TubeBuddy Tutorial for Beginners (How to use Tubebuddy to get Views on YouTube)

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hi there and welcome to this complete tubebuddy tutorial my name is simon and in this video i'm going to show you everything you need to know to get more views and subscribers on your youtube channel using tubebuddy over the past couple of years that i've been on youtube tubebuddy has definitely been the number one tool that has helped me to rank my videos on the first page of search results and also increase my views and subscribers on my channel it has even allowed me to make a full-time living of having a youtube channel so i wanted to make this video to give you a complete walkthrough of tubebuddy and also show you the most powerful tools that has helped me to boost the performance of my videos so in this video we're gonna start all the way from the beginning by adding the tubebuddy extension to our browser and also by signing up for a new tubebuddy account then i'm going to give you a quick overview over the tubebuddy dashboard and also over the tubebuddy extension on your browser and then we're going to go through the entire video creation process from finding a good topic using the keyword research tools and also optimizing your video with a title with the tags with a description using the tubebuddy tools and then i'm also going to show you a couple of tools that you can use to optimize your existing videos that aren't really getting any views by split testing your thumbnail and also your title and also by using a tool called the click magnet i've been using these tools to kind of optimize videos that haven't been getting a lot of views on my channel and now some of those videos are actually the one of the best performing videos across my entire channel so definitely a lot of powerful tools that i'm going to cover here in this video some of those tools are only available for one of the paid plans of tubebuddy but also if you have the free version of tubebuddy this video will also be very helpful to you um if you decide to go for a pay plan i'm gonna have some discount codes down below in the video description now this is going to be a longer video so i'm going to leave all the timestamps down below in the video description so you can always jump around or come back to certain parts later on so let's not waste any time and get started right away all right so we're going to start off here on the tubebuddy homepage if you want to support my youtube channel you can use my personal referral link down below in the video description to get to this page um if you use that link and then you sign up for an account and decide to go for a paid plan later on you don't have to pay any more but i will get a commission from whatever you pay to tubebuddy which is how i'm able to make these videos for you so if you use that link down below that would be highly appreciated but if not that's okay as well so here you can see the browsers that you can use to install this tubebuddy extension i personally am using chrome so um once you're here all you got to do is click on install free now right here and then you'll get to the chrome store if you use chrome and then all you need to do is click on add to chrome right here and this will add the extension to your browser so now the extension has been added to our browser if you're using chrome you can go to the top right this little puzzle icon on the top here and you can pin this extension on the top of your browser so that's what i'm going to do here i'm just going to click on this little pin here and then you can see the the tubebuddy extension will actually show up right here and then when you go to the youtube homepage you can see this icon right here which is uh visible when you actually have the tubebuddy extension installed so in order for this to work properly we also have to sign up for a tubebuddy account so let's click on right here go to sign up with youtube right here and then we're going to have to sign up using our google account which is our youtube account actually so let's click on our account right here and actually sign in using our google account you have to also allow tubebuddy to basically get data from your youtube channel so here you have to just click on allow great so now the tubebuddy extension is fully installed on our browser and it's actually getting data from your youtube channel to make all the tools that tubebuddy has to offer actually work so there are two main ways we can actually access the tools of tubebuddy the first one is on the on the youtube page itself so now when you go to your youtube page you notice that on the top right there's a new button which is the tubebuddy button where you can access all the extension tools so when you click here you can see that it will open up some kind of window where you're going to access all of the tools of the extension so here you can see the keyword planner the click magnet the thumbnail generator and a lot more tools now the second way you can access more tools of tubebuddy is on the tubebuddy page itself where you can access your account so when you go to and then you go to the top right and click on my account then it will kind of log you in to your tubebuddy dashboard so now i'm logged into my own tubebuddy dashboard where you can see my two youtube channels that i'm currently running and then when you click on your channel profile picture right here you will actually get to your dashboard so here on the left side you can see the menu you can see data and insights launchpad search rank tracking and so on those are all the tools that are accessible here on the dashboard so you have the the extension here on the youtube page and then you have the dashboard on i'm going to go through each of these tools that you can see right here and later on in the tutorial first we're going to focus on um on the seo tools which are mainly accessible through the browser extension right here all right so before i get started with the video creation process starting with keyword research and so on i'm going to give you a quick overview over this extension right here so here on top you have a couple of tabs you have the tools the messages the interesting news and the milestones i normally don't really use either of these tabs right here because i'm gonna navigate through everything here on the right side these are just like the most popular tools of tubebuddy then on the messages you have some basic tubebuddy updates you have some industry news and also the milestones where it's just gonna track uh the progress of your youtube channel so how many subscribers views uploads and so on now here on the right side is the main menu of your tubebuddy extension so these right here are basically just quick links to your youtube dashboard so for example if i want to go to my dashboard i can just go to this little tubebuddy button and then click on dashboard and then it will