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everybody loves it everybody's having a good time and he's still fighting about it okay you know I love him more than you how come you don't love it as much as I do you know people still well you fighting over this well you forgot the faction of yeah it was great and all but y'all made it seem like it was gonna be great yeah yeah that too it was overhyped if you ask me or I like the feeling war better yeah look everybody loves the movie but not everybody's gonna wanna not everybody's gonna like what we have to say even though what we say is praise where they not him I'll say you don't love what he has to say me y'all gonna be mad at me [Music] everyone who's not in this room to try [Music] I got things for me in the movie that probably a lot of people don't want to hear so if you want those people then not only look you've seen the movie you don't care about the spoilers but if you care about people disagreeing with you you might want to go this is not anything to convince anybody that the movies not good this is not anything to get have anybody persuaded to feel the way I do he does we're just talking there's a spoiler talk and that's the problem with this you know that this this is not this is no longer a movie Martin this is no longer a phenomena avenges in game at least for these these next few days it's a religion it's at a point now where people are so emotionally invested in this that is gone beyond just being simple entertainment no this is this is a faith for some people out there and you know and it's funny too because I mean it's almost scary where this movie it has gone the way the emotional investment is with this film mm-hmm some people love some people this weekend got shot at a mosque and killed and I mean a tragic shooting and there's some people like it was in a city yeah yeah now some people like like did you know you read even say Tony Stark you said Iron Man you know you just compared an imaginary superhero to people who actually got murdered in real life yeah if I know them people [ __ ] me and Tony man we've been for 11 years we've been to some [ __ ] man you know when he's in that cave I had it back [ __ ] you can't reason for some of these people out here that's what we're gonna talk about right now we're gonna talk about the stud but not only just a spoiler talk it's not like hey man let's talk about all these things and we couldn't say in the review let's not talk about let's talk about these things that you know that people couldn't see or you know this let's brag about how we saw before the people is not that no we would want to do we want to talk about elaborate on some of the points that we were saying you know some of the things have you praised it for maybe make clear the things that didn't work for somebody like me make you understand a little bit more instead of having to say well there was this thing - person when they did that before this I know people watch like goddamn man just say at this point I mean don't say it but you know people like man [ __ ] - split it down I don't really need to do this everybody's seen the movie but I'm gonna do it anyway just to give you just that mean uh you know why do we we never get tired of this movie right here everybody's loving let's go ahead and just have a quick look at one of the earlier trailers that came out for old times sake seems like a thousand years ago you can water again not nice to give you no water yeah you gonna go jack off you look I just trailer [Music] still gives me chills yeah but you still gave it a full oppressed I want to go through and talk about before we get started with anything some of the characters that probably meant more the second time around hmm that you didn't give credit to the first time around when you saw it starting with that read that read I was I was I was sitting on the couch with Chris Herrmann on Fred was the Friday Friday night and I and I looked at him and I said Chris did or did I see something wrong I did a rent really save the universe save the universe said the rat that saved the universe I said that a rat really just released the MV MV Peters ever did a rat really just released ant-man and and save the universe because we do realize without their bread none of this would've happened and I gotta tell you some Carlos made a comment and I thought he was joking but but that rat now if y'all saw the movie you know that Scott Lang is aka ant-man is caught in the quantum realm and look like he's never gonna get out because his his van just got towed isn't it yeah isn't a lot somewhere rats crawling all over and everything is this in anybody gonna you know we're never gonna see this guy again and then a rat crawled across it and somehow released it yeah and I thought the right switch and I thought that redhead just like like like he's back Paul just hit like a button or something no I mean I saw it [Music] some buttons man that day that dead red as far as I'm concerned that rats an honorary Avenger me you like you like keep kicking me some guy didn't disrespect Martin you like I said your black ass now come on I'm looking at both y'all everything looking at all the room I'll talk some [ __ ] it's cool it is silly at the same time you know this rat just crawled over it there's this device and release ant-man who really did save the universe without that rat nothing would have been had I'm not even kidding I would love for the you know how Marvel just does stuff with these little Easter Egg nozzles we so often see The Adventures of this rat after I would love for that rats and like have some intelligence ah he's an alien I stop I want this rat to have his own story I wanted to ship the Falcon and Bucky and all them might give him a Disney Plus TV show we were talking about that the you know I think and we agreed on this the reason why that this works so well is because it is it humanizes the characters variants and and we don't get a chance to say to too much why these characters are so humanized but it's a completely character driven film and and that is what makes it work the superhero stuff in here you know that that's cool but it's really the the superhero stuff only excels because it's sold by the characters who are human enough and relatable enough to do it yeah you you care about them yeah you relate to them you care about them