AWeber Tutorial 2021 (COMPLETE AWeber Email Marketing Guide)

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what's up my name is simon and in this video i'll show you step by step how to get started with the email marketing software aweber and here's exactly what i'll be covering how to get a free aweber account and go through the setup process how to import your contacts if you're switching from another provider how to create a simple registration form and put that form on your website how to create a landing page and connect that to your own domain how to set up an automated welcome email series and how to send out newsletter emails to your email subscribers i'll leave timestamps to all the steps down below in the description so you can jump around or come back to certain parts later on now this is a step-by-step tutorial that is designed so that you can set up your aweber account alongside watching this video so the goal is that at the end of watching this video you have set up your aweber account and also your email marketing system so let's get started at the time of shooting this video you can use aweber for free as long as you stay below 500 contacts and below 3 000 emails per month so the first step is to go down to the description of this video and click on the first link you find there and that will take you to aweber where you can get that free aweber account so do that now and we'll move on from there all right so that first link in the video description will take it to this page right here where we can go ahead and get a free aweber account now as you see here with the free plan that they're offering you pretty much get everything you need to start with email marketing so you get email marketing which just means email broadcasts email newsletters then you get automations you get landing pages signup forms integrations and also customer support and that's quite a lot if you compare it with other email marketing providers and their free plan so i think that's pretty good if you want to have a more detailed overview of what is included in each plan you can just head over to the pricing tab right there and then you see exactly what is included in each in each plan so they have basically two plans the pro plan and the free plan and like i said a lot of the main features are already included in the free plan and you can use it for free up to 500 subscribers so i would definitely suggest you start with the free plan and then once you have more than 500 subscribers you can just upgrade to the pro plan and if you pay monthly that will be 19 per month so let's actually go ahead and get started with a free aweber account so to do that we just click on get aweber free right here and then we just get started with typing in our first name and our last name right here and also our email address i usually sign up with a gmail address and not really an address that is connected to my domain because if at some point i switch domains or something then i will not be i will not have access to that email address so i really like to just sign up with a simple gmail address and then add my kind of domain address which is simon medics i will add that later which will i'm going to show you how to do to actually be able to send out emails from my branded email address so just go ahead and click sign up right here okay so now we have received an email from aweber that we have to open and then confirm the email address that we have just used to sign up for aweber so go to your email inbox and then find that email that aweber has just sent you so this is what the email looks like that you'll be getting from aweber to confirm your account and all we have to do here is just click on the get started button right there and that will take us back to aweber where we have to decide on a password so just once again type in your email address here and then decide on a password and then click on save password all right so now we're at the part where aweber asks us to decide on a plan and as you've seen before aweber has two plans so they have their pro plan right here which starts at 16.15 per month if you go for the annual payment and they have the free plan which is basically free for up to 500 subscribers and up to 3 000 emails per month if you want to go for the pro plan maybe because you have more than 500 subscribers that you want to import to aweber and then you can just choose the pro plan and type in all your payment information right here but probably most people are watching this tutorial the free plan will be more than enough and everything i'm showing you inside of this tutorial will be doable with the free plan so that's what i'm going to do here i'm just going to go ahead and sign up for the free plan and this way we also don't have to um sign up with any credit card information so i'm just going to go ahead and click continue right here and get started with the free plan so now on the next step we can just type in our company information right here and they also ask us if we have a website i'm just going to tell them no i don't have a website and then you have to give them a physical address that's because of the canned spam act it's required by law that you have a physical address at the bottom of every email that you send out using a software like aweber and that's why you have to give them a physical address i would recommend you just give them like your business address or maybe you have a po address that you can just type in here rather than your home address and then you can also decide on a from name so that what will be visible in the inbox when people receive your email it will say this as the from name so somebody will get an email from medics media the way i have set it up right here and then once you've done that just click on next and here we're already setting up our email list which is the place where your email contacts will be stored so we have to give our list a name i'm just going to name it medics media newsletter and then we also can give our email list a description and this is what people will see when they click unsubscribe so when they don't want to receive your emails anymore at the bottom of every email there will be an unsubscribe link and when they click that link they will see the description of that email so you can just type in something like this is a weekly newsletter of medics media or whatever applies to what you're going to use that email list for then once you've done that click next and now we have to approve our confirmation message so when somebody signs up to your email list by maybe typing in their information in a landing page or registration form they'll receive an email requesting them to confirm their subscription to your email newsletter and here you can decide on how this email will look like so here you can decide on a subject line so you can have it say first name confirm your subscription so it would say simon confirm your subscription so i'll i'll just choose this one and then this is what the message currently looks like and you can also edit this message so if you click on edit message content right here you can maybe um just say something like hey and then personalize by choosing their maybe first name and that will say hey simon please click the button below blah blah blah and then the button text confirm confirm my subscription is fine and then signature thank you and then i'm just gonna type in something like simon and also medics media and that looks good to me so i'm just gonna click on complete setup cool so now we're inside our new aweber account and as you can see here aweber already wants to