Power BI Training | Power BI Tutorial For Beginners | Intellipaat

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In today's technology driven world, data has become the pivot around which numerous Companies revolve. It has become a matter of innate necessity for companies to harness the volumetric information that they ingest and subsequently garner those data values that are both usable and insightful for them. In this session, we will talk about the background story that led to the genesis of Power BI We will discuss power BI as a tool. We'll talk about different features of Power BI. After that, we will present a demo on how to install Power BI. After that, we will talk about transforming, shaping and modeling data fallen, which we will talk about Data Visualization and finally conclude the session with a demo on how to generate Power BI Reports before beginning the tutorial. Let us take some time and meet Sam Tom and Daisy. Sam and Tom are just like you who want to learn. Bobby and Daisy is a Power BI expert who works in an MNC. Let's begin the tutorial then. It there a background story. That led to the genesis of Power BI. Well, certainly there is. And we are gonna tell you that there are four major factors that kind of inspired Microsoft to come up with Power BI need for BI data sources, limitations of managed BI and trends in BI. First comes the need for BI before BI companies face great difficulties while conducting their business operations and reporting, analyzing and collaborating with each other to make the most out of their data sources. Data was getting ingested from multiple sources, including on premise databases, cloud databases, SaaS providers and other files. And companies were not able to process all of this information as a whole. This led to certain limitations. What are these limitations? There were various problems with regular BI that companies were vested into. These included time and budget constraints and failing to keep up with the evolving demands of their customers. Also, there was a lot of dependency on third party vendors for report generation. In addition to that, there were certain trends in BI that were emerging and Microsoft had to do something to find a solution for all those problems that were there beforehand and keep up with the trends. Companies had by now realized that hiring third party vendors for analyzing data did not make much business sense. Therefore, they were in pursuit of certain tools or solutions that would empower them with self-service reporting. Also, there was a prevailing adoption of BI in the marketplace. So did we find a solution? Well, we did. And this is where Self Service BI supplanted traditional BI altogether. Self Service BI is basically an environment where companies do not depend on IT to generate reports. Sounds alluring rate. Well, it truly is. So what are the advantages of Self Service BI ? The advantages are many. Apart from eliminating the use of complex programming skills for report generation Self Service BI allows users to share the reports that they have generated. But how can we implement Self Service BI? Is there a particular tool or solution for doing this? Well, brace yourselves and say hello to Power BI This highly advanced product from Microsoft is a set of tools that enables users to connect, visualize and analyze data with greater efficiency and speed. Now Sam has a question. What can we do with Power BI? You can do many things withPower Bi, but basically Power BI and average users to transform data into visuals and shared them with their colleagues, explored and analyzed data from all sources and scale across organizations with building governance and security. There are two different versions of Power BI Power BI desktop Power BI a service and mobile Power BI via Power BI desktop is an on premise application for Windows 10. Power BI services is mostly developed as a cloud offering and mobile. Power BI is a mobile app that allows users to access Power BI on their mobile devices. But why is Power BIa this popular well-tanned? Its competence and these components are meant to let users create unshared business insights in a way that fits best to their business rules. There are five different components of Power BI. Power query and Power pivot are engines that help transform data while Power query fetches and Clean Data The process data is loaded onto power pivot. Next comes Power View. This is a data visualization technology that lets users create interactive charts and maps and other visuals that bring data to life. Following them comments Power MAP and power Q&A power map enables the processing of accurate geographic locations in datasets. And power Q & A makes it possible for users to interact with reports with simple English language. Now some want to learn more about Power Bi Desktop Now that we have the basic understanding of Power Bi, let us drill down deep into Power Bi Desktop Power Bi Desktop combines Microsoft Spark Query engine with data modeling and visualization for enabling users to create interactive reports. There are three different views in Power Bi Desktop stop, each of which serve a different purpose. First comes report view In report view users can add visualizations and additional report pages. They can also publish reports to the portal. Indeed, the new data shaping can be performed using Query data tools and Thirdly comes relationship view here. Relationships between datasets can be managed. What about Power Bi service than Tom is really curious. Well, as Power Bi service works on cloud, businesses can use it to design intuitive dashboards, which in turn can help control each facet of that business both effectively and efficiently. There are six aspects to Power Bi services oversight. First comes licensing. You