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Hey guys, welcome to this session on Microsoft Azure. Let us start off with this session with a fun fact: 80% of the world's fortune 500 companies run on Microsoft Azure either completely or up to an extent, and also Microsoft claims that Azure is growing at a rate of 120,000 new customers every month. In this session, we'll be learning Microsoft Azure and Azure certifications end to end. Before moving on with this session, please subscribe to our channel so that you don't miss our upcoming videos. Also, if you want to become a certified Azure Professional, Intellipaat offers a lot of courses on Azure and you can check those details in the description. Right now, let us take a quick glance at the agenda. We'll start off with learning what exactly Microsoft Azure is, and after that, we'll be learning what is the core architecture which Microsoft Azure runs on, and also concepts like subscriptions and resources. After that, we'll be learning the core services provided by Microsoft Azure. After learning these core services, we'll be putting them into use by architecting an entire application using Microsoft Azure, and a quiz has been prepared for you guys to recap what was taught in this session, and also please feel free to come on those answers below. After that, for people who are in confusion to choose the apt certification course, we have put together a video which shows you what are the different types of certifications available for Azure and also how you can crack them. After that, we'll be looking individually into various certification courses like AZ 103, AZ 203, and also Azure certification 300, 301. So guys, without any further ado, let us move on to the session. In terms of Microsoft products, like you and I both know that at some point in our lives in IT or at home, we would have used a Microsoft product, that's how well they have designed their products that each and every person on this planet if they are into IT, they must have used Microsoft products at one point in their life, and Microsoft Azure gives you a benefit in terms of using Microsoft products. If you are on cloud and if you want to use any Microsoft product like Windows or SQL for that matter, AWS whatever price AWS gives, Azure can give you a price which is five times cheaper than that price. The reason for that is very simple, that Microsoft owns the licenses and hence a license which is basically being bought by Amazon would be costlier to them and when they give you that license on shared basis that is on a timely basis, obviously they will charge you more, but when it comes to Microsoft they have those charges in hand because it's their own license. So what they tell you is that whatever AWS is charging you for that particular instance for a software which is by Microsoft which is running on that server I'm going to give you that same server in one fifth of the price. So this is the first advantage that you get with Microsoft Azure that if you are into Microsoft products if your application is using any kind of Microsoft product, you will find it one fifth of the price when compared to AWS. The second thing is that if you have Microsoft licenses: If you are, let's say in a business, and you are using some Microsoft software, you obviously would have bought some licenses and when you want to go onto cloud you know you do not want to pay for the licenses as well you just won't pay for let's say the server that you are using why should you pay for the operating system when you are actually paid for that operating system before when you purchase it for your office laptop or your office server, so what you can do is or what option Microsoft Azure gives you is bring your own license option, so you bring your own license, you get the license key to them and they will not charge you anything for their licensing even the one-fifth cost that they were charging, they will not charge you that if you have your own license if you have your own Microsoft license and you bring that to the Microsoft Azure cloud. So that is the second advantage that you get with Microsoft Azure, and a third advantage that you get is more than 95% of Fortune 500 companies are actually using Microsoft Azure now that could be either in the case of a primary cloud provider or could be using Microsoft Azure as a secondary cloud provider or it could be using some products of Microsoft Azure, but if we talk about the Fortune 500 companies, 95% of them are using Microsoft Azure. So if you get yourself certified in Microsoft Azure, you have a 95 percent probability of hitting a company, i.e., if you go to 100 companies you have a 95 percent chance that you will be actually landing up in a company which will be using some kind of a Microsoft Azure service. So that's a pretty huge number and that actually gives you higher probability of getting a job as well in these fortune 500 companies. So guys, these are the three main advantages as to why Microsoft Azure is being preferred by businesses for their work and that's what companies have now started to shift to Microsoft Azure as well and that is why it is seeing such a huge exponential growth rate when compared to AWS. Now that you know why are we learning Microsoft Azure. The reason for that is obviously the chances of getting yourself a job in Microsoft Azure as well. Okay guys, a quick info: If you want to become a certified Microsoft Azure professional, Intellipaat provides a master training in Microsoft Azure Certification. They provide AZ 103, AZ 203, and also Azure 300, 301 in the same course. Also, you will be learning all the major concepts required to crack all these certifications, and this makes you a complete Microsoft Azure professional. For further details about this course, check out the details in the description. Let us continue with the session. Now let's move on and talk about what exactly Microsoft Azure is. So guys Microsoft Azure is basically a cloud service which is developed by Microsoft. It is owned and managed by Microsoft and it offers you its services in a pay-as-you-go model, and it is a second largest cloud provider in the world. So this is what Microsoft Azure is. So whatever I've taught you with regard to the concepts of cloud, all of them are given to you by Microsoft Azure along with the advantages that I told you, all that you get with Microsoft Azure and all you pay for that particular service is based on the number of minutes that you're using its services for. that's how amazing cloud is and that's how amazing even Microsoft Azure is. Now let's move forward and talk about how Microsoft Azure basically works. So we have discussed enough about what cloud computing is, what is Microsoft Azure Are you all clear with it: why we are using it, why we are learning it today. Now let's get into the technical aspects of Microsoft Azure and understand how Microsoft Azure is structured in terms of its architecture. Now let's go ahead and understand the Azure core architecture. This is the core architecture for Azure. As you can see, there are four ways of accessing Azure. These four components are basically nothing but four different ways of accessing the Azure resources. So, the Azure resource manager is basically a mediator between the Azure resources and the external agents which can interact with the Azure resources. Now to interact with the Azure resource manager, you need these four ways. Now what are these four ways? The first way is the Azure portal. Now what is the Azure portal? The Azure portal is nothing but the GUI website that you get provided with. For example, if you go to, once you have signed up on Azure, you can basically go to that portal and you can deploy any kind of resource that you want. So, you can control and manage the resources from that interface. So that interface is called the Azure portal. Next thing is Azure PowerShell. Now what is Azure PowerShell? There is a thing called Microsoft PowerShell. So that exists in a Windows system. So if you're using a Windows system, you can just type in start bar PowerShell and you would be able to see what PowerShell is. It is a native Microsoft product. Now what Azure or what Microsoft provide you with is it also gives you an extension for making your PowerShell interact with Microsoft Azure, and once you install that extension, once it's installed on your system, your PowerShell would be able to connect to Microsoft Azure which will basically give you the ability of controlling or deploying resources on Microsoft Azure using the command line. So that's Azure PowerShell. Similarly, you have something called Azure CLI. PowerShell, like I said, is a product from Microsoft. Azure CLI is basically done on the DOS prompt. So, DOS is altogether a different software which has been there since ages on Windows. So, if you are more inclined toward using the DOS prompt, you can actually install the necessary software for Azure and then you can use the DOS commands to use or manage or deploy Azure resources, so this is a third way of accessing your Azure resources, and then you have something called as Rest clients. Now what are Rest clients? Rest clients are nothing but APIs which you can include in your web applications, for example, you can create your own web application through which you can create or use your Azure account. For example, let's say you create a website wherein you take the user input, you take an integer number from the user, and then you have created a button which is called deploy and what that does is whatever number you have mentioned it basically deploys that many number of servers on Microsoft Azure. But you are not basically doing that directly from Azure portal, you're not doing it that with PowerShell, or you're not doing that through Azure CLI. What you have done is you have created your own application and you have linked your application to your Azure account and you're making or you're making that website or you're allowing that website basically to control your Azure resources, and this is possible using APS which are also called Rest clients. Now these resources in case of Azure PowerShell and azure CLI would interact with the help of SDKs to connect to Azure resource manager your Azure portal, and Rest clients can directly interact with the Azure resource manager and what is an Azure resource manager? Like I previously stated, it's nothing but a mediator, so basically what happens is all the resources which are deployed on Azure are not directly accessible by the user even if he is using the website or using the PowerShell or using the CLI or using the Rest clients. Every request has to go to the Azure resource manager and what the Azure resource manager does is, it basically authenticates your request, it will check whether you as a user of Microsoft Azure account have the necessary permissions to do a certain tasks which you're trying to do with your application. For example, when you create a Microsoft Azure account, you will have the option of creating multiple users in that same account so that multiple people can work on your own account. For example, let's say you open a startup, and now you have hired a tech team. Now what do you want to do is you want your CTO, or the person who's going to be managing your tech team, the admin access of your Azure account, and on the other hand, the developers who probably, let's say, if one of the developers is going to work on the Azure storage. So you just want him to access Azure storage you don't want them to access Azure VMs or any other kind of Azure service. So what you can do is you can create a user and you can give definite permissions to what he can access and what he cannot access. Now how will this be helpful. Now let's say your technical manager signs in as a user, and he signs in let's say through the Azure portal, and then he tries to deploy a VM resource or was a machine or he tries to use it as you would be able to do so, why because he has the administrator access you have given him and he'd be able to do everything that you can do. On the other hand, let's say now your developer comes in. He also logs in through the Azure portal he also sees everything which is there, but the moment he tries to deploy a virtual machine because all his requests would be going through the Azure resource manager, when the Azure resource manager authenticates this guy and sees whether he has the permissions to launch a virtual machine or not. So, basically the authentication fails so the Authenticator will basically say no this guy does not have that permission. So, Azure resource manager will not take a request forward. It will basically revert you back with the error message saying you do not have the sufficient permissions to carry out this task and this is the sole reason we need a mediator between our Azure resources and the various ways through which we can use Azure. Now this would be in the same case with Azure PowerShell, this would be the same case with the Azure CLI, when he uses your PowerShell with your Azure account you obviously have to enter your credentials. In case of a developer he will be entering his credentials that you have given to him, and those basically just have the access to the storage and again you would also get the same kind of message in Azure PowerShell. Similarly, you will get the same kind of message in Azure CLI and even in the Rest clients. So when you connect your website to your Azure account again you will get a key and a secret access key In other case or what you'll have to do is you'll have to include some metadata on your server on which you are hosting that website and that metadata would basically authenticate you to the Azure account. So for every user, you get a different kind of credentials for your metadata. In case of a developer, you will get a different set of credentials, and those credentials would basically when they'll be authenticated they would get or they will inherit the same properties or the same permissions that the developer account has, and accordingly your Azure resource manager will authenticate and check whether you do you do you have the required permissions or not right and accordingly you would be able to do the operations so that is summing up or or just revisiting what we just studied so there are basically four ways to access Azure you have as your portal as your partial as your CLI and you have less lines write all of these they interact through the observer resource manager and there's your resource manager based on what kind of permissions you have it basically routes your request to the necessary service and carries out the tasks for you right so this is a gist of how as your works in the backend now let's move forward and talk about the front-end middleware and the services right so the front-end as we discussed there were four ways of accessing as your services which were this is the azure portal this is your PowerShell this is your CLI and then you have the rest lines the middleware was nothing but it was use your resource manager we'd be discussing that and then you have the services that we'll be discussing in a few moments right okay guys a quick info if you want to become a certified Microsoft Visio professional in telepods provides a master training in Microsoft Azure certification they provide a is at one or three is a two not three and also as your three hundred three not one in the same course also you'll be learning all the major concepts required to crack all these certifications and this makes you a complete microsoft azure professional and for further details about this course check out the details in the description so let us continue with the session so let's start off with the front-end part of the front-end component so what is your portal so guys the azure portal looks something like this right it's a GUI component that you get on your web browser and on your web browser you can basically you can see the on the left hand side you have things as all resources you have web apps you have SQL databases you can just select the service that you want and you can subsequently launched it will be discussing more on this as you move along I'd be showing you guys the portal I'd be showing you guys how you can use it to deploy resources for now is the Sun designing what the other portal looks like and this is what it looks like right on the right hand side you get all kind of widgets so these are visits these are called widgets which show different enough information right you'll have the option of including these visits on a dashboard more on this we will talk as we move along in the session so this was the azure portal this is the Azure PowerShell so I told you guys Microsoft has launched its own command line which it now comes with Windows integrated which is called PowerShell if you want to use that power shell with your Azure account what is afterwards you'll have to download some libraries which will help your PowerShell to basically connect to and sure and once you do that you would basically see something like this Windows Azure PowerShell and now you can enter the post PowerShell commands which would basically help you to connect to your account and carry out whatever you want in a command line fashion right similarly if you are into dos you can actually go ahead and use as your CLI so dos commands are different from powershell and there could be a scenario wherein you're better at dos commands than your PowerShell commands and if that is the case you can actually go ahead and just install the libraries for us your CLI and then you can actually use it in the DOS environment right in this case also if you want to a manager as your resources like you were managing it through Power Cells through command line statements you can do a similar kind of way in as your CLI as well but the commands that you would be entering over here they'd be more in line with dos commands on the other hand when we talk about PowerShell we would be using PowerShell commands to control as you're in that case ok so this was a 0 CLI guys in the nest and the last topic is rest clients so rest lines as I already told these are nothing but API is that you use on your so you'll have to authenticate them using the metadata or credentials and these credentials would be available for all the accounts that are created under root Microsoft Azure account so each credential would be different from each other based on if there are more users for example in our case we created a user for our IT manager and then we created a user for a software developer for a software developer we just giving to storage access for our IT manager we basically gave him the administrator access so when they put their credentials down the code of their web application and they try to connect to Azure based on the permissions that they have they would be able to access the resources in case they do not have the permission you will get a corresponding error to that thing this particular user does not have the necessary permissions to access that particular issue or against so these were the front-end components of the azure core architecture now let's talk about the middleware the component which basically acts as a mediator between your touch points that is your front-end components and the core components which is the azure resources so it's acts as a mediator the as your resource manager so as your resource manager it basically helps you to deploy and manage the azure resources right it also helps you to organize resources in a cell for example it will help you in grouping resources together let's say I'm launching a web application okay and I'm also at the same time launching some other application let's say I'm also launching the my Android app back-end service so what I can do is let's say if I'm launching a web application I would need a certain components I would need let's say I need a separate storage from a web application right so I can create a storage account I would create a web app and then I would create a database so now if I create it just like that in Azure and you try to see all the resources you would not be able to make out as to which resources are there for my android and which resources are there for my web application what you can do is probably you can define nomenclature and then you can say probably you can name your instances like let's say for Android database you can say Android underscore database for your web application you can save web app and the score database so that's one way of sorting it out but as your resource manager makes it easy for you how does it make it easy it basically gives you the ability to create groups right so if you're creating one kind of an application what you can do is you can create a group and inside that group you can basically just map the resources or launch the resources that are specifically there for that particular application for example for a web application I can launch all the resources that I want and I can group them together in the web application group right I can name the group anything it's just like a folder guys if you were to understand it more simply understand it's just for sorting out resources let's say you have a deck store full of files and those files the PDF txt and doc documents so what you can do is you can just create three folders and inside those three folders you can put your dog folders in the inside the PDF folder you can put PDF files and set the txt files you can put the txt files right so this is the way of sorting on a desktop similarly if you want to sort your resources in a jar you can use the ability of creating resource groups using the as your resource manager right and at the same time the third point or the third feature of as a resource manager is it or tend Achatz it checks what all permissions you have and based on that it gives you the ability to control your resources right so it also authenticates your calls to the azure resources and only through the azure resource manager would your calls go and if they are accepted by the user resource manager only then they will be forwarded otherwise they would be rejected and you would get an appropriate message for that all right so where this was all about the azure resource manager so I was talking to you about what a resource group is so as you can see let's say this is a resource group of mind and what I want to do is I want to group all these three resources so my VM instance that I launched that is termed as a resource if I launch a web app that is also termed as a resource don't worry if you don't understand what is the virtual machine what is the web app I would talk more about this as we move along in the session but for now understand that any service in Azure any instance that you launched in Israel that is basically a resource right and when you group one or more resources together or I should say two or more resources together for a particular thing whichever so I gave you the analogy of folders if you group them together and that symbolizes something that basically can be done using resource groups and that is exactly what is specified in the figure as well right so you have some virtual machines you have app servers in your SQL database and you have all grouped them together in a resource group and probably you can call it let's say the production environment you can create a test environment call the resource group a test environment and deploy the necessary resources inside that as well okay guys a quick info if you want to be going to certified Microsoft Visio professional in telepods provides a master training in Microsoft Azure certification they provide is at one or three is a two not three and also as your three hundred three not one in the same course also you will be learning all the major concepts required to crack all these certifications and this makes you a complete Microsoft Azure professional and for further details about this course check out the details in the description so let us continue with the session so guys with this we come to an end of the core architecture so by now you understand the nitty gritties of how as your works in the backend right how things are structured insiders are moving forward guys now we will be talking about the agile services right so we'll be talking about the resources that we just saw the resources that we were grouping inside the resource flow or the resources which basically there's your resource manager was managing we're going to talk about those and those are nothing but services in reserve right so it will become more clear as we move along so let's start off now with core as your services okay so before starting of the services guy there's again simpler way to understand all the services in is your what is your has done is let's there are around 300 plus services in Azure right now it is difficult to actually remember all those services or to basically know how one service is different from the other so what a juror has done is it has actually divided its services based on what the services does but what the services do right so the