thousand dollars they had a terrible teacher turnover they couldn't keep any employees they weren't being able to pay them what they needed to survive not to mention the students were struggling because they didn't have any sort of consistency with their teachers and it just was this terrible snowball effect so that is when their superintendent stepped up and said we have got to do an audit and figure something out so after the audit they realized that they could save up to 2.4 million dollars in 20 years if they installed 1400 solar panels and energy efficient lights so the superintendent decided to take the risk and he took out a bond so that he could finance and get these solar panels installed at his school so we're gonna hop back into nails really quick i'm using manny boss's clear i've got my fluffy brush here and we're going to tackle this ombre and do better than i did the last ombre so i'm going to do a full coverage coat and then we are going to quickly because remember this is a fast drying liquid fast drying powder i'm going to tap it on to the tip of my nail rotating side to side and then i'm gonna dip it into the powder for a little bit more for full coverage and use my toothpick to move some of those scragglers that got up a little bit more than i wanted and then we're gonna pour over the clear but you're gonna see here in just a second i did not move fast enough so the liquid did dry i didn't get it all the way up around my cuticle area but we're gonna try better next time [Music] so i'm seeing now i need to move even faster than i was just a second ago so i'm going to move as quickly as i possibly can and get this glitter and clear on my nails so i'm pretty happy with that so i'm going to go ahead now and clear encapsulate the whole thing so we don't ruin it when we file and buff and we're going to jump back into our story so the superintendent was very nervous about switching over to using an energy efficient option for the school because they are sort of right next to a town that relies heavily on a coal plant even though this plant is set to close in 2030 he was afraid that he was going to upset the town by kind of taking away a livelihood and a way of life basically for them so he put out a statement saying let's use this money to start pumping up teachers salaries it's gonna be the way that we will be able to attract and retain staff and it's going to be the way that we're going to attract and retain students all right so are you guys ready for this he turned his 250 000 budget deficit into a 1.8 million dollar surplus and guess what he did exactly what he said he gave each teacher around 2 000 to 3 000 more per year and now they are in the top quartile for the state and his actions created a ripple effect on all the surrounding regions and now there are at least 20 school districts in their area that have also taken on the same model and are following in his footsteps and you're probably thinking okay but what does the town think of this and this is where he said that he was actually pleasantly surprised he believes because the coal plant has a limited life that everyone came about realizing that what he was doing was for the good of the town that he put the money back into the teacher's pockets that he wants to help get the children a better education and put their tax dollars in a better place so the town actually rallied behind him and it's kind of created this boomerang effect so i chose this story today because i feel like in today's society with everything going on with kovid so many parents have come to realize just how important and amazing teachers are a lot of parents have taken on the teacher role by doing the homeschooling right now and i just think now more than ever teachers need that appreciation along with nurses i'm totally not forgetting about you guys you guys are amazing as well but i thought this story was just so special to show that they are working towards ways to getting teachers the pay that they deserve i truly in my heart believe that teachers mold our future they take care of our children and they are raising them alongside with us to be our future they're going to be the future doctors the future president one day it's just i don't know how they can be so unappreciated and not paid enough like truly they are not paid enough to do what they do on a regular basis i've been pretty lucky to say that i have so many teachers in my mind i feel like we could all kind of close our eyes think of our childhood and we always have that one teacher or maybe even many teachers that were so near and dear to our hearts and so special to us and mine oh my gosh you guys so she actually found me on um facebook not that long ago and i'm like is this allowed like can we be friends on facebook and she added me and you guys she's just one of those amazing people that like okay she was a kickboxing instructor as well as an elementary school teacher so every morning we started out our mornings doing kickboxing exercises and i look forward to that every day i would come to school and it was just so much fun so different than your norm of sit down do your schoolwork like she got us kind of got her energy out and we all just had a blast and she was so high energy that she made it fun and she was just cool like she drove a red corvette she was just one of those super cool women that you're like wow my teacher is cool like you were like proud to have her as a teacher and it's kind of sad but so she's a twin and due to health issues she actually was never able to have babies so she went through ivf and years and years of struggling and that kind of like steered her into teaching and why she's so passionate about being an amazing teacher so