can choose a Power Bi account, either a free one or Power Bi a pro substitution account. Manage users who are a part of the Power Bi network of your organization to talent management. You can use Data Sets to import data from on premise cloud databases, files and SAS connectors. Also scrap data from a web page and to Power BI tables using datasets. Use Roller's security to restrict the data that a user can view in your network. Also, you can Share packaged reports, dashboards and datasets as contained pacts with fellow users in Power BI and interact with reports by asking questions using natural language queries, which is essentially the basis of the power Q&A feature. Moving ahead, let us traverse through the key features of Power Bi first comes artificial intelligence. As you are coordinating services, bring together a set of powerful and pre-training models for intelligent applications. Hybrid deployments support provides built-in connectors that allow Power Bi tools to connect with different data sources from Microsoft, Salesforce and other vendors. Naturally query language enables users to interact with reports and ask for specific data. Microsoft has also integrated Cortana with Power BI to enable conversational BI users are flexibility to customize business reports as per their business requirements. API is for integration are available to provide programmatic access to dashboard resources such as datasets, tables and rows through self-service data prep data flows can be used to ingest Glenns transform, integrate, enrich and skemetize data from a large array of transactional and observational sources with modeling view. Users can break out complex models by subject area into separate diagrams. Now I'll show you how to install Power BI on windows 10 desktop for that. All you need to do is open a browser and I'm using Google Chrome in Google Chrome. What do you need to do is open the Microsoft Power BI web site. So I typed Microsoft Power BI, click the first link over here and this page comes up and here you will always find an option start for free. What this means is that you can download the Power BI Desktop for free, and then if you need a subscription account, you can continue it further. So I will start for free and now I will find this popup. And now this is another option that I get to download for free. So click over here. And now this popup menu appears and you have two options away or so. And as we know that Power BI is a product from Microsoft, you can directly downloaded from the Microsoft store. So open Microsoft Store. By doing this, the product will download automatically and install on its own. And once that is done, you will see this that this product is installed and you can launch it directly from here, as I had already install my product. I was not going through all that process, so I will launch the product directly. Not power BI desktop will open new once It's open and menu will appear and you will have to fill in your credentials after that. Click on sign and here you'll have to use a professional account. I'll be using the account of a friend of mine. OK, that was a mistake. Yeah. So sign after, enter the password. Unfortunately, have a password. So we have signed in to Power BI Desktop And this ishow Power BI Desktop looks like as we are discussed. There are three different views and Power BI Desktop report view, Data View and Model View In addition to that, you have three different menus in the whole menu. You have these options. You have get data, enter data. edit, new page, new visual, Buttons and all of that. So what you can do is, I mean, before starting the process of creating a report in Power BI Desktop you need to import data in to it first. And for doing that, you need to click on get data. Once you click on get data, you will find these many options. Now, what does this mean? This means that Power BI Desktop, I can take in data from a huge number of sources. I mean, it doesn't have to be a particular Excel file. It can be anything. As you can see, you can click on more over here. Now our list will appear. Now, these are the different sources which are compatible with Microsoft, Power BI Desktop So you can take it directly from files. Excel CSV XML Json Pdf Anything you can take it from directly databases. All these databases are fine. You can directly taken Power BI files which have a dot PBI exstension You can take it from Azure other online sources and other ways that include R script Python odbc Spark. I mean, any kind of data can be ingested over here and this will work absolutely fine. Now this is the beauty of Power BI Desktop Or you can click on enter data and enter your data manually. You will find this option column. You can input the column and then enter values as per your requirement. You can simply edited and then load it. You also have edit queries option. Here you can. Once you have created a table, you can edit queries and you can use queries to extract specific information from that people. Or you can click over here from Marketplace. You have to. You will find these options. These are different visualizations. You can take it directly from the Microsoft website where it's absolutely free to download or from my organization. If you see, because we don't use Power BI as of now, we don't have any custom visuals. You can use custom visuals. And under my organization, you simply have to click it and then extract the visual directly. You can also switch themes over here. And after that. Now, I'll give you a view of all the views that we have. First comes report View. now, this is where actually the report is created in the report view. You have two specific panes over here. The visualization pane and the fields pane in visualization Pane you find these many visualization