so when they're in trouble or they're doing things you root for it more or you feel it more it's it's not just some guy dressed up as like a pro wrestler who's trying to beat up another one marbles very smart about how they humanize these characters you know those movies very smart about how it does because it's not just it's not just you superheroes who don't wear their costumes most of the time you know it's not because they just wearing you know playing button downs like like you and me it's because they really out there mixing it up with with regular people man you know do you know how many people would pay just to have captain of America just say hi and shake their hand you know I mean I'm thinking like Captain America be it comic-con signing all kind of autographs for $100 of a pop but my man is just sitting up there give him free therapy yeah the people who you know ain't got no money man now I tried to have one dude who had most of lines like you keep you know like he had a job or something yeah yeah that's one of us Russo brothers I thought so but they show some other people didn't they show the one old black woman they showed one guy who just got off meth and you know it's like y'all ain't got no money and yet Captain America is there helping people cope and just it would strangers man yeah people that he's just treating like regular people uh you know these the Hulk just chillin at a diner man who could have been a truth Chris some five-star restaurant somewhere Michelin star written off professor hook just in a you know and you eaten eggs and bacon and pancakes mm-hmm and some knockoff Denny's man what kids just come up in asking for an autograph and he's cool with high school with it why one the subject of the Hulk professor Hulk like people saw this it was a they leaked stuff man it's like this funny how that's awful no but they marvel did anybody they put toys out that's what people talking about how the toys would giving stuff away even Marvel's even spoiling themselves man and pictures of professor Hulk got out if you know I mean we all know that Bruce Banner played by Mark Ruffalo merged with his CGI effects he became one character and people talking about how dad looked they said man it looks that looks kind of bad I mean I'm all for this movie but that don't look good that doesn't look good at all no I just got that let get that pistachio ice cream look going on right there well that looks bad cuz that's really bad Photoshop oh these these guys who are never in a room together oh yes mistaken and make them well they did that because I don't know this probably some photoshop somebody threw together but they definitely look they couldn't show you fat door yeah so you know I have to show you find Thor yeah but can I just say how great the Hulk look professor Hulk look in the movie I know that he's not completely human he's a big green guy but those those those facial mannerisms what they did you not like it no no no I'm just no that wasn't mine I don't like it face that's me going like yeah goddamn the the what they what they what they got going on with this technology of da Jie an aging and and making Tony Stark look emaciated and and Hulk looked real like he he has weight and he's interacting with everybody in the scene in a way you don't question it yeah I mean have they got humans down completely well maybe one day we don't know but their enhancements on people is Incredible Hulk right you know right down to his stubble I mean it was like mark Mark Ruffalo was a green man that's one of the things that you see going to watch the movie that you uh that you don't see in the trailers they were saying how they're gonna hide stuff in trailers how you're not even they might change people's hair color remove people I believe looking at some of these scenes stills they put out there and stuff from the trailers Hulk was supposed to be in there professor Hulk like I think watching movie professor Hulk was in that's shot right there and I know for certain that he was with rocket oh he had to go see solar yeah and you can see they took it out of the trailer right there so in fact they had one trailer well it look like he was like he was coming in after a night at the bar whose it was all dark eloping that delay he was drunk not [Music] [ __ ] house but you know uh Thor looks great man that in but that's one of the things were they again they humanize that Carrington you have you have a God they say you know we want people to relate to him let's make him fat you know I got no fat pot-bellied Thor and seriously they took a guy somebody looked perfect through most of the movie and they made him fat and I'm like wow now I feel even I feel even more sympathy for this Carrie yeah cuz look it's a guy I don't buy that he can't just all of a sudden just you know but you're like good you know just like self metabolize something you know but for the sake of the movie I'm like I'm like see I think I'm nitpick I heard some people actually saying me how he'd get fat he's supposed to be God ain't supposed to happen not like okay let the moment one question about those fat he was fat and he's the king of the gods and I know he's fat he's drinking beer and eating pizza [ __ ] anybody he's wallowing and depression yeah I don't give you a goddamn knife you eat that much beets and drink that much big you won't get it fast sit around playing video video playing PlayStation yeah yeah you gonna get fed that what that's one things that was believing and he in Pentos now I've had some problem with demos in the movie but uh you know I for the most part I like what they did with with with Thanos at the beginning I loved what they did with Thanos we're talking about how they taking these characters and dressing him dad having to mix with real people you know we used to see in Thor you know in his arm and being a guy we used to seeing Thanos uh you know being Trojan man you got his army he got that got that uh that that double-sided lightsaber so you know and uh but at the beginning this movie what do we see him in he had on a t-shirt or some capri pants just lounging around the house as a simple farmer making a salad or some soup yeah you know he was uh you know he was like you said he was he was a simple farmer man also like you know do you our arms are humanizing these characters means showing them a side of you that you