major sections that it has divided its services in are these right so these are not all the sections that Azure gives us the services in but these are all the important sections or the important domains in which as your provide you services and as a cloud engineer or as a as your engineer when you'll be working in companies mostly you would be working on services which are included in these domains right we will be covering these guys there is no much your engineer out there who would be knowing each and every service in a jar right but what do we as learners can do is we can learn all the important services which are basically use in your everyday life when you become a cloud engineer right and as and when you apply to companies probably you can tell them you know all the basic services all the important services on Azure and if there is any special requirement for a particular service that they used it is obviously going to be an easier task for you since you understand how is your works so understanding one more service in Azure would not be a great deal but most of the times I would say 90% of the things that you'll be doing as a cloud engineer or 90% of the services that you would be using or working on as a cloud engineer would be covered under these terms so now let's go ahead and start off with the first domain which is compute but before that let me give you a brief about all of these domains right so the first domain is compute so in compute you have compute intensive resources wherein you get RAW processing paths more on this we will talk about as we move along then the second kind of domain is networking so this particular domain would include all the services which provide you with net working capabilities right then we have the storage domain which basically gives you all the services in Azure which can basically give you the capability of storing some files right and obviously there are a lot of sources and stories and each service is targeted at a different kind of use case so we're going to discuss some of the storage services in Azure which are very prominent then you have services related to database and analytics right so if you want to store textual data which also you want to analyze using graphs or using flowcharts right you can do that energy or in the domain theory place plus analytics then our next domain comes out to be AI and machine learning now this is a very important domain guys and I've seen actually people who are data scientists people who are researching on data science so basically when you're working on designs or when you're working with AI you need a lot of computing power right now the good thing about cloud is that it offers you a pay-as-you-go model which basically means you only pay for the time you use the resources for right and nobody can afford you know a high spec machine if you need an i7 and octa-core processor an hour 32gb ram it's very difficult for a layman to get hold of such kind of a machine so what researchers and what data scientists can do is they can actually launch a machine on a jar with a similar spec that they want for the use case use it for the time they want and shut it off and you'll be charged as low as around 0.05 or 0-6 dollars I guess for if you use it for around half an hour or so right so I guess half an hour or 45 minutes should be enough if you want to do a POC or if you even do resourcing or if you're into testing I guess this would be the cheapest option for you rather than getting a full-blown server or full-blown laptop with high specs and all that'll be more expensive for use it's better if you use services from cloud for your compute intensive needs but that is not it what you get in a and machine learning domain is you you know you get a prebuilt dashboard kind of a thing so you don't have to feed in algorithms everything is pre-built in Azure you basically get a drag-and-drop kind of a push functionality when you are particularly using Azure ml because I've used that I am telling you it's pretty drag-and-drop if you compare it with its counterparts let's say if you want to do a regression test in R you would actually have to write a long script to do a particular thing but the the kind of services that azure has launched for example like I mentioned as your ml all you have to do is drag and drop and you can get your results right so that's how convenient it is and that's why people are more and more to save their time to save on their costs they're actually using the AI and machine learning capabilities of the cloud and particular we were talking about is also as your also has a and machine learning services which also we will be discussing as we move along in the session right then the next domain is identity so identity domain domain basically includes services which will help you in authenticating users it will help you to basically get the metadata credentials that we discussed earlier for your website so all the authentication part the authorization part whenever you want to give specific permissions to particular users all of that can be managed with the identity services and lastly we would be discussing the domain which is management which would basically include services such as monitoring it would include services such as infrastructure as code right don't worry about these big words guys as we move along everything will be clear but without wasting time let's jump on to our first domain which is compute and let us understand what are the different services that we're gonna understanding that right so in computers you basically have four prominent services you have virtual machines you have function apps you have app service and then you have as your cube in a tea service so the first service that we're going to discuss about is the Azure virtual machine service now what is that nowadays Azure virtual machines and nothing but it's it's basically a server or I can say in the most layman terms possible let's just say it's a compute just like a laptop which has just installed windows on it and nothing else is there right for example let's say you buy a laptop what is the first thing that you see you see your windows there or you see a Mac OS there or you see your Linux operating system there and basically no no no software is and so on it's just a bare minimum operating system which is given to you and whatever you want to do on your laptop you install it and then you work on right so similarly virtual machine there there boy so machines are nothing but the machines that are launched by your cloud provider which in our case is your and they launched it for you so you don't have to worry about where are they getting it from they launch it for you and what they do is they give you the remote access to it right so it's basically like working on your own laptop but working on it from a remote location so similarly you get your own machine on Azure which is freshly made right you have a fresh operating system on it there are no software is installed and whatever you want you can install on this particular server so we call it server because basically you'd be using it for deploying applications which would be basically be available to the user so that's why we require a server right so basically your server all computers that are launched by us your for your own personal use but you would be accessing it remotely if it's a Windows machine in a GUI case you can basically do an RDP and use it if it's a Linux machine you can do basically do an SSH and you can work on the command line for it but remember there are no software installer and there's no extra software installed on it so anything that you want the server to do for example let's say you want to create a database server you can ingest install database on it and we'll be ready right and it will be ready for accepting requests for the database service if you want it to be a web server you can basically install Apache PHP etc and then you can put your website on it it'll become a web so anything and everything that you want or that you can do on your laptop you can do on ports and machines so this is what Azure virtual machines is guys now the next kind of service is similar to virtual machines but it's actually an advanced version of virtual machine so what our function apps so those function apps like I said it's an advanced version of virtual machine in which you do not get the access of the operating system okay so let me give you an example for example let's say you know you are let's say doing some work on a website and that website basically let's say it does processing for you for example let's say you are on Facebook and what you do is you upload a profile picture and once you upload a profile picture let's say you want to crop that profile picture to a particular size and then you want to upload it as a image on your Facebook so what will happen so you will upload your image on the Facebook app you will do the cropping part that you want to add a filter as where you add that filter and then you click on save and then you want it to be uploaded as a profile picture on your Facebook right so there is a minimum amount of processing that would have to be done on your image some processing has to be done on your image right and basically how that works is that processing is actually not done on your phone or on your computer on which you're accessing Facebook that is actually done on the Facebook servers but the way we handle it is they basically would have a web server in place they would separately have a database server in place which would be interacting with your web server and for the processing they have a separate server ok and that separate server is basically called up back in server and what is that back-end server do all the requests which comes in it basically processes it and gives out the result that's the sole job of a back-end so and why is it separate why is it not integrated with the web server the simple reason for that is let's say there are hundred users who are using your website right and they're constantly exploring a website going through the UI doing uploading images doing processing and everything now your back-end component is doing the image processing and the front-end component of yours which is the website component of yours is basically serving the website to the users right so there are two happening over there and let's say any one of them they get overloaded with some work right that would hamper the performance of the second component let's say if there are more users on the website right so obviously your web component or the website component of your server would require more processing power so let's say it takes up 60% of the processing and let's see what happens is all these people who came in they upload their profile pictures and they put some filter on and they now want to process it so one thing is your server is already busy serving these hundred people your website and the CPU mark is at 60% now because of the processing load which is coming on to your back-end component that also requires around 80% CPU to work efficiently but now because 60% has already been taken by your website server there's only 40% left so what will happen in this case your server will inadvertently become slow right it'll become slow and it it might even crash in case a deadlock situation happens right and this was usually the case when we even not aware of distributed computing but nowadays what happens is we are dealing in a world where we cannot afford downtime and that is the reason everything has been distributed right so if there is more load on my back end server my back-end server is going to handle it it will not hamper the performance of my website server or my database server so every software component is now distributed and why are we discussing this we are discussing this because we are talking about function app now what is the function app function app is nothing but a back-end service on which you do not have to deal with the operating system like you do in virtual machines you do not get an access to the operating system you cannot install any kind of software on it whatever you choose let's say you have an option of choosing what kind of back-end code you want to run on the function app let's say your image processing whatever code you have written for the image processing app let's see have written it in Python so when you will be deploying a function app what we'll be choosing is what kind code would I be uploading on the function app let's say I choose Python the next thing that you would be doing is you'll be clicking on next and then it will make your function app ready and then he'll ask you for the code for the image processing you given the code you click on save and now you're back in server is ready to accept requests that's it so now all your website server has to do is being the backend server with the required information with the image it will basically take the image it will run through the code see what it has to be done do the processing on the image and give the image back to the website server or the Facebook servers which is basically upload the profile picture right so in ER just what does function app a function app is basically a service which will not give you access to the operating system it will basically give you one dashboard on which you can upload code and it can do any task you all you have to do is give it to work it will do for you and that's about it you don't have mess around with anything else you don't have to worry about what machine says I should put my function app you don't have to worry about how many machine should I run so that my function app never gets overloaded everything is managed by us you're all you have to do is given the code and see your application working so these kind of applications are basically called platform as a service and the earlier service that we discussed was virtual machine is basically called infrastructure as a service why infrastructure as a service because in that case you've got access to the operating system right you can do anything on that server you can store anything you can actually delete everything also and you can make that server hang or you can make that server not working you can actually uninstall the installation files or the operating system as well that is something that you can do with your server but what will happen is it will not cause any harm to us you're basically you would not be able to use this over in in the far end time you'll basically have to delete it because it won't be usable that's the most extreme thing which could happen but the case with function app is because it's a platform of which it's giving you a dashboard on which you can upload code hence it's a platform right it is not giving you access to the operating system it is not giving you access to what software you can install you just choose the environment in which your code can run and that's it that's what a function app is all about it's a back-end server without tooling or worrying about the underlying infrastructure moving forward the next service that we have is absolute absolute is yet another platform as a service kind of resource that we have in Azure and what you can do with app services you can basically launch or deploy websites now you would be wondering that in function I Paul so I can just give my code and probably I can give my website code and we'll deploy the website for me no your function app can only give outputs based on the inputs it cannot deploy a web application for you if you want to deploy a web application you'd have to use app service in app service you would find a resource called web app we'll have to deploy that and on that you will basically get again a - hood since it's a platform SSO which you will again get a dashboard where you will be able to upload your website files and once you do that once the process is finished you will basically get a link and if you click on that link you can see your website right so again we did not get access to the operating system we do not have control on what softwares are installed the basic way the app service works is or in our case with since you are discussing board websites our web app works is it will ask you what kind of code is your website written in let's say my website is written in node.js so I will just say I'll just select no js' and I'll click on next and the next question will ask is do you want to auto scale when the CPU increases or when the memory is low do you wanna also Oracle you will say yes I'm gonna order scale you click on next and it does everything for you and that what at the end what it get is again a web UI on which you will have a button called upload on which you just have to upload your website and everything would be set for you right there is also an option to just directly mention the github link it will pull the code from github and deploy whatever code was there get up but the key word here is it deploys application for you in function app so this is a very tricky thing that what is the difference between function app and a web app so function app only does the backend tasks for you you give it code it had taken input it will give you the output that's it it is not used to deploy an application app service on the other hand it is only used to deploy an application okay so this is the main difference between a function app and an app Service a next service is probably the very important service when you're working in a containerization environment so I'm sure most of you know about what docker is if you don't know just type on YouTube docker tutorial by Intel apart go through that video and you would be able to understand you know what docker is so docker is nothing but a containerization platform on which you can deploy application so we were talking about distributed computing right so containers are nothing but they act as separate virtual entities which are isolated from each other so I can launch an ubuntu container I can launch a center waste container I can launch a different flavor of you Linux container as well right in them I can install any software I want then exactly whatever code files I want I can put on those containers and these containers can then interact and may make a distributed application kind of a scenario right now what Kuban it is is it manages these containers view it's an automatic service which manages these containers what what does it manage let's say you know I deploy three containers one is my website container one is my back in container and one has been database container now for some reason my back in container is not working ok it stops working now what will happen what should ideally happen ideally my if my back-end server stops working I need to get an alert I will go there I will see what the problem is I will fix it and I my back in container or back-end server will again be ready in my application would serve normal but what happens is you cannot monitor application 24 by 7 so what Cuba nineties does for you is it does all the manual tasks for you so it automatically detects that a fault has occurred in a particular container and what it does is it deletes that container and launches a new copy of it automatically right and this is just one of the tasks that Cuba Nettie's does automatically for you you can also configure communities to scale your containers for you or descale your containers for you and it can do a host of other things and we would disperse it probably when we move along and we just when we just are focusing on SEO communities for service we can actually talk more about it because of a loads of feature in it but this is again a very important service so most of the startup companies are not not MNCs but most of the startup companies have now adopted the container architecture or have now made their code in to fit into containers and now they are using the community service if I were to give you a little background of the Cuban IT service the Cuban IT Service was actually developed by the Google company later they made it open-source and now it's available to the world anybody can use it or download for free and can actually install it on their system right but when you install it on your system you actually have to manage Cuba native all by yourself so what does your does is it has created platform as a service again and it says I will handle the Cuban ities installation I will handle the Cuban --'tis configuration you just tell me what you want and I will deploy that in a Cuban --'tis cluster for you right so all the advantages of Cuban ities you get and you also don't have to deal with Cuban at ease so this is the power of cloud this is what as your is giving you as a service right and this is what as your Cuban 80 service was all about ok guys a quick info if you want to be going to certified Microsoft Azure professional in telepods provides a master training in Microsoft Azure certification they provide is at 1 or 3 is a TuneIn 3 and also as your 303 not one in the same course also you will be learning all the major cons it's required to crack all these certifications and this makes you a complete microsoft visio professional and for further details about this course check out the details in the description so let us continue with the session all right guys so now let's get down to the interesting part let's now start off with a hands-on where you will get an taste of how as basically as your portal looks like and also how things work out how you deploy these sources on Azure and basically in the most essence we learned about what a VM is so we're going to see how we can actually launch a VM inside Microsoft Azure alright so just give me a minute I'll just switch on to my portal and then we will start on with the demo now before we were there guys these are the three things that we're gonna do so when we were learning the architecture I told you guys that basically all the resources that are deployed on an azure can be managed or they can be grouped together using resource groups so the first thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna create a resource group which will have the name demo environment ok then what we're gonna do is in this demo environment basically we are going to launch a virtual machine which will have a Linux operating system on it now once it is deployed we will try to connect to this virtual machine using the put tea tool that is available for doing SSH on Linux so basically when you have whenever you're installing or whenever you're launching a Linux Linux instance a way to connect to a Linux instance is using SSH right because it's a command line operating system you know everything in anything that you want to do on this operating system you can do it on the command line on the contrary if you deployed a Windows machine in that case you have to use the remote desktop protocol so it's basically called RDP and there's a software for that which can basically connect using RDP so that is in built-in windows so if you are on a Windows machine just type on type remote desktop right and you'll get that application the only thing it'll ask is the IP address click on connect and then last for the password alright guys so without wasting any more time let's go head switch to my Azure portal and let's see how it looks like right so guys this is my job portal so let me just go to home and let me show you how it actually looks like so this is how your portal looks like guys this is the vegie way that we were talking about now there are some resources that are already launched in my Microsoft Azure right so as you can see I have named my resources something like this but let's say I am going to deploy a Linux VM run right that little VM is only for demo purposes now this will actually give you a take as to how you can or how these source groups basically can help you guys now if I go to all resources right now you can see these are all the resources which are deployed on Azure right now but I do not know which resource is doing what or which resources contributing to what application on the contrary if I go to resource groups you can see that there is a group which is called Intel apart which exists on my Microsoft Azure portal and if I go inside this resource group I would be able to see all the resources which have been deployed so now what I'm going to do is because what I am doing right now is just for demo purpose so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add a resource group so let me just click on add and let us create a resource group by the name demo environment so I will type in demo - env right and let's say the region that we have to choose always choose the region guys which is nearer to you so what do you mean by region so region basically means now Microsoft Azure is so huge that it has deployed or it has set up its data centers in different countries the reason they have done so is because let's say you have your application and you have a startup and you have actually started it up in let's say India right and your