Aviation Apps you NEED in 2024

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If there's one thing us Pilots love it's  technology. But if there is one thing us Pilots   love more than technology it's free technology!  Now I'm not talking about your big paid apps your   electronic flight bag stuff like Garmin Pilot  or Foreflight AvPlan, Oz Runways, these are   all free apps that you can download you can do it  whilst you're watching this video that are going   to help you in several stages during your flying  if you're learning to fly if you're planning a   flight once you're in flight and also apps that  you can use once you've landed and you're down   on the ground I should also say I am filming this  in the noisiest hanger it's really windy outside   the metal doors are just banging and banging but  I'm committed now I'm here at the airport and I   want to film this video for you early in 2024 so  it's the noise of an airport you're going to get   the real the real feeling of what it's like being  in a [Music] hanger before you even jump in the   aircraft then and you're planning a flight the  one app I use more than anything else is windy   now you're all going to be familiar with windy  and I'm not going to tell tell you how to use it   um I generally use it for like a 10day forecast so  like 10 days out from a flight I'll see what the   weather's looking like then about 4 days before  the flight I'll have another look and see what   it's looking a bit closer to it a day out then  again I have another look now Wy I don't think   you can use as an official source of aviation  weather so check your like local Regulators   for for what you can use windy for or not but I  use it for high level should I fly on Saturday   or should I fly on Sunday and then obviously I'm  checking the official weather sources uh before   the flight itself to make sure that I'm legal but  one thing I love in windy and you might not know   this you don't just have to see the weather for  one specific location what you can do is if I'm   planning a flight say for example at a wayo there  say I'm flying over to Adelaide you can click on   this button at the top you see across here you've  got VFR IFR I click on VFR most of the time you   can put in the speed you're planning to fly let's  go 150 knots in Echo Yankee Zulu and then move   the little slider across here to whichever day  you've planning to fly so let's go for example   let's say on Saturday and now along the bottom I  can see what the weather's going to be like across   that whole leg so you can see hit at the start  here in Melbourne there's going to be some low   Cloud typical of Melbourne but then once I come  out of Melbourne it's actually looking pretty   good I've also got wind barbs so I can see wind  speed and direction and if you click the IFR tab   then you can get things like freezing level some  other additional information which might be more   relevant to an IFR flight another one I use for  planning a lot it's not so much an app but I've   got a bookmark on my iPad and I'll put the link  down below to something called Auto rout you go   to briefing on their website and go to gramit and  type in your root details so let's do the same one   that we just did so we'll go morab into Adelaide  it's got 8,000 ft put in your departure date and   I can do a cruise speed of say 150 knots and in  a similar way to windy this gives you a graphical   view of what your flight's going to be so from  left to right you're starting at Morin going to   Adelaide it shows you terrain down the bottom here  it shows you roughly where the Cloud's going to be   which I think think is really really useful so I  could see that taking off from morbin for example   I'm probably going to be in Cloud over terrain  but as I get to Adelaide it's actually going to be   quite clear skies now it will show up areas of um  forecast icing in a different color there aren't   actually any on this chart at the moment I love  this I use it a lot a few days out just to give me   a bit of an idea again I don't know whether this  can be legally used for flight planning purposes   but just like the night before to give you a  rough idea of what to expect before you check   the weather uh the morning off the flight from  the correct uh approved flight sources I really   like it I really recommend it and yeah put the  link down in the description below and when I'm   flying to an airport especially one that I might  not be familiar with the other app that I use uh   is Google Maps I think I'm going to do a flight  to a place called witchy proof soon and because   I've never landed at that airport what I do is  look it up on Google Maps just to get an idea   of Runway orientation first of all but also where  the taxi way turnoff are in this instance there   just there's just one at the end of the airport  like I can I can see where the the wind sock is   as well you can see the wind sock here and knowing  that before you actually get to the airport just   means when you're flying you know where to look  for the wind sock um and no where you're going to   turn off to taxi to get out it's Google Maps you  know Google Maps I just think it's really useful   it's a underused tool for [Music] Aviation once  you're actually in flight then there's an app that   I use called units plus which is particularly good  if ever you fly overseas and you need to convert   basically one one unit into another set up with  each of the areas down the left hand side things   like you know area currency if you're flying  somewhere where they may use Imperial but maybe   you're used to working in metric or vice versa  for example say I've got a Runway which is 4,500   ft long um that's a lot of millimeters but I want  to know say maybe how long that is in meters you   can instantly just convert it by selecting meters  on the right pressure conversion is the other one   so click on pressure on the right and if you want  to convert from the US who uses inches of mercury   to here in the in Australia for example we use  Hector pascals useful app if you ever want to   convert anything uh whilst you're in the air and  you can't do the mental arithmetic the other one   and again it's an app that you're all familiar  with but you might not use it in this way but   I quite often have flight radar open up in the  background I use flight radar for things like if   I'm flying into an airport let's look at Melbourne  today for example if I was flying into Melbourne   and I didn't have access to Attis maybe I'm a long  way out but I want to know which Runway people