help us kind of adding our contacts and don't worry i'm going to show you how to add contacts and all that kind of stuff in this tutorial so it just you can click this away by just clicking on no i'm getting just started and blah blah blah something else doesn't really matter just um so you get to your aweber dashboard so i'm just going to quickly walk you through the dashboard here and i'm not going to spend too much time on it because it's really learning by doing by kind of setting up everything by kind of setting everything up you will pretty quickly learn how to navigate through this software so here on the top left there's the kind of menu menu options where you'll navigate through aweber and when you log in you will be always you always see your dashboard so here you have some quick links if you want to add subscribers you can create a new email right here you can add integrations and you will also see some stats of your latest growth of your email list and also of your latest emails how well they're doing how good the open rate was how many people receive the email and so on but that's not really important for this tutorial because we haven't actually sent out emails yet um so and then on the next menu item here the messages this is where you actually can create new emails and new email campaigns i'm going to show you exactly how to um how to start how to create a campaign which is like a an email series and we're going to create an email series for new people that will be joining our list and then i'm also going to show you how to um kind of do a broadcast message which is like a newsletter if you have like a new blog post or a new youtube video that you want to share with your subscribers you can create a new broadcast message here on subscribers you'll see an overview of all your subscribers and you can also kind of sort them by giving them different tags and putting them on different lists then you have the sign up forms which is something i will show you how to build one and also how to integrate it with your website um which is an option for people to opt in to your email newsletter this is the way people get on your email list and landing page is an alternative method to a signup form which is like a standalone um website that is just for the purpose of people opting into your email list i'm also going to show you how to build kind of a good looking landing page inside of this tutorial and then you have to report which will also be um interesting once you have um your email marketing going a bit once you have sent out a couple of emails once once you have gained a couple of subscribers and then you can really start seeing the different analytics um how your email marketing is growing and how your emails are doing kind of important metrics are open rates click through rates and all that kind of stuff but that's something you can look at once you are already kind of set up with email marketing and once you have already sent out a couple of emails and then you can also have like you have the list options right here where you can change the settings of your lists and tags and all that kind of stuff okay so the first thing we're going to set up here is the email address that we want to send out emails from so i signed up with medicsmedia which is not really an email address that you want to send out emails from you will optimally want to send out emails from your own domain so that for me would be simon at so the way we set this up is we go to the top right here where it says your names company and then i'm going to click on my account and then i'm going to click on domains and addresses on the left side here and as you can see here we have one email set up already right here medics media and the way i set up a new email address is i just type it in here so let's say i want to send out emails from simon at and then all i have to do is just click on send verification and then aweber will send an email to my email inbox right here where i have to confirm that i actually own this email address so let's just go ahead and confirm that message so this is what the email looks like and all we have to do is just click on verify email address right here and then your email is now verified perfect let's go let's click here and go back to our account and let's actually see if this works so let's go back to the top right click on my account and go to domains and addresses on the left side and then scroll down and as we see here we have set up our new email address that we can send out emails from so this is a lot more professional right here and you also have a it's better for deliverability now um what you can even do to improve your deliverability is set up dkim and spf now i don't want to get into what this exactly is um i'll leave an article below this video if you're interested in what this exactly is but i would highly suggest you actually set this up so if you so to do this just click on setup instructions right here and then here's exactly what you have to do so um you basically have to go to your domain registrar so you do so the place where you have registered registered your domain and then you have to set up this three cname records and one tax record i'm not going to show you um how to do this because it really depends on what provider you have personally i have bluehost right here and they don't let me do this myself i actually have to contact support for them to add this right there and i know other posting providers you can do it yourself and just just log into your registrar provider go to the dns settings of your domain and then add a new cname record like this three cname records and the text record right here and then it takes like up to 48 hours until it will be actually available so once it will be available you will see this in green so dkim and spf will be green and that will also increase your deliverability and with your email which means that your emails will be a lot more likely to actually go to the inbox and people will see your email instead of the spam folder and that's really what you want okay so this next part is for people that are switching from another email marketing provider and they already have an email list that they now want to import into aweber if you are just getting started with email marketing and you don't have any contacts yet just skip ahead to the next part where i'm showing you how to create a registration form or a landing page but if you actually are switching and you wanna import your contacts to aweber just follow along right here so to import your contacts just go to the subscribers menu item on the top right here and then click on add subscribers and then you can either add them manually so if you click on add one at a time you can just type in manually which would probably take too much time so i would highly recommend you just use the import multiple option here you should just click on import multiple and then you have to kind of export your email addresses your email list from your other provider so that you can import it into aweber so i would suggest you just export it as a csv file if you can't figure out how to do it with your other email marketing provider just contact support and they will probably help you with exporting your email list and once you have your file ready just click on click to browse here and then choose your exported file i'll i prepared here an example email list so i can show you how it works and then it will upload the file to aweber and here we can decide if you want to only add the new addresses or also add addresses that are already on our aweber account it probably