application is actually only accessed by the Indian audience right so that's whom you cater to so what you can do is rather than deploying so it makes more sense to deploy your application or your website on in a region which is nearer to your audience because in that case it's the internet route it will be far less when you compare it with launching your application in some other country for example let's say we launched this resource of a create this resource club and let's say us right but my target audience is basically in India now what is gonna happen now when my target orders audience is in India and let's say I'm going to the Intel epic on website that is my application every time the data is being fetched from the US and it is being transferred to the Indian servers and then from your ISP you are getting the data on your system now if we were to make or if you were to deploy our application in India itself what will happen is that the distance that the data has to be covered at a blood-covered will be less and that will significantly increase your response time of the website right so that is why choosing a region is very important you can choose any region you want but I would suggest you choose a region which is more nearer to you right so in our case let's scroll down and see if we have any region which are nearer to me so I can see that we have a region in a nerve is called South India so let us select that right all right so now the region that my resource is getting deployed is in South India right so that's what I have selected the name that I have given is demo environment and now let's go ahead and click on review plus right so this is what is gonna happen the subscription is going to be pay-as-you-go if you are on the free tier you will see free tier the resource group this is the name that I have given and the region on which this is being deployed is South India let's click on create so now my resource group is being created right and if I do a little refresh over here I can see that my demo environment resource group is present here now what I want to do the next step that I have to do let me just go back to my slide is to deploy a Linux VM in this demo environment resource group so let's do that let us come back to our azure portal and now what we want to do is we want to deploy a virtual machine so you will see on the left hand side that there is a service called virtual machines let's select and now what I have to do is I have to click on and write so because I want to create a virtual machine so I click on and now it will ask you which resource group do you want to make this server available in so I want to basically make it available in demo environment so this is what I have selected what do I want my virtual machine machine name to be let's say I want a virtual machine name to be new VM - Linux ok this is what the name is the region I wanted to be nearer to me so I select South in there right availability ions options if you go ahead and choose it you will have an option between availability set or no infrastructure redundancy required so what is redundancy redundancy basically means do you want a copy of your server somewhere else as well so that lets say in the data center where this server is going to be deployed that data center goes down right or something happens and the data gets corrupted so if you choose that you know you want to replicate your server what will happen is even if there is a downtime in a particular data center in which your VM was deployed your redundant server will come into power and that is from where you will get your data so basically it increases the availability of your application and even if there is a problem from the azure side your application will not go down but since we are doing a demo what we will select is no infrastructure redundancy required what is the image that you want so by image remain the operating system which was what kind of operating system do you want to connect to right so you have all these operating systems over here I can actually launch a Windows 10 Pro I can launch a Windows server I can draw on Ubuntu 16 and on the way 9 Santo is Susie Linux RedHat Ubuntu Server right so for our sake let's consider what you saw is what we want to deploy and now it will ask me what is the size of the machine that we wanna give right so what you can do is you can actually change the size so by default let's say you should deploy a two CPU and ia GB machine you can just click on change size and you will have all these up available to you right so you can see that because what we are doing going to do is a demo so what you can see over here is 0.5 gb ram and a 1 cpu will basically cost me around 383 2 peas per month right so let us go ahead and try to deploy this machine right so this makes more sense because we are only doing a demo and probably delete it after this session right so I've selected this and I click on select now so you can see it's 1 V CPU and point 5 GB memory great next thing it is asking me is what is the authentication type that you want to give on this particular machine you can either choose the ssh public key or what you can choose is password right so if you want to choose ssh public key what you'll have to do is you'll have to generate ssh public key right if you choose password what it will ask us the username and the password if you and this is basically the most standard way of doing it but if you want to give security to your instance the suggested method would be to create a public key now how can you create a public key there is a software called put t jen right and the way you can download it is just type on google put the download right and then you will get a link from put t dot org just click on that and you can say you will see this link which says download putty just click over here right now you will get all the versions on which you can basic using which you can pay to basically install putty now what we're basically looking for is pretty Jen right so you will find it over here based on your CPU architecture you can basically select put each n and then you can download once put each n is downloaded it will look something like this so as you can see it's putting a generator what I want to do is I want to generate a public private key so let's click on generate now what will ask is you'll have to hover your mouse here for some randomness and it will create a key based on that so let's hover our mouse in this region and now it has created the key for me now it says the be careful pasting into OpenSSH authorized if I so this is the public key basically right and you will have to copy this let's copy it right so this is my public key now let's come back to my portal so I can just choose SSS public key and I can paste the public key over here and this is how it works now if your key is verified what you will get is a tick mark over here which basically means that a key has been verified and now you can go ahead right so my key is now verified what that is the next step that I'll have to do the next step that I have to do is I'll have to save the private key okay so this is the public key which has been generated what I have to do is I have to save the private key which I'll be using to connect to my instance so in this case you basically do not have to use you know any password if you have this particular file which will basically be saved once I click on yes let's say I save it on the desktop let me actually save it somewhere else let me save it in C Drive and let me actually create let's say in the app folder I'm just creating this private key file in its name it has as your - key okay and now I'll click on save so my PPK has now been saved if I go there I can just go to C I'll go to app and I can see that as your - key PPK is now pleasant over here great so this is done now I'll have to specify the username so let's specify the username as Azure you can specify any username that you want right so we are specified it has sir now the next thing that it is asking is do you want any inbound ports to be enabled on this particular instance now we will be connecting to this instance from our machine right and the protocol that we will be using is SSH so we will have to open the SSH put so we will have to click on allow selected ports and what port do I want to allow I want to allow SSH port okay let's select HTTP also why I'll tell you that in a few moments once you have the Linux machine up and running right in case this was a Windows machine I will also have to enable RDP port which you can just take over here in my case I don't need the RDP port I just need SSH and I need HTTP to they use for it I'll tell you as we move along all right so I won't SSH in HTTP to be enabled and what I can now do is I can just click on review plus create and now it should basically just show me all the configuration for my VM which is going by default right I can just review it and that will be it right now I will show you where is something very interesting over here will let you once this loading is complete so as you know cloud computing it doesn't charge you per month but basically the pricing model is a per our kind of a thing right so as you can see the machine that I'm launching right now is right now 50 pairs upper this is the rate or this is basically the pricing of my machine that I'm gonna launch so that's awesome right the next thing is the OS which is being launched as Ubuntu server 18.04 that is also great and if you want you can actually look at the username which is a1 to discern what are the public inbound puts it's SSH and HTTP the this type is SSD is it a manage this yes the network it's basically creating a new network for me which is which goes by the same resource group name which is demo - env so what is what happen is guys when I launched this particular VM a lot of things will be created it will create disks it will create networks and everything related to it will actually go inside that particular resource group right so I will show you how to do that just click on create once you feel everything is right and now my machine is basically getting created okay so let's wait for view while it will take like a minute or so to deploy a machine so let's wait for that time and let's hope this deploys soon so as you can see it says your deployment is underway once it's complete you will see a different message over here so let's wait for that message to appear alright guys so my deployment is complete as you can see the message is being told over here so the next thing that I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to resource groups and now I can see that I have something called as demo - env I'll go inside that and over here I have all the related resources to my VM okay so guys as you can see my virtual machine is this particular resource and let me go inside that and now what I have to do is I'll have to select this IP address this is the IP address on which the instance is available so let's copy this IP address and now let's open the put T tool now what is the put a tool we used put ijen before to create the key now for connecting to the instance you will have to use the putty tool now how do you download the putty tool again back to your tab where you opened the download web page now over here you will have to select put T dot exe it says the SSH and telnet client itself you'll have to download this according to your architecture and then you will really have a tool which looks something like this now what I want to do is I want to connect to this IP address which I've just copied from the azure portal and I will have to go inside SSH and I'll have to coincide auth and now I will have to select the PPK which will basically be used to connect to my machine which is as your - key let's click on open and now everything is ready guys so I have selected the PPK I have inserted the IP address and now let's click on open so it will ask so whenever you connect to a new IP address it will give you this morning don't worry about it just click on yes and now it is asking what do you want to login and so remember the username that we gave was assured so let's select that and hit enter and that's it that's about it guys so now you're inside your Linux machine which is the Ubuntu machine and now you can do anything with it as you feel necessary right now you will ask me one thing that you know we deployed we allowed HTTP connection why did I do that just to show you show you one very awesome thing now since this is a one two the commands that I'll be entering now is basically for Ubuntu and if you want to copy these commands you will also have to install or you will have to launch Ubuntu OS right so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna make this server as a web server so in order to do that I'll pass on the commands sudo apt-get so let's update this machine first sudo apt-get update and this will now update the machine all right so my machine is now updated now let's go ahead and install Apache so sudo apt-get install Apache to so guys what is Apache Apache is basically a software for web server and what it is right now happening is it is being installed on my open two machine once it gets installed on I want to machine all I have to go do is I'll have to go to the IP address of my VM instance and then I will be able to see a web page over there right so it's almost complete guys so let's wait for this to complete and then we move forward all right so my apaches has now been successfully installed and now if I go back to my machine or my portal manager pool I just copy this IP address and now let's paste it in a new tab and hit enter can you see you this is basically a website which has been created by Apache too it's basically a default page which you see when you have installed Apache 2 but nevertheless guys if you guys go to this IP address given that I would not shut off this machine you will be also able to see this particular page which is basically the Apache to Ubuntu default page now what I can do is I can also go ahead and edit this web page right so let's go ahead and go to the location where this web page is basically stored so it's stored inside where www.h tml and this is the index dot HTML file which is being shown over here so what I'll do is I'll just change the name of this index.html file let's say one dot HTML file and I'll have to give sudo in order to do that and now let's create one more index dot HTML and let's say this is a HTML page whose title would be demo website right and the body of this would basically have a heading which would go like welcome to intellibid s-- as your okay so this is where I specified I closed the headers and I closed the body and I closed the HTML as well okay so I've closed the HTML I've closed the body I've given the h1 I've given the title as demo website let's save it and if anyone LS now I can see that there is a next index.html present now if I do a refresh you can see I'm getting this welcome to in telepaths is your training and the title of my page is demo website right now you would have also noticed I made the Apache page as one dot HTML so if I go to one dot HTML this is the one to default page and if I simply go on the IP address it will open in lecture HTML which is basically this so guys we have successfully deployed a Linux VM on Azure and yes successfully hosted a website also on this particular so now guys remember that this is infrastructure-as-a-service now what I've done is I had the access to the operating system I basically installed Apache 2 and then I put a website over there in that particular folder which is Val www.h tml and then I caught the website right so this is infrastructure as a service you're getting the whole operating system and you can do anything with it I can also install MySQL on it and I can configure my website to basically talk to the MySQL server right I can do anything with this so now when you compare it with app services which we saw earlier that app services are basically platform as a service or function as a service functions app is also a platform as a service now how is it different from the hands-on point of view you would basically not be using putty you will basically just deploy that app that is the web app and you will get a URL instead of an IP address you will get a URL and if you go to that URL you will see a default page so let's let's say you saw a default page when we install apache2 you will see a default page from azure when you go to that link that this is a default page for the web app that deployed right and you if you find the dashboard you will see a button called upload and what you can do is like I created this index or HTML file you can also create yours and you just have to upload it now as your will take care where that file has to go inside the file system right and it will take care that on the link when you go now you will see your website it will take care with what software is it has to install whether it wants to install apache2 which is basically the web server or there are several other web servers as well you have nginx you have you know Tomcat so anything that you want or anything which is configured in Israel would be automatically installed and all you will get is a button which is ask you to upload the website so you would not get direct access to the operating system and hence it is called platform as a service similarly with functions are in app services basically been deploying applications in function up you cannot deploy application it is simply a place very quick just put your code and that code will be done right so if if in short I will have to tell you what functions happens it basically does processing ok guys so guys this was a demo this was the first demo as to how the you can launch virtual machines on Azure now let's go ahead to our next topic alright guys the next in our list are the networking services of azure so let's go ahead and start with them so guys basically there are five core services in networking that you should know of the first one being the very important one which is virtual networks now what a virtual networks what your networks are basically isolated environments or isolated networks on the azure infrastructure for whatever machines or whatever the VM steady launch in Azure and if you want them to talk to each other for example I deployed an application where probably able to have a database I would have back-end server I would have a front-end server now all these servers have to interact with each other so that the whole application can basically function now how can they interact with each other they can interact with each other only when they are on one network right so that is very important otherwise they will have to interact with each other other over the internet but that is not a six-yard thing to do right it is a cure thing to do is when instances or when servers interact on their own private network which is basically not accessible to the outside world it is only accessible to the administrator who has probably launched those instances so in those cases we need virtual networks and also one more thing that many are using virtual networks or if you are using private networks in a jar you basically get a bandwidth of around 1 GB per second right that is the kind of bandwidth that you get when you are dealing with instances which are in the same network that is in the same virtual network but if instances have to interact over the Internet obviously the bandwidth will go down and at the same time it is not secure right so whenever you want to launch any resource in Azure which basically can be launched inside a network they are launched inside a virtual network and you do not have the option of launching a instance or a server without a virtual network you have to launch it inside a virtual network now that if you don't want to use it and want to have instances talk over the Internet that is your choice but as your does not give you an option of deploying an instance without it being a part of a virtual networks alright so this this is a virtual network moving forward now let's talk about load balancers now what are load balancers now this is a very important service reason being when you deploy your application on cloud one of the most popular reasons of deploying applications on Azure is because you can get high availability which basically means you can launch your application on multiple servers so that even if one server fails the other server can basically be their replica and they can serve the application right so this results in a high availability of your application now what is a load balancer a load balancer basically sits in front of multiple virtual machines which has the same application running on them right and it sits in front of it now obviously if you are a customer you do not realize whether a application has been made redundant on multiple servers right or if you go to Intel about comm you wouldn't realize how many servers are actually working in the backend so how is it possible right you have to know basically servers they have IP addresses right so you as a customer should know which IP address you should ping but all you do is you go to a particular domain let's say in Telecom and you get the website so how is it actually working so basically the way it works is that load balancer has its own IP address or domain name and what the load balancer does is it basically randomly spreads the request out to the N number of servers it has let's say my intellibid website resides on five servers wherein one is the primary server and four are the redundant servers but all these five servers are basically serving my website now when a customer comes on to intel upon his request is processed in this fashion but that whenever he comes in telepods com basically he is routed to the load balancers domain name or IP address and once a request reaches the load balancer the load balancer sees what which server basically has less load right and the server which has less load it sends the request to it all right now your balancer is also an important concept you must have heard about auto scaling right or if we talked it in terms of Azure it's basically called VM scale sets so what happens in that particular scenario is we specify a threshold limit we specify that whenever the CPU usage goes beyond 80% of the aggregate number of servers let's say there are four servers and the average CPU load on all these four servers has gone beyond 80% right so what happens in that case it will basically launch a new instance now when it launches a new server with the same application your load balancer should also trout traffic to it and that is when no balancer plays a key role it plays a key role when you are doing auto scaling and at the same time it plays a key role when you have multiple servers which are basically serving the same application and you want to equally divide the coming onto your servers or basically coming onto your balancer on your servers right so this is what a load balancer is as the name suggests right but the load balancer in its most basic sense it it basically does it randomly right it would randomly equally distributes the traffic among all the servers it does not find follow any protocol or rule as in how it has to basically divide the traffic right so this kind of process or this kind of procedure when it is followed it is basically called a round robin fashion of distributing traffic's right the next kind of load balancer is the application gateway load balancer now what does the application gateway load balancer the application gateway load balancer basically works a little different from the normal load balancer that we discussed earlier so in the application gateway load balancer basically the load is distributed based on rules now what are those rules those rules are basically paths now for example if I go to in telecom slash blog right what will happen I get to see the blogging website and if I go to in telepods comm slash all courses I basically see all the courses which are there on the website now how does that work now you if you are from an IT background and if you understand how servers work you might say that there must be two folders inside the route document of the web of the server where in inside the all course folder you have the code for displaying all the courses and inside the blog folder you have the code for showing all the blocks but that is not actually how it works right so basically if you if I were to talk about our infrastructure the intel parts infrastructure we have a separate server for blogs and we have a separate server for all the courses that we have right now the load balancer that we use is an application gateway load balancer it's kind of like that so basically what happens is whenever it sees that in the URL is a path which says slash blog it basically routes the traffic onto the blogging server and whenever it sees that the path is slash all forces it routes the traffic to my courses server so this is how look this is what path