options, once you enter a dataset. You can visualize it with these many options. You have different things. Stack bar chart. Column. Chart. Clustered bar chart. Clustered column chart. hundred percent start bar chart. As per your requirement, you have many other things and you can use any of it. You also have line and stop column chart when you have multiple parameters in your table. And if you want to show a graph of multiple things, you can use all of this. You can also use doughnut charts pie chart scatter chart. And you don't have to worry. I will tell you exactly how to use these things in our next time. You can also take data directly from our script visuals and python visual you can create your reports and these visuals. Also, all these options are available and all you need to do is click on a visual. And once you have the data in it, all your parameters will appear over here in this field spin and you can directly select a parameter and drag it over the axis on which you want to project it. There will be two axis as X and Y and you can put it directly over here. And there are other options also. You can add data fields over here add data values over here. And these are the filters if you want to apply also. In addition, we have these options and all this will be active and we enter some data set. That is the only reason why this is not active right now. But I will tell you, I'll give you an overview. You have the title thing over here. You can enter the title. You can customize your background, the lock, aspect general things. You can give a broader visual header and all those things. And analytics is not available for this visual as we have not enter any data. One that is done next comes data view here, you can edit your data. You can manage it with very editing tools edit your queries And once you have parameters in your data, you can manage those parameters directly from here. And then we have this modeling view. What you can do in the modelling view is that. Suppose you have a big report and you have to break it down to make it more understandable or break down into modules. So what you can do, you can simply enjter the data over here and break it down. I will show you how to do that. So this is how the Power BI Desktop basically looks like in our next demo. I will generate the report and tell you how exactly can we work in Microsoft, Power BI Desktop. Now that we have installed Power BI let us understand how data sets and data types work the data that you import from other sources needs to be typed correctly in the first phase plus, you might also have to change the data types as different sources may have different data types. I mean, the question arises. Where does this data stored in Power BI data is mostly stored, in fact, tables and dimension tables. In fact table holds the data to be analyzed and a dimensioned table stores data about the ways in which the data and the fact table can be analyzed. Now, it is really important to note that these tables are connected and work in sync with each other. Now, when we talk about tables, it is a shorten that there will be data relationships right. How can we manage them? I don't think before managing them it is necessary to create them in the first place. So if there are no null values and duplicate roles in those facts and dimensioned tables, you can create data relationships. And there are two ways to do that in Power BI. Either you can do it manually or you can use Power BI inherent autodidact feature. What happens in the autodidacts feature is that Power BI traverses through your data directly and finds potential data relationships and creates them on its own. Now let's see how data relationships can be managed. Data relationships can be managed with primary and foreign keys. What are primary keys then? It Primary Key is a special relational database table column which is specifically designated to uniquely identify all table records. But a foreign key is defined in the second table, but refers to the primary key in the first table. And the relationship between these two keys is the stronger of how tables are connected. For managing data relationships even better Power BI equips users with gross filtering the cross filtering direction of relationships and data sets affects how Power BI treats the tables and visualizations and reports. There are two types bi directional and single directional bi directional cross filtering allows modellers to determine how they want filters to flow for data. Using relationships between tables and single directional cross filtering will filter one table based on another table. Sam is curious if he needs to shape and transformed data before using it in Power BI Well, if required, he must do it and he can do it using the Power BI query editor here. Users can load data from a wide number of sources and apply transformation on them directly. They are four options home, transform, add column and view. And when applied in the right order, these options can help transform data in a really quick manner. Let's move on. What does shipping data? It is the process of transforming data so that it becomes best for your reports. This can be done implicitly, in Power BI the most common techniques of shaping data are removing columns and rows, renaming them modifying data types, adding columns and indexes and applying a sort order. Not all wants to know why do we need to transform data? If data is not structurally appropriate, we might have to transform it. And this can be done using the query editor. In addition, the table group offers functions to quickly transform data. So what are these functions? These are grouped by count rows split column use first row as headers any column datatype transpose fill, rename columns, reverse rows, move and replace