doesn't matter because you don't have any contacts on here already but i would just only add them once because if you have um contacts multiple times it doesn't really make sense and you have to pay for them twice so um i would just do it only add new and then you have to kind of assign different informations about your subscribers to an attribute here in aweber so what i usually just import is the name and the email address because everything else i don't really need i don't need to have the location i don't need to have the ip address and all that kind of stuff i don't really care about but if you do just go through there and then assign it to a tag or to an information column right here so it already recognizes that the name belongs to the name right here and then the email belongs to email and that's fine for me so um i'm just going to scroll down and then click on next confirm opt-in and here it asks us if you want to kind of send everybody that we are importing now a new email asking them to confirm to be on our email list and i would highly recommend to not do this because they don't really care if you're switching from another provider to aweber and um a lot of them probably won't re-opt in to your email list and you will lose a lot of subscribers so um just click on no they don't need to confirm to join my list and click on next here and then if you want to you can also give them a tag this is kind of how you can keep track of um your interest of your subscribers so you could say something like and the everybody that i'm importing right now will will get the tag imported um let's say imported uh from mailchimp something like that so that you know uh that these are the subscribers that you imported but this is optional you don't need to do this now click on um next and then um you have to tell them how they join your list because and they want to kind of make sure that you're legit and not trying to kind of send spam to just random people so um just however you gotten those subscribers just click on maybe they signed up on my website then just type in your website right here so let's say medics and let us know if you're importing this web from other provider and then you can say yes probably and let's say we import them from mailchimp um then click submit your import and then the import is processing so you won't be able to access your contacts immediately so you won't be able to send an email to them immediately they have to kind of confirm that everything is legit here and it probably takes like one or two hours until they have confirmed this and then you will be able to um have access to your subscribers so then when you want to check if the import of your email list actually worked you can head back to the subscribers menu right there and then you should see all of your contacts once they're actually processed again it might take a couple of hours until they have processed all of your contacts depending on how big your list actually is okay so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to create a way for people to sign up to our email list to sign up to our email newsletter and there's two main ways you can do this you can either create a sign up form or registration form whatever you want to call it or you can create a landing page so if you have a website a blog or something you probably want to go with the signup form option because then you can put it anywhere on your website you can put it on your sidebar on your footer you can put it inside of your blog post and if you don't have a website you might want to look into creating a landing page because then you have a standalone kind of one-page website that is just um for people to sign up to opt-in to your email marketing so you can like give away something on your landing page and that way you can just send traffic to it and grow your email list that way so i'm going to show you how to do both i'm going to first show you how to create a simple registration form and that you can put on your website i'm also going to show you how to put it on your website and then i'm going to show you how to create a landing page so let's go ahead and start by creating a sign up form so to do that just click on sign up form right here on the top and there's already kind of a form right here and you can take a look at that and see if that already works for you but i'm going to show you how to create a form basically from scratch so we're going to click on create a create a signup form at the top right here and then this is kind of the registration form builder of aweber i don't think it's very intuitive and i think they could have done a better job with kind of designing their forms a little bit nicer but i'm gonna show you how to kind of get a solid form working for your website so what i like to do is i like to start with a just a template from the template gallery that i have right here and then work from there so what i'm going to choose for this tutorial is this sale template right here and so i'm going to click on that and then i'm going to choose this gray green white color scheme and this is how it will look like for the start so i'm going to click on load template and then it loads this template here on the builder and i don't need this template gallery anymore for now so i'm just going to click on hide template gallery and now we're left with this kind of basic registration form that we can now adjust so the first thing we have to decide is what kind of registration form this is going to be so there are four different types and you see here right now this drop-down menu is set to form type and right now it is set to inline form so an inline form is like i said just a simple form that you can basically put anywhere on your website and which is what most people actually use you also have you can also choose like the pop-up form the light box form or the pop either pop over the light box or the pop-up so pop over is just um something that will be always visible on your website no matter what page you are on and i find it kind of disturbing sometimes when you visit websites that have this so you can try it out and see if it works on your website or if it looks still fine for a visitor um the light box is pretty much the same thing but it will darken the background of the content so you will you really push people to that registration form and then the pop-up form um this then the form will kind of appear in a new browser window and as you can see here many kind of browsers block this automatically so i wouldn't recommend to go with the pop-up here with aweber so what i'm going to do is just create a simple inline form which is something that most people use anyway okay so we have decided on the form type now here you see an overview of the different elements and um you can activate and disable different elements so um let's for example i don't need a footer so i'm just going to click on this and then it will deactivate the footer for this form the same thing with the privacy you see here we respect your email privacy if you want that on your form you can just leave it i'm just going to turn it off by clicking on privacy the same thing with the powered by i don't need the aweber branding on the bottom of my registration form so i'm gonna disable this as well and now we're kind of left with this clean form right here so i'm gonna start by adjusting the header so to adjust it i just usually click on it right here and then you can adjust pretty much everything in this section so i click on the header um header section right there and that's where i'm going to insert the text so um for this