based routing and basically it works on the layer seven so if you guys are aware of the OSI model right so according to the OSI model the application gets a load balancer works on layer seven right now if you are not from CS power and I think and if you didn't understand what what I just said it is okay so in the most basic sense what the applications say the layer seven that it works on in the most basic basic sense of what that means is that application gets a load balancer does path based routing right whatever path is there in the request based on that path it basically routes the request to a particular server you can also define a default rule in case anything which is there except slash blog and slash all courses if there is a default server that you want to send your request to that is also possible like for example you would have seen that some websites if the link is not found on that website they basically route to a 4:04 page right now how does the typical 4:05 for page look like right if you look a 404 page it basically says error for zero for content not found right but some websites like if you if you would have visit or or even in telepods dot-com in that case if you try to search for something which is not there on the blog for example let me just switch to my browser right and let us go to let's say and telepods calm and let's say slash as your right now what will happen it'll basically give me a 404 page and let's see how that looks like okay so there is a slash is your thing let me do one thing let me type in some gibberish content then let me just search for that so this should give me a 404 all right so you can see I've got an oops page which says we were unable to find the page you are looking for and if I change the content also over your like let's say we enter some random text again I will again see this page can you see it says page not found and similarly the way it happens for other website is that for example if I go to thing gibberish let's see what happens it says four zero four document not found and this is basically a custom page right and if I again go to anything other any other gibberish you are I again get this page now heart is how's that working so that is working because they also have using an application load balancer which basically says anything other than the rules that we have specified if someone goes or tries to go to a particular URL like the one that we have specified route them to the four zero four page which is this right and that's how the application load balancer is bringing you to this particular 404 page right so guys this is the application gateway the next service that we have in networking is called the DNS rooms now what is DNS zone now any website that you go to guys you do not enter the IP address for that website right you basically enter a domain name and that domain name basically gets you to the website right here never enter the IP address so similar is the case with DNS zones as well so what DNS zones helps you and is basically it helps you to route your domain to the azure resource where your application basically resides for example you go to any domain website and you buy a domain let's say you buy a domain which is a personal website dot XY said let's say you buy this domain now you want to route what whoever is going to this domain you want to route their traffic to one of the virtual machines that you have launched new Azure portal now how would you do that for doing that you will have to go inside the DNS zones service officer and you basically will get some name servers right those name servers are basically DNS servers that as your owns and those DNS servers you will have to specify in your domain so very bought your domain you basically had a dashboard wherein you can put theirs DNS servers which the domain that you have bought will ping on right for example whoever would be going to person website dot XY said would basically be routed to those DNS servers that you will be mentioning over there right and those DNS servers you get from DNS zones the next thing that you do is you specify in the DNS zones that whatever traffic is coming from the domain that I that that basically has specified route them to this particular VM instance I'll have to specify that in DNS own service and that is how it will work so whenever you need use or whenever you have a use case like you have the domain with you or even if you want to buy a domain you can actually buy the domain at the is your dashboard is well but let's say you have the domain itself right and you want to point it to any as your resource which is existing in your dashboard so the way to do that is going inside DNS one right and neck service guys is again a very important service which is called CDN now what a CDN CDN basically means content delivery network now how does that work what is a content delivery network a content delivery network basically it basically improves the time taken to basically serve you a website for example if you go to or if you go to let's say do you happen to see the speed with which the website loads if you have a good internet connection it grows very fast right now where do you think the way Facebook website is actually hosted right now what happens is now Facebook is a multinational corporation right it's a it's a big website which is athletes being used for the whole world right so they have different data centers I cross the globe from where the requests are basically served but let's talk about a smaller scale website let's let's talk about in telecom right we don't serve the whole world we basically might have around 400 to 500 people at a particular time on our website right now what happens is we get traffic from across the globe right we want everyone to have a speedy experience when it comes to them using our website right now what is what are the ways that I can ensure that let's say my traffic is coming from us right the traffic that comes from us is like let's say 60% of my overall traffic so what I can do is I can set up my datacenter in the US so that the US people will actually get the website fast right but let's say someone is accessing the website from Japan so in that case what you will have to do is whenever you goes to in telepods com the request will basically be sent to the US servers and from the US servers the requests will come back and that's when his website will start to load right so this basically increases latency latency is basically response time of a particular application in our case it's a website in telecom now if you want to reduce latency what are the different ways to do that the different ways to do that is the first way that you can do it you can basically open a data center in Japan as well and load all your scale up the number of servers that you have and then also put a website over there and whenever people from Japan will basically be accessing your website they should be seeing the Japanese version of the website and the people in the US they should be seeing the US version of the website the people in India using the Indian version of the website right that's how it works when you use an e-commerce website like Amazon so you have Amazon or ten you have if for Australian people it's Amazon dot u right so for different people countries it has the different extension which basically means that that particular website is being served from their home countries data center right but there is another way to basically serve your website faster and that way is basically called CDN now what I see the end Sirian basically caches all your state static data right for example what kind of static data we talk about let's talk about videos let's say my intellibid website also plays videos in the self-paced courses now if you are a person who is in Japan and let's say my servers are there in the US so what will happen is the moment you try to play a video on my website that video will get downloaded to the near location often as your data center right so while you watching that video that video has been downloaded on the data center of the azure premises in Japan and what happens in later is basically whenever any other person in Japan would try to exit that website he will get access to it through the Japan server rather than the u.s. er so what I have done is you have set up your servers in u.s. you have not set up your servers in Japan but what I have done is you have basically enabled CDN on your website and what happens in that case is all the static content is basically loaded on to edge servers of azure so whatever servers are used to cache data cache static data in the CDN services are called the edge servers right so whoever is accessing my website from whatever part of the world if they have as your datacenter near them my content will basically automatically get downloaded over there and whenever there is a next person who is trying to access it that already downloaded data will be served to him directly and that's how I reduce the latency of my application without setting up servers in different locations for different kind of traffic that I get right so this is how it drastically reduces costs because I'm not launching new servers and at the same time it serves the purpose of reducing your latency of your application so this is what CDM profiles is gied so these were the core services in networking of a short right now let's move forward and talk about a next set of services which are basically the storage services all right so guys next in a list we have the storage services of azure so let's go ahead and have a look at them so guys essentially there are six services that you should know of while you are using Azure in terms of storage the six services are blog file storage tables queues derelict storage and their box so let's discuss them one by one the first one being blob now what is blob guy blobs it basically means binary large objects right so if you have binary files and you want to store them on as your blob storage is the answer for you right so it can store anything from music files or it can store video files it can also store text documents any kind of file that you wanna store on Azure can be stored on blog now blob also can be used with your in conjunction with your websites and it can basically act as a storage server for you right it also enables you to host content which is publicly accessible over a link it can also host static websites on its storage so that is what blob is guys right so most of the time you would see that companies if they have a website all its static content is actually picked up from the blog right so this was about the blob guys our next service is file storage now what is file storage file storage is basically a shared file storage that can be used with multiple computers that basically means if I have five servers all right and let's say they need a particular file for their working and all these five servers basically need the same file so what I can do is I can basically create a drive or I can create a storage point on file storage and all all these file servers can be used or can be used to basically mount the file storage drive on them right and any change that is done from one server on the central repository of file storage would all those changes will be reflected on all the next four servers the use that I can think of for file storage is let's say you have an application which writes data onto a particular file right and basically this application of yours is spread across multiple servers to ensure it is highly available right let's say you have an application which basically writes data right and this application is spread across servers now what happens is you we've already discussed the role of a load balancer you hit the load balancer and you're randomly assigned a server and you work on it let's say you work on server one has a customer you would not know bit server you are working on correct let's say you worked on server one right you saved your changes and now this files are now saved on server one but the next time you hit the URL now you are answer three if you are on server three you would not realize it but your work you would expect it to be there on server three as well now here comes a problem if there is no central storage for all these files servers they will be asynchronous in nature in the sense that they will not sync data with each other whatever changes are done on the first server the third server the fourth server and v will be unaware of it right and that is when the arise the need of a central storage and that is what file storage is for right you can it basically uses the SMB protocol SMB so basically SMB 2.1 and 3.0 is compatible with file storage and recently even Linux platforms like Ubuntu sent to us in even Mac OS have started supporting SMB right so it essentially would recommend you to use SMB 3.0 but there are some OS versions which could have a SMB 2.1 for example if you are using ubuntu 16 or a one to fourteen point o4 they are basically using SME 2.1 right so it has the backward compatibility as well for older OS like one to fourteen 0.04 so if you want drive on Ubuntu which basically is hosted on as your file storage you can do that using the SMB protocol there are lists of software's that have to be installed more on that we can discuss when we study file storage in detail but for now because we are in a tutorial session we are basically I just told you what well so it is useful so if you want to ask or if you want to think of a use case where you need a central storage kind of a thing now you know that you have to use as your file storage moving on guys our next service is as your table now a zero table is basically a no sequel data store right and it can help you to store structured data right it basically can store structured data it has table tabular columns and tabular rules in which you can save data but it is no sequel in nature which means the data does not have to be in symmetry right your next data could have eight columns the third the third row could have two columns the fourth row could have just five columns it could take any kind of data but the only condition is that the data should be structured among columns right so if there is any kind of need for story the data of this kind you can use as your table annex a storage is as your queues which basically is used with stateless systems right systems which do not know of what all jobs are executing on the counter part or on the replicated servers of their application for example let's say there is an image processing website and what it does is the moment you upload an image you can process the website or sorry process the image according to your need right so what happens in this case let's say there are 200 people on the website and they have all pressed the process image button together and what will happen there are 200 images that have to be processed and obviously not all 200 images can be processed at the same time so what happens is the images are processed one by one and let's say the in the backend server where the processing is done there are five servers who are doing the processing okay now all these five servers they pick up your image at random from the queue so let's say the queue is first in first out whichever image comes first goes out first as well so whenever the job of the first server is done let's say it was doing the processing on an image and the image processing is done it picks up another image from the queue the second server will also do the same the third shovel would also do the same right so what happens is let's say the first server it processed image one now the second third fourth and fifth server they would not know whether the first image has been processed or not and they can process it again so for those kind of scenarios and for solving those kind of situations we had cues which basically streamline all the content which has to be processed and whichever content is taken up by a particular server it deletes it from the stack and then puts the second image or the second object which basically has to be processed right so for these kind of scenarios you use as your cues an external service is data like storage now daily like storage is similar to that of a blob not a blog but tables as your tables so data like storage can store data but it'll basically used to store data for big data analytics it specializes in that particular cool segment so if you have a big data analytic use case and you want to store data for that data like Sony is should be the choice for you right so this is about the lake storage guys the next service that we have is as your data box now what does your data box now you might think of your company let's say let's say you are working for a company and you have all the servers on from ice right you have been working since 15 20 years in the sector that you are I'm in your company and you did not have cloud at that time and what I have done is your body our own servers you have hosted your own applications but now the cost incurred for those servers is too high when you compare it with the cost which is there in cloud computing when you opt for cloud computing so now what what I have decided is basically that you want to migrate all your applications to Azure data box ok or sorry to Azure so let's say there are five Pete there's five petabytes or let's say thousand terabytes of data that you have to transfer on Azure now in businesses time is very important guys time is money basically you must have heard of that phrase so everything is required at a fast pace and if you want transfer a thousand terabytes of data imagine the data transfer which would incur to you and also it would take a lot of time to upload thousand terabytes of data wire Internet to Azure right you would agree on that now to solve problems of this scale when you have a large amount of data that you want to transfer onto as your cloud what as ever does is it basically gives you a physical device on which you can load your data right so Azure data box is a service in which you can you can basically request a box kind of a system from Azure which basically ships through your company you can load all your data onto it and then that box is again shipped back to Azure cloud and all your data is again uploaded to Azure cloud from their data center directly right so this not only reduces the time taken to transfer data but it also hugely reduces the cost that you would incur in the internet charges because thousand terabytes is not less data guys now thousand otherwise is very less when I talk about a company which is existing since fifteen years and when we talk about multi national corporations the data can be in petabytes right and if you have a petabyte scale data that you want to transfer to your it would take weeks if not months to transfer that kind of data so then that is where data box comes in then data backs a data box as your data box can basically support around five petabytes of data at one time right now if five petabytes of data is less for you you can make request multiple boxes from Azure to and multiple boxes will reach a location you store your data on to it I mean you copy a data onto it and then request us your back that you can take away your data boxes and they will take the data boxes back to the data centers and transfer the data directly right this will reduce your time to around one week of time so your data of petabyte scale can be transferred to Azure in less than a week and at the same time you would also save on huge internet costs right so this is what the data box service of azure is alright guys so now let's go and do this hands-on on Azure blob storage so let me quickly switch onto my Microsoft Azure portal which is this alright guys so this is my Microsoft Azure portal what I want to do is I want to show you guys how the blob storage works in a CERN right so the first thing that I'm gonna do is I'm going to go into storage accounts and over here you will find that there is a storage account called demo environment why is it here because I created virtual machine with the name demo environment right and obviously the virtual machine requires some storage if you go inside this you will see that you have the four options that we discussed that a blob files tables and queues what we are interested in is blob so we'll just click on that and you can see that this has boot Diagnostics for the new VM Linux that we launched earlier right so all the logs for that VM are basically going inside this container so basically if I go inside this container you can find that these are the two text files which a present will basically will have the log data of that VM that we launched right so but we are not here for that what we basically want to do is I'm gonna show you that is how you can use block now no matter what you are working on if you want to create a blob so it's for yourself you will have to create a storage account right in our case this was the VM storage account if you are starting afresh on Azure you will not have any storage accounts over here right so let's create a soil con first then let's try to name it something relevant which might go with the demo that we are doing so the resource group that we want to add it in his demo environment and the storage account name that we want to give is let's say in telepath - Chris your let's say this is the one that we want to give okay where is the location that we want this storage account to be in as discussed earlier we'll choose a nearest location to us so in that case location would be asia-pacific South India let's try to choose this location right now how do you want the Poppins it could be either standard or premium we can discuss this later probably when we'll discuss this service in detail now for the sessions but for now let's let it be head standard right put everything a default and now let's click on review plus create when you do that it will ask you all the basically show you all the information with respect to the storage account that we are creating if everything looks good just click on create once you have clicked on create guides your soil account will take some time and then it'll become ready for use and like earlier I specify all you have to do is go to resource groups let's say this is the demo environment that we created earlier I'll go inside this and now I can see all the things that I had launched a present over here even the storage account that I'm creating that is that is basically being launched right now I can see that also over here as you can see it's in telepods as your this is so is the con that I created and now it is visible inside demo environment resource group on the other hand if I go to all resources I'd be able to see all the resources that are there on my as your account but this looks a little messy and that's why resource group Cyprian focus because I know that my resource that I've deployed is sits inside a specific resource group and that resource will basically I can name on the basis of what task that particular particular resource is going to do since hours of the demo session what we have done is all the resources that we are basically deploying are inside the demo environment resource crew right and right now we just deploy this tools account which is in telepods azure and as you can see it has been successfully deployed now let's go inside the storage account and like we saw earlier you see a similar user interface over here you have four options either to go inside blob or to go inside files or tables or queues let me demonstrate to you how plops works so we'll go inside blob skies and as you can see there are no containers over here water containers containers are nothing but root folders right for example on Windows you have the desktop folder so dextra folder becomes the root folder or to give you a better example let's say I go to the C Drive of your computer right whatever is inside the C Drive is the root of the drive if you create a folder inside that drive and if then put files inside that folder that is no longer the root directory right so in whenever you are uploading files on blobs the first thing that you need is a root directory and that crew directory is nothing but containers right so let's go ahead and create a container so I'll click on a new container and let's name this continua let's say as Intel apart ok and now let's click on OK alright so my new container is now ready now you would have noticed that there is something called as access level and right now the access level is private more on this I'll explain to you as we move along so right now we have not changed it to anything it's private and let it be a private now what I'll do is I'll go inside this container and it says no blobs formed right so what I can do is I can upload some files onto this container and for doing that I'll have to click on upload and now I'll have to select the file so let's so these are some images that I have on this system so what I'll do is I'll just select a random image and now