take me inside of my youtube dashboard so you can also directly go to other youtube studio links for example your videos your playlists your comments i use this button a lot when i want to answer comments of my videos because then you can see all the comments of all your videos and you can answer them right here but that's actually not a tool of tubebuddy that's actually a tool of the youtube studio where this is just a link that goes to your youtube studio and also this is a link to your analytics then here on the extension tools these are actually tubebuddy tools so here you can see the keyword explorer the seo studio and so on which we're going to use in a moment here when we're going to start going through the video creation process then on the website tools right here these are all the tools that are available on the tubebuddy website itself which we have seen before which is this one right here so here on the left side is basically what you see right here then you can also access your dashboard by going to my account youtube dashboard it will take you directly to your dashboard tubebuddy also has an affiliate program um so here are just some more links community and so on so now let's actually go through the video creation process all right so the first tool that you might want to consider using in your video creation process is the video topic planner which is accessible under the tubebuddy extension extension tools right here video topic planner this is a very basic tool that just helps you to keep track of your video ideas so when you open up the video topic planner you can click on add new topic on the top and then you can just type in the title of the video that you plan to create in the future you can also leave some notes here for the video and then you can click on save right here and then you can see all the video topics here in a list and then once you have completed a video so for example if i have uploaded this youtube this tubebuddy tutorial i can just click on this check mark here and then it will just disappear in the current topics and it will put it in the complete topics column right here cool so let's now move on to one of the most important steps and one of the most important tools of tubebuddy which is the keyword explorer the keyword explorer is a tool that we can use to find topics that are trending and also find video keywords that people are actually searching for so that we have a high chance of actually getting views on our videos if we don't do keyword research then we're basically shooting in the dark and we don't really have a strategy and we're basically hoping to get views and we're probably going to waste a lot of our time so definitely i would recommend everybody to do keyword research before even deciding on making a video about a specific topic and the keyword explorer right here is a perfect tool to find out what keywords and what topics it's worth to make a video about so to launch the keyword explorer we either click right here or we go to extension tools on the right side and click on keyword explorer right here so here on the first page of the keyword explorer we have the uh what's trending right now so we can decide on what country you're making videos for for example united states currently these topics are trending and if you have a channel that's getting a lot of views or that wants to get a lo a lot of views from suggested videos the home page and stuff then going for training videos is a good idea because these are um these are training videos and these are video like topics that youtube pushes content for so if you create uh videos about these topics right here then there's a good chance of youtube wanting to promote your video because people are interested in these topics right here personally the strategy that i have and the channels that i have i don't really go for these topics what i want to do is create videos for specific keywords that people are searching for pretty much all the time so what i'm using is this tool right here where i can type in a keyword about a topic that i want to make a video about and then i'm looking for the perfect keyword that i have a high chance of ranking for in the search algorithm so i can get views uh so i can get a lot of use over a long period of time so for example for this video i would type in tubebuddy because i'm making a video about tubebuddy and as you can see there's the autocomplete function that is also available on the youtube search bar where um viewers can type a keyword can type in a keyword right here and then the autocomplete will show what people are actually searching for the most including this keyword and this really helps me to decide on what i'm going to title my video and what is the topic that i'm gonna make a video about because if youtube shows me that people are actually searching for you tubebuddy tutorial then it's a good idea to make a video about this topic because i know people are interested in this specific topic so when you type in tubebuddy the first keyword that comes up is tubebuddy tutorial so that's what i'm going to do here i'm doing a tubebuddy tutorial so let's actually further check out this specific keyword right here let's click on tubebuddy tutorial click on explore and this will open up this new tab so under the summary tab you have the score so the score basically tell you if it's a good idea or if it's a bad idea to make a video using this specific keyword so if you have the paid version of tubebuddy you also get the weighted score right here which just takes in consideration your youtube channel so if you go to unweighted right here this is just a general guide on how competitive this keyword is or if it's a good idea to make this key to make a video about this keyword and it's basically taking in consideration three different factors the first one is search volume which means that how many people are actually searching this keyword then competition how many videos are actually out there already about the specific keyword and then optimization strength so the videos that are already out there how well are they optimized for your keyword so are they do they have this keyword in the title in the description what are the tags of these videos so it's taking all this data in consideration and then it's going to give you a recommendation of what you should do should you make a video or not so if it's in the green it's probably a good idea to make a video about this topic if it's in the red is probably a bad idea and then when you go to weighted it's taking in consideration my youtube channel views my subscribers and so on so in general i have a little bit of like i have a better chance of ranking for this keyword than the average youtube channel because my weighted results is a bit higher than the unweighted results however fair is not really uh it's not really motivating me now to make this video because it's just telling me maybe it's not that that