Azata ending - Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

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i love this character i really love her well i have to tell you something really important i mean really really important i've been thinking really hard and i realized that our island is just a nice thing it's a really powerful thing it's full of your power which makes everything green and lovely instead of demonly demony and horrible and i was thinking if you close this wood wound and then send the island here it could bring all the land back to life all at once see just told you an important clever thing why'd you turn to tell me what a wonderful dragon i am and then we can go bite and scratch demons what are you going to do after we win i will ah the same thing that you're going to do except for all the grown up and boring things i won't be doing those and i'll be doing other interesting things that you don't want to do but i do like eating a whole lake of palm jump um are surprising someone by powering a bucket of gem on their head hug ivo you're my treasure of course i'm a treasure it's easy for me i'm a dragon i'm prettier than all the sparkly things in the world and i'm your friend too and sparkly things can be your friends even the really pretty ones we should go yes yes even the world i remember let's go oh something's happening i can see you such show yourself so i can stab you in the back so piece from hiding and looks at you beautifully i've encouraged your plan the spells in this chamber they are designed to kill you if something goes wrong will we prepare you but it's outcome from the start am i right you didn't think i would make it easy did you i won't let you win you need me alive you want to use me to close the wound but i can destroy myself before you have a chance so i have 45 and 49 oh intimidation has more i'll stop you by force if necessary so don't embarrass yourself with these pathetic attempts to prevent the inevitable let's say i don't destroy myself she's like fine what happens you look eyes with her little it is her will against yours and you strive against her in this unspoken contest for what feels like an eternity finally the crimson fire in her eyes dims and herself falters okay with intimidation i finished the game i guess five minutes later you are stronger than i could have anticipated as your creator i should be proud to be defeated by the one i have imbued with power of anger and disbelief the wound above her heart is bleeding her shoulders are trembling but she raises her chin definitely it's over now you will die i'm not going to sacrifice you i'm walking away and leaving everything that it is i'm not going to sacrifice you ariel what are you going to someone do a zatametic path some on the island then step into the wounds throughout my journey to this moment i have protected life goodness and freedom i will not stop now i will be the living source that will heal this dying land even if i have to pave my own life you step into the rift but what you refuse not fear pain with the lightless of a spring breeze and answering your call a wave of pure life of right of force arrives from beyond the curse of prison walls of threshold this wave pierces you and everything around you but i need you with life breath laughter the last thing you see before you disperse in a flash of light is a beautiful garden where a demonic wasteland once was if you want a good action this is amazing life and death destiny and great deeds answers to mysteries the search for one's true path the mind can comprehend all of these and then such concepts can be written down as a sequence of formulas a series of lines a chain of thought still a moment always comes when it is time to wrap up to reach a conclusion to put a period at the end of the last sentence the impossible rift the bleeding wounds that had tormented all of our [Laughter] oh my god oh i'm so cute let me read the beautiful ending kids come on life and death destiny look at this good answers to my series the search for one's true path the mind can comprehend all of these and then such concepts can be written down as a sequence of forms a series of lines which you thought even moment always comes when it is time to wrap up to reach a conclusion to put a period at the end of the last sentence the impossible rift the bleeding wounds that had tormented all of gallerium for 100 years was finally healed these cats look at this the great deed demanded a great sacrifice the life of the one known as the commander of the fifth crusade his cause and his death shook minds and souls not just in glorion and in the abyss but on the other planes as well and even the halls of the gods balone perished but shortly after his followers were all visited by the same dream the goddess dazna tears falling from her eyes carried a ravaged soul in her hands then a tiny spark appeared within the soul and she placed it in the night sky that night a new star really did appear in the skies over gullarium and it was named after the commander it is not always visible but should the traveler get lost in a blizzard or a ship run into a fog bank near a dangerous reef this star will miraculously wink into existence eliminating the path to safety the wind will even become a harbinger of renewal for the lands of the former wound the corruption torn wastes became lush once more and where lava lakes once steamed there grew groves of towering trees some of the vegetation seemed to have come straight from a dream this region rejuvenated land became a beautiful garden an inspiration for dreamers your decisions allowed both you and the free crusaders to follow the path of goodness and freedom lovers and poets would go there to watch the moon rise through the sparkling waterfalls or to catch the reflections of the stars in their streams the free crusaders did not stay together for long their main goal had been achieved but there were still plenty of places left in the world where injustice was rampant where courage and imagination were needed skerento and his trans had their branches full they had to take care of the new rapidly green forest my lap here like doing the little thing oh god skeleto during his time as a free crusader came to understand and even loves city customs in his own way he often dropped by drizzle and even officially adopted all the teenagers from the community's court and he cared for them just as