values and errors. So using these functions, you can directly transform data and these being library functions. You don't need any extension for using them. Now the question arises. when a data is transformed. How do we merge it? There are two ways to do this. First is merging columns two tables must have a joining column. Their values will match, and when values match, users can easily join both of those tables. And the second is a pending rules. Take rows from one or more table and add them to the first table and both the tables will be connected together. Now what we understand this about tables Let us move on and understand what the DAX queries really mean. So what are these? DAX is basically a formula language which is specifically designed to work with relational data. There are many applications DAX. Basically, they are used in expressions to calculate return values, help perform complex calculations and draw specific insights from data. Also, data can be manipulated in power bi using calculated tables and calculated columns. What are these in calculated tables? One formula is created using DAX Query and that formula automatically adjust each value in each tool. Similarly calculated tables are created in the same manner. But they're useful for intermediate calculations and specific data of which uses one included in their data models and using all these features. Intuitive business reports can be generated really quickly. Now Sam wants to create some Power BI reports. Well, we will show that in the upcoming demo, but before that he must know the basic steps that lead to creating reports. First comes page layout and formatting report pages can be customized and page name page size, his background and page views can be modified. as per requirement also. Chart's can be created and as we demonstrated on last demo, there are several charged that are implicitly available in Power BI. These include bar &. Column Charts line and area chart line and column scatted and Bubble pie and doughnut table and Matrix maps are usuals and other charts. What's more surprising is that geographic data can also be included. And this can be done through map charts. Bing Maps is integrated with Power BI i.e. to ensure that users do not need longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates to include geographic data in their datasets by creating reports. And if everything goes as planned, you will successfully generate an insightful report on your business data. Now I'll show you how to generate a Power BI a report. For that, I need to open Power BI Desktop first. So I will open Power BI Desktop And you can see this is myPower BI Desktop and it is open on what I need to do in the first place to start. I need to import my data source because without data we cannot create a new report. And for that I need to click on Get data This is the easiest way to import your data and I need to select the file format. And because my file or data set, which I'm going to use to show you this is in Excel format, I will simply click over Excel and Connect. Once you do that, you will find this browse menu or browse option, whatever you want to say And from over there, you have to browse and select your file. I don't need to browse it because it's right here. So I will simply click on it and open. Once I do that, I find these options. Over here I can see the number of sheets that they have in that Excel file and I have only one sheet. So it's kind of mentioned over here. Now I need to select this. However, you can select as many sheets as you want if there are multiple sheets. So once I select this, I get a preview of that sheet with parameters and value. So this is basically how my data looks like. I have fuel-economy cylinder display horsepower. real axil retio. Then I have read cuesec number of forward gears and carburetors. So what does this basically mean? So this is kind of the internal parameters in a car. So I'm going to make an actionable dashboard or report using which you will be able to understand this data more clearly. So for now, I've selected this and I'll click on load. Now I can see that my data is loaded over here. And how can I see that? I can see that because in this field section, I can see my sheet one over here and under that. These are my parameters. So using these parameters, I can create graphs and visualize them. And how can we do that? For doing that or for creating a graph or visualization in the first place? I have to select a visualization out of these options. Suppose I need I want to create a column chart. So I'll simply click on column chart. As you can see, this visualization opens. And when this opens I would simply expanded to make sure that this is clearly visible to you. Now that this is open, I will go on and considered on my parameters. What I mean to say is that I need to select the parameters using which I will create the graph before doing that. I want you to see these two things. So this is the field spin and this is the format pin. In the fields spin you have different options. Access legend.. Value tooltips. Then you have filters and drilled through. So what you need to do here is start. You have to take a parameter from here and drop it over here. Basically, this axis represents x axis, value represents y axis. So this is basically an area using which you can control your parameters. So we will work on that. Suppose I want to see a graph between, OK, let's say weight and number of forward gears. So I will take a number of forward gears and drop it over here. You see this ad, data fields here right I simply drop it on top of that So that will be loaded. And the next thing I need to do this, I will take this weight and drop over here. Added data fields here under value. I will drop it over there so