growing up the elementary school i went to i actually lived near the kennedy space center that was like my hometown so my elementary school was named after one of the space shuttles so we're talking over 20 years ago they were actually on the hunt for a teacher astronaut so my teacher applied she made it up until like i think even like top three top five very very high and was almost chosen like this is how amazing this woman is she's that type of person where nothing is impossible her teaching was just so fun and she made learning fun and she is one of those people that is unforgettable you could never forget her and i i feel lucky that i got to learn from her and i remember all of this and this was from elementary school so kind of off topic but it's definitely something i need help with i want to get paisley's teacher and her bus driver something what do you guys do for christmas time do you guys do gift cards i was thinking about doing a target gift card for my daughter's teacher but what do you guys give a bus driver like do you do target gift cards do you ask them if they like coffee you know i don't have that type of relationship with them to know sort of what they'd be into but i am so desperate for help with gifts and i would love to know if you guys are a teacher what do you guys want because i definitely don't want to give you a coffee mug i want to give you something that you want and can i just tell you how much i love that you guys love these dip into kindness episodes because if you guys follow me on instagram you know that i like to do little quotes on my stories just pep talks and these are truly like note to self pep talks for me they're things that are kind of relevant to me at that moment it could be funny mom quotes or it could be just you know like today's i put up a you know stop stressing just trust the process know when things work it'll work and if it's meant to be it'll be kind of thing so i love that you guys like these too like me getting to just go through news articles and find something positive in our society i love that and i like to hear these stories because the news can be so down and depressing right now so thank you for telling me it is so so helpful when you guys tell me and share feedback in the comments or messages of what you're loving or what you want to see more of or questions that you have it really does give me a direction to go on my channel and and even more so i love that we're so on the same page with it and that we're enjoying the same things and i just appreciate you guys so i have been a busy little elf behind the scenes here i'm working on doing a christmas giveaway for you guys not a milestone but just some way for me to spread some holiday cheer to you all as my way of saying thank you so what my plan is is to do this over the course of several videos so that i can have several winners i am only featuring companies that i know that i love and that i trust because i want you guys to be able to try and love their products too so i mean this in the least cringey way possible but please just make sure that you are subscribed you have your notifications turned on so that you do not miss this because i promise i am doing my best to put together as much as i can for you guys so i want to give some thoughts on these products on the liquids so for the liquids i would say to steer clear of them as far as if you're trying to do ombres and things but if you're keeping it basic and you're just doing a solid color nail i think they work out fine i don't care for the smaller bottles i did knock them over a couple times during this so oops on that if they sell them in a larger size then you know i'd maybe consider it but i am extremely impressed with the shine it is super super shiny just not something i probably would go and grab due to them drying so fast i do really like the glitters i felt like they covered such a wide range of colors they could truly be matched with a hundred different shades and there's kind of something for everyone in that kit i love that they came packaged that way and i definitely would suggest them i think they're beautiful and anybody could like any one of those colors so i'm going to let this dry for a couple minutes and we're going to move on to oil so i grabbed holly cheer this is one from her trio that she's got and it is so scrumptious i always tease cj and i tell her that it's completely unfair that she makes these delicious smelling oils that we can't eat and so i always joke and tell her that she needs to start making something that's edible and i will be the first in line for it i've actually been on the hunt i've been on pinterest trying to find some really yummy holiday mixed drinks so if you guys have a favorite recipe i would love to hear it because i'm on the hunt for something seasonal and i want to change it up so back to nails i am obsessed with this look i think the glitter sort of tied it in and gave it a little bit of pizzazz it's going to be perfect for thanksgiving and i'm all set i'm good to go for the holidays now as always thank you guys so so much for watching and i will see you in the next video
Channel: SipAndDip
Views: 6,102
Rating: 4.9652176 out of 5
Keywords: Dip powder nails at home, Dip powder nails, Dip powder nails tutorial, Dip powder ombre, Dip powder glitter ombre, Glitter ombre nails, Fall nails, Revel nail, Sparkle and Co, Modelones, Azure dip powder, Kiara sky dip powder, Peppi Gel, Dip powder designs, Dip powder prep, Dip powder removal, Easy nail art, DIY nail art, Fall nail art, Dip powder for beginners, How to do dip powder nails
Id: yEtdCKHhjcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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