registration form i'm going to tell people that i'm giving them a lead magnet what's that's what's called in email marketing terms so we give something away for free in exchange for the email address because then people are much more likely to sign up to your email list and when they get something for free in return most people don't just sign up randomly for email lists because i mean you get a lot of spam as it is so um what i'm going to say here is i'm going to put the title um get my youtube seo checklist for free so i'm going to put that in here and then i'm going to make this white so i'm going to highlight it here and change the color make this white and i'm going to change the font to verdana i'm going to also change the font size to let's let's try 18 maybe a bit bigger let's try 24 make it bold and also kind of center it right there okay that looks good now i'm going to click save field and you can leave it like this or you can add another text block so i want to add some more text to tell people to enter their email address and so i can send them my youtube checklist so it's really clear so what i'm gonna do is click on this add text button on the top here and then it will add a new text field so here i'm gonna um going to put in please enter your email address below to get instant access to this checklist now again i need to kind of edit this to verdana maybe make this 18 make it white as well and also center it right there and now it's kind of here on the bottom so i want to drag this to the top so i'm gonna just drag it up here and that looks good to me so that's the way i'm going to leave it now when you click on this name field right here you can change it to first or le and last name so if you want to capture the first name and the last name i usually just go for name and then you can decide if you want to make it required or not so if you want people to be able to also just sign up just with an email address without giving you their name you can disable this right here but i just usually just make it required um save field and email is fine now if you want to ask for more things than just name an email you can go to the left side right here click on us address and then you see some more options so if you want to have the address as well you can you can activate these but most people probably not do this so um let's just remove this again remove fields and you can also add a custom field so if you click on create new custom field you can maybe ask them for if you want to capture like their website if you kind of if for some reason need their website you can click um already exist your website let's let's name it to your website um you can change the name here and then whatever they type in here will be saved also um in your email list for the subscriber that signs up right here but like again for most people name and email will be what they want to ask for now the button i'm also going to change this so i'm going to click on the button i'm going to change this to send it now because i'm sending them this free checklist this pdf document um and that's that's it basically that look that's um the form that i want to create now um let's move on to step two so i'm gonna click on go to step two on the bottom right and then we can name our form right here so what i'm going to name it i'm going to name it youtube checklist because that's what i'm giving away here that's my that's my lead magnet and then uh the thank you page so when people type in their information they will get to a thank you page and with aweber they have a couple of different options they have the basic version which is just uh basically this one right here where they will be sent to where it says you're almost done activate your subscription and it basically tells them to go to their email inbox and then activate their subscription and the email they will be getting looks like this which maybe you remember is the one that we have edited when we created our aweber account so all they have to do then is click on confirm my subscription and then they will be signed up to your email list so i i'm gonna leave it like this and i'm also gonna click on open this in a new window because if you don't then it will just um they will kind of leave your website and just go to go to this right here and that's not really what i want i want to i want people to be able to continue reading kind of the blog post and that's why i just want this to open in a new window what you can also do is just send them to a custom page so if you have a custom thank you page you can also do that by clicking here and then enter the url you want to send them to so maybe to a video or another blog post whatever makes sense to you now already subscribe page so if somebody already subscribed they also will get a message um saying that they're already subscribed cool now let's go to step three and then it says we have to save our form so click save your form before we can publish it and now we're here in the last step so this is the part where i show you how to actually put that form on your website and what we'll do is we're going to click on i will install my form right here and then you get this this javascript snippet code so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to click on this code right here right click and then click copy and that will just copy this java code right here and then i'm going to go to my wordpress website so here is an example wordpress website and let's say i want to put this form on the sidebar of my website so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to appearance and then i'm going to go to customize and then i'm going to choose widgets and then here you have the sidebar so i click on sidebar and then i go to add widget and click custom html and this this field right here where it says content is where you need to paste that code that we have just copied so this code right here that we have copied we just paste it in this field so click um i just click command command v it will paste it click done and then to activate it just go to the top here and click on publish and now when we go when we go back we can actually check if this worked so let's go to visit site and then on the right side you see this this registration format here you can also kind of see if it works by just typing in something right here so let's say i'm going to type in a random email address let's say simon blah blah at and then click send it now and as you see here now it will open a new tab where it says you're almost done activate your subscription but at the same time they will stay on the website so if this so they can still kind of continue reading on the website what they were looking for and that's basically how you can put it on the sidebar the same thing with the footer just instead of inserting it in the sidebar widget you can insert it in the footer widget and i'm going to show you how to insert it in a blog post so let's go to post all posts and then click on this one right here which is an example blog post and let's say here in this blog post i talk about youtube seo and then i i give away this youtube checklist and i want to insert this registration format here so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to type in a placeholder so i'm going to type in 999 kind of as a placeholder and this is the place where i want that form to appear in the blog post then what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to the top right in the three dots i'm going to change to code editor right here and then i'm going to look for that placeholder i'm going to look for that 999 