probably not want to see and I like that they didn't even try to explain it it happened and you just you take that scene for whatever it is that you that you get from it like when they go to get when they go to get daños I thought they would fight him and the fight would end and they about to and they're about to kill him and Captain America comes in is like we're not him yeah let's not go to his level uh-huh they cut that mother oh that [ __ ] was a lynching - it was something that was pure frontier revenge injustice yeah it was that was vigilante justice man they they they must have just got a rope and hung that mom they really you know what a problem I'm always having with with superheroes and movies and TV shows is how they do a lot of bullshitting like we did when they should go take care of business and making speeches they're posing they show instead of just tackling and arresting the guy and taking the Geo they're like all right I'm giving you one more chance or yeah you failed this city and I'm like okay people are dying can you can you dispatch this person and here they showed up and was like we are not gonna round yeah the last time we don't if we held back but there's no holding back he he is not doing that again it's just the way they they they gang beat his ass [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] you know they yeah they they could I forgot they cut off his hand I was like holy yeah which one of them cut off his in earth or was Thor oh yeah anyone for the hate okay all right I was I couldn't remember if he had done both a and I love the way Thor like they were talking authorities came he let him finish his speech and it's like you done and just [ __ ] [ __ ] even captain like that yeah yeah rock it was like oh man we were gonna yeah I like the way punishes like not y'all ever say [ __ ] about me nabob y'all can't say nothing now who expect them to kill thanos that early in the movie I did did you I had a theory before what it looks like we cuz we were talking about is like eating Danis is gonna kill it's good cuz my biggest one was kind of fairness is gonna kill captain ma yeah so you kept saying yeah he's gonna fly it and get her asked and me and but me and James were talking about like cuz we thought it was even a point they said in the second one it's like they maybe they kill him or maybe they even have to Thanos right Dino sis's that come back I I have read a bunch of theories where that was one of them where they could have killed him and and and he that was that was a big one too thing because they said if they if they kill him and he's already destroyed the stones and nobody's gonna be able to do anything he gets me you know he gets the last laugh no matter what when you watch something the second time around you get to notice just all the things in aren't big action you can notice the things that just this is what moviemaking is really about for characters it's the small things that you don't notice that register in the back of your mind something as simple as Natasha in caves Black Widow Scarlett Johansson just eating a peanut butter sandwich yeah you sit around eating a sandwich you know they take short rib with the brick cutting it in half and it's like you know that is that is a you know that that is a small thing that people do every day that mean just toss aside is nothing but when you see like heroes do it and people larger than life is like okay they they it just like everybody else nobody else yeah except they probably killed more people in with the space but you know outside of that though but outside of that and I gotta say Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson were great together early on the movie man he's coming in and saying I just came to I'm just checking on a friend seeing how you're doing I mean they really did get this feeling down to being family yeah yeah plus we had seen them work together in the Winter Soldier yeah so we know and both for them you know being you know soldiers yeah as it were you could see the connection that they had yeah the superhero stuff here it might not you know I know it's great look we had a moment that is now in the first the first first few hours that this movie came out it's legendary mm-hmm all of the all of the Avengers all the people that with the Miss Universe everybody that we've known and over 22 movies eleven years you know watching Captain America lift that hammer yeah and say Avengers Assemble you know that that is great and I you know what and that's and again kind of goes back to another moment that people can relate to because it you know the first time we saw a hint of that they were just chillin at a party right drop [ __ ] up try to try to lift up a magical hammer look cocky ass smile what is real girls and that's the first time we saw that Steve Rogers could actually remove it a little bit yeah move it a little bit then that's some theories out there I like the theories I say he could have done the whole time you already got a [ __ ] ponytail if you've been somebody who's watched all these movies then they gave you a big payoff yeah and I like that they set it up also where it look like Thor didn't like that that anybody else could be worthy of em right and in the did you see him in them in in the movie he was so proud I got some [ __ ] bigger than you anyway and when I say they brought back everybody they brought back everybody Martin I want you to take a look at this this seam right here do you notice somebody that you never expected to come back and they did see anybody recognizing this oh yeah you know what I read about him I could never see him the two times I saw it now that you freeze it I see him right there who Mutombo how would the dump how's the duck right there man y'all Noah y'all know I love Howard the Duck I was I mean you know I was one of the first ones to go see that movie back in the day when it came out it was a bad movie terrible film and I said man you know everybody's rooting for their big comeback in the Marvel Universe everybody wants to see these heroes get you know get get back by marvel and giving up you know that their proper due and y'all been talking about these big cape superheroes I said making me that duck Howard the Duck you know you can see him closer right there and I actually saw when you when you see the movie you can actually see him on