let's upload this image onto my flow alright so this image is now uploaded on the blob and what I can do is I can just click on this image and I can see all the information with respect to it it's in it's 88 KB in size this is the last modified time this is the creation time now here is something interesting guys I have the URL to the file that I uploaded right now this URL can be embedded anywhere it can be embedded on a website it can be embedded on a post 30 making to social media this basically is a file which is hosted on the internet and anywhere anyone who has access to this particular link would be able to see the image that you have just upload awesome isn't it right so what I'm gonna do is let me copy this link and let me open it in a new tab right and I'll hit enter so right now it says the resource not found this specified resource does not exist now why do you think this happened this happened because we did not give access to the container for general public Hugh's right what do what does that mean if I click on the container and I click on change access level it's right now private which means I can only access this blob through the azure portal all through you know CLI or through some other way but only that way would be working now if I want everyone and anywhere who wants to access this file I'll have to go ahead and choose anonymous read access for blobs only right so when I do that I just select a blob over here and I click on OK now the permissions for the files inside this container has changed and what does that mean that basically means if i refresh this now I would be able to see this image over here right similarly if this link is copied by you and paste it on a browser you also would be able to see this particular image right so guys this is what a blob storage is you can use blob storage to dump data such as logs such as images such as videos that could be either private if your application does not want to use it and you just want to keep there keep it there for you know just keeping it there or what you can do is you can provide it a public read access on the blob level that is for all the files will have public read access and those files will then be able to use by just going to their link let me upload one more file free ways so that you are with the concept of defining permission so I'll define the permission on the container so I don't have to do anything now I'll just upload the images and this is a new image which has been uploaded and now if I go inside the image and I copy the link and if I paste link over here you can see I am able to see the screenshot even here right the moment I go out and I change the access level to private and I click on OK now if i refresh ok so it did not change the permissions of the files not visible okay so that basically took some time for the permission to get allocated on the container which basically means like if I go out and if I change the access level again to blob and if i refresh this files yes I am able to see them right and again if I go out and if I change the access level to let's say private again and if i refresh the first refresh it is there the second refresh it is there but if you wait for some time like a minute or so this axis will basically be gone as you can see it now sees resource not found right so with a click of a button you can basically control all the files permissions which is there inside a container and grant them public or private relaxes right guys so guys this was a brief demo about blob storage on a job let us come back to our slides right so the guys I I hope now you clear with what blob storage is now let's move forward and talk about our next set of services which are the database and the analytical service in Microsoft Azure right so basically there are five core services that you should know off when you are dealing with Azure in terms of databases and analytics so the first service is the SQL database service which basically is a database as a service right you do not get an access to the operating system on mistis databases stalled you basically get access to only the database and basically if you remember what we have studied earlier for a service which does not gives you access to the operating system but in turn gives you access to a platform kind of thing where you can interact with the service and probably upload something onto the software being used is called platform as a service so as your SQL database is basically a platform as a service which not only gives you the independence from the infrastructure side but at the same time it is highly scalable and it can provide you up to 212 percent of return on investment that means that whatever money you are going to spend on Azure SQL database the benefits that it is going to provide you is going to give you back two hundred and twelve percent of the money that you would be investing in using Azure SQL database isn't that interesting right so this this was the first service among the database and let analytic services in Azure a next service is cosmos dB now where is cosmos DB is basically a fully managed database service again just like SQL Server but in this case what happens is your database is extremely highly available which means it is distributed throughout the world using Azure regions and it is highly available right so basically what happens is when you launch a cosmos DB cluster it distributes or it creates a replica of the database and multiple regions as you specified right and the cool thing about cosmos DB is whatever region you want to close or want to stop and probably you do not want your database to be replicated in a particular region you can do that with the click of a button if you want it again in some other region you can again do that with a click of so everything is fast everything is at one the whole control is at one central place and you can replicate your database accordingly with that one platform or with one that one cosmos DB dashboard that you get right now again you have multiple models that you can implement in cosmos DB for example you can implement multi master replication or you can implement multi write regions replication which basically means usually when you have a distributed database which is highly available you have one region where all the lights take place but the read can actually be done from any of the regions where the database has been distributed but in case of cosmos DB you also have the option of configuring multi region region multi write regions which basically means that let's say I want to emit India and mine and I'm a user who's using your application right now if I am using your application probably the website is being served from the nearest edge location of my location for example you must have enabled content delivery network on your website if you want to increase or decrease the latency on your application right now to decrease the latency enough of your application you have implemented CDN so I am being served the website from the nearest location of my home from where am i accessing your application and at the same time the application itself will also accessing the database right now imagine the website is fast but the processing that it does that is the data that has it has to fetch from particular database it exists and altogether a different region which is on the other part of the world right on the or on the other side of the world right that'll again increase the latency of your applications of so VD so you don't only need your front-end component to be highly distributed you also need your back-end and your database to be highly distributed and highly available right and that is the sole reason when you are dealing with the audience which is spread across the globe you also have to take care that the processing that these that each of these guys are doing would also be available to them in the lowest time possible and for that what you have to do is the backend processors or the back-end servers and the database servers also have to be near them so that whenever they are writing any information that also information can be written faster now if you have a right one and read anywhere kind of a distribution in that case you'll have to write at a central location let's say the center location is the US and your databases which are basically the read replicas are actually distributed throughout the globe what are the replicas real replicas are basically the copy of the central database from which you can read the data and these read replicas basically get synced or basically are synced with a central database with the so whatever you write on the database is automatically and quickly replicated on the read replicas as well so it's very fast right so in terms of reading the data you can get a very low latency but in terms of writing the data if you want low latency as well then you need to have multi write regions and that is exactly what this feature is for so in a nutshell cosmos TB is basically a fully managed database service which provides you with a large-scale deployment of databases throughout the globe and it also gives you the option of deleting or replicating your database on a new region entirely with a single click of a button right so that is what cosmos DB is for you guys right the next set of or the next service that we have is the data factory service now what is the data factory service it is basically an ETL service which is an extract transform and load service which basically can take data from multiple sources and then transform the data according to what has been quoted in the application using regular service which can be used in conjunction with data factory and then load the resultant data into a beer service which can be used to analyze the data right so usually when you are doing this kind of an infra setup you need a lot of planning you need a lot of mediators between the technologies which are being integrated for example the data can be coming from multiple sources such as social media websites it can be coming from emails it can be coming from chats it can be coming from reviews it could be coming from anything right so all these data sources are basically first of all aggregated and the data is first put in the raw form in one particular place then what happens is according to the logic that you have specified for the transformation of this data for example you probably want to see the data in a particular view so that basically means you would have to first transform this raw data that you have got from multiple sources into a structured format so that is what transformation is so once you have the resultant data that you feel is the correct way of getting the data or representing the data the next step that you need is obviously if there are a million rows in your data set you won't be able to find what you are actually looking for or basically it might take a lot of time for you to analyze a million rows of data that you have just created so what you can do is or what what the industry came up to this particular problem was that they created a business intelligence application what are the business intelligence application it takes in the data set and it quickly creates patterns it creates quickly creates graphs which can actually help you to better understand the data right so data factory also happens to have the integration capabilities with a lot of BI tools the most prominent one is Microsoft's own power bi tool but it also can integrate with tableau and other BI systems all right similarly it can be integrated with multiple data injection systems as well so it's a total ETL system that you can deploy on Azure and connect your various sources and outputs and get the resultant is output okay so then this is what data factory is our next service is event hubs now what is the event UPS event hubs is basically a place where you can again take in a lot of data just like data factory you can extract data from multiple sources but in this case you are not actually extracting data but the multiple sources from where the data is being generated the data is being pushed on to event humps okay so the data is pushed on to event hubs and the event hubs job is to process this data and see where the stage data has to go next right for example let's say the data is coming from a social media website right so you analyze okay so this data came from a social media website it has to go to this particular service this data is coming from this particular website it has to go to X or Y particular service similarly you have millions and millions of data coming every second or data packets coming every second and the sole job of event hub is to basically analyze each packet and directed to the corresponding consumer of that packet right so this is what event UPS is for you so this is done very fast so the speeds claimed by Azure is around 1 Gbps that that is it can process 1 GB of data per second so the message is coming to end event ups can be processed that faster and it also does parallel computing of each data packet right so this is how or this is whatever event hubs is for guys now obviously event ups cannot be just used alone right you have to use it with in conjunction with a host of applications for example the producers that is the data producing resources have to first combined with innovator and then you ever define the rules in event hub as to what data goes where our what data goes to which consumer right and then your consumers are defined on an basically connected to event hubs right so basically event hubs in the most basic sense is a single point of data ingestion so you don't have to worry about where should I send my data send all your data to event hubs and event up will decide where your data packet has to go based on what rule you are defined inside that system okay so guys this is what event hubs is a next service is data link analysis right so we already saw what data leak is so data link is basically a storage for big data analytics right so data lead analytics is basically a distributed cloud based data processing infrastructure right so it is basically architected to perform data processing on the Big Data I mean the data that is stored on data Lake is has to be processed by something right and that processing can actually be done by data Lake analytics so it is basically the architecture is based on yarn so yarn is basically a component of the Hadoop ecosystem and it can all and basically pairs with your data like store or where basically we have stored all our data and can perform the analysis on the scale of big data analysis that big data is huge amount of data with variety of data in it right so all the data has mixed and matched fears right the data is in the rawest form possible and the processing can be done only by using selected tools which can actually make that happen if you use simple tools or if you use traditional tools the time taken by those tools to process this amount of data will be huge right and that is why you need loop tools to basically make this process faster and as your have used the same technology that loop uses and have made it even faster for you right so data link analytics is used in big data analytics it will it will basically use for processing data and what data the data which you store on as your data leak store right so this is what data Lake analytics is guys moving forward guys now let's move on to a next domain which is the AI and machine learning domain in Azure alright guys so in Azure you basically have three core services in the AI and machine learning domain the three core services are cognitive sources then you have bought services and then you have the awesome machine learning studio so let's understand the each of these services one by one the first service is the cognitive services now what are cognitive services cognitive services in a server are basically api's or SDKs you know which have been developed for a developer which can be integrated in his application and these API is in SDKs basically interact with the machine learning models which have been created in Azure right so cognitive services would include services like vision which basically gives you image processing capabilities it also has text and analytics services which can basically do natural language processing for you so all these services all these services in Azure are ready to use and to use them you will have to integrate them with your applications and those integration can happen with the help of ApS can happen with the help of SDKs and once your application is integrated with these services you're charged on the basis of the number of requests that you make to these particular service for example the vision service and the cognitive sources office your it's pretty awesome any image that you upload it will tell you each and everything in the image whatever is present and how is that possible basically as your has processed thousands and millions and even billions of images already right and they have trained their image processing machine learning model in a way that now it gives accurate results right so instead of creating your own machine learning model for image processing you can actually use the azores machine learning model and you can get your work done so it might have used deep learning it might have used only machine learning we do not know but the results are very accurate and if you want to use AI and machine learning capabilities office your so the models which are trained by us or if you want to use them directly you can actually use the cognitive services of fuzzy and to integrate them with your applications you have seven lay PS and SDKs available to you so this was about cognitive services guys now there is a derivative of the cognitive services that Roger has launched which is basically called the bot service now what if the bot throw is guys the baud service is basically a chat bot which has been developed by Azure which is totally based on AI and it basically makes uses of the natural language processing service or the capabilities which are basically there in the cognitive services of a cert it makes use of that right and it is very to-the-point and you don't have to train the model to become expert in the conversation that you are having but it can actually learn from every conversation that you have with the AI chat board of is your and you can actually tweak its setting so that it becomes custom design for you so that your customers get the right answer every time they ask a question from the bot service officer right so in a nutshell as your bot service is nothing but a chat bot service it's a pre-built chat pod service which you can integrate in your application and this chat bot service has already been trained by Azure and it gives accurate answers to questions and but obviously your you will have to tweak it according to your applications you'll have to do some settings so that it answers the correct way of answering the answers would be according to you and according to your domain of application okay so there's this was the board services and next set of service is the machine learning studio now what is the machine learning studio guys it's basically a very simplified version of using machine learning for example the most simple language that I think for starting off in data science is our right so as a beginner if you start little using her or start learning Ari you will have to spend some time to first of all understand the syntax how it works etc and then you'll get a hang of how to create mortals how to train them how to test them etc right what machine learning studio says is you do not have to learn any programming language it has drag-and-drop interfaces so all you have to know is their science AI or machine learning conceptually and if you understand or if you have the principles of the data science concepts understood pre well what you can do is you can start off by creating your own machine learning model by just doing drag and drop from the UI of the Azure machine learning studio and you'd be up and ready with the first model in under five minutes of course for a specific set of data set obviously you will not be taking millions of billions lines as a result otherwise that will take a little more time but yes you can create your own machine learning model with Azure machine learning studio without knowing any programming language right so that is the power of single on a studio and most coolest feature of it is it has a drag-and-drop user interface so everything is drag-and-drop you just drag and drop whatever you need whatever data set you need whatever record them you want to implement whatever thresholds you want to implement you just I can drop everything and it will work like a charm okay so guys this was the machine learning studio application for you the next set of services that we are going to discuss guys are the identity services in Azure alright guys so now let's go ahead and understand the code of your services in the identity domain right so that is probably the most important service when you are dealing with identity in Azure is as your Active Directory now what do you mean by identity identity basically means when you want to give a particular person some access to a particular resource that care is being used on Azure cloud right so as your Active Directory is basically a fully managed multi-tenant service from Microsoft that basically offers identity and access to particular users in your organization know if you're acquainted with how Microsoft Windows solo works you would know that there is a server active directory as well right there's a Microsoft server active directory as well in which you can specify for your on-premise applications which users have access to what act extend right for example some people can just have deed access or some people can have read and write access or some people can even have admin and access to a particular application right and most important part about Azure Active Directory is that it can integrate with your on-premise server Active Directory and can also authenticate people who are there on the on-premise infrastructure and want to use the compromised resources like or on from my software can also be authenticated using Azure Active Directory and if those on provides users then you want to use resources on Azure that also will be authenticated using Azure Active Directory right now how does all this works so it's a very simple concept guys what you can do you can actually add users in Azure Active Directory right now you can add individual users and you can assign individual roles to each users for example if there is a SAS application which you are deployed on Microsoft Azure giving access to that particular SAS application to a particular user would be possible by just adding a user and giving him the access of this that SAS application right and you can also do a mass allocation of a particular permission for example let's say you want to give administrative privileges to a set of people now how would you give that so one way is whenever there is a person who comes into a company whom you think in can be given admin access you will add as user and provide him the admin access for what you can do is you can actually define a group on which you have specified admin resources or admin privileges and whoever users will be added to this particular group they'll get those permissions or will get those privileges automatically right so in this case what you will be doing is whoever is coming into the organization you're just adding him to the group and the permissions inheritance takes place automatically because that group has been assigned the admin privileges similarly if you want to create some other group for example you want to create a group for some SAS application you can also do that right and this concept is a part of Azure Active Directory and again in a nutshell Azure Active Directory is nothing but it's basically a directory in which you can add users and specify what these users can do on Azure or on entre my software right and these users can be managed in two ways either either you can manage them individually by creating a user time and again all what you can do is you can add these users to already existing groups that you have created with the respective permissions and they'll inherit all the properties which have been specified to that group ok so then this was the azure active directory in this will about the identity domain in Microsoft as you are moving forward guys now let's talk about the management tools in Microsoft Azure that are very important for you to know while you're working as an azure professional all right guys so let's go ahead and understand the management services of azure so the first service is log in analytics guys now what is log in analytics so basically the full name of this services log in analytics workspace now what you can do with log in analytics workspaces you can dump all the logs for with respect to what is happening on a particular as