of a good idea to make a video about this specific keyword however it doesn't mean that i should make a tubebuddy tutorial for example when i see what other keywords come up here i can see that people are also searching for tubebuddy tutorial 2021 so let's check out this specific keyword and now as you can see all of a sudden this score goes to excellent so tubebuddy is actually telling me this is a good keyword to go for and then once i actually rank for tubebuddy tutorial 2021 and people are watching my video um youtube is gathering data from my video and then if i have actually a good video then and the youtube algorithm notices that then it will also rank my video for this keyword tubebuddy tutorial which is a higher competitive a higher competition keyword but um i have a chance of actually ranking for it so i would go for like long tail keywords that are actually in the green right here but also have like higher competition keywords in the front right here where you get more traffic um on your video so more views eventually and also here on the right side so let's go back to tubebuddy tutorial it's also giving you ideas right here so related searches you can see you can get ideas for other video topics or kind of long tail keywords that you can go for and you can also go to the results tab right here where you can see and the currently highest ranked videos for this specific keyword right here so you can see how you can maybe stand out with your thumbnail maybe stand out with your title or kind of what's working currently in the youtube search algorithm you can also see the channel that has the most videos ranked with this specific keyword which is obviously the tubebuddy channel itself so this is also a nice overview here where you can see maybe how you can stand out with your topic idea so once you have your keyword right here so the goal of using this keyword explorer to have is to have a main keyword that you can then put in the title of your video so that you can get views from the search algorithm all right so now that we have decided on a keyword from using the keyword explorer the next step would be to actually optimize our video title our video description and the tags for that specific keyword so that we have the highest chance of actually ranking for our keyword and the way we can do that using tubebuddy is to use the seo studio here on the right side which is kind of going to guide us through the optimization process so we open up the seo studio the first thing we got to do is type in our keyword in this field right here so for me this would be tubebuddy tutorial 2021 click on start and then the process is gonna start and this is looking similar like the upload process of when you upload a new youtube video on your youtube channel so but the difference is that you can actually see an seo score right here which will show you how well your video title description and so on is optimized for your keyword tubebuddy tutorial 2021 so currently we are at a 62 score and we want to get that score as high as possible optimally to 100 so the way we do that is by looking at the bottom here where we see suggestions of tubebuddy telling us what we need to do so that we get a higher score and one of those right now is include your target keyword naturally in the title so what i can do is maybe type in something like how to use to use tube body and then i have tubebuddy once again in my title and that will actually increase my seo score and because everything is a little bit slow here on my computer it's kind of delayed so as you can see now it has increased my score to 86 percent now the next thing i need to do is include partial matches of your target keyword in my description so the same thing here i can just type in in this tubebuddy tutorial 2021 i will show you how to use tube buddy and then i have tubebuddy once again here in my video description and that should also increase my seo score so you want to include your keywords naturally in your description and optimally within the first 200 characters of your description right here so make sure you make all of these suggestions here green and then you should get to at least 95 of your seo score then on the next step we actually can type in or we can actually um put in our tags our tags for our youtube video i actually like to skip this step right here because the tag tool that we have in the upload process which i'm going to show you later on in the video is a lot better in my opinion than this tag tool right here so what i do i skip this step and i do the tags later on in the upload process then i'm going to click next again and then we get to the thumbnail section which is also one of the most important parts of um of what's going to be deciding on how well your youtube video will do because the ctr the click-through rate is one of the most important metrics when it comes to the algorithm deciding on if they want to push your video or not show your video at all so our thumbnail is very important so here what we can do is upload our thumbnail that we plan on using for this video so for example i plan on using something like this right here and then it will put in your thumbnail among the other search results that are currently ranked number one for this specific keyword so what you can try to do here is to create a thumbnail that is kind of standing out right here as you can see this might not be the best thumbnail because the colors are pretty much the same and it's not really standing out however you can also see that the color red is kind of working because these these videos are actually ranked on the uh ranked in the first part of the search results so what i like to do is simply use a thumbnail and then later on i split test it against other thumbnails which i'm also going to show you later on in the tutorial but i also uploaded the thumbnail right here to kind of see how it looks like in between those other thumbnails that come up in the search results cool so then i go to the next step and then i can basically save all this information as a draft and then use it later on when i actually upload this video now we only got to 95 percent of uh the seo score right now which is because we have skipped the tags right here which we're gonna do later on when we actually upload our video so we're gonna so i'm gonna click on save draft right here and now i have saved this one as a draft tubebuddy tutorial 2021 now a quick little tool i want to show you before we actually upload the video is the tag list so if you use a lot of the same tags then you can save a lot of time using tag lists so when we go to extension tools right here click on tag lists then we can start a new tag list so for example um let's sorry tag list medics media click on add so this would be for example the tags that i always want to put in my videos when i upload them so for the medics media attack list i type in medics media and maybe i don't know online marketing