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hello everyone and welcome to lab one of learn as your step by step video tutorial and in this first lab which is approximately of 45 minutes what I will be doing is I'll be going and I'll be hosting a website on the CEO portal so what I will do in this 45 minutes I'll be doing the following first I will start with fundamentals I will first talk about what is she as pious and EAA's because without this you won't be able to understand what is cloud and what is Azure and once these terminologies are cleared you know I will talk about Azure and cloud once that is done I will help you in understanding how to go and register on the azure portal and how to get your free credit limits and once that is done we will go and we'll create a simple website or a simple HTML page and we will deploy it on the azure portal now while I'm doing this demo I will be also going through lot of small small things I will talk about resource I will talk about resource groups I will talk about a peddit or I will talk about service plans I will be doing an FTP and so many things so it's a promise if you go through this 45 minutes you'd be at least in a position to go and host your first website on the azure portal so let us start now before we start with us your before we go into us your we need to understand something called as clout and in order to understand cloud we need to understand three terminologies C as PR and yes now you can see that I did not spell it as SAS pass and mmm-hmm I did not spell that because when you spell this word I a a s right it looks very embarrassing right so you can use my trick you can say C as P as and yes right so let us first try to understand these these three terminologies so we'll start from right to left will first understand these three terminologies then we will define cloud and then we will define us your now when you when you go to whole host of websites so when you actually go to some hosting provider and you say you want to host a website the hosting provider has to give you a lot of services he has to give you hard disk he has to give you bandwidth years to allocate your ram here to a Lockheed you CPU he has to allocate virtual machines give you software's and so many things right if you see these services we can divide into three categories so these all services we can divide into three categories one is the infrastructure service another one is a platform service and the last one is a software service so let's quickly run through each one of these layers so the infrastructure layer is the metal part of your hosting so metal part means it has a ram hard disk virtual machines the CPU your routers your networking everything is in this layer on the top of it we have the platform layer you know which has operating systems probably you need databases like SQL Server Oracle you need frameworks like or like angular right you need web servers like a pious Tomcat Apache so this this is basically your platform you know which makes this metal alive remember any hardware which you which you buy right you know only becomes alive or only becomes useful when you have the necessary software is like operating system and so on so that is a platform part and then the third layer is the software layer wherein we need we have the application software for example probably you have a male software for your website you have invoicing must be or you have accounting software's or you have a control panel right so all that thing actually comes in the software layer so in short you know when any hosting provider wants to give you services for hosting a website it is classified into three layers one is the infrastructure layer the platform layer and the software layer now if your supposed to do all of these things by yourself it is quite of a hard work right so you know like for example if you want to host a website and you say that I will do all of these things by myself then you need to hunt a datacenter you need to buy the operating system license up front you need to get the hardware's the CPU the RAM the whole box right you need we need technicians you need to network guys you need guys you need hardware engineers and so on right so basically you pay upfront all the cost right and you are not aware still that your site will be giving you how much ry right or how much money so you'd like to engage with the web hosting provider in such a way that you you would want it to be elastic you would want it to be flexible you want to pay for only what you use right in other words you want it to be on-demand so in cloud what happens is it follows the two principles of oh so there are two principles you know oh and oh so oh the first o stands for on-demand on-demand means I will say that okay I just need 1 GB RAM 200 GB hard disk for 10 days right so first is the first principle of of cloud is that it is on-demand it is flexible it is elastic in nature so I can start with like let's say you know a simple machine like 4gb RAM and 200 GB hard disk and to modify if I grow I will say ok now I want a 8 GB RAM machine so I can I can scale up and I can scale down right and I will pay only for what I use the second thing is everything is outsourced the second o stands for outsourcing means I don't worry about who takes the backup who installs the software where do you procure it from right so that the the resources part also decline over here because now everything is outsourced to your hosting provider so cloud has the two big O's the first one is everything is on demand it is elastic and the second one is everything is out sourced so that you just concentrate on your website you just concentrate on your business in other words you know we want things to be as a service again I repeat this sentence we want to deal with the hosting provider in