AWS vs Azure | AWS vs Azure Comparison | Difference Between AWS And Azure | Simplilearn

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hi guys i'm raul from simply learn and today i'd like to welcome you all to the greatest debate of the century today i'm joined by two giants of the cloud computing industry they'll be going head to head with each other to decide who amongst them is better it's going to be one hello fight now let's meet our candidates on my left we have aws who's voiced by a picture hi guys and on my right we have microsoft azure who's voiced by anjali hey there so today we'll be deciding who's better on the basis of their origin and the features they provide their performance on the present day and comparing them on the basis of pricing market sharing options free tier and instance configuration now let's listen to their opening statements let's start with aws launched in 2006 aws is one of the most commonly used cloud computing platforms across the world companies like adobe netflix airbnb htc pinterest and spotify have put their faith in aws for their proper functioning it also dominates the cloud computing domain with almost 40 percent of the entire market share so far nobody's even gotten close to beating that number aws also provides a wide range of services that covers a great number of domains domains like compute networking storage migration and so much more now let's see what azure has to say about that azure was launched in 2010 and is trusted by almost 80 percent of all fortune 500 companies the best of the best companies in the world choose to work only with azure azure also provides its services to more regions than any other cloud service provider in the world azure covers 42 regions already and 12 more are being planned to be made azure also provides more than 100 services spanning a variety of domains now that the opening statements are done let's have a look at the current market status of each of our competitors this is the performance route here we have the stats for the market share of aws azure and other cloud service providers this is for the early 2018 period amazon web services takes up a whopping 40 percent of the market share closely followed by hdr at 30 percent and other cloud services adding 30 this 40 indicates most organizations clear interest in using aws we are number one because of our years of experience and trust we've created among our users sure you're the market leader but we are not very far behind let me remind you more than 80 percent of the fortune 500 companies trust azure with their cloud computing needs so it's only a match of time before azure takes the lead the rest of the thirty person that is in aws or azure accounts to the other cloud service providers like google cloud platform rackspace ibm software and so on now for our next round the comparison route first we'll be comparing pricing we'll be looking at the cost of a very basic instance which is a virtual machine of two virtual cpus and 8 gb of ram for aws this will cost you approximately 0.0928 us dollars per hour and for the same instance in azure it will cost you approximately 0.096 us dollars per hour next up let's compare market share and options as i mentioned before aws is the undisputed market leader when it comes to the cloud computing domain taking up 40 percent of the market share by 2020 aws is also expected to produce twice its current revenue which comes close to 44 billion dollars not to mention aws is constantly expanding its already strong roaster of more than 100 services to fulfill the shifting business requirements of organizations all that is great really good for you but the research company gardner has released a magic quadrant that you have to see you see the competition is now neck-to-neck between azure and aws it's only a matter of time before azure can increase from its 30 market share and surpass aws this becomes more likely considering how all companies are migrating from aws to azure to help satisfy their business needs azure is not far behind aws when this comes to services as well azure service offerings are constantly updated and improved on to help users satisfy their cloud computing requirements now let's compare aws and azure's free offerings aws provides a significant number of services for free helping users get hands-on experience with the platform products and services the free tier services fall under two categories services that will remain free forever and the others that are valid only for one year the always free category offers more than 20 services for example amazon sms sqs cloud watch etc and the valid fourier category offers approximately 20 services for example amazon s3 ec2 elastic cache etc both types of services have limits on the usage for example storage number of requests compute time etc but users are only charged for using services that fall under the valid for a year category after a year of their usage a show provides a free tier as well it also provides services that belong to the categories of free for a year and always free there are about 25 plus always free services provided by azure these include app service functions container service active directory and lots more and as of the valid for a year there are eight services offered there's linux or windows virtual machines blob storage sql database and few more azure also provides the users with credits of 200 us dollars to access all their services for 30 days now this is a unique feature that azure provides where users can use their credits to utilize any service of a choice for the entire month now let's compare instance configuration the largest instance that aws offers is that of a whopping 256 gbs of ram and 16 virtual cpus the largest that azure offers isn't very far behind either 224 gbs of ram and 16 virtual cpus and now for the final round now each of our contestants will be shown facts and they have to give explanations for these facts we call it the rapid fire round first we have features in which aws is good and azure is better aws does not cut down on the features it offers its users however it requires slightly more management on the user's part azure goes slightly deeper with the services that fall under certain categories like platform as a service and infrastructure as a service next we have hybrid cloud where aws is good and azure is better okay although aws did not emphasize on hybrid cloud earlier they are focusing more on technology now azure has always emphasized on hybrid cloud and has features supporting it since the days of its inception for developers aws is better and azure is good of course it's better because aws supports integration with third-party applications well azure provides access to data centers that provide a scalable architecture for pricing both aws and azure are at the same level it's good for aws because it provides a competitive and constantly decreasing pricing model and in the case of azure it provides offers that are constantly experimented upon to provide its users with the best experience and that's it our contestants have finished giving their statements now let's see who won surprisingly nobody each cloud computing platform has its own pros and cons choosing the right one is based entirely on your organization's requirements and with that we've reached the end of another video i hope you guys found this informative and helpful thank you for watching and stay tuned for more from simply learn hi there if you like this video subscribe to the simply learn youtube channel and click here to watch similar videos turn nerd up and get certified click here
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Keywords: aws vs azure, amazon aws vs azure, aws versus azure, azure vs aws, aws or azure, aws vs azure 2018, aws vs azure certification, aws vs azure comparison, aws vs azure pricing, aws vs azure market share, aws and azure difference, difference between aws and azure, aws certified solutions architect training, aws tutorial, aws certification, aws training, microsoft azure vs amazon aws, aws vs azure regions, azure tutorial, simplilearn aws, simplilearn azure, simplilearn
Id: xCabPpcq8Ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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