online marketing stuff like that and then i just um later on when i upload the video i can simply click on medics media and then it will automatically put in all of those tags which i'm going to show you in a second so you can have your tag list right here which is just a tool that will save you a lot of time if you use a lot of the same tags alright so let's now actually go through uploading and publishing a new youtube video with the help of tubebuddy so as you probably know to upload a new video we simply go to the top right click on the camera icon click on upload video and then as an example i'm going to simply upload a short video for this tutorial and then you'll get to the process that you're probably familiar with where you have to type in your title your description upload your thumbnail and all that kind of stuff however as we've already prepared our title our description that is optimized for our keyword we can now simply click on this tube body button right here and then we can choose and the draft that we have prepared for this video tubebuddy tutorial 2021 click on apply right here and then it will simply insert the title that we have prepared the description and also upload the thumbnail so as we can see it's just inserting it right here obviously you want to have a better title and description that i have in this video but this is simply for demonstration purposes and if you don't already have a thumbnail you can also create one using tubebuddy if you click on this button right here create thumbnail then you can use a still frame from your video put some text over it or simply use a color or an image and then put some text on that image to create your thumbnail however i haven't ever used this thumbnail creator and what i would usually recommend is to simply use a website called which makes it very easy to create nice looking thumbnails without having any design skills that you need when you use softwares like photoshop for example which is what i use to create my thumbnails so um so i usually create on photoshop and then i simply upload it here so then we would simply move on preparing this video for publishing the same way as you would with any video that you have published on youtube i'm going to simply focus on the parts where tubebuddy actually comes into play which on the next part would be the tags so i'm going to scroll down here click on show more and then i'm going to scroll all the way down to the tags so as you've seen before i've actually skipped putting in the tags in the seo studio because i like the tag tool that you have here a lot better so as you can see our tag box is currently empty and what we want to do is we want to fill it up with relevant tags so relevant keywords to our video so when we click on tag tools right here and we scroll down then we can see that tubebuddy is recommending specific tags for the keyword that we want to go for so as you can see the keyword that we want to go for is tubebuddytutorial2021. however as this is a very specific keyword tubebuddy is only able to give us one recommendation where tubebuddy tutorial 2021 is actually included so i want to have more recommendations so what i like to do is to simply remove this keyword by clicking on this little cross icon right here confirming this and then they will um tubebuddy will load more recommendations right here and you can also click on refresh scores and then you can see the seo score of each of these keyword that you can add as a tag so the higher the score the easier it will be for your video to rank for that specific keyword so here you could either simply click on each of these keywords and then it will automatically put that keyword here in your tag box and the maximum number of characters you can use here is 500 characters so you want to make sure to to basically add as many tags as you can to get kind of related to as many keywords and as many videos that also use these tags now you could either do this all manually by clicking on each of these tags that you think is relevant for your video what i actually like to do is to simply use the keyword explorer which you also have access to here through this upload process so when we click on keyword explorer right here and then we can type in our main kind of broader keyword so we get a lot of recommendations so i would type in tubebuddy then click on explore and now i would go here click on common tags on the right side and then i can see the most commonly used tags for videos related to tubebuddy so what i usually do is to simply select as many as i can use of those so click on select to video tag limit and then it will simply select as many as i can actually use until i hit the character limit which is 500 and then i simply go to action right here click on insert in current video and then when i close the keyword explorer then you can see it's automatically adding all of these tags into my tag box until i've hit the character limit now what i could then do is maybe remove some of the tags that i think are maybe too broad that aren't related really well to the video that i want to do so for example these are actually pretty good these are all related but let's example let's for example say i want to remove this tag right here nick nimmin and then i maybe also want to remove youtube because maybe this is too broad as well and then what i can do is fill up the remaining character space here manually by simply choosing some of those keywords that i see here on the bottom until i actually hit my tag limit so the tag strategy that you want to use for your videos is really up to you there are many people that say you should have like high volume keywords that get a lot of traffic 50 of those put those in the tags and then the other 50 fill them up with very relevant tags so it's really up to you my personal strategy is simply to use those keywords that are just relevant for the video so if i do a tubebuddy tutorial i want to use tags um that are related to tubebuddy because and the people that actually gonna click on my video and watch it all the way through are the people that already know about tubebuddy and the ones that are very interested in this tool so that's pers that's my personal strategy um is it's up to you uh what kind of tags you want to use i would simply recommend to use keywords that are actually relevant to the content of your video alright so let's actually look at some of the tools that you can use to increase the performance of your already existing videos on your channel maybe you have some videos that are actually performing well in terms of likes and watch time however you're not getting as many views as you may have hoped luckily on tubebuddy there are some tools that you can use to find the videos that have more potential in terms of views and also tools how you can actually increase the performance of those videos so the first tool that we're going to look at is the click magnet which is a tool where