that i've entered and here it is 999. and here the same thing as before i'm just going to paste this code right here i'm just going to copy again and then i'm going to i'm going to paste it and replace that placeholder 999. click paste and that will insert that code into our blog post then click update on the top right and once it's updated let's preview this so click preview preview a new tab and as you see here this registration form is now inside of our blog post as well as on the sidebar so that's basically how you insert your registration forms on your website and once you've put your registration form on your website make sure you just try it out so just type in a name and an email address right here it can be your own email address and then once you've done it go back to your subscribers right there on aweber and see if this new contact actually appears inside of your contact so this is the the content that i've just um inserted before in this registration form and as you see um not right now because i haven't actually confirmed this on on the confirmation email right here um it's pending right now and once a new subscriber has actually clicked on this button on this confirm my subscription button this will this pending um icon will turn to the subscribed icon all right so now i'm going to show you how to create a landing page inside of aweber so to do that we just go to the top menu and click on landing pages and then we create a new landing page by clicking on create a landing page on the top right and then we get to the page where we can decide to either start from scratch by choosing this one right here or we can choose uh already existing template they have some different templates for different kind of landing pages so just go through there and maybe you find a template that already looks like something that works very well for what you want to build for your business so they have some different stuff like coaching and consulting theme landing pages or maybe like a book promotion landing page and for this tutorial i'm going to choose this personal promotion template because i think that's kind of basic and it works for a lot of different industries so what i'm going to do is i'm going to build a lead magnet landing page where you can give away something for free in exchange for an email address so i'm going to choose this template right there to get started and that will take us into the landing page builder of aweber so this is the basic layout from our template that we have just chosen and if you want to change something here all you have to do is just click on the element and then on the right side you will see a menu let me just drag myself a bit to the left here so you see everything and then you can change everything here on the right if you want to add some new elements that aren't already in the canvas you just go to the left side and drag in whatever you want to add so you can drag in an image right here or you can also drag in a button right there or whatever you see here on the left side so let's actually get sorted and customize this landing page to what we want it to look eventually so if you want to have a logo on the top you can just replace this one or if you don't want it just delete it by clicking here i actually i will import my logo so you see how it looks like so i'm going to click on the logo and then on the left side click on upload an image and then i'm going to choose this logo right here and i also i'm going to make it a bit smaller like this and there we go now we have our logo in there next thing we're going to do is i'm going to change the image to the cover of my lead magnet so i'm going to click on it then on the right side there will be the menu i'm going to click on upload an image and then i'm going to choose the cover of my lead magnet open this and now it will insert this cover so what i want to do now is i want to change the size of this cover so i'm going to go to the right side and and untick this auto with button right there and then we have the sizing option available here this arrow that you see so here you can try to make this smaller or bigger but as you see it kind of snaps back into position so to fix that you can just drag out the ratio of this column to this column by just dragging it in the middle like this so when you drag it out you can make it a bit smaller so i think the size is pretty fine the way it looks right now but what i want to do now is i want to have like kind of a gap in between this section here and this image so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on the row right here and that will open up the row settings so as you see i have a row number one and row number two so the row number one is this left row right here and what i want to do is i want to make um kind of a margin here on the right side so i'm going to go down to spacing i'm going to click on this and then on margin and i'm going to tick individual sides and then then i'm going to adjust this right padding right there so i'm going to just increase this to let's say 25 pixels and that will give me 25 pixels of gap in between those two elements okay this looks good to me now i'm going to change the heading right here so just click on it and then change it to whatever you want it to be so i'm just going to name it get my seo youtube seo checklist for free and then i'm also going to change the text on the bottom right here to something more relevant for what i'm giving away so like this cool um now next thing let's actually change the button right here so i'm going to click on the button i'm going to change the text to send it now because i want to know people that if they type in the email right here i will send them this lead magnet that i'm advertising here basically this looks fine let's also change the color so i go to color on the right side i'm going to make this let's say green and the hover color which is the color that you see when you hover over the button i'm going to make this like a lighter green so now when you hover over it it will be a bit lighter than when you're not hovering over it with your mouse then i also i'm also going to change the shape so now it's kind of um with those sharp edges and i want to make it a bit more round because i think it looks more modern so you can also do that by clicking on the button and then on the right side you have these options here so i'm just going to use click on this one and that makes it a bit more round here cool so now let's move on um to this part so here obviously in the template you have the social media icons where you can click on it and then on the right side you can kind of enter your facebook links or your twitter handle and everything here i'm just going to delete this because i don't really want that on my landing page so i'm going to delete it and now next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to change the background of my landing page so the way i do that is by just going out of the menu of the element by going to the cross right here on the top and that brings me to the page properties and here you see the basic design options here is where you can change the basic font so let's say i want to change the font of my title right here i would have to go to header font right there and then i can change it to let's say i make it ariel black to make it a bit more bold and you can also change like the the font size and everything let's for example change the body font to let's say 20. actually that's a bit too large let's keep it at let's keep it at 16 like this and um then i go to the background right here on the bottom and