instantaneously. You can see that a graph is generated. Now, what does this graph mean? It basically means the start the number of gears that I have supposed that are three gears in my car or four or five forward gears. Accordingly, the weight is getting changed. As you can see, if I click over here, this gets selected and this gets deselective. So what to do now? Suppose I am not happy with the title of my visualization. What I can do is start I can go to the format, pin in my format PIN, I can click titles and in place of weird by a number of forward gears, I can simply write graph one. This is just to show you. So I write graph 1 If I want I can change the font color. I'll change it to this color. i don't know what We call this OK. I'll change it to this. But still my alignment is over here, so I will make it center aligned. But still it is not clearly visible. so I'll increase the text size, as you can see now that it is kind of visible. I will switch on or. enable the borders. Okay. And on top of that, I will make sure that data labels are on. So what happens with data lables is that You get instantaneous data. I mean, look at the graph and you can judge if you don't want this. You can simply move your mouse. cursor over here and you will find data. So on taking my mouse pointer on here, what I can see is that number of forward gears. is 3 and where does fifty eight point 39 over here. Number Forward gears is 4. weight is thirty one point four zero and that is how the graph is working. But now if I want to see this graph but as a stat bar. So what I need to do is that will simply click on this tag bar over here and I can see this as a bar or if I want this as 100 percent stockpot. So i'll click that And you can see the difference. But hundred percent doesn't work because we only have two parameters. All Suppose I need a line chart. Click on the line chart and I can see the differences for three it is fifty eight point fifty nine for 4 it is as thirty one point four zero for five it is thirteen point one six. So that is how it works. Now suppose I want to see this as an area chart. I click that and it happens. So you can customize your visualizations the way you want, but these were only for two parameters. Now suppose I want to add more parameters over here. So what I will do is I will select the right option from here. Let's say I will select line and stack column chart. So what will happen over here is start in this field pane I will get one more option with the name line values. Now I can add one more parameter over here. Now suppose I want to see my fuel economy. So what I need to do is that did this fuel economy and drop it over here and you can see the fuel economy appears as a graph. It's quite clear right see, just because there is no value of weight over here, we can see only number of forward gears and fuel economy. But if I move my cursor over here, I can kind of see everything. Now suppose I want to add one more parameter over here. Suppose I want to add number of cylinders with weight. So what I need to do is start I will take cylinders and put it over here under this weight added. So as you can see, my graph change. So here I can see my cylinder value. Here I can see my gear to weight ratio and here I can see my fuel economy. Now I want to create one more draft. So this is done. I can minimize it. Take this to a corner. And now suppose I need to add an API So i'll click that that key performance indicators. So what I will do is that once I select that, I will simply select fuel economy and drag it on, indicate i'll take horsepower and drag it to its axis. Now when I added horsepower to trend axis, you can see i see a value over here. And what does that mean? See, there are different filters over here also. If I want I can apply. Filters is greater than then apply filter, but there are not much parameters over here, so there is no point of doing that. So what this basically does is that. It kind of adds value. You see sum over here. If I want average i'll click on average, you see a graph. It was changing. Suppose I want count as one suppose. Now I want standard deviation. So what this necessarily means is that this value or the indicator is the fuel economy and the trend axis that is going in the background. That actually means the horsepower. And as you can see, it is continuously changing for these different aspects. So count the stink. It's one. And this also changes accordingly. Suppose I need minimum fifteen. So this is store fuel economy. And this is changing in the back on the horsepower Now suppose I need to create a doughnut chart or a pie chart. Let's create a pie chart. So i change that for pie charts. As you can see, you can see different options over here. If I select this or this, I'd be selected. So let's maximize this to make it easy to understand for you. As you can see in this pie chart, different values that appear. So here the hotspot is 65. Minimum of fuel economy is thirty three point nine zero. Similarly, it changes. So this is again, a ring chart. Or doughnut chart, as we say. Again, this means the same. So this is how you can work around Power BI Desktop You can change your values. Or if I want, I can add one more horsepower over here in this values and I will see this. So this basically shows horsepower and the shows the sum of it. I want average cyclic on average and I can see the values changing with all. Maximize that. See. Now. Suppose I want standard deviation, this change in. And switch on my title Yeah. And now i'll give a title tag Let's see, horse power indicator. Fine. As you can see, my title appears over here. I will change its alignment, increase the size. So now I want to see my median. So I click on median and my median changes. So this is how Power BI generally acts. Now I can