terms of services rather than buying things upfront for example when you go to a hotel right to eat you do not worry about the cook you do not worry about you know what is happening at the back you know from where is buying things you say you just place your order you eat it and you go and after that washing the dishes keeping the place clean everything is the headache of the restaurant right so here also we want to deal in terms of services so it is possible that I just want the infrastructure as a service or must be I want the platform as a service and/or I want just a software service so basically we want the hosting provided to provide us a flexibility saying that which layer you want and from that which item you want as a service and for how much time so that's what exactly cloud is all about cloud is all about on-demand and outsourced so now coming to us your so now that we know the definition of cloud so what is Azure as here is nothing but it is Microsoft's cloud it is the solution given by Microsoft for cloud so if you see a like you can see that I am logged into the azure portal I will I will come to the steps of how to go and register to the azure portal but here you can see I can go and I can scale up and I can scale down elastic that's a very important word so you can see like when I go and choose any kind of a service you know for example you can see here I can go to any kind of service I want to add a service so I'll say I want to go and just host a simple website now when I go to host this website you know I can go and define that what kind of plan I want I can go and say that I just want it to be free you can see this is the thing which is free with a 1 GB storage right or I can just pay some money and say ok I just I want 1 GB storage but I need some domain names as well right custom domains right or I can so let us say I start with free and my website goes great right and tomorrow if I were to go and upgrade I don't have to send a mail to the hosting provider saying please upgrade and then negotiate right what I can do is I can just go and change my plan so I can just go hop I can scale up and I can choose must be this service you know where I will say okay I want a fork or machine with a 14 GB RAM and 250 GB hard this so you can see like this is the most important part of a cloud that you can scale up you can scale down you can pay as you use right so if I go and host this service so he will only charge me for the time I have used it if I go and shut down that website I will not be charged for that so normally when you buy from GoDaddy or from other hosting providers they take the money upfront from you that they are not elastic in nature so they say that okay here is my standard package with this much hard-disk with this operating system with this this this this that's it right now you use the sub website or you do not use a web site you have to pay it up front right while in case of a cloud-based solution like as your Amazon you will pay only for what do you use that's a big difference so that was a definition of cloud that was a definition of Azure and that was the understanding for EAA's Pia's and shias so the first step is we need to get access to the as your account right mm so go ahead to account on Azure com fill in the registration now in order to get access to the free services right so you can see it gives you a 12 months of free service with the 13,300 of us your credit right and it also says that this is a free free account it does not automatically upgrade to a paid subscription now thirteen thousand three hundred rupees approximately comes to two hundred dollars approximately okay so you need to provide your credit card in order to get access to the azure services so please do go and provide it and as Microsoft is saying that there is no commitment they will not be upgrading automatically to paid subscription so I don't think that the money will be deducted right so go ahead register yourself and get access to the free as your credit so that you can go ahead with this training now once you log in to the site or once you register on the other side you get access to a portal like this so you can see now I am actually surfing portal donna so i get access to the site and when I log in you can see in my messages it says that you have some free subscription and this is the amount right now one very important tip you know before you start learning as your as your has lot of services you can see at the left hand side look at those menus you know they are huge in numbers right these menus also have sub menus inside it so do not try to learn all of this in one go if you try to do that you lose stamina and you would not end up anywhere right so for the coming one or two hours try to follow me and once you are inside as your project you can go and hunt for those higher end services right now as we said previously that at the end of the day the whole goal of cloud is that we want to actually go and avail services we want to go and book services and we want to pay as we use right so in as you are actually what you have to do is you have to actually go and say that which resources you want so you need to login to us your portal and say that I want a virtual machine of Windows Server 2012 I want SQL Server a DBMS I want an is server right so in short you know if you see out here there is something called as resources that's the first thing you can see there's a dashboard here at the left hand side this dashboard actually shows you the overall things what is happening in Azure I will talk about this later on let's go to resources so you can see at the left hand side you have a resource so basically in Azure you would be actually going and adding a resource so you'll say that ok I want to go and add Windows Server 2016 virtual machine or I want to go and