you can find um the videos that you can actually optimize that have room to improve when it in terms of optimization so we go to click magnet here on the right side and then you actually get four different tools inside of the click magnet so the one that i actually use the most is the ctr opportunities and also the element inspector but let's also quickly look at the power rankings tool right here so this is basically giving us an overview of what video actually performs the best for different traffic sources so this is currently overall this is the video that performs the best in terms of click-through rate watch time and also amount of clicks and when i change the traffic source to for example suggested videos then this changes up a little bit and i can also change it to browse feature and then i can see that this video is actually performing the best right now so you can really see what kind of video works better for different traffic sources so if you want to get more traffic from browse then you might want to do more videos like this if you want to get more traffic from search then you might want to do more videos like this so i don't actually use this tool a lot but it's a nice way to see what videos do well for different traffic sources so let's go back here and let's look at the element inspector so this is a very cool tool as well which i think is still in beta on tubebuddy this will basically tell you what kind of thumbnails work the best in terms of click-through rate for your channel so they have some different comparisons here for example face versus no face so i think this doesn't work perfectly yet because um here it's just gonna and gather all the the videos that have faces in the thumbnails and on average i'm getting a four point four four percent click-through rate then you can see here videos that um don't have a face or actually this one does have a face but kind of the it's not recognizing it it's getting an average ctr of 5.59 so um this would actually tell me that i should do more thumbnails without a face however i know that my thumbnails actually do better when i have faces in them because this data is not really accurate because the sample size is just too small for these videos this is only three videos this is 46 videos and i've split tested different thumbnails with faces without faces and the ones with faces most of the time actually do a lot better and also the ones where the face is actually larger than rather to kind of in the background so and also if you have like a video that's getting suggested in browse a lot which actually has a face right here or a specific factor that you're tracking then um the the data is kind of not really accurate because on browse you're getting a lot more impressions so a lot more people see your video but a lot less people actually click on the video as opposed to the search traffic for example so this take this data with a grain of salt this is just a little fun thing to play around with you can also change this to emotion so you can see what kind of emotion is getting the best click-through rate so surprise currently it's saying for me that i'm getting the best click-through rate but as you can see um the kind of the algorithm that tries to find out what kind of oppression you have on your thumbnail is not working perfectly yet this is kind of a fun thing you can play around with text no text words and title is also very cool so um the word that i have in my title that has the highest click-through rate or that results in the highest click-through rate is actually step-by-step um this is because i do a lot of tutorials so you actually need a very big sample size that this data is actually you can actually use this data for making decisions for your account okay so let's go back here the one that i actually use the most is the ctr opportunities right here so here you can basically see what videos perform very well but they could do better in terms of click-through rate because when we don't get a click on our video we don't have the possibility to show people how good our video actually is so for example this one is actually performing very well in terms of watch time and how many people actually like the video however the click-through rate is only 1.68 this is actually a video that is performing the best on my channel currently and the reason is because this video gets the most traffic from browse and also from suggested which naturally people don't like the click-through rate is naturally lower compared to videos that get the most traffic from search however if i'm able to increase this ctr this click-through rate by maybe just 0.5 percent if it would result in a lot more watch time and in a lot more views eventually so these are the videos here on the top that have the highest potential to be actually increased um but in performance by changing out the the thumbnail and also maybe the title and that's what we're going to look at in the next step we're going to take a look at the a b testing tool where you can actually test out different thumbnails against each other and different titles against each other and see which ones get the higher ctr the higher click-through rate which is better for your video because then first you get more views and the second thing is youtube sees that you get a higher click-through rate and they will start pushing your video out to more people because that's what youtube eventually cares about they want to get people to click on videos and when your video is the one that gets the most clicks then they will push your video so let's move on to the a b testing tool so to access the a b testing tool of tubebuddy we have to actually log into our dashboard which you can access through the tubebuddy website so once you're here you can either click on my account if you're already logged in or click on sign in on the top right and then here i'm gonna click on this channel right here because i have actually two and then on the left side you can see all the tools and what we're going to take a look at right now is the a b tests click on manage right here and that will take you to the a b testing tool now before we set up a split test and a b test for one of our videos i want to quickly show you kind of the potential of using this tool and why you should actually use it so for example this was one test that i've done that is that has really helped me to optimize my thumbnail to get more clicks on my video so here all i did actually this was actually my original thumbnail and then i changed it around to simply increase my face a little bit so that my face is kind of larger in the thumbnail and that actually has resulted in a 86.4 84.16 percent higher click-through rate so um this is a very significant increase in clicks which actually showed youtube that people will click on my video which will which then caused youtube to push out my video more which again gave me more views so um you can see that