your resource on to this workspace now how do you do that the first thing that you do is you basically go to your management console and you go to log in analytics workspace over there you will have to create a login analytics workspace and specify the name anything right it's pretty straightforward once you specify that the next step would be to add a data source so if I will show you quickly I can just jump on from a management console I can go to log navigates workspace now here is the sample log analytics workspace that our creator I'll just go inside it and as you can see it says connect a data source so you can create but you can basically connect as your virtual machines over here or you can specify some other sources if you want to and you can also specify as your activity log so stream over here alright so this will start accumulating logs in this workspace once that is done we will have to specify monitoring solutions as to how you want to read the logs and what do you want to do with respect to a particular level of love for example you have info level you have critical level in logs right this basically tells you that a particular command failed or a particular command passed so if the level or the level field of a log if it let's say info that means it's fine it can go in but let's say the level should in the log so what do we mean the level field a little nothing but you can specify in your log notation that whenever there is an error I would specify a term such as level okay and I would specify that is equal to critical but if things are okay it's just for know-how as to which command has been executed and that command executed successfully in that case I can specify the level as info okay and then I can specify in my monitoring solution that whatever log comes in check the level field in that log and if the level field is critical you can flag that log basically so all that can be configured inside the monitoring solution so if I were to click on view solutions you can actually check out what all monitoring components you can actually add on your log in a textbook space so as you can see you can add as your security sensor you can add optimize catalog so there are a lot of things that you can basically add on to monitor logs right you can choose according to your will it is available in Azure marketplace so once you specify the monitoring solution your log starts to flow in and in your monitoring solution is after specify which log so flag and that's how it's going to work right this is the log analytics service energy Oh guys in and it helps you to manage your Ezio resources effectively pinpoint where the problem is occurring go over there and see the logs see on which command problem occurred fix a problem and then go ahead with your daily routine so this is one log analytics is guys the next service is cost management and billing so this is basically a native application of a service which helps you to manage your bills in a zone right so for a few things which I can tell you on the top of my head which comes in is that he can manage a budget you can specify that might as your budget or my as your bill should not go over a particular limit you can specify that or you can so when you when you say it would not go over a particular limit that means if it goes beyond that all your services will be stopped but when you're in a business you actually don't want that so what so this particular limit is called a hard limit that is you want to limit it into that particular cost there is another kind of limit which is called a soft limit will basically means it will alert you that your budget has been crossed and you can actually make forecasts also in this particular service based on your uses lets you have used as you're heavily for five days so it gives you a forecast that if you happen to use as you're in this similar fashion this is what your bill is going to be at the end of the month right and then you can actually see what kind of tweaks you can make in your services so that your bill comes down so all of this is possible in cost management and billing service officer now this also is under the management domain reason being it helps you in managing your resources in a better fashion the next service guys is a very important service which is an automation account now what is an automation accountant's it is nothing but it's it's a way of deploying as your resources so how do you reply as your resources so we have seen few of the resources in this session today therein we deployed a virtual machine we deployed a storage accounts or that was possible one by one I mean I had to go manually into that service I had to click on add I had to specify a name and that's how you know my resources were deployed but in automation account what happens is you can create run books now what are learn books you basically specify a code where and you specify all the resources and their names and their configurations that you want to deploy and then you upload that run book onto the automation account and then you run that run book then what it does is it automatically creates the resources for you you don't have to do anything just put that one book over there click on play button it will create all the resources for you with the exact same configurations that you have specified in the code it is particularly helpful when you're setting up a large infrastructure wherein you'll have to deploy thousands or to thousands machine with each where the two thousand machines are basically divided into multiple sets it could be back in Somerset it would be database service it could be front-end server set all of which will have different kind of configurations and if these this is the kind of a scenario then run books would be of great help and that's where automation account also comes in which basically helps you to play those angles okay our next service is metric skies no matrix is a service which helps you to visualize what all is happening on your as your resource for example what is the network throughput what is the CPU usage right what are the memory usage all of that you can see inside metrics now you can actually check a 24-hour log as well in metrics and see at what point of time does your resource or your or the particular metric that is checking could be CPU Ziusudra memory using is actually rising and then you can plan accordingly as to how to plan your or how to scale your infrastructure at that particular time right so this is what metrics are useful for it basically gives you an overview of how things are going so if you think about it it is nothing but metrics sorry it is nothing but logs which is basically basically getting visualized in from of grass but nonetheless it's very helpful and that is a service which is being provided to you by a sir by the name matrix all right guys so these were all the services in the management domain guys are next up we'll be discussing a hands-on so enough of theory I guess we have discussed probably most of the important services which are there in the azure portal now what we'll be doing is I will be showing you an application which basically exists on my local host and what we'll try to do is we will try to migrate that to Azure and we'll choose the services based on the knowledge that we have gained today we will choose the services accordingly then we will set up the infrastructure and then we'll see how it works on the cloud so there is let's go ahead and do that alright guys so let's go ahead and let me show you what all we are going to do so the first thing that we're going to do is basically I have a website that I've already created on a local host which basically can upload data to Azure blue blob storage through the website so I'm going to show you guys how I have configured it and how can it basically upload data to us your blog right so the second point is create a new container and upload files to this container from the website right so we will be creating a container and our website we're going to configure to upload files to this particular container third thing is we have to create a MySQL database on as yours right now what is happening is my website is basically storing data on the localhost MySQL engine what the hands-on expects us to do is we will have to deploy MySQL database on Azure and the website should basically push the data on to the MySQL database which will be there on the portal right so this is the third step and the force F finally we want our final website to be uploaded on as your web app and basically we have to deploy it using the local git method what it is don't worry about it as you move along you get it right so let's start off with the first point right now which is demonstrate the website on the local so let me switch on to my browser so guys this is my Azure portal and if I have to demonstrate to you my website it basically exists on localhost as your one right so this is my website guys and what it does is it basically can upload data onto Microsoft Azure but right now what we I'm not basically configured it to connect to my Microsoft Azure storage account I'll show you how we can configure it right so once a file is uploaded on the blob it also makes an entry of it in the database right now whereas database the database exists on my local host so what I'm going to do is I'm going to just open the my ash in the console right and my - cue console basically has a database called images so if I do a show databases you can see that it is an images database so this is the database that my website will be interacting to so let me just use images and in this database what I have is a table so if I do a short tables command you can see that I have a table called names right but right now there is no data inside so if I do a select star from names as you can see it is empty set right so when the data when this website will be uploading file when it will be successfully uploaded next step would be to basically put the data inside the database as to what is the name of okay so let me show you the code guys let me show you how the code looks like this is my index of PHP let me just open it alright guys so guys this is this is how my code looks like so the first thing that I'll have to do is basically I will have to enter a deployment key over here which will basically be my connection string and the second thing that I'll have to do is I have to enter the container name which I am going to create in a little right so let's first jump onto our job portal and what we want to do is go inside a storage account so guys this is my storage account and what I want is the deployment key so in the storage account you will have to go to access keys just go inside that and here you will find two keys you can take any of these two keys so what I'll do is I let's say I take t1 and this is the connection string so I'll have to copy this and I'd have to come back to my code and I'll have to replace it over here so let's replace the deployment key and now I will have to remove this part out of the planning this is not required right but this we will remove and this is my deployment Keeler's all right next step is to basically enter the container name now the hands-on basically expects us to create a new container so let us do that so let's go inside overview and let's go to globes so I have a container in telepods over here let's create one more container and let's call it new right and let's give the exercise globe and let's click on ok all right so my container is now ready and it's called new let's name the container over here so my container name is new okay everything else looks good so right now this is this is basically the connection information for my MySQL database right now it is going to upload the data onto my localhost - kale all right so let's see if I can upload a file now let's save this index of PHP let's come back to our website let's refresh it once and now let's choose the file which we want upload let's go inside let us try to upload let's say database so this is an image which is called database let's select this and let's click on submit so it says blob updated uploaded successfully and new record created successfully so let's verify that in our database so I'll do a select star from as you can see there is a new entry over here which is six eight zero three four double five seven three this is the name which has been assigned by my website so this is basically a random name the reason for that is that it could be that you are uploading duplicate files and if you upload duplicate files you don't want the names to coincide so what I am doing is I am assigning a random name to every file that I'm uploading right so this is the file which has been uploaded and we can check it over here if I click on check list this is the file which has been uploaded and if I click on this file now I can download that file basically from also it says blob not found and the reason for that is that I have to change the URL inside my list website which is basically if I click on check list this is the list dot PHP I'll have to change some code here I will show you that but first let's go inside the new container and as you can see there is a PNG file over here now this PNG file I can directly download from a list file but in order to do that what I have to do is I'll have to click on this file and I have to copy this URL and I have to see what is the prefix over here so the prefix is this so I'll have to copy this prefix and now I will have to go inside my code and open the list of PHP code and this is the URL that I'll have to replace let's replace it alright great now let's save it come back to website this is a list or PHP let us refresh this once and now when I click on the file you can see that I have downloaded the file automatically let's click on this file and this is an image which has been downloaded now let's try something else let me show you the image first and then I'll try to upload it so what I'll do is I'll go inside downloads and let's say I want to upload this machine file so this machine file looks something like this okay now we're going to float this machine file let's go inside our website fill it through the file and now let's select the machine which is basically there this we will upload will click on open and will click on submit so it says blog uploaded successfully if I go inside my container and i refresh it you can see there's a new entry over here even in my database if i refresh there's a new entry over you and now what i can do is i can basically just go to my list refresh it this is the new entry click on it file gets downloaded click here and this is the file which was a pool so what is basically happening over here is this file is now posted on plob and any of you if you click on this link you will be able to download it but the problem is that this website right now is only available on my local host and i have to make it available to the world now how can I do that so first thing first let us go back to our slides and see what is the next step so our next step is that I want to create a MySQL database on as yours right now my database which is being updated is on my local host but what I've want is that it should be updated on my as your - fill database now let's see how we can do that so the first thing that I will do is I'll have to go back to my as your dashboard I'd have to go to services and I'll have to go into databases and this is the database that I want to launch as your database for my school so let's select it let's add a database I want to include it inside my demo environment the source group the server name let's specify it as in internal one write the admin username let's specify it as enter the password let's specify it as until at the rate 1 2 3 ok it says your password cannot contain all a part of the login name no shoes let's name it as as you're at the rate 1 2 3 same is the case over here alright and where do I want to launch it I want to launch it in South India the version is 5.7 which is great now let's change the amount of specification that we have for this server let's click on configure server I want a basic configuration I basically want one cold and I want the least amount of storage is 5gb auto growth no I don't want it backup retention period the lease is seven days which is fine and I think that's it let's click on ok now the server has been configured now let's click on review plus create okay so our username is Intel my password is zero at the rate one two three and now let's click on create all right so my deployment is underway which basically means my MySQL database is now getting deployed let's wait for some time let's wait it will wait for it to be complete and then we will proceed with our demo or I guess so my deployment is now complete so I can just click on go to resource and I am in so this is my database guys now in order to see or in order to access my database this is the server name that I will have to use so let's go ahead and select this so my server name is this let's copy and let's come back to our command prompt and what you want to do is MySQL - edge this is the connection string or the server name next thing is I have to specify the username which in my case is this so that's copy it paste it here next thing that I want is the password so password is your at the rate 1 2 3 now this will be really it says client with IP address is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server so let's solve that let's solve that so we will go inside connection security and what I want to do is I will specify my client IP which is this alright that's been added also guys turn this enforce SSL connection off because right now we don't want to get into making an SSL connection since this is the demo what I guess everything looks good now let's click on save and once this rule has been said what we'll see is that we should be able to connect to database alright guys so it says it has successfully updated the connection security and now when I go back to my command prompt and I try to into the same command with the password is you're at the rate one two three you can see I have successfully connected to my MySQL database on Azure now I'd like to do a show databases right now you can see there are only the default databases present so let us change that so I'll just exit or before exiting let us just create an empty database which is images so we'll use images and let's create a table so create table names and the names will be name space back at 20 so we have created it and now let's just go to our code over here there's my code cards now I will have to specify the server name so server name in my case would be this let's copy it this is my server name a user name is this and a password Zod at the date one two three okay everything looks good let's save the file similarly in index dot PHP let's do the same changes my surname is this let's copy it my username is this let's copy it and my password is your at the rate one two three all right let's save the file and now let's go to a website let's try to check the list let's see what it shows us it shows us empty because there's no data in the azure SQL table great now let's choose the file and now let's try to upload some random file lets click on submit it says blog did it successfully a new record created successfully let's check that so I just do a select star names and I can see that there is a new entry over here if I do a checklist this is the new entry if I click on this I can download the file and this is the file that I basically great now my website is updating data on to your database and at the same time it is uploading data on to my storage account inside the container which is new right it's conscious blobs new and this is the new file which is basically just a product great guys now what I want to do is I want to make this website public right this website is working fine over here but I want this website to be used by everyone in the world now how can I do that in order to do that I will have to go on to and we studied or we saw a service which can basically just upload a website and not ask us to install any software launched asked us to login into the operating system do some configuration nothing it will just give us a dashboard through which we can upload our website so let's go ahead and do that so the web the service that I'm talking about is app services so let's go inside app services and let's click on add so now it will ask me with resource group so I'll say demo environment name of the instance let's specify it as intel demo all right okay it's already been taken so let's specify into alright this seems to be available what do you want to publish I want to publish the code the runtime stack it's actually PHP 5.6 this is the one what is the region that we want to deploy it in we want to deploy it in South India so that's like that one great let's change the size of the server which will be launched so basically we are in dev or test environment right and this is the minimum configuration is that we can launch all right let's click on apply and now let's click on review and create so this over here we can basically do all the change all the necessary review as to what all we are launching so we just selected PHP 5 point 6 and we specified the that's all we did right now let's click on create now there is what will happen now is basically deploy so on which it will install PHP 5.6 you know install apache and then it will give me a URL and when i go to that URL i will basically see a sample app right it is not giving me access to the operating system it does not ask me to install any software all that was done over here was we selected the runtime stack which is PHP 5.6 we specified the server configuration and that is all that is all we need to configure and that is all we get access to now once it gets deployed I will show you that is how you can upload your code onto this particular web app so as you can see it is already deployed now let's go to resource and this is a resource guys the status is it's running right now and if I browse this web app right now you basically show me a sample web app which has been deployed right let's wait for that website to appear since this web app has just been launched it might take some time for the web app to show the web site but nevertheless it will show the website let's wait for it to actually show us let me try stopping it and refreshing it once all right it's gonna take its sweet time so let's give it that alright so as you can see hey app service developers your app service is up and running trying to take the next step and deploy your code great so this is what you want to do now to deploy your code you will have to go inside deployment center so let's go inside that so once you're inside deployment center it's asking me where is my source control right so my source control is basically on my local right so but it my local is not a git repository as of now so what I can do is I can just go on my coal which is with your zero 1 this is the folder and let me just right click here and click on git bash right let me just make the text a little bigger for you so that there is visible alright so guys now what I'm going to do I'm gonna initialize and n3 git repository git init and now I'm gonna add all the files in the get file system I'm going to stage it for the good file system so once this process is done I'm going to commit it get commit - them and then at first now let's say the files straight to the files are saved now what I want to do is I want to upload this particular code onto my yoga back right so going back to the portal I do have a local get where I am a code checked in let's select this option and click on continue now it's asking me which build provider to choose don't worry about here don't worry about what is as your pipelines and what is kuru engine basically if you select kuru engine you don't have to do any configuration more on this we can discuss in the further sessions but right now just select the kuru engine and click on continue and now it says your local gear apology URL will be generated upon completion branch would be master app service this build service great let's click on finish so now it is basically going to set up the get environment for me on the web app so and what I will get is basically this URL which is my gate URL so this URL I will be using to upload my code but before that I will also have to set the credentials for my gate system so to set that I click over here FTP your credentials and I go to user credentials and I can specify anything over here let's specify a username let's say the user name is in telepath and let's say the password is e which is saving credentials for the success great now what I can do is I can just close this and now I just have to go to my resource I have to go to deployment center and now I will just take the kit URL over here right this is a get URL let's copy this and now get the move and let's try to paste this - link now yes so this was the syntax git remote add right