add this storage device I want to go and add this web project right so in other words in Azure we actually first create a resource now when you are working with bigger projects you would be dealing with lot of resources you would be tooling with 5060 resources at one time so you can have a resource called as a server you can have a resource which is a database you can have a resource which is a web server and so on and for better management of these resources you would like to group them for example you would like to create a resource group called as web development and in that web development you will say ok this is web development for X X client and it has this server it has this database so you'd like to grow these resources so that you can do accounting you can better manage them and so on right so you can see over here in the portal that is something called as resource group so first thing is in this all resources you will see all your resources what is there currently in your portal and in the resource groups you can go and create a group and put the resources into this group so that you can do better accounting you can better manage them so let us first go and create a resource group here so I will say ok this is a resource group so I have clicked on add here and let us name this resource group as let's say web development web development for blind one so there is some client one out there and for that client one I am going to go and put a lot of resources so I have grouped them into a group name called as web development for client one and the subscription so at this moment I have this free trial I will use this now you can see there is something called as resource group location right so what exactly is this now when you take any resource for example when you take a server then that server is actually running on some data center which is probably in u.s. probably in UK so you can say that ok this server actually runs on and on the US data center so you have the you know the flexibility to pick up the geographical location where you want that resource to be allocated for example if I am from India so I would like to take the data center which is near to India right so each one of these resources can have their own Java difficult data center now in the resource group we have the metadata stored the metadata stored for all of these resources so you would like to store that metadata into some data center right so that's why we have this small thing here called as resource group location so this says that where do you want to store the metadata of this resource group please note this is the metadata not the actual resource right so I will say ok I want to store it in u.s. at this moment please fix the errors ok looks like the resource cannot have alphanumeric characters and so on so let's say web element right web development client one okay and I will say create now the time I say create you can see that it tells me that the resource group has been created so if I go to resource groups I can see this web development client one so now that you have created the resource group now it is time to go and add the resources to this resource group right so now let us say that you want to go and host a website so what I've done over here is you can see that I have a very very simple folder here and in this I have created one HTML page and in this HTML page I have like this is my first as your website so let's say I want to go and host this HTML page on to us you're right so for that I need to go and allocate resources right so to this resource group I will go and do that now remember a website a mobile application a web application these are all applications right so for the applications you can see that there is a menu here called as an app service so when you want to go and you know in you know host a website or host a mobile app or hosted API service this is the minute what you will select on so I'm going to go and click on app services and over here I will go and say add here now as soon as I say add it actually gives me lot of flavors of application saying that is this a simple web application is this web application with SQL Server is this an app service is this using WordPress site code so we can see lots of flavor out here you know you know which you can use here so currently I will say this is a very simple web application and click on this and I will say here create and let us give a name to this app now whatever name you give to this app it will become like the app name dot as your website start net so for example if I give a name here or test my app you can see like all the names have been taken till now so I'll say test my app in Mumbai okay or in India dot as your website star tonight right so then he says okay what is the subscription the subscription is a free trial which I'm using for now and I will add this resource to this resource group so you can see him now I'll go and add this to this resource group remember we said that resource group helps you to put the you know put take the resources and put them into a specific container so that you can monitor them you can do accounting right it actually groups them into a specific logical unit right now depending on what technology you have used must be you want to use the Windows operating system or must be you want to use Linux right so I'm going to go and click on Windows at this moment after this he says that okay so this app for this app how much do you want to spend how much heavy resources do you want do you want 1gb ram do you want to gb ram do you want dual core multi core and also you can see that is decided by this app service plan here so i'm going to go and click on app service plan at this moment if you see here it is actually if you see by default this app service is using a standard plan at this moment