like cut that gun to he's ready oh now you know it's official now we stuck with that duck yeah you can't get rid of now I really I would love to see what they would do with this character now that making more and more of an appearance but I love that they brought everybody in and it still made sense man well plus you got rocket racoon gone all right you can't 'talking man but that duck - ooh [Laughter] but once the battle starts I have to say uh you know I I love uh don't get me wrong I love the scene it's cool but if we can look at why that's that that battle worked because really when it started man it's it's it's CG clutter it's it's it's a it's almost a mess it's the stuff that's happening in the background while characters do certain things in the foreground but it's those characters that doing things in the foreground make that make it what it is you know we're not there just to see these heroes just beat the SH out each other we're there to see Tony Stark embrace Peter Peter Parker when he sees him you know we're there to see Thor joking with Captain America when they get their weapons mixed up you know we're looking with we're there to see Gamora kickstart Lord the nuts because he deserves it yeah cuz none of this [ __ ] would have happened if he needed more of an ass whoopin but uh you know uh and of course Tony's death yeah you know that's that's the thing that makes that battle what it is it's the motion sister charming parts it's not the fighting no I mean it's a it's a good chance to showcase a lot of characters that you haven't seen in a while the ones who were gone and they're getting their moments Black Panther and Scarlet Witch and some others Valkyrie a bunch of others but uh but yes Tony Stark's death that's that's the main yeah uh before we talk about because of course death is a huge part of of this I mean we've all been we've all been anticipating it we've all been dreading it and now that it's here it's definitely had an emotional impact on some people but let's talk about what I consider maybe not others but what I consider to be the most important death in the movie and that would be that ret Navidad Scarlett Johansson man Black Widow mm-hmm I think her death is the is the most important first of all she probably she made the biggest sacrifice because she knew that what she had to do wasn't I gonna be on the battlefield and just take your chances she had to like look at her death for a moment and say hey I'm gonna do that well yeah it's it's yeah it's not a you have to go fight this this monster and hopefully you'll win it is to make this work you have to die yeah and there's no coming back it is not like hey you can take some kind of noble death nah you got to you got to hurl your ass off that cliff hundreds of feet below y'all baby glad I wasn't in there we're good I would say we like had these [ __ ] anyway come on for real I mean nobody do it not the soul stone I'm sure okay this mission I'm still alive man you know what earth is cleaner more liquor for us but now she was the one that up not only was she's the one that had to like look death in the face and and throw herself at it you know that's that's hard but also it's the death that nobody saw coming right no no one was talking about this because she's getting her Disney Channel or the dirt but what Disney Plus show is she no movie I'm sorry she's gonna miss getting movie is that really happening or was that just a faint I know I think it's happening but people are saying that it's a mouse it's a prequel but who knows I miss time translate okay it's gonna be a prequel but she'll be older she was when she first yeah I don't know I don't know they saying it's a prequel you know maybe the side thing that's happened I'm who knows but I mean you know it would the news of her get her own thing it was definitely throwing people off oh yeah for sure because that that's the well when they both show up or informing I was like I guess there really was nobody to explain to them how that is supposed to work yeah in and and she's was begin her movie and he's getting the TV show yeah so I'm like I'm thinking like alright they got to come up with some kind of clever way to get around this and the more that kept going I was like oh maybe they just bought grab just [Laughter] never I was so concentrated on and they were you know they were thinking about uh Tony Stark and Captain America right right look right they were betting on so no button that was happening I was paying attention to the tent and all the other missions were for the most part going well so why not this one yeah exactly but Tony's death man first of all not surprised moment that little baby walked out that 10 I see yo asses golf sure well I I knew that either I mean we honestly with him I was like yeah man he's getting kind of long and a tooth is still beat them yes it's you know if he's ready to go it's it's gonna be hard hard to keep believing that a 60 year old man is running around in that suit yeah I in crime but with the daughter I was like okay the introduction of the daughter means either he's gonna die or one unlikely it's gonna change time in such a way where it's like alright we reset things you don't have a daughter anymore and now yeah I knew they were gonna get rid of that daughter they made her too cute amazing I like that you get this manicure I was like this is good because it you know that that who you know who's gonna be the like the biggest ones to affect people that yeah yeah anybody really but you know everybody's been talking about Captain America and Iron Man yeah and I saw him with that and I was like okay of course he's gonna die because not only is are we losing a character that we love so much but you know it's gonna make damn now y'all gotta rub it in yeah now he's got a kid yeah so you know yeah that's where y'all gonna milk this and me well nobody gave a [ __ ] about black put her name when that flower bed and sit that off you know nobody said nothing at their funeral they said Hawkeye yeah he had to be by the lake to say something yeah I'm sorry shooting here you know it's like damn y'all did her dirty Man Captain America he said does she have any family and somebody else did yeah us it was like well where were y'all gotta do [ __ ] for her at that time put no pictures up anything they kind of had something I needed to do at the time man