and now what I want to do is I want to push my code onto a zero so Kate Bush is your master hit enter and I will ask me the credentials so credentials is Intel apart and the password is Intel at the rate one two three Oh authentication failed I think I forgot the password no shoelace so I can just specify it again so Intel at the rate one two three and in two three one two three inches okay inches are saved let's go back here it pushes your master and now it should basically push my code on to the web app now it will take some time over here guys don't worry about the time it will take around a minute or so to applaud your code so let's wait for that time and let's hope everything goes well all right the process has started so it is updating the branch now copying all the files great so my code is now uploaded on the app and it says it will restart in ten seconds great so meanwhile what I can do is I can go to my web app and I can just refresh this and as you can see my website is now available over here alright if I click on check list you will see an error and I will tell you why that error would be there it says connection field client with IP address is not allowed to connect to this my ACL so how can you solve that just go home and go to your database go to connection security and allow this allow access to your services just click on on and as a security feature just remove the IP address that you used earlier and now let's click on save so now my security settings will get updated and then I would be able to use my website on the web app alright so my settings are about to be abated let's wait for that time and then we'll go ahead alright guys so my data is has been updated successfully so if I go here back and I click on refresh you can see the list is now being generated let's try to upload a file guys let's try to upload let's try to upload this word file ok let's click on open and let's click on submit it says blob updated successfully let's check that lets go to resource group let's go to our torrid account let's go you know and this is the docx file which was just updated and if i refresh the list I can see the docx file over here is there if I click on it I'd be able to download it in guys with this we have successfully completed our demo but let me show you a very awesome thing that comes with connecting get to your web app right so now I can just simply go to my index of PHP and let's say I want to change this heading okay so let's try to change the heading I'll just go down upload towards your blob and let's add a little bit of text over here let's say welcome to telepath okay let's save it come back to our gate terminal let's do a bit status you can see that index dot PHP has been modified great let's scale this file let's commit this file updated index great and now let's push it so get push will again take a minute or two and then our files will get updated on the web app automatically alright so my code has been updated let's go ahead and check it so let me just refresh this website and as you can see my code has successfully updated over here it says upload to Azure blob welcome to in telepods and this is exactly what we changed alright so guys with this we have successfully completed our demo let's summarize what all we did so let me come back to my slides so we demonstrated the website on the localhost fine then we created a new Khan and then we uploaded all the blob files over there after that we also deployed a MySQL database on Azure and the localhost website was then able to insert data on to the MySQL database known as your and then finally we also deployed and as your web app and we deployed our website using the local get method and finally we also checked if we updated anything and we pushed to a get method the files were successfully being uploaded onto mine either right so with this guys we've successfully completed our demo our next topic is basically quiz so let's go ahead and see some of the questions that we can answer after attending this session ok so our first question is which of the following is not a platform as a service and the options are MySQL database for us your app service as your VMs or is the answer none of these okay so you want to pause the video and think about it so did you guess the answer so yes the answer is your VMs the next question is can be deployed as your VM without a virtual network so the options are yes/no or none of these so what do you think so yes you get it right the answer is no right let's now move on to a third question which is what is Azure Active Directory useful is it a monitoring B Identity Management C automation or D none of these now guys I will not give you the answer for this particular question so you'll have to answer it to me in the comment section below right let us first understand what exactly is in Azure certification so this certification is a level of Microsoft Azure cloud expertise that an IT professional obtains of the buzzing one or more exams that microsoft offers basically it is to demonstrate and validate the technical cloud knowledge and scales one has obtained now what are those certifications that we shall discuss as we move forward here I'm going to discuss major is your certifications and after that we will quickly discuss about them now moving forward first one is Microsoft Certified as your administrator the associate thatís easy 103 next one the is your developer associate that as is e 203 third one the Microsoft Certified is your Solutions Architect that comes under the expert level that is easy three hundred and three hundred one last one is the data Lake and data factory so it is usually to perform the data engineering on Microsoft cloud services and commonly known as 7:07 census now let's have a quick glance at these certifications so now for the easy 103 certification this falls under the associate level with this certification Microsoft aims to help the candidates learn and acquire a wide range of skills that are required to be a cloud administrator such as managing various cloud services security networking storage and many more previously a candidate had to pass easy hundred and eighty hundred one certification exams in order to achieve this certification but after receiving constant feedbacks from learners about the exam being difficult and the two-month syllabus Microsoft learning decided to merge these two certification exams and named it as a z103 certification exam with 70% of the slavers from a-z hundred and thirty percent of the slavers from AZ 101 it's up next we have the AZ 203 so this is another associate level role-based certification exam by microsoft azure with this certification Microsoft aims to help the candidates learn all the skills required in the development domains such as designing and building cloud applications services and many more before easy 203 certification exam was introduced easy 200 and 201 were in the picture in order to get certified as an assured associate developer but both of these exams got retired and easy 203 took their place right I mean after receiving constant feedback from learners about the exam being difficult and with too much syllabus Microsoft learning decided to take the similar step for the certification exam as well 203 exam came into the picture and this example is in approximately 70 percent of its objectives from the easy 200 exam and approximately 30 percent of its objectives from the easy 201 itself now moving forward to the another exam that'll the AZ 300 and 301 itself this is the first row will be a certification exam that is launched at the expert level with this certification Microsoft aims to help the candidates learn the most advanced is your skills along with learning to design a secure reliable and scalable solution for businesses after the certification a candidate is expected to have gained expertise in computer networking security and storage even though the certification also covers the skills of the edge or administrator and as your developer associate level certifications but they are not a mandatory prerequisite for the certification in order to achieve the certification you will have to pass the following exams which are is the 300 that is Microsoft is your architect technologies and AC 301 that is Microsoft is your architect design so again these two above exams are the replacement for the old 7 0 5 3 5 8 sound that is architecting Microsoft edge or solutions now moving forward that is the 7 0 7 7 6 certification exam so the certification requires candidates to get accustomed with implementing big data engineering on a short so the learners must have skills on Microsoft Azure SQL data warehouse as your data like analytics as your data factory an agile stream analytics and subsequently perform Big Data best practices using the same as informed by the Microsoft learning the certification names 7 0 7 7 6 is about to be expired and no replacement exam name is being given to it yet however the replacement exam would consist of all the topics from the current curriculum with a few topics to move or merge with a different topic right so let's move forward now let's move forward so lies there is a huge amount of witness when it comes to choosing who should go forward certification right so moving forward with the video let us discuss which certification is for whom so for easy 103 exam candidate taking this exam are expected to have sufficient knowledge of various services across full IT lifecycle applications other environments at least one year of experience in an IT administration and in hands-on with seller provisioning monitoring resource management is recommended tougher easy 203 exam in order to pass this exam the candidate must have at least one year of experience of developing scalable solutions in nosing in all phases of software development and the candidate must be skilled in at least one cloud supported programming language so this exam requires a candidate to be proficient in software development places such as solution designing development deployment testing and maintenance now we have AZ 300 and 301 exam if we first talk about easy 300 exam that a candidate must have expert level skills in at least one of the expert level domains this exam requires a candidate to have some knowledge of various concepts and idea operations such as networking virtualization business continuity data management and disaster recovery and for easy 301 in order to pass this exam the candidate must be skilled in a short administration and edge order bla bla so skills and the webs are also recommended so the candidates taking this exam are expected to be able to build a short solutions upon to the business requirements such as making decisions that help the business become secure solutions making the business more scalable now moving forward to seven zero seven seven six so the certification is for the candidates who design analytic solutions and then operationalize solutions on Asia candidates who are familiar with the features and capabilities of Bath's data processing real-time processing and operationalization technologies and of course the data engineers now let's move forward so guys in order to be well prepared for agile certification exams you must know what are the objectives of the exam right so following the same order as before let's first discuss the curriculum for a z103 exam due to constant feedbacks about the exam being difficult Microsoft has divided the entire example syllabus into five modules so in order to ease the exam preparation let us discuss each of these modules below manage is your subscriptions and resources so as this percentage figure that you see here basically indicates the relative weight edge of the quotients from each of them the percentage is higher than you should expect more questions from that module and my server self so this module you need to be thoroughly prepared with in managing as your subscriptions the source groups analyzing resource utilization and consumption and managing role based access control that is our BSC second we have implemented merit storage where it holds the weight is of 15 to 20 percent in the exam covering the topics like creation and configuration of storage accounts as all files importing and exporting data to a shore and implementing your backups third deploying and managing virtual machines holding a weight is from 15 to 20 percent covering topics and creation and configuration of virtual machines for Windows and Linux managing as your VMs and automating the deployments and managing the backups third we have deploying and managing virtual machines holding away days from 15 to 20 percent covering topics and creation configuration of virtual machines for Windows and Linux managing is your VMs and automating their deployments and managing their backup fourth one is configure and manage virtual networks which holds a majority of wait age of around 30 to 35 percent and govern topics in create connectivity between virtual networks implementing and managing virtual networking network security groups is your load balancer monitoring and troubleshooting virtual networks integrating on-premises network with a job virtual network and the first one and the last one is manage identities holding a weight age from 15 to 20 percent in the end zone merging is your Active Directory and ad objects users groups and devices and dementing and managing hybrid identities and multi-factor authentication are being covered in this model so now for AC 203 exam so as the entire exam syllabus has been divided into six modules based on the feedback circuit so developing is your infrastructure as a service compute solutions which holds a relative weight age of 10 to 15% in the module so this modules you need to be thoroughly prepared with creating containerized solutions implementing bad jobs by using as your batch services and implementing solutions that lose virtual second we have developed as your platform the service compulsory Asians where it holds the weight age of 20 to 25% MBA exam covering topics like creating as your app services web apps and avi apps as your app service mobile apps and implementing agile functions and the third one is a developing for area students holding a weight age from 15 to 20% covering the topics and developing solutions that use blob storage relational database cosmos DB storage and storage tables and the full firm is an implementing agile security holding a weight age from 15 to 20% and public topics and implementing access control authentication and secure data solutions now the fifth learner's monitoring troubleshooting and optimizing edge oscillations holding away dates from 15 to 20 percent in the exam instrumenting solutions to support moulting and logging integrating caching and content delivery with the solutions and developing code to support scalability of apps and services are being covered in this module and the last one is connect to and expend as your services and third-party services which holds a weight age of 20 to 25% in the exam and covering topics in establishing ABI gateways integrating as your search within solutions I'm developing an app service logical and similarly for easy 300 and 300 on exam it covers topics and deploy and come to the infrastructure implement workloads on security create and deploy apps implement authentication and secure data develop for the cloud and is your storage data mine workload requirements then after this comes a designing path but as a design for identity and security design a data platform solution designer business continuity strategy designed for deployment migration and integration design an infrastructure strategy now at last four seven zero seven senses though the certification is on the words of retirement but its latest is not going to be any different hollow through transition will be there like the removal of few topics or just merge them with any topics right so if we talk about is objectives then design and implement complex even processing by using a short stream on allocates holding a weight edge from 15 to 30 percent which includes the topics like ingest data for real-time processing design and implement edge or stream analytics implemented manage the streaming pipeline query real-time data by using the a short stream analytics query language so the next one is a design and implement azure SQL data warehouse solutions again what is the weight is from 15 to 20 percent including the topics like design tables in Azure SQL data warehouse query data in Azure SQL data warehouse indicate a short SQL data warehouse with the other services then design and implement cloud-based integration by using age or ability to implement data sets and linked services more transform and analyze data by using Azure data factory activities orchestrate data processing by using Azure data factory pipeline monitor and manage as your data Factory other topics included in this now the last one is marathon maintain is your SQL data warehouse is your data Lake is your data factory and as your scheming architects holding a majority of it is in the exam that has twenty to twenty-five percent so this model covers the topics and provision as your SQL data warehouse is your data leak is your data factory stream analytics implement authentication authorization auditing manage data recovery for edge or SQL data warehouse as your data leak so this model covers of topics and provision as your SQL data warehouse data like data factory stream analytics inhuman authentication authorization or written design and implement storage solution for big data and limitations so that's all for the objective part so now let's move forward and discuss about the exam pattern followed by how you should prepare for this exam do now the Microsoft Azure certification exams are one of the most savaging exams in the ad industry although the number of quotients in this exam are subject to change over time you can expect around 40 to 60 questions in this exam and also you can expect different quotients formats and tie-ups in the six including review screen mock review multiple choices short answer ha Taniya repeated answer choices drag and drop case studies the best answer an active screen all the questions in this exam can follow any of these question types we will get around 150 minutes to complete the examination with an additional 30 minutes of sitting time for the good results in the exam it is required to follow the weight associated with each exam on you during your is your exam preparation the pricing depends on which location you are taking your exam from for example if you are taking your exam in Lewis say then it is going to cost you around 160 but if you are taking it in India then you will have to pay an amount of 4,800 INR and the pricing is subject to change without the notice from country to country other pricing does not include applicable taxes you need to confirm with your examination provider for exactly if you're a student then you can get a free reduction in the exam if you can submit your valid education credentials more although Microsoft Partner Network program member Microsoft trainers and Academy programme members are also eligible for the reduced pricing most of the Microsoft technical quotients require a passing score of 700 any score greater or equal to 7 under will be my desk pass otherwise it will be marked as field most of the short questions in this exam are one point it's any question is worth more than that then it will be indicated in the quotient part itself also note that there are no penalty for an incorrect answer the exam is available only in English language now we know of the examination pattern let us discuss few of the tips for the exam preparation how to prepare for this exam the first step is to plan the module structure and study accordingly for example if you are going to start with app services in containers then make sure you have already covered the topics of feeding the app services containers container images and audio files so that you know the basics of implementing app services in the container or if you are going to implement the a short backup then you must know about how to create and configure the storage accounts along with the configuration of the Java files so that you know the basics of implementing the configurations and storage of them you would require a lot of portions in verified study materials on Azure in order to earn good passing scores you can refer to the official curriculum and study guide to plan your sorry and get the right information after that practice simple test online once gained enough knowledge with this then you should be able to step up into the next part of practicing hands off and this is the most crucial part in your learning journey so else you can easily perform hands on and a gorge services since a job provides a free Terror option for newbies and you get a $300 of credit in your algorithm once you know so in addition to that check for the online training so that in case you have queries related to the subject then you can tell them right away and experts help is always recommended last but not the least join the forums related to Microsoft is short and search for positions related to your subject and check out the questions asked by the other people and both of the answers posted by audiences so it will always be helpful for you the solution from my end does that go for dumb so even you are thoroughly prepared to the subject we might be able to clear the exam and get certification for men but believe me guys so won't be Joe penny as doing the interview without the practical approach you won't be able to crack it or be able to answer the portions by interviewer because G took the shortcut to get certified right so be aware of the short codes to a Torah study with the proper implementations in Asia and dries up in your career path alright so now you might be wondering how to take time for all this research and study that is where we get in telepathic here for you we understand that you as professionals face problems to take out time for upscaling from the person life right so that is why we have done all the hard work for you and have come up with the comprehensive courses on a-z 103 AZ 203 is it 300 and 301 and is your data leak and data factory and each course is curated by the industry experts which includes a different case studies and assignments based on the each module along with the industry oriented projects if you are interested then you can go through the course details with the link provided in the description box how is he enter 3 came into existence so this previously Asher had launched two new role-based certifications that is easy hundred and easy hundred one as a replacement of 75354 the Microsoft edge or administrator role but recently on May 1st 2019 both TSE hundred and 101 exams got retired and replaced by AC under three exam so if one is willing to become a Microsoft certified as your administrator then they should focus on easy hundred three exam preparation that is how it came into existence so all of a sudden transition from easy hundred and hundred one towards a new AZ hundred three certification there must be a reason behind this change right that we shall discuss as we move forward so as in the early stages of the microsoft certified is your administrator associate certification Microsoft learning received a lot of negative feedbacks about the new is a hundred and hundred one exams being very difficult for people to craft based on the feedbacks they decided to combine the AZ one hundred and hundred one certification exams into a single easy hundred three certification exam that is Microsoft is your administrator certification exam the combined AC 103 exam is not merely a merging of the full is a hundred and is a hundred one certification exam the AC hundred three examples in approximately seventy percent of its objectives from the easy hundred exam and approximately thirty percent of its objectives from the AC hundred one example as a result of the transition the AC hundred and hundred one certification exams are now retired as of May 1 2019 and are no longer be able to schedule or be taken additionally the transition exam AZ under 2 is also retired as a single AZ hundred three exam is the singular part to earning the microsoft certified as your administrator associate certification for those of you who are early achievers out there I understand this may be a bit frustrating for you but the stage will simplify the certification process to attain it and is a good change to be made right next is why you should offer AZ under three certification so today Microsoft as your administrator is ruled out to be one of the most esteemed job titles in the cloud industry how since Azure is one of the pioneers in providing the cloud services and it has got majority of its shares in the cloud market worldwide after UW's which means greater job opportunities and no doubt it has been majorly used by majority of the fortune 500 companies morogo is your administrator profile guarantees attractive pay packages along with a solid career growth