do one more thing. I can simply select any of these values, drag it and drop it in this canvas directly by doing that. Just because this is a single value column, chart is created and Power BI does it on its own because Power BI Desktop has the ability to kind of understand the data that we're ingesting. And it clears with vizualizatiopns on its own. Now, let's see, I take horsepower and put it on top of here. So a new graph is created. So this is like horsepower versus display. But now I'm not happy with this and I want the change. this so, I Simply select this graph. Click this, Gotch. Now you can see your changes So there are many ways how to create visualizations. This is how you can do it. So we created this graph. We created this indicator. We have this. KPI in this KPI, you can see all these different values. We have this indicator. So now what we can do is that. Suppose I am done with this and this is the report that I wanted to generate. So now now I have to publish this. But before that, I need to save it first. So I'll save as report one and this report one will have an extension of PB IX That means it's a power Bi file And I will save it. Save it in my desktop. So save. So this is saved. So what this means is that. I can take that file and click on any windows 10, an operating system or any desktop which has windows 10 And it and if it has Power BI, then this will open directly. On top of that, I can click on publish by doing that. I will publish this report to the web. See, i'll show you, if I click on publish, it will be taken to my workspace, so I will select my workspace. Now this report one has been published by Power BI See, now it is published so I can open report or report dot PBIX in PowerBI What this means is that once I click on this, I will open Power BI Service As we see we open Power BI service over here, so I'll sign in. I will use to same account that I was using. I'll enter the password and signing. So this is my power BI Service, this cloud service. And this is not free, actually, but for first. first 60 days, you can use it for free. So as you can see over here, I have several options. I can see shared with me no one to share in the contact. And this account so I can't see anything. I can click over my workspace. And over here I will find on the report's report one I click on report one and I find my report. You can see this report right and now this is on the web. So for sharing this, I can either share it with someone by clicking on this option or copy this link and send this link to the person whom I want to share this. And by simply accessing this on any browser, they can open this report directly. So in this portion, what we can do is that we can pin this Pin live page so in pin a live page I'll click this I will create a new dashboard under the name, let's say Roshan or BI demo. Then I'll pin it live now as it has pin to dashboard. So either you can create a phone view or go to dashboard. Or I can do one thing. I can simply or if I want to add more visuals over there, I can simply then this visual existing dashboard Roshan Power BI Demo And once I pin those things, I can find my dashboards over here in the left side under this dashboard. I have this Roshan Power BI Demo, I'll click over here and I find my options. I had this display that had been later and I had this whole report in the first place. So if you remember, we had this power Q&A feature so you can simply ask questions about your data directly or here using simple English and you will get answers. So suppose I will write total weight And I find that all the little weight is one hundred two point nine five. Suppose I want to see display. See display and I find it here. All I need to do is that. Suppose I want to display minus total weight. It can display the vision. OK. But that is how it basically works. Over here you can find your usage metrics. And you can simply click over here and open it. That's how it works. So this is basically all about power BI And finally, if you want to share this, simply click over, share this dashboard, enter an e-mail address with whom you want to share. Suppose I want to share this with Roshan dot Intellipaat at G-mail dot com. See, now you will find this message, one of most e-mail addresses with the following domains and outside your organization. G-mail dot com. Just because my account was created by the extension Intellipaat dot com I can't use gmail dot com. I have to share this with someone who has an extension gmail.com so I will write bala@Intellipaat.com and it works so I can share this with people who work in my organization. That's all on top of that. You can provide access also. You can. Once they are your partners, or you are connected to them Power BI , you can provide your colleagues access with your also. So this is pretty much it about how Power BI works Now we have created our first basic dashboard with Power BI We have good range of visualizations here. So, no, let's publish this to the cloud Power BI service. So you're still on Power BI desktop as published this to Power BI service so far that we need to have a account. So I already have an account. I am I have logged in it. So when you launch power BI desktop, it will ask you if you have the account log in. So I had an account, so I logged it. So that's where you can see my name here. So. Now I want to publish this to Power BI service. I simply click on this icon and clicking on this icon will take. I already have some files and a dataset named Lance Transportation car data on the cloud service Lets rephrase that But this file, this this Analysis file will be new. OK, got it published. Published to Power BI So if you want to open, you can click on this link and you can go there you can log into user cloud account and you can see