they could see nothing seriously that [ __ ] could have been like the end of Armageddon man where they had like pictures of Tony and Black Widow up everybody crying and [ __ ] nah but Tony got a stick Tony got even in death Tony got an upstage people man he's a billionaire it's been hard for me to cry for imaginary people but if you do it well I can see why people do it because that that death funeral man it felt like a real funeral home I mean all these and it's kind of cool how they put all these larger-than-life characters and in black suits and dresses in did you notice how the wakandans were dressed eatle going back to Wakanda to drink on the ground for Tony right there cuz did you submit that's the thing I noticed the second time we talked about the second time yeah the way I notice in the in there and the women shariah nicoya what it is dressed I was like oh [ __ ] they got them what kinda bugs man he had on that long trench coat suit and I was like this brother yeah man come on man you ain't here the more you try you hear trying to pull holes man style and program yeah there was one way to end that that funeral scene and it was uh it worked in two ways you didn't have to know what it was connected to but when the wasn't happy was there with his little girl dude and he said I'm by you all the cheeseburgers you want oh yeah she was like cuz he not and that is the scene I'm talking about now when Pepper Potts was in front of Tony and she was like cuz you were like no she was just kind of like we're okay okay you can rest now and it was in it was a way to like actually a way to make the audience feel like hey look we got to move on from this yes all right weeks I'm askin still get they might it's gonna be okay it's gonna be alright he can rest but there's gonna be some other [ __ ] y'all gonna like but but that scene right there you have to look kid and look here should be the one that's the most torn apart and you know she loved her dad 3,000 mm-hmm and that [ __ ] ain't funny seriously I'm talking to something some good Neil they're laughing they making a mockery this man's death you know that notice fact Tony Stark is right in the goddamn world you say the reason right up there with Jesus this weekend but that little girl man she didn't cry she was she was behaving like like a like a kid like a kid man you noticed like after they had like after funeral chitchat and little kids usually take a look to take soif than a process and he's kind of behaved my kids man and she just looked at him and said yeah she said what do you want to eat she like I want cheeseburgers and he and he didn't cry he just like hey I got you kid let's take care of your dad like cheeseburger yeah dick because that's what it's all the way back to Iron Man 1 yeah man they they really know how to go back to learn American cheeseburger and the other that's not what you think I want you to call for press conference cheeseburger first that a little bit of trivia I had with this guy cheeseburgers apparently mean a lot more in real life to Robert Downey jr. oh yeah I read that got him off a heroin yeah cat didn't die but his ending was uh was great I loved his ending I loved his ending yeah I thought that was the sweetest I was like man it you know throughout this whole thing it's been his life was stolen from him and he got to take it back yeah you know he's like look I'm gonna go along for the rock I think should I can do you know I know I should be happy to be here but damn man yeah y'all caught me when I was about y'all know I'm a good guy I'm a boy scout um you know what I'm still a virgin wait wait witness Captain America ever had sex well that was her Peggy's niece from Winter Soldier I think they just made out I think you ain't even go that far I think he's like this is kind of creepy I would think yeah I think I think he probably went back to visit her at some point I see I think he's too good for that to go how I made the thing is he's still a virgin - they were probably ready to go he's like I can't do this I don't know I don't know what to do with and even an age of Ultron he made some comment than me you're late wait did him in black widow hook up no you don't want that skank I'm kidding I'm kidding I think there was some yeah nobody wants Scarlett Johansson black hope a lot of people did predict that up you know he would go back and get that last dance mmm and it is really you have to go back and watch Captain America to see how much of an impact that has because uh you know he that whole line of I got to take a rain check on that dance it's like well that's it you know I'm never gonna see you again and that's my last time to say how much I care about you a week next Saturday at the Stork Club [Music] I'm busy next Saturday yeah what you got you know one of the things that I thought was was cool in the movie was uh with Thor you know what Thor you got you uh I liked some of the lines that I missed the first time it's almost like saying the way the business of the movie has gone they you know Thor there's a moment here near the end we says uh I get to be Who I am instead about who I'm supposed to be yeah and that's when he's getting on board with the Guardians and it's almost like saying yeah be funny he'll be yeah make people laugh uh-huh you know you don't don't don't be what you were before this serious guidance I thought I thought that was kind of telling that they would say at that moment when he's about to go into like this the more comedic and funny part of the of the series it's also funny how what a perfect fit he was for the guardians of the galaxy because I was like yeah I know they go make a third movie and all but I wasn't crazy about that second one so I guess would be more the same but I was like yeah oh wait you add Thor okay I can't wait for this now pull it up here I loved uh uh Scott Lang in the movie man I loved him because you like I think you said he was just fanboying out the whole time you know they I thought he treated him like he was just like the little brother the whole time meanwhile he was the one with the idea looking you know how to do it yeah but it was just kind of like man I was kind of getting mad at first and that's why it's funny the second time but just I mean y'all could give him some respect yeah I mean he had the ideas but he didn't know how to do any of it he didn't even do it