Awesome Warhammer 40K Terrain (build it yourself)

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[Music] in this video we're going to be setting up the foundation of our warhammer 40 000 table if you want to learn a great philosophy on how to build and plan what terrain you're gonna build then stick around i'm gonna share a very simple way on how to add different elevations as well as line of sight blocking using some very simple shapes the concept is so simple most of you have probably at some point played with something like this as your drain put some books and boxes on a table to block line of sight and bam you have some terrain we're going to be kicking that idea into high gear and use these different shapes and many combinations to give us the ultimate backdrop for the rest of the terrain scatter as you can see the results of simply adding some elevation and nicely textured boxes around some small and detailed ring gives us an amazing upgrade to the table layout i'm going to show you how i built these added the detail and gave them a quick paint job that matches some of the other terrain but before we begin please hit that like button if you're enjoying this and subscribe if you want to see more stuff like it in the future you can absolutely use any box you have lying around as your base or you can build some to specific dimensions from cardboard i wanted to make mine 4 inches tall so i opted to build them myself to get the box heavier i used some vinyl tile for the top and bottom these tiles are also a square foot so the dimensions fits well for my case hot glue holds the sides pretty well but you may have to use some stronger glues to keep the top and bottom on to stop it from caving in i'm adding bracing along the middle for structural reinforcement here's the construction glue to make that top on like a rock i'll put an affiliate link to a similar product in the description be careful and don't get this on your hands or if you do wipe it off right away it's quite hard once it sets that's one box done i put some weights on it and set it aside for a bit i didn't show this for the first box but i also added a piece of sheet metal under the vinyl top some of my terrain and miniatures have magnet bases and this helps them stick down better this is easily cut if you have a pair of tin shears luckily the vinyl towel has an adhesive backing so getting the two glued together was really easy for the second box i managed to simply cut an amazon package box to the correct height and then added the supports in the middle it saved some time i made a wedge shape using a similar method this will act as one of our fixed ramps i use drywall mesh tape to add in a graded effect i tend to prefer this to stitching mesh as it's a lot slimmer in profile using cardstock from a kinder chocolates box we go about adding some cladding to parts of the ramp jumped around with using cardstock and thicker chipboard to give some different looks for some detail you can randomly add in cross braces or paneling next we're going to detail the size of each box for this we're going for a generic sci-fi to maximize the usage that this terrain will get it could be the interior of a ship or a necromanda hive city an industrial sector on mars you name it the main materials i'm using are more chipboard some xps foam or eva panels for these dark parts adding some pipes as well to vary up the look we'll be using these sparingly but they add a nice touch as you can see each side will get similar treatment i break up the flat surface into three parts using chipboard then i try and get creative with the middle of each section no two will be the same but the sections we broke up will give it some continuity you can spend as little time or as much time as you want on this step you can even carve some details into the foam which i did to a degree just remember this will all be mostly background pieces and it's not meant to be a focal point so it doesn't have to be a masterwork piece depending on how much of this train you want to do it can get a bit repetitive so try and put on some music or an audio book in the background i've been listening to warhammer 40 000 more as i get more immersed in the universe the necromanda or hive city lore is very interesting to me and this is kind of inspired by that one of my friends ran a dnd campaign a while back where we all started off as teenagers in the under hive of a hive city and we had to fight our way up from the depths and battle different gangs it was pretty cool i wish i would have had some of this terrain while we were playing that maybe we'll revisit it someday for the top section you can see i used more of that drywall mesh tape then i just came in with various panels of different shapes and sizes to finish it off this part's pretty fun my 3d printer has been churning out various terminals or vents that fit the setting i even found a pretty cool looking ornate door i can attach just going around hot gluing these in place where it makes sense careful not to overdo it now for some wires i found the most interesting wires come from the inside of an ethernet cord i have a lot of stuff lying around from when i ran some cable through my house so it's easy to scavenge when i need some inside the outer layer you can find four twisted strands you can either use them twisted or untwist some of them to get some pretty thin gauge wire the strategy for laying these out is pretty straightforward just make some hoops and hang them from the top part of the platform getting them to look as if gravity is pulling down the middle part simply hot glue the ends in place getting multiple strands to overlap in the middle somewhere or some running straight down can help sell the look as well to add rivets i simply took a sharp exacto blade and poked holes in all the foam parts at even intervals this is probably the easiest way to add quick detail so it's worth doing next up i gave everything a coating of mod podge to seal on the foam and the cardboard afterwards i took it out to the garage to spray with some gray primer five hours later i tried to keep my color scheme and time spent painting this to a minimum the main idea was to have it tie in with various other pieces of terrain i've made in the past couple of weeks while also being a shade darker and not as flashy so it blends into the background i went for a metallic silver over brush as my base and then came in with a blue paint for the main borders and a brown to bronze for some of the panels all of the pipe work got a coat of green to get this as grimy and dark as possible and darken all the details i used about a coke cans worth of homemade black wash and just bathed each box in it i used so much of it in fact some of the chipboard that was glued with pva came undone and warped a little i guess i didn't seal it well enough not a problem this was easily fixed with some hot glue to get some of the blue color back i went back once it was dry and dry brushed some lighter shades on parts of the borders where i thought it would shine more light on i had only made the two boxes a ramp and a large square flat piece i think adding in some extra small sections would really help so i put together another narrow flat piece this works well as both a ramp or as a walkway between platforms you can make these in any shape or size that you want but i think pieces like this will get a lot of mileage this one is just a piece of cardboard glued to sheet metal and textured the same as the boxes on top with chipboard and drywall mesh tape i've really been enjoying all the different combinations of large terrain sections i can create with this method let me know in the comments if you have any ideas how to use this concept for your projects and be sure to check out some of my other videos for inspiration you
Channel: Knarb Makes
Views: 114,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sci fi terrain, making industrial terrain, simple warhammer terrain, how to build warhammer 40k terrain, terrain building 40k, terrain building, simple 40k terrain, 40k terrain, Warhammer terrain, warhammer 40k terrain tutorial, necromunda terrain, 40k table layout, warhammer 40k industrial terrain, simple wargaming terrain, industrial terrain 40k, simple terrain, warhammer 40k terrain ideas, warhammer industrial terrain, warhammer 40k terrain showcase, warhammer 40k
Id: 06WEzB6cA6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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