Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Trickster Ascension With Companions

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this is where it happened it was here that i conducted the ritual sowing my soul and the essence of the abyss together feeling the world change around me as every stitch brought galorean closer to the abyss and it was here that even though you have no memory of it i did the same to your soul a researcher must not have any personal feelings for the subjects of their experiments and yet i find myself unable to remain completely detached from the world wound i created it i allowed it to be it holds a place in my heart even if i'm slowly paying for it with my a researcher must be particularly resilient in the face of mistakes incorrect hypotheses that failed experiments you are my failed experiment i think i'll feel some regret for ending your current life but you can rest assured that such sentiments will not stop me you're so adept at magic of course i've been preparing for our meeting and hopefully i've prepared well yes and no even if i could have brought back my daughter i wouldn't have stopped at that i wouldn't have been satisfied not after what i'd gone through not after the things i'd learned i wanted to become stronger and i wished the same for my child i didn't want to be afraid of anything it wasn't the dogs of threshold or even sarcorus itself that threatened us it was the laws of a world governed by death weakness and separation that is why i needed the power of the mahindran crystals i did not merely wish to stave off the agony of the wound i wanted to tear my daughter from the grasp of everything that makes us weak and mortal you have seen a goddess you have been face to face with demon lords were you awed by their greatness do you enjoy living in a world where your entire life cycle has been predetermined where everything from your earth to what will happen to your soul after you die has been decided for you or do you find now that you have experienced the mythic power coursing through your blood that you prefer to live in a world that you can change a world that offers you a chance to be anything you want i also want to make the world a better place but not for everyone only for the one person i care about when i poured what was left of my daughter's soul into your soul i was expecting it to bring her back they say death and the judgment of harassment purges the soul of everything it once was in life but this cannot be true i have researched this subject meticulously and have collected enough evidence to prove that supernatural beings born from mortal souls can recall their past sometimes partially sometimes fully i watched you day and night waiting for it to happen for your memory to awaken or or your instincts at least for anything familiar something i could immediately recognize i tested you i asked you questions and nothing nothing if a hypothesis is proven wrong it needs to be rejected but the research process does not stop there that is all i can tell you right now it will kill me eventually but i still have some time left years or decades perhaps but it doesn't matter one of us will die today the tearing of the soul followed by a cruel and terrible death but it will likely be quick and it's finally time to end all this asking me to stop is like asking a river not to flow for a volcano not to erupt death is not the end i've spent 100 years trying to prove it and i will not stop now this experiment was unsuccessful but that just means i need to adjust the initial conditions and try again i am still alive i still have time you the current you will have to die but only to surrender the soul you share with my daughter i will start over this time i will do everything differently i will work with even greater precision i will turn the world upside down if i must i promise i never thought that i would be responsible for the creation of my most powerful enemy i've been waiting for you to get distracted so i can stab you in the back i would be overjoyed to discover that i am wrong i tried to hope even though there was no hope left but wait why do you care why are you trying to change my mind a connection a spiritual kinship that is so strange but what makes you think i will listen to your arguments i have gone too far to turn back i must walk the path i have chosen says you think i'm wrong about you why we are not talking about numbers equations and magical reactions this is about the soul about whether or not you have what i lost yes i remember i wanted to check to see for certain it would awaken your instincts i was so full of hope that day yes i was disguised as this was our first conversation face to face i was desperate i needed to know who you were to understand what you were i wanted to find out if there was anything about you are recognized you did not merely accept the power that was given to you you mastered it you passed every trial i i am so proud of you it's true yes i wanted to see if something would stir within you when you met my daughter's murderer and when you encountered the one who betrayed me but it doesn't matter i asked you questions you answered them and i thought i could hear the echoes of the past in your voice you hungered for knowledge you desired the truth more than anything else that's enough i i can see now it was naive of me to think i could just revive my daughter the way she was before her death but there is so much of her in you so much of me i can't think of you as anything but my child i have wandered in the dark for so long but now i finally see clearly i know how my path must end the wound still erodes your soul as it does mine let me put an end to my creation let me step into the flames and perish so that i can heal you all these years i've been playing a game with mortals and forces beyond mortal comprehension but now i am a pawn in your game i do not know your next move i can't even imagine what plan you have in mind so explain it to me one step at a time i see i was right to leave the lexicon in a place where you could find it yes that is correct we've reached the limits of our power i did so long ago and you've realized your full potential only recently mythic power cannot be made any stronger at least i have not been able to do so successfully that means we are now living on borrowed time counting down the days until we die from the wounds influence no i have not i haven't had the chance it was in canaabras that i had my first chance to test the improved version of the midnight boats against the demon lord discari the crystal dagger you found in canaabrus was the first mahindrian crystal that was procured in such a fashion i gather that you know more about them than i do yes i am sure that is the case i have evidence from my experiments the wound affects the material plane poisoning it with the corruption of the abyss but it also affects the abyss bringing in a small amount of order and harmony from the material plane the only reason it is not as apparent in the abyss is the presence of the demon lords