so let me go and create my own plan so if i say click on this plan so it says so i'll say this is my plan 1 2 3 ok now it says that ok so this plan is you know is applicable for which geographical location so it in so in short it says that where you want to store the metadata of it where do you want to allocate the service right so I will say us at this moment I will leave it after that we have this pricing tier this pricing tier depending on what what this pricing tier defines that how much money do you want to spend on this app for example if you say that know like this is just a test app must be you want to just use a 1 GB storage if you say no like I also need some domains then you can say 1 GB plus custom domains you know if you that okay I want you know something more stronger must be you can just go at the top and you can say okay I want an isolated virtual machine you know allocated to him with with the 14 GB RAM SSD and all that and you can see that's a per month costs right it is in INR but you can convert it to a dollar as well right so this pricing plan actually just tells you that how much strong resources you want all right so it starts from a free and goes still isolated now I will not go through each one of these plans out here you can read it you can understand it right what we will do is you know we we are already working we are already using the free thing right we have just such a small amount of money right so let us go ahead and select this free f1 free story in zero month zero INR per month so I'm going to go and select this so that I don't spend my money unnecessarily right and I will say okay so I am creating a plan which is actually a free plan and in this free plan I have said that I want to use this simple 1 GB of storage nothing more than that right and I'll say ok and I'll say create it now once you click on create it will actually create a web application it will actually create a simple web application kind of a directory if you see out here as soon as I said create you can see that it is actually doing a deployment you can see this it's saying deployment either to the resource group so it's actually creating a resource and allocating it to the resource group right and once this deployment is successful it will actually give a message here that it is successful right so you can see deployment in progress and after some time I hope to see deployment completed so you can see here you can see all the status here this is dismiss this is informational this is completed this is all right so ok what happened right what happened to my messages right so it's just gone right okay but but I hope okay so that it is that it says that deployment succeeded and it has been deployed to this resource and the group is web development client one right so if you go to app services now you can see that we have this test my app in India right and inside this test map we can now go ahead and deploy our project right so I can click on this test map in India so if you go to this test my opinion here you can see lot of things out here right as I've said previously go slow do not try to learn all the menus in one go right so over here if you see the the most important thing is that you would like to know what are the settings for this means in other words which framework it is using does it have Java installed or not so for that you can click on this application settings out here so it says that it you know it's a it's it's an is appliqu it is webserver and it has dotnet for point four point seven it has PHP and all that right so I am NOT interested in PHP at this moment I can just offer it you know so that Python also I have off that so you can see it's an integrated kind of a pipeline and all that so you can this is all the settings of is you know which you have been seeing from the is menu at this moment so I'm going to go and see if this and I have disabled the PHP version out here because I'm not going to use PHP right so that's good so I have created the resource and we want to go and deploy now this website this home dot HTML into this might test my app in India right now from these tabs out here let us start with at least three tabs so the first one is overview in the overview you can see that see the resource group name you can see that the status it is running or not what is the location where this resource is hosted FTP and so on right so you can see an overall you of this resource right the second one which we just visited is the application setting where you can go and see that which kind of frameworks version has been installed and what kind of thing has been configured for this application right the third one which is very important is a deployment credentials now we would like to go and deploy on this application which we have created right on this web map which we have created so for that we need to go and create an FTP username and password so you can see that there is a FTP username here so let me go and type a password here so I'll just go and type a password right so that it is and I will just save this so I've just created an FTP username and password so that if somebody wants to go and upload things you know you can do it over here right if you want to get the FTP access you can go and click on this overview over here and on this overview you can see that the FTP URL is given here so this is the FTP URL so let me go and try to do an FTP so I'm going to go and copy this directly over here so I'm going to go directly to the FTP and it's asking me for the username so my username is this one right I'm not password so with this I should be able to go and see the Feist so they're the files are there now you can see that there is a directory here called a site so that you can click on this site here so in this site you can see there is a ww-who directory