these tests are really useful and one quick tip here is to only change one thing at a time on your thumbnail because when you change the text and also like the size of your face then you don't really know what actually caused the higher click-through rate maybe it was the text change like the words on the thumbnail or maybe it was the the increased size of your face right here so only change one thing at a time so you can really find out what makes people click on your thumbnails this is another example where i simply changed around the text from complete tutorial to beginner tutorial and here i actually found out that the complete tutorial text will get more clicks as you can see here the original one got six point two nine percent click-through rate and the variation only got 5.3 click-through rate so obviously i have stayed with complete tutorial instead of beginner tutorial so here you can basically find out what thumbnail works better than the other so let's actually go ahead and create a new split test so when you when you're here in your split testing tool you can click on create a b test right here and then you have to select a video you want to create your a b test for let's just simply take this video that we have just uploaded before and then you have different possibilities of split testing things so you can either only split test your thumbnail or you can also split test your thumbnail and your title and your description and basically everything um including the tags basically everything about your video information personally i mostly only split test my thumbnails because when you split test your your title then it will also get i think it will get re-indexed in the youtube search algorithm which can really hurt a video that is actually doing well so if my video is doing like kind of well already or solid then i will only split test a thumbnail however i have split tested also titles of videos that haven't been doing good at all and then i have actually seen an increase in views as well so that's something you can do as well for videos that are kind of already dead or that get very little views but i usually simply go for the thumbnail ctr test right here and then you can either do this test for 14 days so that you can have each thumbnail on each weekday at least once and so you can type in the number of days right here or what i usually do is to get results a lot quicker is to use this option right here which will just test your thumbnail until um the results are statistically significant so when they have a 95 chance that um the the variation or the original thumbnail will outperform the other one then they will stop the test and will automatically set the thumbnail to the one that you have to the one that is performing better so let's actually go with this one right here statistically significant which is the one that i usually use then click on continue and so this is the original one that i've already said on my video and now i can upload a test thumbnail to a b tested against each other so i would simply choose a file here and i've already prepared one so this one right here this is simply a design change where i don't have the for beginners and i kind of have a different design it's very subtle you can also probably it's a better idea in beginning to make bigger changes so maybe um have an entirely different design and then kind of once you find the correct design do some little things as well so um yeah then click on start test and once you click on start the test it will basically switch your thumbnail every single day so the first day it will be the original one then the second day it will be the variation thumbnail until um both of these thumbnails have gathered enough impressions so enough people have actually seen these thumbnails and then some of them have clicked on it until tubebuddy has enough data to determine which thumbnail will actually perform better in the long run so when you have set up your a b test it will be visible here under a b tests in progress here you're going to see all the split tests that you have currently running so this is the one that we have just set up before and as you can see there's no data yet obviously you probably have to wait like three or four days under until you will see some data in here and it's already gonna show you kind of a a thumbnail that is probably gonna be the better one in the long run however i would definitely wait until the significance is until the probability is over 95 percent that the one thumbnail will outperform the other until you will make a decision on what you will put as a thumbnail and then once you have decided on what thumbnail is actually better you can do another split test with a different thumbnail and just like that you can find out what thumbnail will actually perform the best for you in the long run for example i've been running uh this this test for a while now it's been like 16 days and this one is pretty much the same in terms of ctr so it's 5.04 for original 4.87 for the variation you can also see more information here so average view duration for each of these clicks on each of these thumbnails you can also see what thumbnail is actually performing better for search traffic for suggested traffic or for browse traffic so based on that information you can also make a decision i usually simply go for the one that gets a higher click-through rate overall and um i simply go with that and then i try to maybe find a an even better thumbnail and split test it again with another one and i really have been seeing a high uh an increase in views since i've been using this a b testing tool so i would highly recommend to actually use this tool this is also the reason i actually upgraded to the legend plan of um of tubebuddy because i wanted to use this tool and i have definitely not requested it regretted it because it helped me so much to actually get more views on my videos so next i actually want to go through the tools that you see here on the left side on your tubebuddy dashboard and kind of show you which tools i think are very useful as well but before i do that i want to quickly also show you one tool that i also use a lot which is kind of a bulk editing tool so when you go to your videos right here in your studio what you can see is this bulk and miscellaneous tools and what you can basically do here is um bulk edit your video so if you want to change something in the description for example on one of your videos you can just use this tool to change it on every single video by simply clicking one button for example here the defined and replace text tool is one that i i use um a lot here so for example let's say i want to change out a link that i have in every in every description of my video so for example a link would be https forward slash tools so let's say i want to change out this link to maybe this link has changed to tools for trade something like that and then i click on continue