when his time travel idea until he started just looking at him like really liked it back to the future that would you tell him ah no man it's alright well yeah yeah did they just the movie didn't mean things to him he was out in the front of the compound trying to you know just try to eat tacos they nebula flies down man and just to in add insult to injury just made all the meat glider shell he just said throw a hold on an empty shell name she walks by after she just mind his business she walks by like idiot out here do anything that's why I've made a lot to me well Hulk came by looked at him and just gave him those two yes yeah that's a nice moment it was a very nice moment man going back and setting up your as a patient make you wonder what's gonna happen and give me a big payoff people like oh I can't wait for Captain America whoop do you know you just these like now I'm gonna be cool this time I got stuff to do hail Hydra thank you and walked on out man you know that they did the elevator scene again everybody thought it was gonna go go it was gonna go down again yeah I'm wondering did they reuse footage or they reshoot that I'm not sure I I don't think cuz it's so exact on that that's why you get that feeling like oh [ __ ] oh okay here comes yeah yeah he's looking at that dude he's figuring out that they bout to pull something yeah no I was I'd have to go back and see cuz I was wondering too but I don't know because someone is is it the same people I saw the same people is it well no not exactly uh well Frank Grillo and the agent Sitwell don't know the guy in the glasses but he's not remember he's in her elevator but in this movie yeah he's not in the elevator oh that's okay yeah that's right it was Winter Soldier yeah we're so - you're right he wasn't in the elevator so imagine he did some new stuff for that what I'm going to some of the things just real quick that I didn't like and we're gonna bring some other people up thanos talked about I watching it a second time around I'd have more appreciation for what they did with Dennis because of Zach who I'm talking about where they were centering more on the characters uh other than that Olsen time yeah the the the first part infinity war was his movie yeah cuz they're really I mean they're two parts of one long movie yeah no you're right but you know what another thing that I liked I liked you know and Kris her me help me figure this out it's like you know these these are these are kind of two different Thanos characters well that's the thing yeah yeah they're they're two different thing else is from different times and when we're seeing even though it's five years he is younger and more arrogant and dennis is you know for all his lofty ideas his philosophical plan he's still a big thug because to pull off what he wants to he have to go around killing people as as brutally as brutally as yeah he now there was a point where he liked and I as he got older he might have been like see that and that's kind of what I want to see now this is me making my movie I wish we had a movie with Thanos was uh he was a more complicated villain to where he he achieved what he achieved and he's not so satisfied with it he's like look I'm glad I did it but realizing I killed my daughter just in realizing now how much that might have felt to other people it's a pretty price to pay and I still glad I did it but I've just taken a heavy toll on me and I thought that would have been cool for him not to just be so arrogant but just like yeah just take me out - because I've accomplished what I had to accomplish but I'm just not I'm not feeling as fulfilled as I thought I was yeah well plus he's like I did it I thought I'd make everybody happy ultimately and you know just move on yeah and that's what I mean by having a character that they could have done I thought they could have done more although I do I do like when he saw himself being being killed he's like no [ __ ] y'all gonna burn this annoying little planet [Music] cuz I like what you say you know before wasn't personal but you cut my head off now I'm gonna enjoy this it's got a deep in in with this kind of like okay you still don't have to kill everybody I like how they showed that he was he really is crazy yeah he's not yet before was called like alright I kind of get what you're saying I don't you gotta go this far but now you're [ __ ] crazy man I've said it from the beginning I was like Thanos is not right what he's saying it sounds right you can see his train of thought but that whole thing of well we kill half the people and then there's plenty of resource for the rest of us yeah it's like okay well if you're down with that then it's gonna be your family that dies you cool and it's like well no yeah I mean in a way like III like I said man I kind of see his point in certain things eugenics but but this but the way he was just you know just getting up on people's he's just saying I don't take no pleasure in this ah yeah exactly your people misery and everything it's like yeah I kind of gets off on this he's insane mmm-hmm he's not a goddamn mind some things that really no this is why I did not go I love the movie but I didn't I can't go better than sex with it because there are some things that make me walk out and say too many times why are things are so good that this is really bad we talked about it before and I thought I might change my mind I see flashes I think I had a life here Captain Marvel man I can't I did I'm beginning to agree with some people where I think brie Larson as much as I love loved her work I think she's just miscast she's just has nothing to bring to this yet now maybe down the line I might be different but it was a it was a bad spot in this movie like how her line reading maybe it was the Lions I don't know everything was flat with me about this character and it did and I'm not gonna exact exactly it's worse but it definitely not get better the second time yeah I could see that uh and it wouldn't have to bring bring it down for me at all but but but definitely she's not bringing something like like it's not like there's a need for something but she's there and I don't know like like it's almost like this there's no plan and nobody knows how to have her step it up a time travel that is not time travel is a thing with me where's like I if it seems messy are there's too many questions and