How to learn Cloud and ACTUALLY land a job (2023)

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are you tired of investing time and money into online courses only to forget everything you learned in just a few weeks or maybe you've obtained an AWS certification but not too sure what to do next if you're feeling stuck on your Cloud Learning Journey and want a step-by-step plan to maximize your chances of Landing a job then this video is for you the reason most people find it hard to learn a new technology or finish an online course is because they don't set a proper plan and I say this because I've made the same mistake too many times it's so easy to buy a 10 course and say to yourself I'm too busy this week but it's okay I'll just come back to it later later turns into never and before you know it a few months go by this year I'd encourage all of you to break the cycle and remember one phrase learn by doing the secret to learning cloud computing in order to actually land a job lies in this five-step plan step number one get Cloud certified step number two build hands-on experience step number three tailor your resume step number four prepare for interviews and step number five Network and showcase your skills many people I talk to get stuck on step one and they spent countless hours studying for certifications even though obtaining a certification can be a great addition to your resume it's important to remember that it's only one piece of the puzzle research shows that 20 hours is the magic number to become good at something but if you spend all that time studying for certifications you just become really good at answering multiple choice questions if your goal is to become one of these roles simply knowing the theory or being able to pass the certification exam is often not enough to really stand out you'll need to gain some hands-on experience with building and deploying applications in the cloud for example a Solutions Arctic needs to build demos to show customers Cloud Solutions with a certification you'll be able to figure out what to build but not really how to build it which brings us to step number two build hands-on experience there are many ways to do this you could get an internship build a cloud project or even play around with cloud services but sometimes to even land an internship in the first place employers want to see some sort of experience so my recommendation would be to start by playing around with cloud services and then build two to three Cloud projects projects serve two main purposes first they can be added to your resume to show potential employers that you have Hands-On Cloud skills and second they can be used as examples during interviews allowing you to discuss your experiences with building the projects and any challenges you might have faced if you're not too sure which projects to build I have a video on my channel explaining the top three Cloud projects for beginners another project I'd recommend looking into is the cloud resume challenge it's pretty much a project that walks you through how to host your own resume on the cloud and you can choose either AWS Azure or gcp the project combines a few cloud services and helps you build skills that real Cloud Engineers use in their daily work speaking of resumes it's important to tailor your resume based on the role you apply for one way to do this is by creating a resume using an AI Resume Builder an AI Resume Builder is pretty much a tool that uses artificial intelligence to create you a high quality resume it can automatically fill in your details helps you check for grammatical errors and provides suggestions on how to make your resume better I wish I knew about AI resume templates back when I was applying for jobs because it would have saved me so much time trying to manually tailor my resume alright let me show you a quick demo of how it works so I'm using resi and AI Resume Builder platform with over 300 000 users once I sign up I can select resume choose the Creator from scratch and select the job tailored resume option here you can see that I can actually add in the entire job description of the role I'm applying for let's say I want to tailor my resume to this associate Solutions Arctic role at AWS I can pop in the job details and copy and paste the entire job description and then I'm asked to select the industry and experience of the role in this case it's an associate level role now I need to spend some time filling in some details about my experiences projects certifications and other relevant sections alright so I've just filled in all my details and straight away you can see that the resume is ready to download food they also have a bullet points feature to help you rewrite specific dot points you have in your resume and if you want to write a cover letter rezzy can help with that as well this video is sponsored by rezzy so I'll leave a link down below to the AR Resume Builder platform and if you'd like to go with one of their paid plans you can use the code Tech with Lucy for 20 off all right so once you create a tailored resume and start applying to jobs the next step is to prepare for interviews here are the five areas I'd recommend focusing your preparation on the first one is making sure you review the job description and requirements make sure you have a good understanding of the specific responsibilities and requirements of the role is it a client-facing role or more product based second area of preparation is on the company you apply for what are their main products and services what is their company culture like for example Amazon has 16 leadership principles that are used as a foundation for their culture these include customer Obsession earn trust and think big so in the hiring process candidates will be assessed on how well they're live with those principles third one is to compile a list of the technical and non-technical questions you might be asked you can find this pretty easily through websites like Glassdoor where thousands of candidates share the interview experience next step is to practice the questions you've compiled as well as common interview questions like tell me a bit about yourself remember that interviewing is a skill in itself your ability to interact and engage with an interviewer can be just as important as all the qualifications you have on your resume instead of practicing a loan in front of a mirror consider doing a mock interview where you get a friend or family member to ask you interview questions and provide you with feedback and the final step is to prepare a document of your projects and previous career experiences in this document you can write down specific examples and include any metrics and data points if you're looking for technical interview questions I'd also recommend checking out this video I made where I talk about common Solutions architect interview questions I've interviewed a few candidates during my time at AWS and one of the most common mistakes I see is a lack of preparation so make sure before interviews you cover all five areas I just mentioned now the most important step to this five-step plan is actually the last one which is the network and showcase your skills when you build something cool share it on LinkedIn if you want to talk to others also interested in Cloud join an online community the tech with Lucy Cloud community on slack is a great one to join by the way the main point of this is to build a personal brand which can lead to more career opportunities so if you're just starting out I'd recommend writing technical articles or blog posts about your projects and then publishing them on platforms like medium or LinkedIn this will give you a place to Showcase your skills and help attract potential employers alright so those are the five steps I'd recommend following to learn a cloud role I've included a whole bunch of other resources in the description below so make sure you check that out if you found this video helpful please remember to give it a like and let me know your thoughts in the comments below hope everyone has an amazing year ahead and I'll see you all soon bye for now
Channel: Tech With Lucy
Views: 140,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cloud computing, aws jobs, learn aws, learn cloud, how to learn cloud computing, gcp, azure, how to learn aws, aws solutions architect, learn it, rezi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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