Is the K1 Max better than the Bambu?

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is the K1 Max as good or better than the bamboo so I've had this printer for a few months now I've had this printer for probably a year now and I really want to spend some time with this printer before I made this video since the K1 launch was a little messy I have about 150 hours of print time into it and in the grand scheme of printing that's not a ton but I really want to get this video out so setup for these printers were about the same I did a video setting this machine up when I first got it it was my first printer and I've learned a ton sense that then but setup for this thing was super easy and I would say it's pretty comparable to this it was essentially the same thing you take it out of the box remove the foam undo a couple screws it goes through it sequence and updates for about 15 20 minutes and you can pretty much print a Beni out the gate um so I would say they were both about an hour from unboxing to printing a Beni and then we'll just do a quick overview the printer so if you decide to buy this printer you'll know what to expect came with the hyper pla in white some odds and ends and then like a 3D printing starter kit and then I'll never understand why they put these on the back of the printers as most people probably have them up against the wall but to combat that I added this sunl filament dryer and it just runs out the back so it's a lot easier to just switch the Roll versus the bamboo also has a filament holder on the back but if you buy the AMS it doesn't matter because it just feeds in its own thing and then this has a similar startup sequence to the bamboo it's just a little less thorough and takes a little less time and just like that 16-minute Beni we'll talk more on this later as we're going to go print for print against the bamboo so software which software is easier to use and better and in my opinion the bamboo slicer is way better which is like a play off of the cira slicer I believe and I just am not a big fan of creality print it's just it's just weird like navigation in it is just not cohesive and it's just not as organized as bamboo and the auto supports are just not good you can kind of like paint them on which is what I've been doing but it's just bamboo is way more streamlined I probably will after this video switch over to like cira slicer but I'm also concerned about that when I see others having problems like Kira slicer isn't working the fans properly or you're not getting the Light Art Award work or just stuff like that and also for the sake of the video I wanted to use the software that came with the machine to give it again the most honest review I can and here I'll show you an example of the auto supports it just kind of blasts the supports right through the model and they do come off easy but it's really annoying and I just don't know why it has to do that maybe it's something I'm doing but it's just finicky every time I tried it and here's another example it just refused to support this bone in this ghost dog's mouth and I just ran it cuz I couldn't get it to add a support there and it failed as expected but the overall print quality looks fine it's nice and smooth there's not any really noticeable layer lines so no complaints there then I printed this bison skull and in the bottom here you can see where their supports were and it's actually relatively clean it's a little funkiness but the bamboo does the same exact thing overall the quality is really good and the supports usually come off pretty easy sometimes you'll get some ones that are hard to come off but overall I can't really complain then I also printed this hand I just thought it was something that looked difficult to print and this actually turned out pretty good too so we're printing generic pla not the hyper PLA and I printed a what I felt like was a complex item this took about 14 and 1 half hours to print this with generic pla generic pla settings and then textured Pei plates are awesome and again looks pretty good and I printed without supports so for the sake of the video I haven't done any upgrades to this machine the only thing I've done is ordered the textured build plate which is great same with this one and then I printed this top mount thing because the glass smushes the the the white tube and it it just it can cause underere Extrusion and it's it's a common upgrade for this machine so that's all done to this machine I will probably do a few upgrades to it after this video but for sakes of comparison it's just not fair to ex to change the extruder and say it's Apples to Apples as it wouldn't be so the main issue I have with this machine is the auto bed leveling isn't nearly as good as the bamboo I don't know what all goes into that but as it's printing and you look at that first layer you can see high low spots in the the print bed um people do go shim them to get a smoother mesh which is what I will probably end up doing after this video but I wanted to keep it as true to out of the box as possible to give it the most genuine review and then here's a video of how much it smooshes down that bow down tube I believe it's called and it's just quite a hard angle and I just wasn't very happy with it so I printed that Riser I believe the new K1 and K1 Maxes come with a different top as I've seen them in the forums it's like a clear plexiglass Riser thing so they did solve that issue but I found this at printables and it worked just fine um I'm not going to take this all off cuz it kind of locks on there but you can see look how high this tube sticks up so if that glass is on there you're bending that thing pretty hard and you can see it clearly rubbing against the top of the glass once you put the this is glass by the way put the cover on there it gives that tube that room to go in there nicely I've even seen people three 3D print uh deal to run the spool straight into the machine okay and speaking of this class so glass glass and if you watch Uncle Jesse you know that he shattered his so be careful with the door if it opens too fast I've seen them shatter in Uncle Jesse's video and people complaining in the Forum so glass glass and the sides are just not glass they're like a plastic plexiglass material so I'm also going to 3D print a riser for this because this drag chain runs rubs on this rail here you can see all the like the wear from this thing just rubbing on there I don't know if it's going to cause a