they hold near infinite power over their realms and their existence staves off the womb's influence yes indeed the sword of valor was iomede's banner before she passed the test of the star stone and ascended to heaven i've never studied the sword of valor perhaps i should have it is a truly fascinating artifact and the way it interacts with you is incredible could it have picked up the early signs of your nascent divinity i do not know it's unpredictable and dangerous but all bold plans carry risk what you propose might work whoever absorbs the power of a newly killed demon lord will inherit their realm in the abyss if we throw in a connection to the wound we will end up with something unique you will have the power of a demigod and an abyssal realm that changes at your whim yes your plan might work i see no reason we shouldn't at least try but how there are only three demon lords whose realms are tied to the wound baphomet discari and nocticula i doubt we'd be able to carry out a cunning murder of the lady of cunning and murder as for baphomet and iscari after the lessons you've taught them they will never risk another engagement they'll engage in clever maneuvers they'll hide but they won't base you in battle they are bound to appear i didn't know that no wonder demon lords are so careful about choosing arch priests correct and the locust lord still hasn't deprived me of his favor he should have done that a long long time ago yes it is true balfour met outsmarted himself when he granted me power and patronage behind iskari's back and i could summon no it's still too much of a risk the world wound is more than a rift it has a life of its own to accomplish the plan you have conceived we would need to channel an immense current of power through it all the way to the realms of the demon lords it would be a hundred times more difficult than simply closing the wound it's remarkable that the worshipers of color were able to discern this yes you are correct such days do exist but they occur very rarely only once or twice a century at most i can't run the full calculations right now but i think you're right this is the day when the wound is most malleable we could shape it as easily as a master potter mold soft clay i have one final question for you do you have a new nahindran crystal in your possession without one this whole plan is doomed unless of course you happen to have a midnight boat if so we can procure a crystal right now they are not ticklers weapon of choice she infused the boats with a small amount of her power making them deadly to the abyssal lords i've changed their properties so that if a demon lord is hit with a bolt their blood and life force will form a new nahindran crystal prior to my alterations the crystals would only form inside the bodies of the demon lords that were slain in the abyss a process that took centuries then let us begin i do love interesting challenges discari lord of the locust host or relu borlesh calls to you as i once called before from within these very walls i am the first of your servants and i summon you come battlemet lord of beasts and labyrinths heed the voice of arilu the witch you accepted me into the ranks of your servants and i summon you now as the first among them come come come come oh curious the gnats have decided to set a trap for me you have spun out your betrayal like an intricate web but it will take more than that to bring down the hunger of the abyss first my daughter failed me and now my chosen mortal favorite does the same arena do you not see that this alliance with your mortal creation will give you nothing you could have served the greatest of masters yet you chose to be the puppet of your own creation enough baphomet you are wasting your time on words when the time for words has a long pass we shall fight those who have challenged us and obliterate them the story has spoken you are correct i am a threat and once i'm finished with you my scythe will sweep across your world starting with the allies you've brought here you believe yourselves to be our masters you think you will be our doom but you've never been anything more than a source of power we will drain this source to the last drop it is done the road to greatness lies ahead all that remains is for you to use a crystal i can only guess the regular crystals allowed you to impart some of your power to your followers those whose souls were closely tied to yours it is likely that an improved crystal would let you endow your companions with a small amount of the demigod-like power you are about to receive the wound will eventually destroy my soul i will never be truly healed but i have no regrets i achieved everything i wanted and more yes let it be so venture into eternity child and i'll gladly live out my time watching your ascension [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] and what of me the writer of these words the half half-demon witch known as the architect of the world wound i was defeated the victor spared my life in a gesture that was not quite a moon not quite charity i was left without hope without a chance of finding a purpose again i lived out my remaining days in an isolated cottage far from everyone needed by none discovered by none i have recounted the story of my life for you for asthma lady of graves not only of my life but of the commanders also i believe the tale of such an illustrious figure would pique even a goddess's curiosity now you know everything i await your verdict goddess [Music] the laws of the universe have existed for millennia they are incontrovertible but even they allowed the decider of fate some degree of influence over the verdict you wrought great evil while it stemmed from the evil that was done to you your actions far exceeded it your soul is dark and there is only one place for you in the universe and yet the one whom you harmed most of all now appeals to me on your behalf i shall send you to the maelstrom the plane on the edge of the world a place to which the gods gazes do not stray there you will find yourself or you will perish in the whirlwind of chaos that is your soul so be it now you the mortal who has risen so high as to stand boldly in the presence of the goddess of fate you have done the impossible and you will be remembered as long as this universe exists go live out the rest of your life i look forward to tales of your future deeds [Music] you
Channel: Gamerworf
Views: 5,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Games, Gamerworf, walkthrough, lets play, Playthrough, 1080p, #gaming, Twitch, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, wrath of the righteous, pathfinder wrath of the righteous gameplay, wrath of the righteous pathfinder, pathfinder wrath of the righteous guide, pathfinder wrath of the righteous playthrough, wrath of the righteous mythic paths, wrath of the righteous gameplay, ending, Trickster Mythic Path, Secret Path, Ascension, areelu vorlesh, Trickster Ending
Id: UG6fCALnj3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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