selflessly as if they were his own trees the fate of the mimi crusaders was most astonishing of all they formed their own nightly order then changed their mind and decided to become pirates then settled on being pirate knight acrobats what they said was the season a massive ship quite possibly another mimic singing shanties juggling cutlasses saving beautiful themselves and on rare occasions boarding someone they didn't like ivo in inconsolable after losing her best friend was taken from the ruins of threshold by the three crusaders before long a group of assad has arrived to return the dragon to elysium much later all grown up iva went off on our adventures traveled the plains bravely helping good souls in distress and of course seeking out places where they baked the best cookies although the commander had became the symbol of the fifth crusade there were still those among the crusaders who were dissatisfied with these decisions your achievements decreased errors of leadership logically military are not especially impressive what it's just because it didn't get the maximum of the of logistics years later their words served as the basis for many alternate versions of the history of circle against the wood wound due to the success of the commander's diplomatic strategy achieved success and diplomacy by the end of the war medev's true political center was resin not in european after gaining the support of foreign rulers and finding a lies in the capital dressing became the shiny example of the new mandev one that was nurtured by the commander's ideas the significance and accomplishments of the crusade were so great that even a century after the end of the war dressing retained its prominence on the map of avistan the commander's diplomatic military and underministered talents during default recent a key political player queen gofrey returned to neurozim with the intensity of rulemen davis before but as turned out medieval society was hungry for change the world ravaged nation desired new leadership but the queen would not count countenance dueing her authority to anyone else she believed her duty to her homeland had not yet been fulfilled the white stones from the chain that once guarded the borders of mandev were carefully disassembled you free the angels trapped inside the wall stones one by one the angels that had been trapped inside return to heaven to heal their wounded spears and prepare for new battles against evil the victory over the world won't change many things not just gangulari but david dyed isles as well particularly spent many days pondering the words of a certain young and fearless prophet you and amber ministry was not matipu this is great before long the lady in shadow openly renounced her realm and named herself redeemer queen really this revolt against her own demonic nature transformed noticola sever her ties to the beast and brought her to elysium there upon creating a realm named midnight's palette the redeeming queen attained divine power and became the patroness of exiles the now vacant throne was instantly seized by shamira the ardent dream however her power could not compare to the might of the lady in shadow god damn it the midnight isles which had become a tempting prize for many demons were plunged into chaos the demon lord bathmat suffered a defeat the wood wound was closed in the convenient passage to gullaran seals along with it bathmat shifted his attention to the realms of the other demon lords look at the cat's tail here as some of the templars of devore labyrinth was soon discovered in english nearer the demon lord discovery suffered defeat he bided his time continuing to plot this major organarium and after that of heaven itself the cultists that remained on valerio with mad one after another tortured by the nightmarish dreams their lord sent to them now alone earbuds lost her life in is an evil left quietly unnoticed leaving no traces but no notes or traces no one ever saw her again several hundred years after the conclusion of the fifth crusade somewhere on another plane far from both the beast and gallerium two run away lead it to mats you gave me argon chivarro another chance nagochivaro they met never to part again yeah i gave them yeah that's great the hand of the inheritor who had gone into voluntary exile knew succeeding hitting the head of the inheritor of batman's corruption spent much time among mortals trying to gain a better understanding of their fecal nature somewhere on the roads of valerian the industrial went cold rumor has it's that they he intentionally went into hiding to avoid both old friends and surviving enemies that he now lives somewhere in the guise of a kalo mortal use eager to absorb other people's wisdom having rediscovered his own history story the storyteller rejected the goddess's proposal thanks to you the solitary story in his memory and chose his own path refusing to become far as mazzucher he was celebrated as a great historian rightfully held the position of dean of the history faculty of the arkham miriam most redoubled academy in absalom another 40 years passed before his age caught up with him and it was this turn to appear before the lady of graves finnian a pathfinder who also happened to be a talking weapon continuing his travels the hands of many warriors seasoned and otherwise you convinced fenian to accept his life as sentient weapon yeah throughout the following centuries he was lost in battle on a number of occasions only to be found again in some fantastical treasure room on the other side of galleria once again sila heard the call of the open road even after gaining mythic powers and coming face to face with goddess and demon lords she never stopped at being a pounding and a wondering knight whose purpose was to help others you helped seal to recommend her problems with her or her friends this strengthens silva's faith in herself and other people having properly fulfilled his duty to the mangroves and he's very surprised about the death len was suddenly faced with a choice what to do with his life now that it wasn't going to end any time soon his hesitation did not last long happily believe that you trust him and just a few months later he went on a sea voyage to see the world he had saved amber joined the redeemed brotherhood she never recognized herself as their leader given any orders but have her presence inspired the former miss screens to perform great deeds your joint advantage