so you need to go and upload your file to this ww root directory ok so at this moment I'm not connected through a proper FTP so let us go ahead and connect through a proper FTP client right so let me download a FTP client and let us connect to this as your web site and it was hosted right so basically what you need to do is you need to go and upload your site in this wwt if you do not upload in the double-double route you won't be able to see your page so you can see that I have downloaded this cute FTP software over here and through this FTP let us go and upload our web site right so our web site at this moment is a simple home dot HTML page must be I can just rename this to index or HTML page you know so that you know we can just get we can just see the see the site right because index.html page is the startup page in the web app so now let us go and connect over here so I will say a file new FTP site so we already have the credentials so the FTP site the FTP this is the FTP URL FTP username copy this password and as we have said that you should upload in the double double root folder so that it is you can see the site folder inside the site folder there is double W root so let us go and upload this website inside this so let us so I am going to go and upload this HTML page onto this and now let us try to grow and browse this site so I'm going to go and browse this URL test my app in India dot as your websites dotnet for some reason it did not show up the index dot HTML but that is right I think it's if we rename this to index dot HTM that should be the start up let me check it so I've just renamed this to index dot HTM and let us see okay so I will check out you know what is the home page for it how we can make it as a start up page so that's that's the next exercise but you can you can see that I can browse to my website and it's working ok good but definitely when you are working on big projects you know you people don't use FTP like this right you would like to do it through your visual studio or through your tool right so let me now go and host an MVC application over here so let me create an MVC application and let me host it so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go and open visual studio 2017 let me create an core application must be or must be an MVC 5 application whatever and let us try to host it on this web app so here is a simple MVC application I have created I just took the basic MVC web application template and I just pressed ok so I have not coded anything I have not created any kind of code or pages I just took the default template what comes with your MVC web application and I've created this project so when I run this project I get to see the so that's the homepage right so the way we are seeing this homepage in offline we would like to see it also online right so let us go ahead and host it so hosting is again simple you have to say build and we're to say publish so you can see this build and publish menu so let us click on build publish and it says that so one is that you can directly go and host on as your app service or you can go and do a FTP as well right so FTP I have already done I will not show it over here right let us do using the azure app service so I will say as your app service I'll select existing one and I will say publish now once I say publish right it actually opens up the screen here and you need to be logged in with your your account so you can your Microsoft account so you can see here at this moment I am logged in with this quest Pont account right so if you're not logged in you have to add the account here okay so it says that ok so that's a free trial and it is the resource that this is a resource group right and you want to host it in this test app my India test app in India right so I want to host it there so I will select this test app my India test app in India and I'll say ok so we can see now it is preparing the profile and let me just hit publish first it actually does a build by default and once the build finishes it will start publishing the site so let us see what happens you can see now it is trying to publish the publish activity so there it is you can see it says publish succeed succeeded and if I click on this website you can see now my MVC core application is running on us your so that's the thing now let us go back to dashboard and let us see that where these files have been uploaded also you can see like over here you are getting notification saying you know this has been deployed it has been you know reset and all that so let us go and see that where our files have been uploaded so if you want to go and see the files out here again there is one more important menu over here which I always use which is the console I like this let us click on console and this console is like your normal command prompt Road you have so you can see like it has actually taken me to the double double root folder so if I just go and say directory over here I should be able to see all my files slow directory you can see all my files my apps shutting start Jason my Bower dot Jason my index.htm M or my views and all everything has been installed out here right so again remember this console is also a nice thing you know it's just in case you want to quickly see the files so remember console the second one which is important is of properties right and the one which I've said application settings right and the first one is the overview so overview overview deployment credentials right FTP application settings you just see which the frameworks are and console so for now just remember these menus as we said do not try to learn all of them in one go as we proceed we will try to learn more things right also over here there is a nice thing called as an app service editor right this app service editor is nothing but it is