Azie Faison on Seeing Alpo's Face Scratched Up the Night He Killed Rich Porter (Part 20)

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okay so so let's talk about uh the alpo and rich porter situation so i listened to an interview that alpo did about this because ultimately alpo pleaded out to this murder so according to to alpo um [Music] it's an interview with zillions man billions of dollars but it's never about the money with me man i'm not and i'm not let me say this i'm not trying to capitalize or for nobody's death bro i'm just trying to clear the air so people could really understand what happened to us okay so rich has these 30 kilos and alpo goes and meets up with rich and from what alpo said he's in a van and rich gets into the van and in the van is apple's little man big head gary yes sir did you know big head gary never seen him before in my life never met him okay but that night that night i did will continue though okay so they get in the van they get in the van and alpo is talking to rich and according to alpo he's asking questions about about some kilos and some money and he claims that rich is lying to him yes now based on him feeling that that rich is lying to him he motions to his man to kill rich uh big head gary pulls out a gun shoots shoots rich but i guess rich doesn't die right away and i guess like a some sort of tussle ends up in the van that's where alpo's face gets scratched and alpo had to pull out a gun and basically finish rich off they go and dump rich's body in the woods now you know and alpo said that that he was mad because he felt like he killed a guy that he loved and this was his brother a guy that he got money with but he felt that it was just business this is the way he handles his business if you cross him on the business side he has to kill you and that's that's what he did rich was only 24 years old at the time and i guess on that day you actually saw alpo yes sir okay so tell me about how you guys met that night i'm always playing basketball with playing ball on the east side i clicked my little click that i used to hang out with after while we was playing ball being honest like i said before i heard a gunshot the highway is like right over the basketball court so it sounded like someone got shot this is what i heard i don't know if that was the same situation but i'm like damn we all stop like damn bro somebody just lost their life we continue to play ball game was over we tied we we go back to the block the location on 32nd and 7th family so we out there's like two in the morning right so uh we're drinking water we talking [ __ ] a suzuki jeep which was alpo's sister's jeep driving by on the opposite side of the street heading up town we on the downtown side so i said dan look like outpour in that truck i waved my hand the jeep swinging you and pulls in front of us alpo gets out with his man i guess that was gary and uh what's up hey what's up it's my man what's good shake hands i'm like damn what the [ __ ] happened to your face bro scratches on his face he said now my girl out of dc she's bugging out i said damn let me just look fresh man uh yeah yeah yeah what's up hey you seem rich well you know rich don't hang out at night bro rich was the type that going early rich be in the house by nine o'clock yeah you right you are you right this dude named track travis flies by in the car he's always travis let me go catch this [ __ ] he owe me some money he jumps in his car he's chasing behind travis at that time this girl walked up on me i was like what are you doing out here i was looking for you i said well okay let's hang out i said come on get in she got in the car we adapt my peoples everybody leave they pull off everybody leaves everybody going home i said i had an apartment in the next terrace i said listen sit drive down the block cause i let her drive drive down the block let me go upstairs and get a change of clothes real quick before we before we leave i get out the car if i get out the car i'll po pull up on the opposite side of the street yo hey come here for a minute come here as he's saying that my man pull up that was with us on the corner he get out of this car yo hey come here come here he he like yo come come come in real quick real fast real fast hold on pope if i go to him first he said yo don't go over there bruh i seen that [ __ ] laying in the cut i'm like what i don't know what's going on yet so i said hold on paul i'll be right back so i go upstairs the apartment let me go get a gun or something you feel me i don't know what's up i don't know what's going on so i come back downstairs when i come back downstairs he's not there he's not there my man is not dead a girl is just downstairs i get in the car with her and we we go to the bronx and we're in the bronx my beep will go off that's what it was back there is uh my mother calling me 9-1-1 i call my i go to the phone i call my mother back she said you know what he just found pat's brother dead and i was like damn it's [ __ ] up all right i'll call you right back mom i just hung up i even let her finish talking but in my mind i'm thinking they found donnell so when i called back she pick up she crying and [ __ ] i'm like yeah i heard man it's [ __ ] up man that's [ __ ] up man and then she was like you know who they found i was like who she said they found richard not danielle richard i was like oh [ __ ] like i said the phone seemed like the phone dropped out of my hand and and i saw outpost face in my mind stretched up and i saw that [ __ ] like oh this [ __ ] did that [ __ ] bro i didn't even pick up the phone back i got in the car with the girl told her yo let's just just go to your house she said she wanted something to eat i said this guy she drove through white castles she got some food we went to the house i went upstairs and she wanted you know she don't know i'm not letting her know what's going on because i'm i'm like i'm i'm [ __ ] up like this is crazy it can't be and i wanna i think i gave her some money like you know here here just let me just lay in the room and just relax and [ __ ] up i stayed in the room i think i fell asleep and i woke up maybe like that afternoon or whatever it was 12 1 o'clock left her house got in the car drove to the block and when i went to the block the block was crowded everybody on 132nd like weeping from what everybody has heard about rich black crowded as i pull up i'll pop pull up he get out i heard we're happy crying and [ __ ] now look at him he got back in his car and he left bro
Channel: djvlad
Views: 599,642
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Id: bScC0jTPbgc
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Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 03 2022
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