that's why things you know that that's personal for me that's why I can't go far and say if you don't get time travel good enough I you if it presents more problems or questions and anything then I can't get into it I know that oh here's one I got okay I thought I'd maybe this isn't a big deal I just think this is funny mmm you got uh you got Steve Rogers Oh Steve Rogers who shows up on the bench mm at the end of the movie why they waiting on him so the whole time were they waiting on it was was old man speaking up dramatic inches I would allow you snow is like look over here well watching it the second time it I really from the big glances exchange it I got the impression that him and Bucky and work things out and yeah for they could have but see it's good to take those kind of things but I think some things might be I would like for them to be explained because there's a lot going on with his time travel and him coming back you know because I know everybody wants that ending of him that dance but how do you in and it's not his the most thing at the most time-travel thing with the stones okay so you know the biggest questions are and I didn't I didn't even think about this when I'm one of the questions was uh how do you get the the power stone you just injected back into the ass of Jane Foster you know how do you get that back up in her man was that ether okay so how do ya how do you you know Captain America has to go back and do that and you know I don't know I would love an animated show called Captain America and the stones or something we figure out all this commands yeah but I don't know how they do it I didn't think about that that was a golden bring up but what I thought of immediately was okay you got to go to Vermeer yeah how's that [ __ ] gonna work especially when he sees the red skull there yeah yeah oh yeah how does that work a soul for so can you bring back a receipt and get Black Widow back you know how did how's it gonna for me as a pawn shop yeah cuz you returned man look you returned to stone I got to get some [ __ ] back you know how that to me if we can we can make theories but it does it's not really explained how that works right oh the other one is uh this was immediate went to me when I was watching the movie war mere in this one and this was during the time heist mm-hmm I'm like alright so you're gonna go and get the the time stone uh how you gonna get that [ __ ] back into a cube when you have to do it like the tesseract when you see it what you when you get it back to that form you know how are you gonna do that because that's where it was originally you know I don't again this theories we can make but I don't think there's any real answers for it now maybe one day they'll do that yeah but for right now there's no real answer for this is a deal with the this is a deal with a time travel also a Peggy Carter uh Peggy Carter was uh she was married right uh not and not to Captain America she Peggy Carter you know that's a last dance girl she was married to somebody at one time right so does that mean that Captain America and the Steve Rogers came back and just pushed that do it at the picture cuz if you notice man cuz even when when when a falcon is like you wanna tell me about the girl like hey I'm owed this yeah and now some people say yes I died it came back with his ass come on now plus she still his picture on her on a desk II like yeah she still won yeah she want this yeah but don't mean he got do something you know in like what if they had a kid you know so if he gets would hurt then he kind of Donald's her kid [Laughter] stuff man and I'm not saying I want answers I can go I can go pass the movie and not have it ruin it for my have fun I'm just saying yeah yeah that is why when somebody asked me about the Dark Knight I said are movies like that say I know it's a simpler movie you want to compare this is very ambitious but their movies just that are just tight airtight and then there's something they just so ambitious they're you know there are questions to be answered sure and that's fine when that happens but the Dark Knight's not airtight it is to me it's got its things and if I brought them up you you'd have to begrudgingly admit I got a point well you probably nitpicking at that point but there's one thing that does that that is a point of contention with people and that is the big girl power scene on a battlefield you say oh brother but it didn't feel it just didn't feel like it was all those things where the movie kind of stopped to show away look we're bringing girls together because that's a popular thing to do in entertainment now you know give women their moment and which I'm not opposed to that at all it just make it feel like it's part of the movie don't make it stop cuz all these girls on the battlefield up a son she's got our help and I was like alright I don't mind this do it III know I would love to see women you know have this moment but this is kind of like wit I felt like we Captain Marvel is like alright I feel like I'm now supposed to say this because Waymon are getting there there you know the hero where the movies just kind of mediocre this scene did not feel like it just didn't feel like it was a natural part of the story well this is something you see in movies all the time especially with these big battles and and when things are going well and they've done these before even in a infinity war there's a seem very much like that where it's black widow versus the member of Thanos is black black order and then Okoye comes and it's the two of them fighting her and and Scarlet Witch shows up and it's it's very much that's a girl-power scene and you know what that felt natural and this and this is just a mirror that it's like okay we got that again but now we have all of them you know why that worked in infinity war because it worked as part of the story they didn't all get together at one time and make some proclamation and start fighting they came in different times joined together you even notice it you know with this they all like stopped got together walked in slow motion like to like you know almost like making a statement and I just look I can't I'm gonna argue anybody feels like it's it it uh it worked but I would have felt the same way and we're talking about this if Falcon a Don Cheadle all of a sudden Terrence Howard I would have been like