i'm going to choose a file so i'm going to insert an image as a background i'm going to choose this texture texture file right here that i've downloaded from google i'll insert it and now i think it's a bit too too saturated in the background so i'm gonna decrease the opacity here to let's say 30 percent and i want to make it a bit darker so i'm gonna choose the background color i'm gonna make this black so now this whole form here pops a little bit better and also the logo pops a bit more than with that gray background um cool so now the form is pretty much done or the landing page is pretty much done um what we can also take a look at is the form itself so when you click on the form you get to the forum options here on the right side so you can either you can for example right now uh only the email is required so if people only type in the email address and click on the button it will still go through if you want them to have to type in a name in order to for it to work you have to make it required so you can click on edit on the top right where it says name click on edit and then click on required right here and you'll see this asterix symbol right there now you can also add more fields if you want to so if you want to ask for more information you can create custom fields so if you click on this one right here on this custom fields let's open this in a new tab um then you can create new custom fields so i've created like a custom field called the website right here so now i could choose a new form field called website so i could choose website right here and then it would insert this as well and people could give me like their website if there's something that's like relevant for my business but most people will probably just ask for the name and the email and then the next thing is what happens when people actually type in their information where do they go and that's what we have to set when we click on submission on the top right so normally when somebody types in their information in the landing page they will go to the so called thank you page and with aweber they have like a standard default thank you page which looks like this so this is what they will see when uh when they type in their information it basically says that they have to go to their email inbox and confirm their subscription to your email list um what i'm gonna do this now for this tutorial um but what i would actually recommend you do is you create a separate thank you page specifically for your business so you can design it really well and the way i do it is by just creating an another landing page so if you go back to your aweber account and create a new landing page you see they have a template right here and this thank you page template so you could just choose this template create your landing page and then you could right here um you could choose custom url and then just put in the url of that thank you page right here and then it would look a bit nicer than just this default thank you page of aweber but for the sake of the tutorial i'm just going to keep it simple and choose this simple thank you page right here and also the simple already subscribed page which shows up when somebody already typed in this email um so they're already subscribed and you can also give them tags so let's say i want to give everybody that signs up through this landing page a tag called um youtube checklist landing page so i that i know everybody that has this tag came through this landing page alright so that's it for the design now let's go back to um to the page properties so if you go to the cross on the top right you can go back to the properties and then what we haven't looked at yet is the settings so if you click on settings you see here that there are the landing page url settings and right now if you were to publish this landing page this would be the url which as you can see doesn't look very nice so what you want what you want to do is you want to create a custom url or a custom domain for this landing page so for me it would be something like something combined with so what i would suggest to do is to create a subdomain like something like or where you can then host your landing page and i'm going to show you how to set this up so the way you do this is by going to customize subdomain i would open this in a new tab right here and that takes you to your account settings so you could also go to to this one right here go to account click on domains and addresses and that's how you get there and then when you scroll down you see the option to connect your own domain and as you see i have already connected two subdomains to kind of show you how it works because it does take some time until it's actually set up but you probably don't see anything right here because you haven't set this up for yourself so the way you do this is by clicking on connect domain and then you have to decide on your domain or on your subdomain so let's say i want to host it on my domain so medics media now um if i just type in then the entire domain will be just a landing page so if this is like your main website you don't want to mess it up by directing the landing page to your to your home domain so what you want to do is create a subdomain so you can do something like and that's called a subdomain so just type in whatever applies to you so whatever your domain is and then click on next dns settings and here's kind of the instruction of what we have to do to connect our domain with aweber so what we have to do is go to the dns settings of our our hosting provider of our registrar of the domain and then we have to add a so-called cname record so i'm going to show you how to do to do this in bluehost because that's my registrar provider all you have to do is to go login to your registrar account in my case this would be bluehost then i go to my domains and choose the domain that is relevant here so that would be maddix media go to manage and then go to the dns settings right here and here i can add some different records so as you see here when you scroll down you get to the cname records and here's where i have to add a new record so i click on add record right here and then i just have to paste the information that they give me here so um the host name as you can see here would be free and i just click on it and then it will automatically copy and copy in my clipboard then i paste it in this field right here and then points to this address so click on it to copy it to your clipboard go back to your hosting provider and then points to total time you can just leave it as default and then click on save and then it should be able to save it and it does take a couple of hours until it's actually propagated and works so um it takes up to 48 hours depending on your provider and for me it just took like a couple of hours like three to four hours or something so once it's done go back to your aweber account click done and then you will see this one on the bottom added and once in a while you can just click on refresh like every like hour or so to check if it's already connected but again it takes a couple of hours now when you've done that you can go back to your landing page um your landing page that you've built right here and then you can choose custom domain and then you can choose the domain right here that you have set up in my case i've set up some subdomains before so i can show you how it works so i would let's say use this one and then i can also adjust a path after this url so let's say this would be let's say checklist so then it says forward slash checklist and that's the final url that's pretty much uh it