right here and then i can say that i want to search all of my videos because i think i have like over 50 videos and if i would have to change that manually on every single video it would actually take forever so this is a tool i use a lot and then it will actually go and look on what what video actually has this link included and here you can see it's on a lot of videos so i can simply click on all right here and then it will select all of the videos and then when i click on and we just have to wait a sec until it's selected then when i click on continue and then when i click on yes do it and confirm then each of these links in my video description will re will be replaced with this link right here so you can do the same thing with titles with uh and also with simply text in your description so i'm not going to do that because i actually don't want to change the link but i just wanted to show you this um this bulk editing tool you can also do it with with thumbnail overlays and you also have some more um tools here that will kind of save you time as a youtuber okay so let's now go through the tubebuddy dashboard and look at some of the tools they have here so again i'm going to go to one of my channels right here and then we're simply going to go through top to bottom we're going to start with data and insights here on the left side and go all the way to the bottom and see what you have here on your tubebuddy dashboard so here this is basically so-called health report where you can see some data about your youtube channel are you actually growing in views subscribers engagement here for example you can see the amount of views that you're getting each day and then the kind of slimmer line here is the one uh for the last month so you can see if the thicker line is actually higher than the thin line here then you can see you're on a good path you're actually growing overall here on the right side you can see the keywords that you're showing up for the most where you're getting the most views from so maybe you can you can focus more on these keywords because people are actually enjoying the content you make about these keywords you can also go to related videos websites that are actually um putting your videos on the their websites so a lot of data right here you can also see um a lot of data in your youtube analytics which i'm gonna do another video about um however this is kind of a summary of a lot of data you can simply check it out for yourself then channel valuation is a tool that you can install to kind of get an idea about what you can charge as a youtuber for a promotion post for a kind of branded video i don't really have this installed so i can really talk about it this is probably useful if you are an influencer and you're doing a lot of brand deals a lot of sponsorships then you can get an idea about what you can actually charge as an influencer then the retention analyzer is also a nice tool where you can see where the the people are actually clicking off of your video so here you can basically see at what minute how many people are still watching your videos so for example for this video right here at the one minute mark 70 of people are actually still watching this video which is actually pretty good for my channel so as you scroll down here the numbers actually decrease so i actually don't really use this tool a lot because i check out all my analytics in the actual youtube analytics in the youtube studio and i do my research there however this is a nice way to see what videos are actually getting a high retention which are probably the videos you should do more off then you can also go to use usage stats which is going to show you how many or what tools you are using the most of tubebuddy i also don't really use this tool at all then you can click on launchpad as well so here you can basically optimize your videos or tubebuddy is going to give you recommendations on how you can optimize your video so when we click on one of these videos right here for example go to best practices here then you can see that they recommend that i maybe check out this link right here because they say it's broken and so it's not going anywhere or also the title length is too long they say so they say i should maybe do a shorter or create a shorter title they already have like the the recommendations here on the right side so this is a nice way to just kind of go through your videos and find the ones that you can maybe optimize a little bit by um kind of doing what they recommend which having a short title or um yeah i don't i don't really go through that a lot however and you can also create your own checklists right here so they have a upload checklist which will be displayed on the upload screen it actually wasn't displayed before when i uploaded a video so sometimes it's kind of buggy and it doesn't show up but here um you can basically create your own checklist they have a default one where they say you should write a compelling title you should have a complete description add tags and so on so the goal here is that you don't really forget anything when you upload new videos so because i've been uploading videos for a long time i don't really use this checklist i kind of know everything by heart and i'm not really forgetting anything but this is very nice especially if you are new on youtube and you kind of need a guide of kind of uploading your video and optimizing it to get as many views as possible you can also um change out the best practices setup so this is just what they would recommend for your videos and opportunities set up so there they will um tell you for example where people are actually dropping off in your video um then they recommend that you should maybe put a card at that specific point where people are actually clicking away so you can keep them on your channel and all that kind of stuff maybe go through that um by yourself and then see what actually makes sense for you and then um also active monitoring um this is if you want to get alerts for um specific things when specific things happen on your youtube video um for example um if there's if there's something you can optimize then they will send you an email and then you can basically change it out so then there's also search rank tracking this is also a very nice tool where you can trans where you can track the rankings of your youtube videos for example i've just uploaded a video for um as a tubebuddy tutorial which is actually this video what i would do now is click on keywords to track click on add keyword and then type in tubebuddy for example so i want to know where i'm ranked for tubebuddy so when people type in tubebuddy i want to know um at what specific rank my video actually shows up in the research results and then i can click on ranking report and i can actually generate a new report and then it will show me exactly where i am ranked for that specific keyword um then competitors is also a nice thing i've actually