Avocados Ripe Overnight!

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hi this is Jeff farmer Maggie from Dirt Farmer J comm recently I started a heritage cooking series and today I'm not really going to give you a recipe more than a quick tip on how to ripen one of these little dudes really quickly [Music] have you ever had a time where you were asked to bring guacamole to let's say a barbecue at a friend's house and it's on Saturday afternoon and Friday evening on your way home from work you say uh I never went to the store to get avocados so you go to the store and every single one of them is hard as a rock what are you gonna do well I'm gonna invite Dirt Farmer J to join us and he's gonna tell you how to ripen that avocado overnight hey thanks Maggie for letting me be on this episode of Maggie's kitchen I'm gonna pass on to you a technique that my mother gave us several years ago and has become a family tradition when you go to the store and you're gonna buy avocados many times they're under ripe or they're overripe and they're mushy and you're not sure whether you're getting something really good so what we do is we buy avocados under ripe very firm and then ripen them using this method now if you go up and do a search right now on the internet you're gonna find there's probably about four or five techniques that are being put out there one for instance is heating them up in the oven foil wrap for 20 minutes at 200 degrees and then letting them soften and so forth or putting them in a paper bag with other fruits such as apples or bananas or put him in a bag themselves there's even a microwaved method which i think is really spotty and the reason that this is going to work and what I'm going to show you is method number five that is of the five that I found on the Internet one of them happens to be the one that my mother taught us several years ago well this is what it looks like this is a big ol vat of flour and this is just regular flour that we use around here and what we're going to do is we're gonna submerge a couple avocados down in the flour it'll give way will completely cover it and we're gonna let it set for 24 hours now what I've done is I've taken three avocados and I have numbered them so that you can see which ones are which and these all were bought this morning they are all very firm if you notice I'm pushing pretty hard look at you can see my thumb pressure under my thumbnail they are really hard so I'm gonna have Dirt Farmer Maggi reaching around the camera here and just choose arbitrarily one of these as the test the one that we're gonna set off just choose anything you want okay for you scientific geeks out here you always have to have a control that shows whether or not the process work so we're gonna take these two avocados and we're just simply gonna do this I'm just gonna push them down in all the way in and then we're gonna shake over this I'm gonna push them in a little bit more we'll dust that off we're gonna cap it and just forget about it for 24 hours we'll see in 24 hours and we'll just see the results okay it has been 24 hours okay full disclosure here it's actually been 25 hours and 4 minutes our apologies but you're gonna get the idea that in one full day this really does work alright so let's come back here we still have test subject to set off to the side and inside the flower container canister over here we have two avocados well let's dig them out so we're gonna go ahead and take one here alright there's there's our first one there's number one and let's dig out our second one here should be number three there's number three right there alright let's wipe these down a little bit just so they're easier to see and not so dusty I'll get my hands clean too and I'm telling you because I'm handling these softly they're actually giving in my hand slightly let's go ahead and get this flower all the way move it off the side and let's let's it doesn't matter which one Maggie which one do you want point in there let me know all right we're gonna take number three here we go all right we're gonna go ahead and just slice on the bias here well look at that already you can see the that they're soft I'm gonna go ahead and split that open there it is but also let's look at this other one number one watch and see it give look at there see how soft it is that's in 24 hours folks now what I'm gonna do here is just to further prove this let's go ahead just scoop this out and see do we have something that's flavorful and soft well yep look at there it's ready to go and then we'll go ahead and take out the seed on this one pop that out of there and here's a little trick if you're careful and that's not real sharp on the point you can just right in here cut this this way and I can feel on the back side that blade just touching and then I'm going ahead and rotate it 90 degrees and go ahead and slice sideways like this again be very careful with the tip there and that is a dull blade on the tip so we're not having a lot of problems let's go ahead and put a nice spoon under all that and look it there everything pops right out ready to go all right so we have some really nice tender is that soft well there you go all right well the proof in the pudding really is its test subject to you know it wasn't gonna get ripe anyway and we're just shining yeah or does this really work well here's test subject number to have a little hitchhiker there let's take a look well you can see I'm pressing pretty hard it's not giving and we're sorry test subject number two but we're gonna end up wasting you because you're not really edible the way you are but let's go ahead we're gonna cut him or her sure how to differentiate when pop the two apart and I am pushing hard can you see my thumb that is not ripe at all there we go and pushing hard it's not giving at all there goes finally so you can see there's a big difference just 24 hours now why does it work what's going on here is the flower magic no here's the trick avocados are still living organisms actually after they've been harvested the fruit continues to ripen and when it does it emits ethylene gas tomatoes do the same thing any ripening fruit or vegetable does the same thing but by trapping it inside the flower and keeping all that ethylene gas sealed in then that ethylene gas goes to work on the tissues of the avocado and you get this beautiful and tasty result because ethylene gas is a natural byproduct of the fruit itself its production actually enhances the flavor of the fruit you don't get any funky by-product taste of any other type of thing that you're trying to do to ripen so it's a great way there now if you like these kind of tips that really help you to learn how to do things quicker in the kitchen and you're a pomegranate fan check out our video right up here look up here at the eye for information and click on that and you can go and see how to process pomegranates quickly as well well I see a batch of whack Amole coming on if you found this video to be helpful won't you like it and better yet won't you subscribe to our channel that helps us to produce more videos in Maggie's kitchen out in the shop horticulture and product reviews hey thanks for watching today and thanks to Maggie for letting me in Maggie's kitchen until the next time this is Dirt Farmer J under farmer J [Music]
Channel: DirtFarmerJay
Views: 153,749
Rating: 4.9100652 out of 5
Keywords: avocado, avocados, unripe avocado, ripen avocado, overnight ripen avocado, rapid ripening avocado, ripening avocados rapidly, ripening avocados fast, ripening avocados overnight, speed up ripening of avocado, best method to ripen avocado, alligator pear, foolproof ripening of avocado
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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