an online editor you know in case you want to just go and change something in the files you don't want to download you don't want to upload right so you can go and go to this app service editor out here it's asking me for the password so let me it's telling me to sign in that is strange yeah because so it's quite a long path but I've kept such a long name here respond interview questions at oh gosh so sad I'm so let me do that I'm sorry for this email ID actually you know like if you look at the past history I have been writing a lot of interview questions right so this account was created at that time so I just use this account to create my Azure account enter password so what is this editor actually this editor is nothing but it saw its online editor you know wherein you would like to just go ahead and edit some files and save it right away there so you can see now it has opened up this looks exactly like vs code so it is like vs code online actually in case you are new to vs code I would suggest to go and watch this video vs code where we explain what exactly is vs code right so this is in this vs so here what I can do is I can just quickly go and edit like for example I can go and edit that's the index dot HTML I can just go and see added something right and I can quickly go and see if this will that's saved as well right so basically if you want to quickly go and change some some things out here online or you can do it now remember it is always a bad idea to change something on production but we all know that developers have that you know out-of-the-box solution sometimes you know they did try to find in production so you can use it once in a while right so app service editor console then we have application settings deployment options right and the overview right so this was a very simple demo you know where we actually deployed an MVC application online so you can deploy by using FTP or if you want you can also deploy by using the publish wizard so if you see this build publish wizard you have one is you have the FTP option as well you also have the azure app service as well also one more a great option of doing a publish is by getting the publish profile so you can see your like what he can do is you can go and go to the overview here and in the overview you can click on this more and you can get this published published per site four five five now what is this publish profile file this file has the necessary credentials you know by which you can go and you can login to the site so what I can do is I can go here to my visual studio and I can say create a new profile and I'll say import this profile right so I can go and say import profile and I can go and point to that file so with that what will happen is I don't have to give the user name and passwords again and again what happened to file file so I will just click on this input profile I import this publish settings right so now my publish settings have been imported right and you can see over here I have multiple profiles one is FTP and one is web deploy right so now what I can do is I can just say build publish write and okay we need to change something out here seeing something remember that if nothing has changed she does not deploy anything so that's again a very good idea so we'll publish an already saying yes now what you want to do so now what I can do is I can go and I can you know select that profile so you can see it he has he has already has this profile out here so this profile I can go and I can just say publish on this right so remember you can also use the profile file as well so you can use FTP you can use profile or you can go and directly publish it so that brings us to the end of this session right so in this session what we did is we just got warmed up so we first understood you know what is your what is cloud what is e as PS and CEA's and then we went ahead and we registered out ourself into the azure website and then we walked through some important fundamentals like resource groups resources we created a simple web app service and we hosted MVC application we hosted a simple HTML file a file as well so we saw different publishing options like one is you can use FTP you can use the normal publish or also if you want you can use the public setting files right and also we went through some important memos out here so we saw you know how to go and set the deployment options we saw how to go and see that which frameworks have been installed for a specific web application and we also looked into the command prompt you know where we can go and console application or console at lycée rather where we can go and see the directories and also we talked about app service editor which is an online editor where we can go and see the files so I hope that you have enjoyed this video so this was the lab one now in lab 2 we will go ahead and we'll create SQL Server resource and we will see that can be connect through our MVC application to SQL Server so we have completed till now approximately 45 minutes of the video and in the next video we will look into SQL Server [Music]
Channel: Questpond
Views: 830,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Azure tutorial, Azure beginners, Cloud tutorial, Docker, MIcroservices, Azure Cosmos DB, yt:cc=on, Azure full course, Azure fundamentals, Microsoft Azure training, What is Azure, Azure Questpond, questpond azure, azure architecture, azure devops, azure basic, microsoft azure overview, azure basic for beginners, microsoft azure, azure tutorial for beginners, azure networking, Azure cloud, azure functions, azure cosmos db, azure blobs, azure app services, azure devops ci cd
Id: wdUK7bCMXqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 40sec (2440 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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