opportunities according to the latest report the average pay often is your administrator ranges between 100k dollars per annum and an experienced Microsoft edge your administrator can earn or 220k dollars per annum so I guess this should be enough to satisfy a candidate who is willing to go for a z hundred three exam preparation moving forward in order to be well prepared for a Z hundred three exam you must know that what are the prerequisites required for the exam right so you need to have at least intermediate server administration knowledge and skills should have a basic knowledge of PowerShell and a journal familiarity with the cloud computing concepts now let's move forward and discuss about the exam objectives so there is due to constant feedbacks about the examining difficult Microsoft has divided the entire exam syllabus into five modules in order to ease the exam preparation so let's discuss each of these modules below manages your subscriptions and resources so this percentage figure that you see here basically indicates the relative weight edge of the quotients from each of modules if the percentage is higher then you should respect more quotients from that module and vice versa so we're in this module you need to be thoroughly prepared with managing as your subscriptions resource groups analyzing resource utilization and consumption and managing role based access control second implement and manage storage where it holds the Vantage of 15 to 20 percent in exam covering the topics like creation configuration of storage accounts age or files importing and exporting data to Azure and implementing as your backups third is deploying and managing virtual machines holding weight age from 15 to 20 percent covering topics and creation and configuration of virtual machines for Windows and Linux merging is your virtual machines and automating their deployments and managing their backups fourth one is configure and manage virtual networks which holds a majority of weight is around 30 to 35 percent I'm covering topics in create connectivity between virtual networks implementing and managing virtual networking network security groups as your load balancer monitoring and troubleshooting virtual networks integrating on-premises network with Azure virtual network fifth and the last one is manage identities holding your weight edge from 15 to 20% in the exam so managing is your Active Directory and Active Directory objects users groups and devices implementing and managing hybrid identities and multi-factor authentication are being covered in this module now let's move forward and discuss about the exam pattern no doubt the easy hundred three exam is one of the most challenging exams in the IT industry right although the number of questions in this exam are subject to change over time you can expect around forty to sixty quotients in this exam and also you can expect different quotients formats and types in this exam including review screen mark review multiple choices short answers hot area repeated answer choices drag and drop case studies the best answer and active stream all the questions in this exam can follow any of these question types you will get around 150 minutes to complete the examination with an additional 30 minutes of setting time for good results in the exam it is required to follow the weight associated with each exam module during your AC under 3 exam preparation the pricing depends on which location you are taking your from for example if you're taking your exam in US then it is going to cost you around $165 but if you're taking it in India then you will have to pay an amount of 4,800 Indian rupees and the pricing is subject to change without a notice from country to country as a pricing does not include applicable taxes you need to confirm with your examination provider for an exact fee if you're a student then you can get a free deduction in the exam if you can submit your valid educational credentials moreover Microsoft Partner Network program member Microsoft trainers an academy program members are also eligible for reduced pricing so as most of the technical portions require a passing score of 700 AC under 3 is not an exception any score greater or equal to 700 will be marked as passed otherwise it will be marked as filled most of the short questions in this exam are 1.0 if any question is worth more than that then it will be indicated in the example itself also note that there are no penalty for an incorrect answer the exam is available only in English language now we know of the examination pattern now let's discuss few other tips for the preparation on the exam how to prepare for AC under 3 exam the first step is to plan the module structure and study accordingly for example if you're going to implement is your backup then you must also know about how to create and configure the storage accounts along with configuration of azure files right so that you know the basics of implementing the configurations in storage accounts right you would require a lot of AC under 3 quotients and verified study materials in order to earn good passing scores right you can refer to the official curriculum and study guide to plan your module study and get the right information after that practice sample tests online once gained enough knowledge with this then you should be able to step up into the next part of practicing hands-on and this is the most crucial part in your learning journey you can easily perform hands-on and as your services since their job provides a free tier option for newbies and you get a 300 dollars of credit in your as your account once you're signed which is valid for almost a year practicing hands-on will not only help you in cracking the exams but it will also get you ready for your future job roles in addition to that check for the online training so that in case you have queries related to the subject you can clear them right away and experts help is always recommended last but not the least forums related to Microsoft edge or and search for questions related to your subject and check out the questions asked by the other people and go through the answers posted by the audience itself it will always be helpful for you last addition from my end desire go for dumps only when you are thought over the subject you might be able to play the exam and get certification from it but believe me guys you won't be job ready as during the interview without the practical approach you won't be able to crack it or be able to answer the questions asked by the interviewer because you took the shortcut to get certified right so beware of the shortcuts do a thorough study with the proper implementations in Azure and rise up in your career path now you might be wondering how to take time for all this research and study that is why v8 and telepath are here for you we understand that us professionals face problems to take time out for scaling up from the person life that is why we have done all the hard work for you and I've come up with a comprehensive course on easy hundreth recertification exam so let's move forward how is Z 203 came to existence so this before 203 certification exam was introduced ez 200 and 201 were in the picture in order to get certified as an is your associate developer but both of these exams got retired and AZ 203 took their place that is how it came into existence everything happens for a reason and there must be a reason behind the change right that we shall discuss as we move forward reason for the Sims so as in the early stages of microsoft certified is your developer associate certification Microsoft learning received a lot of negative feedbacks about the beta exam being very difficult for people to crack which are AZ 280 201 based on the feedbacks they decided to combine the AZ 280 201 certification exams into a single lazy 203 exam that is the developing solutions for Microsoft a short certification exam so as the combined AZ 203 exam is not merely a merging of the full is e 200 and AZ 201 certification exam so this AC 203 examples an approximately 70% of its objectives from the easy 200 exam and approximately 30 of its objectives from the AZ 201 exam as a result of the transition the EZ 200 and 201 certification exams are now retired and I'll no longer be able to schedule all protected additionally the transition exam ez 202 is also retired as a single ez 203 exam there's a singular part to earning the Microsoft Certified is your developer associate certification and guys for those of you who are early achievers out there this may be a bit frustrating for you I know that but the stage will simplify the certification process to attain it and is a good change to be made next why you should opt for AZ 203 certification so there's today Microsoft edge your developer is ruled out to be one of the most esteemed job titles in the cloud industry how since George is one of the pioneers in providing cloud services and it has got majority of its shares in cloud market worldwide after AWS which means greater job opportunities and no doubt it has been majorly used by a majority of the fortune 500 companies according to the latest report the average P often as your developer is more than $120,000 per annum and it isn't a secret that an experienced Microsoft Azure developer can earn up to $200,000 per annum so I guess this should be enough to satisfy a candidate who is willing to go for a Z 203 exam preparation moving forward in order to be well prepared for AZ 203 exam you must know that what are the prerequisites for the exam right so you need to have at least four years of experience in development of scalable solutions that span through the entire software development lifecycle including software design development deployment testing and maintenance you should have a prior experience and knowledge with these your platform also you must have a past experience in developing applications using the programming languages such as C sharp Python etc now let's move forward and discuss about the exam objectives due to the constant feedbacks about the exam being difficult Microsoft has divided the entire exam syllabus in six modules in order to ease the exam preparation let us discuss each of these modules below developing is your infrastructure-as-a-service computer solutions so guys this percentage figure that you see here that is 10 to 15% here basically indicates the relative weight is of the quotient from each of the modules if the percentage is higher then you should expect more quotients from that module and vice versa so in this module you need to be thoroughly prepared with creating containerized solutions implementing bad jobs by using is your bad services and implementing solutions that use virtual machines second develop is your platform as-a-service compute solutions where it holds the weight is of 20 to 25 percent in exams covering topics like creating a short app servers web apps and API apps so also it covers the topic such as as your app services mobile apps and implementing a short functions third developing is your storage holding weight is of 15 to 20 percent covering the topics like developing solutions that use blob storage relational database cosmos database storage and storage tables fourth one is implementing edge or security holding a weight is of 15 to 20 percent and covering topics and implementing access control authentication and secure data solutions fifth one is monitoring troubleshooting and optimizing as your solutions holding abilities of 15 to 20 percent in the exam instrumenting solutions to support monitoring and logging integrating caching and content delivery with solutions and developing code to support scalability of apps and services are being covered in this module and the last one is connect to an expense is your services and third-party services which holds evaders of 20 to 25 percent in exam and covering topics and establishing API gateways integrating is your search within solutions and developing an app service logic app now let's move forward and discuss about the exam pattern no doubt the AC 203 exam is one of the most challenging exams in the IT industry although the number of portions and this exam are subject to change over time you can expect around 40 to 60 questions in this exam and also you can expect different quotient formats and tie-ups in the sex out including the viewscreen mark review multiple choices short answer hot area repeated so choices drag and drop case studies the best answer an active streak all the quotients in this exam can follow any of these quotient binders you will get around 150 minutes to complete the examination with an additional 30 minutes of setting time for good results in the exams it is required to follow the weight is associated with the exam module during your AC 203 exam preparation the pricing depends on which location you are taking your exam from for an example if you're taking your exam in USA then it is going to cause you around 165 dollars but if you are taking it in India then you will have to pay an amount of 4,800 Indian rupees and the pricing is subject to change without a notice from country to country as the pricing does not include applicable taxes you need to confirm with your examination provider for an exact fee if you're a student then you can get a fee reduction in the exam if you can submit your valid education credentials Microsoft trainers and Academy program members are also eligible for reduced pricing most of the Microsoft technical quotients require a passing score of 700 easy 203 is not an exception error any school greater or equal to 700 will be marked as false otherwise it will be marked as field so most of the short quotients in this exam are any question is worth more than that then it will be indicated in the exam pattern sir also note that there are no penalty for an incorrect answer the exam is available only in English language as we know of the examination pattern now let's discuss few of the tips for the preparation of the exam how to prepare for AC 203 exam so there is the first step is to plan the module structure and study accordingly for an example if you're going to start with the app services and containers then make sure you have already covered the topics for creating the app services containers container images and aqua files so that you know the basics of implementing app services in the container you would require a lot of a-z 203 questions and verified study materials to earn good passing scores you can refer to the official curriculum and study guide to plan your module study and get the right information after that practice sample tests online once gained enough knowledge then you should be able to step up into the next part of practicing hands-on and this is the most crucial part in your learning journey you can easily perform hands on an edge or services since a job provides a free tier option for newbies and you get a $300 of credit in your edge or account once you've signed which is valid for almost a year practicing hands on will not only help you in cracking the exam but it will also get you ready for your future job roles in addition to that check for the online trainings so that in case you have queries related to the subject you can clear them right away and experts help is always recommended last but not least join the forums related to Microsoft a short and search for questions related to your subject and check out the quotients asked by other people and go through the answers posted by the audience itself it will always be helpful for you so where is the last edition from my unless I go for dumps only when you are taurah with the subject you might be able to clear the exam and get certification from it but believe me you won't be job ready as during the interview without the practical approach you won't be able to crack it or able to answer a quotient by interview because you took the shortcut to get certified right so beware of the shortcuts do a thorough study with the proper implementations and I short and rise up in your career path now you might be wondering how to take time for all this research and study right that is why v8 and telepath are here for you we understand that us professionals face problems to take time out for skilling up from the personal life right that is why we have done all the hard work for you and have come up with a comprehensive course on a-z 203 certification exam if you are interested then you can go through the course details with the link provided in the description box before ASA 300 and easier 301 was introduced 75 35 was the examination conducted to certify as n as your architect let's see the reason behind this change we all definitely have a good number of applications on the field every time there's a new update for the application you'll receive a pop-up notification asking you to update the application the same way as your hand new features added to it every year once every time there is an update the examinations also have to be updated hence the transition the scope of the 75 35 exam was to focus exclusively on design and architectural elements and eliminate practical implication details but asura is at 300 and is at 301 focuses on Azure architect technologies and Azure architect design respectively now as we know why this transition has happened let's see what is thought in Azure is at 300 in assured is at 300 and 301 the test consists of 139 questions as or is at 300 follows the following objectives the deploy on configure infrastructure module consists 34% of questions in the examination implement workloads and security module as 23% of the questions based from this module create and deploy apps has 10% of the questions in the examination implement authentication and secure data eight-person of the questions are based on this domain develop the cloud has 25% of the questions pasted from this domain in the examination next let's see what is thought in Azure 301 and what percentage of questions are asked from the each module buzzer is a 300 follows the following objectives determining workload requirements which has 10 to 15% of the questions based on this domain designing for identity and security has 20 to 25% designing a data platform solution has 15 to 20% designing a business continuity strategy has 15 to 20% designing for deployment migration and integration has 10 to 15 cent of the questions and last designing an infrastructure strategy has 15 to 20 percent of the questions based on this domain in the examination next let's see on why you should learn or opt for is a 300 and 301 to become an azure solution architect expert you need to get certified by Microsoft what happens once you get certified your chances of getting hired gets increased by twenty five to thirty percent also in addition to that you also get paid more compared to the peers who are not certified next let's see what are the prerequisites required to learn is at three hundred and is a three hundred and one for admin you will need basic networking knowledge basic OS knowledge knowledge of PowerShell basic understanding of Active Directory concepts including domain users and domain controllers and basic understanding of database concepts including table and simple queries for development you will need experience with azure programming in at least one as your supported language which is C sharp C sharp script JavaScript Java or Python in addition to that a minimum one year of experience in developing scalable solutions through phases of software development is also required to learn easy at three hundred and is a 301 at a faster and better rate now let's move on to the basics required for the examination the ACA 300 and is a 301 exams are one of the most challenging exams in the IT industry although the number of questions in the ACA 300 and exam is subject to change over time you can expect around 40 to 60 questions if you are taking this exam now you can expect questions formats and types in this exam including review screen mark review multiple choice short answer hot area repeated answer choices drag and drop key studies will list the best answer and active screen just like in the case of number of questions it is not necessary that you will get all these types of question in the exam but all the questions in the exam will follow any of these question types you will get around 115 minutes to complete the examination with an additional 30 minutes of sitting time for good results in the exam it's required to follow the weight associated with each exam module during your ace at 300 exam preparation the pricing depends on which location you are taking your exam from for example if you're taking the exam in u.s. then you'll have to pay about 165 dollars but if you are taking it in India then you'll have to pay the four thousand eight hundred rupees the pricing is subject to change without notice from country to country as the pricing doesn't include applicable taxes you need to confirm with your examination provider for an exact fee if you are a student you are eligible for a free reduction in the exam if you can submit your valid educational credentials Microsoft Partner Network program members Microsoft trainers and Academy program members are also eligible for reduced pricing most of the Microsoft technical questions require a passing score of 700 is at 300 and 301 is not an exception any score greater than or equal to 700 will be marked as pass otherwise it will be marked as fail most of the short answer questions in this exam are worth 1 point if any question is worth more than that it will be indicated in the question part itself also note that there are no penalty for incorrect answers the exam is available only in English language as we now know what the examination pattern is let's see few tips to prepare for the exam how to prepare for is a 300 and is a 301 the first step to take when constructing your study plan is to plan accordingly and knowing your modules you will need a lot of a solid 300 and is at 301 questions and verified studying materials to earn a good passing score in ace at 300 and 301 examination refer the official study guide to get the right information once you're done with that practice sample tests on with this knowledge I think it is safe to step up your game by practicing hands-on this is the most important step in your learning journey are you wondering how you would perform hands-on for the other services let me tell you how as you provide a free tier option for newbies you get a $300 credit and your Azure account once you sign up which is valid for almost a year this will not only help you in cracking the exam but it will also get you ready for your future job role in addition to that check for trainings online so that in case you have any queries related to the subject you can clear them right away and experts health is always recommended last but not the least join forums related to Microsoft Azure look up for questions pertaining to your subject check out the questions asked by other people and also go through the answer it may always come in handy at last a suggestion if you search there are numerous shortcuts to getting yourself certified in any particular exam like going through exam dumps or previously conducted as your exams although that might help you crack the exam it will take away the experience you get when you learn everything in-depth and believe me I've been to and conducted numerous interviews for as your profiles people who get certified they are not job ready why because they took the shortcut to get themselves certified so beware of all these shortcuts do a thorough study with proper implementations in Azure and rise up in your career ladder now you might be wondering how to take time out of all this research and study that is where we at in telepathy offered we at in telepath understand that you as professionals face problems to take time out from skilling up from your personal life that's why we have done all the hard work for you and have come up with a comprehensive course on is at 300 and is at 301 certification eggs if you are interested you can go through the course details with the link provided in the description box okay guys we've come to the end of this session I hope this session on Microsoft Azure was useful for you and if you have any doubts feel free to comment over below and be allowed to help you out thank you
Channel: Intellipaat
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Keywords: what is azure, microsoft azure training, azure tutorial for beginners, azure tutorial, azure training for beginners, azure certification, microsoft azure certification, azure certification training, microsoft azure tutorial for beginners, what is microsoft azure, azure cloud, microsoft azure tutorial, azure storage, microsoft azure, azure training, what is cloud computing, windows azure, azure devops, aws vs azure, intellipaat, azure course, Microsoft Azure Course
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Length: 214min 11sec (12851 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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