problem but again I don't like how crammed it is so I'll just print a little like you know/ inch Riser here just to get this not rubbing against that okay here's an example of the bed not being level over here you can see it's like perfect but then the fur further you get this way it almost looks like under Extrusion So based on that I I'm just blaming that the auto level isn't perfect and the bed match probably isn't the best and I haven't had adhesion issues everything sticks just fine but it's just something I noticed and you can open this up if you type in the IP address but if you scroll down here you can see my bed mesh has a hard dip and I just think that auto level isn't fully compensating for that hard falloff the build area on this machine is 300 mm cubed or whatever and this one is 256 and all the bamboo printers are 256 I don't know about their new little printers but that's what's most intriguing why most people are going to probably want to buy the K1 Max over the bamboo is simply the build area I have a big head and there's no way I could print this helmet inside here on this machine just cuz you have to scale it up a little more than standard and it's just not going to fit in this machine so if you're into big stuff like that this this is definitely an option and then I'll just show you how the supports came off of the helmet [Applause] model so let's take a closer look at this helmet we printed this was printed in the K1 Max and overall looks really good you can see little bit where it ended there um these eye pieces didn't print the best it could have just been my print orientation of the pieces itself you can see here a little bit of like shadowing through that back part here you see a little ribboning in there like if you were to sand these and spray paint them you'd never know also the eyes you can't see through them I don't know if you're supposed to but when you look through it you can't see through the eyes very well they just didn't print that well but overall the quality of the helmet's great the only weirdness I had was the bottom here but I also didn't have any supports supporting that area and I'm going to put like an E8 in foam pad in there so you won't see that anyway so over lot it doesn't really bother me there's a little bit of like blowout here but overall I think like I think the quality of the helmet looks great the texture helps to hide any imperfections like look how look how smooth and clean that is I'll print a stand for it and that'll be pretty much it but overall I'm happy with the the print quality of it I mean there could have been some better spots but overall it looks good um if you're interested in this helmet we're actually going to give it away on our patreon we don't have any members yet but we're just spiring it up as we're trying to go hard on YouTube for 2024 and if you're interested in this helmet a paid Patron will win this and we'll send it to you for free us only unless you want to pay shipping yeah patreon link down below so the two major differences between these printers is price and size they do have a lot of similar bells and whistles but these started about $800 and I think this was $1,400 with the AMS I think you can get the p1p with the AMS for about 1,000 bucks and these I think retail for 900 but they do have a lot lot of sales I've seen them as low as 600 bucks I've seen people get floor models from Micro Center for like two 300 bucks or something crazy and at the time I'm making the video here's the prices 764 on sale originally 900 for the K1 Max and then the p1s is $700 without the AMS and then with the AMS it's $950 I that probably doesn't include shipping and then here's the printer I have it was 1450 without the AMS it's 1 12200 okay so the interface love it this this screen is great the responsiveness of it's pretty good clicks nicely and it's extremely similar to the bamboos so I would say they're equal on the display they're about the same size I think the bamboo is actually a little bit bigger looking closeup to it so my main complaint with the bamboo is this little wall here they make a thing you can 3D print like a little ramp so you can clean this stuff out easier or just vacuum it whatever works for you but on the creality there is no lip so I can just kind of take it sweep it off into my hand and dispose of it I don't think you can put a flash drive in the bamboo there is this little micro SD which is fine I just send everything via the cloud through the bamboo slicer which is super easy the creality on the other hand has this little USB drive right in the front which is great you can also send the creality over the Cloud 2 or Wi-Fi or whatever that's usually how I do it some sometimes they put these drives in weird spots like that one has it on like the back top so now we're going to run a Beni test I'm going to run a benchi in this machine with the stock preloaded Beni settings with the hyper pla I'm going to do the same thing with the bamboo and their stock benchy settings with the pla that came with the machine I still have a little bit somewhere and then we'll print the same thing on both printers with the same exact roll of filament and just see which one looks better okay so we're loading this filament in here and this is just one thing I've also noticed I don't know if it's just me or what but it's pretty annoying but when you're loading the filament it gets stuck in the filament sensor the filament sensor works every time I haven't had that failed but when you're trying to load it in there it just gets caught on something I'll have to try to take it apart oh oh there we go and see what it is print print started just over 4 minutes in K1 Max is printing Bamboo's still working on bed leveling okay so it's officially printing we'll just say it was a little past 8 minutes so about an 8 minute startup sequence so I just realized I messed up the texture plate supposed to be at 55 Celsius oh it failed I blew it we'll have to start that one over okay so that was my fault I'm just going to after this one finishes I'm just going to run them both again and then we'll just jump to the end and you can hear they're both running and I would again the sound's probably about equal uh this one runs a little bit louder I'd say when the main fan kicks on but overall I'd say they're pretty comparative in noise what I wanted in my bedroom no in my basement I don't think you'd hear it just over 21 minutes Beni is done bamboo is printing the top part