for the landing page now what we can do is click on preview on the top right if you want to see how it actually looks like um looks pretty good to me so let's go back to the editor and the one thing i forgot actually is to give it a name so on the top right we can give it a name so let's name this one youtube checklist and now i'm going to go to the bottom right and click save and exit and as you see now it's added to your landing pages all we have to do now is click on publish on the right side and then it will make this landing page live and people can actually visit it so here you can see the link of the landing page so i can open this in a new tab and as you see here this is your landing page and again you can test it out by just typing in a name and an email address right here and as you see this is our subdomain on the top and also secured with ssl okay so now that we have created a way for people to sign up to our email list uh be it with a registration form on your website or with a landing page what we wanna do next is we wanna um create an automated email that will be sent out immediately when somebody actually subscribes to our email list so whenev whenever somebody types in their name and email clicks on the button confirms their subscription in the confirmation email then we want to trigger an automation that will be automatically send them a welcome series or just a welcome email that's what i'm going to show you how to do now so we click on messages on the top left and then we go to campaigns and then we start a new campaign by going to the top right clicking on campaign create a campaign and here you can either choose from a from a template an automation template that they already give you for a welcome series a lead magnet series but for the sake of this tutorial i want to kind of take you through the entire process of how to set up an automation so we're gonna do everything from scratch so i'm gonna click on create a blank campaign and then we have to give it a name i'm just gonna name it welcome series um for people interested in youtube so i'm gonna name it youtube as well because that's really what i geared my landing page towards i'm gonna name it like this and then they asked us what will trigger this email what will trigger this email automation so either it's when somebody gets to your list which is this one right here or when a specific tag is applied so eventually what you can do is you can send out emails and depending on the behavior of your subscribers you can apply tags to them and then maybe when somebody clicks on a specific link to a specific product maybe you want to give them a tag and then and and then fire or trigger a new email automation um so this is what you can do as well but for the welcome series this one works good um with this um start a campaign when someone is added to your list so we're gonna choose this one right here and here is where you can build out your email automation so this is the canvas right there and the first block here block number one is the trigger so now it triggers when we get new subscribers on our email list what we can do now for example is we can drag in a tag so the first thing what happens when somebody is inside of the welcome of the welcome email series is we give them a tag called welcome welcome series so that i know i can filter my contacts with this tag and i know everybody that is inside of that welcome series and i don't disturb them as long as they don't get out of this welcome series and then at the end i'm going to remove this tag again so now they get the tag which is the second block and what i want to do now is send them an email so i'm going to drag an email in to the bottom here and and this will be my first email to them so my welcome email so what we can do here is either create a message right here so or we can choose a message as we don't have created any messages yet we're going to click on create a message or actually we could choose a message from the templates so you could either build one from scratch from here or you can click choose message and they already give you a couple of templates and in this situation right now when it's a welcome email where i give away a lead magnet maybe we find something that fits well so let's check out your freebie is inside that looks pretty good so they already kind of pre-write the email for you so you can maybe take this as a template and then change it to whatever you want it to look like so when i click on select right here let's let's choose this one and then let's change it by clicking on this email title and that will take us inside of our email editor and the same way with our the same kind of like our landing page we can just drag in different elements from the left side so we can drag in an image right here we can drag in signature logo whatever but we're going to keep it simple right here and just adjust whatever is already in here i'm actually also i'm not going to put in my logo right here i kind of want to make it look like a genuine email just with text so um i'm just going to delete this right here and don't worry when it's when you see those drop element here boxes on the top they won't be visible when when you finish your email and you don't have anything in here so if you click on preview you see that it starts here where the text starts and what you see here is actually a personalization option so this one will uh say hi simon or hi mark whatever whatever people type in the name field in your registration form and you can you you can do this by um going to the personalize option here subscribers info and then click full name and then it inserts the name right here and in this case here it will be the first name but i believe we asked for the entire name so i'm just going to change this to subscribers info full name you can go through this email and see if everything kind of works for you let's say as far as here is your youtube seo checklist so this is this is actually exactly what i'm giving away because that's kind of the name of my landing page and i'm just going to want to change a couple of these characters and then what i usually do is i upload my lead magnet to a dropbox or a google drive folder and then i change this text here to a link to that dropbox folder so i highlight it go to this link icon on the top and then i just put the link here to my dropbox folder so just type in whatever the folder is make sure the link is correct so that they actually get what they requested and then um obviously everything that's kind of bold and and italic right here you want to change so here um okay so you could also just change the entire text right here you get how it works and what's also cool is this link right here actually goes to a instruction how they can white list your email address which helps your emails getting in the actual inbox so when you check out what they have put here in this link let's go to preview click on this link right here and then it opens up a page from aweber where they see how they can put your email address your email contact in the contacts and that will help your future emails go to their actual inbox which is what you want because you want your subscribers to see your emails so you can leave that in if you want to or you can just take it out and here you can also insert an image so let's say we want to put an image go click on it go to upload image on the right side let's just take an image of me right here and then obviously change the name as well so let's say simon and here we can say medics media so this is how you craft your email and then once it's done what you