that analytics there So what i'll do I click it here. OK. Let's not do this with I. OK, first, let's get let's get open. So there's a link, copy this link. Get out of here. It close the dataframe. We don't need it now. So it'll ask for the log in. So I had this Microsoft account. It's asking for mobile authentication. Google, this is probably a closed service. This is a dashboard that I just created. OK, so this is the actionable dashboard. You click on data, the data get filtered. You see, this is a data. So the filter works on all levels of data. So if you want to select multiple bars you can control and click. You can click. You can press, control and select multiple buyers of data. Yeah, so this is actually Dashboard now we have in power BI cloud service. This is how the cloud service looks like. So when you deploy a report that will come here. In this section, reports. In this section, so not from here you can compose. master dashboard. What you can do, you can select the icons, select total revenue, you click on them. it'll ask you to create a new dashboard or to any other existing dashboard, i'll select new dashboard. i'll Limitize this dashboard and just pin it OK, I see this in new dashboard. Got created here and we can see that. As a tile here, that visualization is a tile here. Now, if I click on this tile, it will take you back to that. Report that Dashboard underlaying report we can pin multiple visualizations there. Yeah, yeah, lens, dashboard. One more KPI And then. Let's go check our dashboard. This is all this dashboard looks. You can arrange them. conveniently This drag and drop. So you don't develop any visualizations here. So this is a Pinning from already existing dashboards. This this acts as a master dashboard. If you click on that so it's too soon aggregated. Brief overview of the data, if we can if we can pin Visualizations from multiple dashboards into this. Canvas OK. Let's leave it there. The natural, natural language query option that I showed you. Is not available at a report level, is not availability level, but it is at a master dashboard level. When we have Pin something here now we see here, ask a question of what your data. I can comfortably ask a question like this. Total Revenue. So this is my total revenue. You see there. That's my total revenue. In August. You can select a month, particular month it change to see total revenue. This is in August. You saw the variance that suggest total variance This is my total revenue in August. This is the total revenue in August. Revenue. Revenue by. Source city. So let's select here city. I will see what top five revenue I have no visitations for all this top 5 revenue. By Source City. Origins date. Our Origin City. OK. So generally come up in descending order just. I can change a chart type also here. That line chart, I can see it as a line chart or a bar chart. I can take it just not that once you. Once you start composing, once you finish creating a visualization, you can actually do some more enhancements. You can go to visualization fields level. If you don't want this as a bar, you want this as a pie chart. You can convert that into a pie and you want to change color schemes. You can change. You can do further, further modifications and then straight away pin that visualisation To your dashboard. Let's see if I'll get back to the dashboard. You have that here. You have that sweet buy here. created by. Human computer interaction. Yeah. It's not that tough arranging this okay there, you. fine so now. So this is this is maester Dashboard, so here you can playstyles, you can know when you click them, you'll get back to the original reports. You can turn natural language queries. Yeah, you can compose. You can create ad hoc reports like that. So that's one ad hoc reporter that I created by this. Okay. So you can start sharing your application from here. You can go you can check out the notifications that you have. select particular visualisation. And. So this menu is getting changed every now and then as i told you that this is highly evolved tool right now and a lot of. Enhancements, improvements that are being made to this application. There is this option. Okay. So, yeah. so we have no notifications So I think. Suggest that share options is disabled here So we can add accounts here. So if you have any power BI subscription users, you can add them, you can add the users to this report. Here, I'll show that shortly. So now here's the another. another way in which you can publish this report is by creating it as an embedded copy, so when you click on this, publish to PeB so it'll create. A copy embed copy. So you see this a frame code here. Yeah, you close this. Now anybody with a link with this link? Can access can and less can view our analytics. So this can be freely embedded into any application. So this is Power BI embedded. You see, this is a page, you don't get all that futures. Here are the settings. Filters dashboard options. Yeah. At the moment, there is no natural language Query support. Also in this embadded copy. But still, this is an actionable dashboard. You can still click this view data. Check, check everything. Check everything that you are interested in. So this this is possible. So this is possible with the. Power BI, embedded This is the other way. So this is an easy integration into other applications. Your existing reporting applications. Quickly indecatable so. And so just created that. Link oK. So we have two sets work books. There are multiple options here. We will keep exploring the options as and then we progress in our course. So for now. So that's an end to end flow. So we created an application in our desktop Power BI desktop, we created a dashboard. The published that to the net. Power BI cloud service. We got that