we are at uh we'll just say 26 minutes so I am going to print one more with the texture Pei sheet since I printed two with this machine so I'm using everything stock settings I'm just manually raising the bed temp to 55 but everything else is the stock benchy settings in here so this one's printing flawless all I did was crank the bedtime so the first time was definitely my fault watch how easy this stuff comes off once it's cooled no glue or nothing another thing to mention about this printer is they kind of like set their Benchmark around their hyper pla so their 16-minute Beni is quoted with their hyper PLA and their settings so I I pretty much just use sunlu I run multiple printers and just want to run the same brand in most of my printers it'll have some Hit or Miss prints like the eyes on this for instance It's just sometimes it'll just print weird and then the next time it'll just print perfectly so I don't know so I guess we'll see how this thing holds up over the course of the next year or whatever but overall I've been pretty happy with it so I'm loading the filament again to run the same project on both printers with the same filament and if you cut the filament at a 45° angle it slides through the no filament detector way easier printed on the K1 Max printed on the bamboo so first we look at the benches I printed two of these and they look I'd say they're pretty consistent then two Benes on the bamboo all with the stock filament and stock settings again those both look similar I had just look at these as well and she said she couldn't find enough of a difference to know which machine it was as I didn't tell her which machine printed what so the average person's never going to be able to tell the difference of these Benes they're both the White's very hard to focus lesson learned no more printing white on YouTube okay so this is the first box I printed I just wanted to have a nice straight wall to show you and this is on the K1 Max stock profile sunlu pla you see we got a little bit of some zits on there so just I can play with the temp and try to figure that out there's also a layer shift but overall it looks pretty good minus the layer shift and a little bit of ribboning in there then here's the bamboo you can see just how much better that looks there is Oop There is these little holes at the start and stop points of the Z I can play with the flow or the retraction to clear that up but overall this looks so good this one you can see there's a little bit of undere Extrusion in the bottom there okay so then I tweaked the settings a little bit and this one looks way better this is the K1 Max still a little bit of zitting but if I lower the temp or play with the retraction that should clear it up this one also has a little bit of undere Extrusion but overall it looks pretty good then this is the bamboo after a slight tweaking flawless like this looks so good beautiful so the easiest way to have good prints on the machine you're running especially with these enclosed printers would be to use the filament they suggest so with creality you're going to want to use the hyper pla that'd be the easiest situation to get perfect print cuz you're not going to have to tweak anything really same with the bamboo you're going to want to use the bamboo filament as they already have all the calibrations done inside of there so that' be the easiest step I just wanted to throw different filaments at it and the boxes were printed with the same exact roll of PLA and if you're going to run the same filament you can just run a bunch of calibration so for instance I ran this pressure Advance test on the K1 you can see there's some ribboning in there but that's kind of common with the K1 Max I believe but there's just a lot of calibrations you can run then there's these temp towers that PR it at a different temp as it goes up to find the right temp for your filament and then this one was printed on the B bamboo so there's a lot you can do to get a lot better results but this kind of just sums up the K on Max and the bamboo you can just throw a lot more at the bamboo with less calibration and get like far better results this thing is dang near Flawless and this is the K1 Max I mean you could tweak this a little more to fix all the little lines but overall like it looks pretty good and this is just a few small tweaks you could really dial these in if you wanted so I printed one more and this one looks dang good this is the K1 Max mess with the pressure advance and the flow a little more but that one's looking good what printer would I buy If I Only Had $11,000 personally I would buy a bamboo p1s with an AMS that's just the route I would go it's just way easier to use pretty much zero tinkering even the p1p is fine if you don't want the enclosure this is a great printer it just has a lot of little nuances to it and again I feel like they just kind of rush it to Market and there's just a lot of small issues that could have been fixed with a little bit of testing they're on their third extruder so if you want the extra build plate area I think it's a great option if you can get this thing on sale for 600 bucks or less I think it's a steal but be aware you're going to be have more tinkering and playing around with this thing if you have prior 3D printing experience it's going to be a lot less of the headache um they are pretty good if you reach out and ask for the different parts if it's not running right but again just don't rush the product to market and just make it a little more structurally sound and that's the end of the video guys hope you all enjoyed it overall the K1 Max is a good printer especially if you can get it for a good price but overall I think the bamboo is a little bit better but it also has a higher price tag again check out our patreon if you want to support us hope you all have a wonderful day
Channel: Two Moose Design
Views: 149,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, 3d printing, creality k1 max, creality k1, creality k1 max review, creality, 3d print, creality k1 series, bambu labs, bambu lab x1 carbon, k1 max vs x1 carbon, bambu x1 carbon, two moose design, creality k1 max vs bambu lab x1 carbon, best 3d printer for beginners, k1 max, 3d printer, 3d printing for beginners, bambu lab x1c, bamboo labs x1 carbon, bambu x1c, k1 max review, k1 max creality, best 3d printers 2024
Id: cSI98h__XsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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