okay you know this just don't y'all trying to have a black blob like this ain't working you know Theater I saw it in not just the women but everybody erupted they love that part like the the the pros far outweigh the con that's why I don't like being there with a crowd that just cheers for anything because that seems like that's a moment right there like I said because it makes you seem like why you didn't you did not girls of the you know their mom it naw you have it if it made you feel good that's fine I don't think it worked as part of a story that's that's all but see that's the problem you run into because it seems like now you owe what you hate little girls if they my movie yeah no no I'm kidding up [ __ ] up [ __ ] around I'm kidding I'm kidding like it was so quick enough that ruin the movies it's but it's maybe three seconds but I don't think it was good storytelling I don't think it was good I don't think it was a good filmmaking you know for movie that has so much gray it's going on but then it's like I said that's me if it worked by other people that's fine just because they it's done for something to make people feel good doesn't mean it can't be criticized doesn't mean it's right even if it has the right intentions behind it okay so you know and that's where you have to like kind of realize like alright you know if this is something that didn't work for everybody then that's just how it is if it work for some people then that's fine too you didn't even like this scene no I know stop you know what let's bring everybody man there are so many things wrong with the movie and you're honestly I'm gonna Nick pick that one [ __ ] scene there's so many others to you but like this you know what you just I'll tell you what you did you you came in nitpicking about one other thing today and other people said are you serious that's gonna be something for you well I'm nitpicking actually affects the goddamn story and the structure of this story that's like a five-second thing like it doesn't really have any bearing on it it's a nice little fanservice in it just feels like pandering and hey if that pandering worked for some what did people that enjoy that that's good it just didn't work for me yeah it should I just it shouldn't be a huge issue we should be like I don't like it and it didn't run the movie and moved on yeah yeah see I think the thing is remember age of Ultron is a very opening fight where they're fighting all the foot soldiers whatever and then they do that slow-motion pose or everyone's lined up and it's a great poster or whatever that's pandering that's something that's why everyone didn't like that movie ever most people didn't like that movie as much that scene was kind of stupid right when they threw this out there it was like yeah this is just everything we've gone to the point of parody with like Deadpool in the superhero landing over years and years and years that we're seeing now with all women and now we're saying it's inorganic when they've been doing this [ __ ] time and time again and then the argument is back then when we got and we were enjoying our stuff our male straight there's a white guys you don't got all the things women weren't bitching at us saying like oh look a hired man's walking away from the into an issue about like a like a feminist issue but there's no but it's not a feminist issue not if because right no what if there have been points where a movie stopped and there's been a bunch of men walking in slow motion and doing a badass scene it's kind of like okay this is this this brings me out of a movie right here we should probably say that this is bad so that either one we do a better or two they stop doing it and that's kind of how it comes off I'm just letting you know well I think it comes off to you like that I'm just letting you know that is that what I'm saying cuz now you trying to make me a bad guy here by saying that oh but me saying that this is something I don't like that I'm that I'm almost advocating don't do it again I'm not saying that I'm saying when I say this and when he says it's like it doesn't feel organic it feels natural hey next time make it feel natural for me the way that you're describing enough y'all like in general I'm not pointing fingers not here it makes it seem like it was long and dreadful into a certain aspect and no you say that no no no nobody said that no no what somebody said we just said I just stole your hoodies I didn't tell you what you said it's a big difference I don't know y'all y'all can try to do it around it we just we think meaning be cold no oh my god damn so you gonna get back I'm finished with wanna throw this no no no you won't get a newspaper roll up and beat my ass to you man y'all had some kinky [ __ ] last night we like man we in such agreement we go we go go in the show this gonna be low one person Oh hence there's three people on his side we gonna tag-team everybody man I can't wait to have you at the bar man we agree on so much man we gonna be ripping on each other and we gonna beat each other [Laughter] I gotta say from my perspective it was beautiful cuz it sounds like y'all hate each other more than you hate women but you also hate dragan last night that's a couple beers it's just sobered up real quick my brother cuz nobody gets me like you made it thank you for watching everyone that means so much to me it would mean even more if you hit the subscribe button if you really love what we do check out our main site double toaster comm over there with us edited unfiltered uncensored you get the whole experience and awesome and remember to always stay toasty
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 220,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AVENGERS ENDGAME MOVIE SPOILERS - Double Toasted, avengers endgame movie spoiler discussion, avengers endgame spoiler, avengers endgame movie spoiler, avengers endgame movie spoilders, avengers endgame spoiler review, endgame spoilers, endgame spoilers review, endgame spoiler review, endgame movie, endgame review, iron man, spider-man, captain america, captain marvel, double toasted reviews, double toasted review, double toasted, funny movie reviews, reviews
Id: JENmlD7TL-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 11sec (3251 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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