convinced amber to keep believing the inheritance inherent goodness of people and not only people over time the brotherhood grew into a major religious movement its preachers took a vow to poverty and walk at the roads of gallerium helping the needy convincing villains to change their ways and treating both good and evil deities alike to be more merciful to motokine soon after the war the title as researchers of all things were searchable embarking on a new journey she had a sudden urge to know how much time it would take to visit every nation with some kids on gularium she returned after a year and a half with a pile of notes which she promptly handed over to her assistant after all someone had to help her compile her entries for the first volume of the encyclopedia glarionica it only made sense for her sisters to help given that one of the entries was dedicated to him he happened then even managed to become her friend and you even persuaded her to remember that fact one of the three crusaders who had made guleria in history roughly after the conclusion of the fifth crusade tyrone arandez body was discovered at one of his states he failed to gain daryn's trust and did not pay enough attention to his goals and problems oh his head was missing and then attempts to find it proved futile to his own surprise wojjif jeff to became a war hero his team and fame were short shortly followed by great wealth the tiefling did not let his new found fortune turn his hand but chose to invest the money in several profitable adventures and one charity to for street urchins within a few years his signature style came to include a top hat a cane in a bit of a belly oh you kept would you from embracing his demonic legacy and prove that you can rely that he can rely on you after the victory saucia returned home to gather his brother you convinced us that his brother is a victim of circumstance now a famed crusader hero he humbly officiated at a temple of shelly painted grew sweet smelling fruits and made the best wine in the region he's kindly uh his kindly smile faded only when people asked him to recount experiences in the war he would not deny them but he would speak without embellishment so another single listener would feel tempted to pick up a sword and leave in search for hero's glory when he turned home trevor restored the shield of shelling to its place in the church and swore never to pick up a weapon again he tried to discover his wood carving skills but his wounded hands betrayed him no longer willing to create beauty the tormented fighter lived a quiet peace of life helping his brother with his vineyard otherwise try and eventually forget the horrors of the abyss raju derange wrote a tretis on waging war against demons with a practical manual and a philosophical exhortation and once that was done he succumbed to the bleaching completely he was postmost paused to mostly reinstate his order and buried with owners in the office's cemetery you were registered wolf as a person his commander his treaties was used in all future wars against the abyss by bortons and jews and devils alike devils the word changed grey war you convinced grebel to return to his family he left the assassins craft behind an embark no search for his family it took years to win their love again but he had never uh been one to back down from a fight and so he won that battle as well greber hung his axis above the fireplace and became an upstanding citizen the transformation was difficult for him and many a time he would reminisce upon the days of his daring youth still there was one joying family life that the dwarf would not have traded for anything in the world his daughter maura she grew up to be an exceptional warrior and watching her train brought gregor to happiness marshall had changed her nature completely reading herself of evil but she would not dare to live along mortals she took up residences small house away from their settlements shortly afterwards rumors began to spread some said there was a kind sorceress leaving the cottage or perhaps a recluse with reclusive saints and people would come to her asking for help she never refused anyone and in time she earned their trust in friendship with each year she spent more and more time in the dream world the wondrous dreams where her beloved was alive came to replace personal interactions with living folk she still helped those who came to her but the chances of finding her at home grew smaller and smaller and what of me the writer of these words the half-demon witch known as the architect of the world wound i was defeated the victor spared my life in a gesture that was not quite a boon not quite charity i was left without hope without a chance of finding a purpose again i lived out my remaining days in an isolated cottage far from everyone needed by none discovered by none i have recounted the story of my life oh i believe the tale of such an illustrious figure would pique even a goddess curiosity now you know everything i await your verdict goddess silence hangs over the bony yard the lady of grace is weighing her decision and it seems the entire universe is holding his breath waiting their pronouncement who would dare to make a silence to absolute intervene of course your caution is your consciousness coalesces into one whole rejecting the oblivion of death your mythic powers are not entirely gone and they entitled you just to say in this trial so i don't have oh okay i have from there i apparently learned stuff 26 39 39 i appeal to your mercy the planes have the planes have suffered enough do not add to the evil already brought with this with yet another act of evil your words ring out in the silence they are heard considered and given their due weight the laws of the universe hell man this is awesome look at from the that that was done to you your actions far exceeded it your soul is dark and there is only one place for you in the universe and yet the one whom you harmed a place to which the god's gazers do not stray there you will find yourself or you will perish in the whirlwind of chaos that is your soul so be it now you the mortal you have done the impossible and you will be remembered as long as this universe exists you have earned your peace it was so cool oh god
Channel: Malaum
Views: 2,811
Rating: 3.9000001 out of 5
Id: 10i1Kc5_vYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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