can do is click on preview and test on the top right and then what i usually do is i type in one of my email addresses right here and then i click send test message and then you see exactly what this email looks like inside of your email provider so in gmail for example you and i usually just do this and check if there are any mistakes or if it actually gets to the inbox and if it lands in the spam folder or something i just check if i have any trigger words in there like free or offer or something which trigger the the spam alert for different providers and that's what you really want to avoid so let's get back to the editor and also here on the top your freebie is inside and this would be the subject line so this is what people will see in the inbox i just usually put like something like welcome um here's here's your checklist or your youtube checklist which is the lead magnet and i don't put something like free checklist because again that will trigger the spam kind of algorithm for gmail and those other providers and then the email goes into spam and that's what we want to avoid and then click save and exit on the bottom right and now we have created the email that will be automatically sent out once somebody goes to our list what i can do now is kind of build this out to an entire email series so let's say after this first email we want to have a wait of two days so i'm going to drag in a wait block right here and i'm going to adjust this one two to two days and after those two days i want to send them another email so i'm going to drag in another message right here and create the message and then maybe tell a bit more about the story of the business or give some more tips and eventually um maybe in the fifth or sixth email i promote something to them like a product that i'm offering um so you can automate the entire kind of um business journey or the entire kind of sales process within this email automation you can also like offer a course so you can each day send them a part of your course here you can pretty much build whatever you want and what i usually do at the end of a welcome series is i go and drag in the apply tag again and then i click i type in remove these tags from subscribers and then i remove the tag that i've given them in the beginning so i'm going to remove the welcome series tag because now they are not in the welcome series anymore so now when you're done building your automation sequence right here just go to the bottom right click save and exit and then it will put that welcome series inside of your campaign list and then you can click on the draft right here and click on activate campaign and now it's active and whenever somebody signs up to our email list this campaign will be automatically triggered okay so we're almost at the end of this tutorial but there's one more thing i want to show you before i'll let you go here and that is how to create an email newsletters so one-time emails that you can use to inform your audience about anything that you have going on so if you have a new blog post or you have a discount going on for your shop then you can use email broadcasts to let your audience know about what's going on so um in aweber that's called broadcast so we go to messages on the top here and click on broadcasts and then what i would suggest to use is the drag and drop email builder which is the easiest one to use in my opinion click on that and that will open up the email builder that we've already seen before with our automation sequence that we have built so here you can again click on any element right there and then change everything right here you can upload an image you can also delete the entire section if you don't want to have an image on the top here the text obviously you want to make it your content blah blah blah and also if you want to insert links you can just highlight the section that should be a link and then click on the link icon right here and then insert your link right there and then it will kind of get it will become a hyperlink for the design you can just drag in any images that you want to add right here or videos as well buttons you can also have like coupons and stuff so just play around with it a bit and then craft the email that you want to send out to your subscribers to be honest i usually just use text because it's it's more kind of an email type and it it's also when you use too many images and graphics then it kind of hurts your deliverability rate so a lot of providers like gmail they will kind of put your email in the spam box because a lot of spam emails they have a lot of images in there so i try to not put in too many images inside of my emails so let's say your email is finished make sure you give it a good subject line on the top here so um you want to make it something that people will actually want to click on so something like we have big news or something like that so kind of a clickbaity title and you can also always personalize this so we can click on personalize and say their full name so we have big news simon for example and then always preview so preview and test on the top right and send it to your own email right here and then check if everything worked if it actually went to the inbox so click send test message and then check if that works you can also check out the mobile version how it looks on the mobile phone before you actually send it out once you're done go to the bottom right click on save and exit and here you can schedule your um your email so just um choose this one that we have just created click on schedule and here we get to the broadcast settings so you could also share this with facebook and twitter and here you see who should receive this message you see exactly what email list will receive this exact message and then you can either send it out immediately which is the default way or if you click edit right here you can also schedule it so i could just send it tomorrow at let's say 10 am and then click apply and then it's scheduled for tomorrow 10 am i have those ticked as well except for email me when quick starts are available so it also tracks the clicks in the message and then you just click on schedule message or send immediately and then you're basically done your email will be sent out once where you've scheduled it or will be sent out immediately if that's what you went for all right so i hope you enjoyed this tutorial and it actually helped you getting started with aweber if it did let me know by giving this video a thumbs up and if you want to be extra helpful you can also leave me a comment down below in the comment section if you want to see more tutorials like this make sure you subscribe to the channel and also hit that notification bell next to the subscribe button so you don't miss any future videos with that being said thank you very much for watching and i look forward to seeing you in the next video
Channel: Metics Media
Views: 22,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aweber tutorial, aweber tutorial videos, aweber, aweber automation, aweber autoresponder tutorial 2020, aweber campaign tutorial, aweber campaigns tutorials, aweber email marketing, aweber follow up series, aweber full tutorial, aweber landing page, aweber landing page tutorial, aweber review, aweber setup, aweber vs activecampaign, aweber vs getresponse, aweber vs mailchimp, convertkit vs aweber, how to send email with aweber, how to use aweber, aweber tutorial 2021
Id: vHM4dKNq1t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 13sec (3973 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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