are   landing on I quite often open up flight radar and  I can see who have we got we've got this little   quanus link coming in on Runway one6 so instantly  I know the direction they're Landing before I   actually get close to the airport so I can just  plan ahead a little bit more but I do use it   for a bit of situational awareness like I I look  for example if I was flying to the southeast of   Australia and again I know that not every aircraft  shows up on flight radar and you shouldn't rely on   it but if I was going to Mara for example then  I can see well look we've we've got at least one   aircraft who performed pering some air work down  there at marul I've got another one who's just   departed from there recently it's good have to  have in the background it just gives me a little   heads up sometimes on on what I might expect when  I'm flying into an [Music] airport remember when   I did that video on getting my FAA license and I  was talking about doing the FAA instrument written   exam I had to go over things like V positioning  and where are you in relation to this VR if your   if your display is showing you this that stuff  I'm okay with but I forget it quite quickly if I'm   not staying up to date with it so I use this app  called nav trainer it basically gives you you're   this aircraft in the middle and on the right  hand side you've got uh a few different avionic   instruments basically that you'd have in your  cockpit now I'm just going to use the one at the   top ignore the other two but you can have multiple  ones so you can reference two nav at the same time   but this Compass row here represents this HSI and  if this is your aircraft here and what you can do   is you can kind of fly your aircraft around and  see where you are in relation to that navade and   by twisting the compass you can actually change  your direction so which way you're heading so you   can practice those classic exam questions like  if this is your HSI which uh Direction which   orientation from the navade is your aircraft  currently so you can move the aircraft around   check the HSI and you can see well I'm just down  to the southwest of that move the aircraft across   to the top watch the flag change from to uh see  the HSI needle move across the other side and you   can see that you're now Northeast of the navade  now I don't use vs in Echo Yankees I'll be honest   I use GPS a lot more but they're used quite widely  in the US so if I ever fly there this is a good   tool for me to keep up to speed and practice with  but I also just like using this on the on the C   it's a bit nerdy but on the couch in the evenings  at home I'll basically use this to practice just   so if I ever do have to shoot say my GPS goes  and I need to shoot a VR approach that you know   my brain still understands well how they work  cuz they can be confusing sometimes and this is   a brilliant tool for it you're probably familiar  with live ATC but again when you're learning to   fly people often ask me well you got any tips for  learning to fly just listen to Air Traffic Control   communication as often as you can live ATC is  probably the most popular you can basically   just click on your country uh choose Australia  scroll down to Melbourne and I can see what's   happening in the airspace here not only good for  student Pilots I actually again very nerdy but I   Bluetooth my phone with live ATC quite often in  my car when I'm driving to the airport just to   get an indication of what's well what's going on  out there what are other Pilots doing are people   deviating for weather um are there any incidents  at any airports that I should know about and just   yeah just get a bit of an idea of the state  of play before you get to an airport not just   a good tool for student Pilots but also for well  everyone's everyone's a student pilot I suppose   at the end of the day for all Pilots I thoroughly  recommend live ATC not [Music] sponsored [Music]   once I've landed somewhere and app I quite like  using just to give me an idea of um things to   do when I'm on the ground I quite like walking I  sometimes take my folding bike in the plane with   me as well and all Trails is a really good one  which gives you basically uh GPS coordinates and   pinpoints for war walks and running tracks and  cycle paths that other people have walked on or   run on or cycled on people give updates as to the  conditions as well so quite often if there's been   some heavy rain um I check all Trails before I  go somewhere if I'm planning to go for a walk   when I land and I can just see the conditions  of that path as well I really like it it's a   good app to give you some ideas for planning goes  without saying but I have YouTube on my iPad as   well which I use when I'm on the ground if I've  landed somewhere after a flight actually to be   serious for a second if you've had the the stress  of a flight and there's a lot of work to a flight   even though it's not stressful per se if I've got  my favorite like YouTuber that I want to watch   online I just pull up a couple of videos watch  them have some downtime decompress a little bit   before getting back in the aircraft again so I've  got YouTube on here as Pilots as well I do think   that we should be challenging our minds where  whenever we can keeping them engaged and active so   wle is obviously one of my favorite games on the  iPad but there is this other app which I want you   to download it's called airport codes and if you  like Wordle even if you don't and you still like   Aviation if you like Wordle and Aviation this is  absolutely for you but it's basically Wordle for   airport codes all right so what is the four-digit  Iko airport code for barain so let's go d b a h   all right so just like word or B is correct okay  this this is going to embarrass me now uh I don't   know what the first letter is damn it oh I B  JK so it ends in I so barain wbg I nearly l v   c i God damn it come on B UI what could it be  V BB I ah something BBI what's about o must be o just 10 guesses beat that if I've  missed a free app that you use for   Aviation on your iPad or iPhone put  it in the comments below so everybody   can benefit from it uh otherwise thank you  always for watching Big love to you all bye
Channel: Stefan Drury
Views: 171,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ipad apps, aviation apps, aviation apps for ipad, learning to fly, apps for pilots, pilot apps, weather apps, atc apps, weather apps for ipad
Id: py5lbDMxhYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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