added one competitor right here it's a channel that has that's doing a lot of similar videos than me and i kind of want to see how where i'm ranked in relation to them so you can click on um scorecards right here on the left side and then you can see exactly your channel compared with that with their channel so how many subscribers how many views how many uploads per month how many views per day and so on so if you have a lot of similar channels a lot of channels that do similar content you can basically compare yourself and see maybe where you have a lot more potential and also when you go to your ranking reports right here then you can also see where their videos are ranked um as opposed to your video so you can see for example this keyword godaddy website builder um this channel central media actually uh is ranked number one and then i am behind it as a rank number two so you can see they they have a better rank than me currently all right now then you also have brand alert so let's see what that is so when you have specific keywords that you go for for example you have a company and then whenever somebody mentions your company in the title you can create an alert for that right here so that you can maybe engage with that video and stuff like that then the a b test is something we have already looked at so we're not going to look at it again then backups and export is also a cool tool where you can also export all the data of your video so um you if something happens to your channel you can basically recover it using tubebuddy then you also have promo materials where you basically get some links that you can kind of put on your website for example here the most recent upload this is when you send people that link they will always go to your most recent upload or you can also embed that on your website here so you have multiple links right here that you can simply use to embed in uh in on your website or clip to send out to your followers on your social media or stuff like that then the setup so let's quickly go to settings here you can basically change around all the different extension tools that you have on your browser for example when i go to um when i go to youtube and click on a video so let's simply click on let's click on this is actually one of my other channels let's click on this video and then on the right side i also have some more data that tubebuddy is actually giving me about that video even though it's not my channel so even though i'm not actually logged into this channel right now so i can click on show search uh rankings right here then i can see my current rankings now these aren't really accurate because you actually have to go to a incognito browser to see the current rankings and that are for somebody who hasn't visited your channel yet because i've already subscribed to the channel the rankings here are higher than they actually are for other people but um you can see the amount of subscribers of that channel you can see the amount of ranked tags total views comments and stuff like that so um that's very useful as well and also something you can maybe do is maybe type in tubebuddy tutorial and then you can also see some information here on the right side so you can see the um some information from the keyword explorer like search volume searches per month competition and also some related search keywords some tags and stuff like that so simply by typing in a keyword right here you already get some nice information from tubebuddy here on the right side and actually here on preferences you can turn these features on or off so you can go through it on yourself if something is kind of annoying you you can basically turn it off right here and then you can also add other people to um as a team member here you can add them and then they can also do split tests for your channel and stuff like that uh yeah that's basically it and then you also something that i use or that i like i i should actually use it more i don't really use it um is the canned responses so let me drag myself to the right side again then here in the bottom left under setup you have can responses this is a very nice way how you can um kind of pre-write comments that you basically use a lot so when somebody asks the same questions over and over again on your channel you can simply create a can response so when you click on add can response here so for example just uh the name would be a question about um my next video and then you can just type in something here hey i'm working on it something like that you can also use a placeholder so if you use the bracket n then you can say hey and then it will just insert the youtube name of the specific person that has actually commented so um this is something you can do as well and then you can save it and when you that's for example go to um one of my videos and see how this would work let's maybe go to this one and then i could simply go to my comments and then i can simply click on this little tubebuddy icon right here and then it will open up my canned responses that that i have set up so for example this one that i've just created before question about my next video and then it will insert the text that i've prepared for this comment in right here which can save you a lot of time especially if you have a lot of comments so that's pretty much everything i wanted to show you here in the tubebuddy dashboard alright so i hope you've learned a lot in this tubebuddy tutorial i'm sure if you apply everything that you've learned here and make use of this tool that you'll get a lot more views and subscribers in the future if you actually enjoyed this video make sure you click that thumbs up button down below and maybe also leave a comment in the comment section i actually plan on making a lot more videos about how to grow on youtube and tutorials like this one the next one will probably be a tutorial about how to use the analytics of your youtube studio to kind of increase the performance of your videos to see what kind of works what kind of doesn't work so make sure you subscribe to the channel to see that as well and with that being said thank you very much for watching and i look forward to seeing you in the next video
Channel: Metics Media
Views: 82,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tubebuddy, how to use tubebuddy, tubebuddy for youtube, tubebuddy tutorial, tube buddy, how to use tubebuddy for youtube, how to use tubebuddy to get views on youtube, how to get more views with tubebuddy, tubebuddy review, tubebuddy extension, how to use tubebuddy on youtube, get views with tubebuddy, tube buddy tutorial, tubebuddy tips & tricks, how to get more views on youtube, how to get views with tubebuddy, tubebuddy tutorial 2021, how to get more views on youtube 2021
Id: b21smOFDquE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 43sec (3403 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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