here on the report section. We pinned some. We've seen some visualizations to the dashboard. We created a new dashboard we pinned? Actually, we can pin the entire page, this entire page. We can build into our dashboard. OK. And there we used some natural query languages and we also show how to publish it to the Internet. OK. You see you year. We have the share option. OK. We have options here of Share Dashboard level. This is what I wanted to show you. So if you click on this review, was there a panel here? So anybody with cloud subscription, that e-mail address, if you add that here. Yeah. You can grant access. So email will be sent to them. And once they logging in their workspace, in their workspace, they will see other dash our reports. So that's how this cloud So there is no local setup. There is no local infrastructure for power Bi report. So everything is on cloud. The only thing you can set up locally. Is a gateway, Power BI gateway to talk to on premise databases Hey, so here we have the basic dashboard built and published to cloud service. So we will go explore further in the next and assignment on how to perform calculations. Here, we haven't done any calculations. We gotten the data as is and then we represented with some set of visualizations and we published, but this won't be the case in real time situation. So you often run into need of writing a custom formula, expression or calculation to represent data in your visualizations. Right. So we have a lot of options in Power BI for doing that. So the next assignment is targeting on the data calculations using DAX expressions or DAX stands for data analysis expression. So i'll give a interaction on their DAX. And then we do write some couple of formulas on the data, existing data and create visualizations on top of them. so we'll discuss more of DAX in upcoming assignments. So for this assigment we will target on introduction to DAX And also we'll get to new data sets into the analysis. We already have data that is coming from the Excel source. Now, I'll import two more datasets. Into this Power BI desktop. So the data sets would be coming from open data feed. Or it is open data feed. So this is a data feed that is hosted on. So it's like a complete data. It has been posted on the. We can get. Data feeds that we are interested in. OK, so that feed that would match my data. Yeah, categories. So in this navigator, I can simply see the preview and selective the one that I need yeah, OK. That will also amber directly into my. Analytics file You can see these two tables now they are added here to. Panel I can see those two tables here. OK, so the good thing with Power BI desktop is the moment to add any new tables into the analysis. If there are any relations between the two tables, they're automatically created like this. Here you see how this data. Categories and cheap because they already have keys in my data chip Schiphol, key and category key, so they're matched. Go and check out the definition of this relation. You can see here tips category Id categories category. Same is the case with shippers. So these relations are created. In Power BI So now we'll get back to the trips database OK. So there's a transactionally that I have here. If you actually observe here, so here there is no option to write any expression for this visualisations. You see, we can only drag and drop fields here. We can drag. We can draw. We can configure those fields. We can format. We can set reference lines. But we can't actually write any expressions, at visualization level, all the expression writing should happen should take place. like this The new measure or a new column. At the back and so entire expression, writing in power BI is divided into two form. Either you do row level calculation that is row context or a set level calculation which is set context. row level on row level calculation is something like creating a column out of some existing column. Separating these two values and creating the new column. So that is you do it row level. OK, so that is row context. Which is no column. And what is set context set context is new measure creating an aggregated value. They want to find out the maximum. Of this ship, this might total miles or ship this year. So that is an aggregated value, which is at a state level. So that is set context. So far, such needs will create a measure to decide first. What we want to create, we want to create a measure and we want to create a column. For both, they will use DAX. OK, so that is very simple. We don't need to worry about that. If you are at least some aware of Excel formula writing, you can easily be. That is because DAX is completely Excel formula base But it is more than that. Yeah, but still for all we can consider it like that. I'll Create a column in this assignment. I'll only focus on context. I'll do row level operations only row level operations, so I'll create a new column. So here I have a ship date and then delivery date. Ship date is when it was started for shipping and delivery date when it is delivered
Channel: Intellipaat
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Keywords: power bi tutorial for beginners, power bi Training, power bi tutorial, power bi, microsoft power bi, power bi for beginners, power bi training, power bi desktop, introduction to power bi, power bi videos, power bi dashboard, power bi demo, power bi tutorial videos, power bi Intellipaat, dax power bi, Microsoft power bi, power bi training videos, powerbi, power bi reports, what is power bi, power bi desktop tutorial for beginners, power bi introduction, power bi excel
Id: I3IGm97Q60s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 43sec (13003 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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