Avoidant Personality Disorder.. What is it?

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[Music] hey psycho family before we start we want to thank you for supporting us psycho's mission is to help everyone learn more about psychology and mental health in a digestible way now let's begin personality is a way of behaving thinking and feeling that makes you different from the people around you therefore a personality disorder is when your behavior significantly deviates from cultural expectations is inflexible and causes you to stress and problems in other areas of your life in this video we'll be focusing on avoidant personality disorder which is also known as apd this disorder describes someone who constantly feels inadequate is hypersensitive to criticism and avoids social interactions before we begin we would like to mention that this video is created for educational purposes only and is not intended to substitute a professional diagnosis if you suspect you or someone else may have avoidant personality disorder or any mental health condition we highly advise you to seek help from a qualified mental health professional so what is avoidant personality disorder in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders avoidant personality disorder is characterized by patterns of social withdrawal inadequacy and fear of criticism fear of criticism a person with apd may completely avoid socializing with others or only socialize if they know that the people there like them this is because of their fear of rejection for example they may purposely avoid group meetings with their co-workers because of their fear of being judged and criticized they want to ensure that there is no possible way that they'll ever experience something negative from others furthermore they may be scared of intimate relationships with others as well you're probably wondering what causes a person to fear rejection so much to the point where they withdraw from social contact and avoid intimate relationships well another critical aspect of avoidant personality disorder is inadequacy this can be described as feelings of low self-esteem they may doubt themselves constantly especially in social situations and see themselves as inferior to others these feelings of inadequacy may be so extreme to the point that they completely withdraw themselves from intimate relationships and social situations social withdrawal due to their fear of criticism and feelings of inadequacy people with an avoidant personality disorder may withdraw completely from social situations their social withdrawal allows them to lessen their fear of rejection as well as to avoid situations where they feel worse about their inadequacy someone with apd may seem instead to only be shy timid or lonely it's important to distinguish having these traits versus having this personality disorder this is why it's especially important you remember that determining whether a person meets the criteria is the responsibility of a mental health professional you should not try to diagnose yourself or someone else did you find this video insightful what other personality disorders would you like to learn more from us let us know your thoughts in the comments below we hope this video helped shed some light on avoidant personality disorder if you found this video helpful be sure to like and share this video with those who might benefit from it don't forget to subscribe to psyc2go for more psychology content if you want to support site2go check out our patreon the link is in the description below thanks for watching and we'll see you in our next video
Channel: Psych2Go
Views: 973,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: attachment style, avoidant personality, avoidant personality disorder, personal development, avoidant attachment style, fearful, attachment, attachment styles, anxious attachment, personal growth, attachment theory, dismissive avoidant, fearful avoidant, attachment trauma, avoidant attachment, dismissive avoidant attachment style, fearful avoidant attachment style, fearful avoidant attachment, secure attachment, relationship, avoidant, psych2go, apd, relationships
Id: fFNA4De2mAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 46sec (226 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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