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the riddler went in and this is the beginning of the movie y'all just to let you know take these little kids out here yeah you want to have a nightmare who wants popcorn let's go get popcorn okay [ __ ] every time you pull duct tape out of there daddy gonna kill me this is the batman and this is the big movie this weekend of course made uh in one weekend like 120 something million dollars uh pretty favorable to great reviews unless you're patrick gerstin that's another story if you're him it's trash a lot of people say this is uh a lot of people been saying like hey look if you love the dark knight and that's your favorite movie this is probably your second favorite batman movie could be your most favorite batman movie r is right up there with that great feeling that's your morning [ __ ] if i saw somebody walk out the shadow looking like that i'd be scared too i thought that that's what was great about this is that batman was intimidating because he's so angry like if you didn't know who he was because he's i mean he i give it to him he's got presentation he found the darkest spots and i love that about this man i love that about this but what we're going to do is we're going to of course talk about things that we couldn't talk about in the review some of those things that that we thought they did well in this movie that makes it stand out as whether we think it's the best batman movie or not well you know that's all that's all opinion but it definitely did some things that made it his own batman movie we're going to talk about that we're going to talk about some things that were teased before that were actually brought to fruition here that ended up being true and talk about some things maybe that we thought could use improvement that we couldn't directly say in the review at the time because we didn't want to spoil anything i know these guys i know you're very eager to talk about this sure sure yeah all right i'll tell you this okay so let's just go ahead and start talking about some of the things that this movie is going to be a very open roundtable discussion but i'm just going to kick it off by saying one of the things that i really enjoyed about this and it's not the first time they've done it but you know batman is going to arkham asylum a lot and talking to people and you know and putting people in arkham asylum i love that it turns out that his family had his family very tarnished they had they were corrupt they had not only connections to arkham asylum they had connections to gangsters around town you know who who knows what other dirt they had on them but i like that the wayne family legacy and the wayne family thomas and martha wayne they're tarnished people thomas was in in bed with the falcones uh martha she's mentally ill she was an arkham she was in arkham yeah and you know that's the thing that uh i have been watching this long halloween on uh on hbo max and if you haven't seen it watch it and you'll notice there's a lot of connections here with especially with them being the wayne family being so tied in with gangsters and whatnot you'll find there's a lot of connections with this movie and the long halloween there's lots of crazy out there they've even been deleted some scenes from the batman that are like some scenes that are really the long halloween yeah we'll get to that but there's some silence of the lamb scenes in there which i was saying we were actually talking about that it'd be cool if they actually did that uh for one of these movies out of silence the lamb scene where batman goes in and questions people sure they did that for this movie but they cut it out and it's a way to handle particular character that we've seen a lot of but in different circumstances and we get more details later on but you're right this is this this movie is heavily inspired by the long halloween and also batman year one as well which deals with that criminal um mob element in there and just batman relationship with jim gordon in general because they're partners in this movie yeah yeah you know uh but aesthetically you're right no but please anybody pick it up from where i just left off here i was talking about the wayne family you know eruption and all that oh i'm sorry go ahead well just just quickly i was gonna say it just does seem like you can't operate in gotham unless you uh you know will you work with the mob if you will yeah uh i like it because one it's it's changing up the mythology of batman to a degree because you know typically in in the comics and other adaptations the wanes have always been presented like oh they were the the shining beacons of the city and it's like no they they were also involved in a criminal element and it's very similar to telltale's uh that the batman is where the waynes are they were i mean they even went even further they were committing murders and stuff and they were right in league with carmine felconi and how thomas wayne was operating arkham assam was killing a bunch of patients just to cover up the family secrets and and then bruce had to deal with the revelation go like oh my god i've held my father up to this ideal and he was just as bad as these criminals i'm going after it was really different and i i liked it i liked the movie leaned into that too yeah yeah you know this is the this this this goes to show you that sometimes you really have to just kind of recreate these characters or reinvent these characters oh very much so you know because some people would say well if you change it you're changing the character well if you've seen that character long enough you've seen that history because look they didn't even show us the origin story thank god they did we did not need that man you know they didn't even show us that so this whole background of thomas and martha wayne haven't been you know pretty much the people who they were they were these uh uh uh uh what if a philanthropist to to gotham sure you know they hearts of gold they they they're the family that was keeping this city from falling apart they're the best of us yeah they're the best no it's like i like that they went back and started reinventing this past to show that you know bad man and which i think drives him crazy even more oh yeah like knowing that his parents were messed up well think about this he's doing this because the legacy of his parents and they were taken from him these beautiful pure people okay they weren't matter of fact the father was involved in with the very criminals i've been devoting myself to stop him and if his mother was in arkham it speaks to the insanity that's probably been passed on to him yes that is true wow that's a great point yeah this whole movie is he's about i'm vengeance he constantly says people refer to him as vengeance and that's like seems to be the theme of the movie and he realized at a certain point i can't be just that because it's causing this escalation they even say crime is not going down it's increasing right because the city has become so volatile and that's why i love the message at the end of the movie he has that realization where i can't just be the batman because that is just not working a lot of people are criticizing this movie because you know i mean not a lot but some of the criticisms that i've heard is like common complaints this batman is you know he's not batman he's messy he's you know he's he's he's scaring people he's going about this the wrong the wrong way and it's like what's the wrong way yeah it's like well first of all they're doing the bat suit running around of course he's going about the wrong way he's crazy but the thing is is that i think this is done intentionally where sam you know bruce wayne the character is just angry he's just he's just mad and he's and he's messy because he's caught up in his emotions he doesn't realize that to take this job and do this being the savior of the city and being a smart detective because some people said that he's a terrible detective well the whole thing is that yeah he's messy man because he's still he's so wrapped up in his emotions and i think this movie is where we get this whole thing of him realizing like jesus nuts you know i need to back off and he says you know what i can't be vengeance you know i have to be hope to people i think some of the flaws that people are saying with this thing ain't batman batman wouldn't do this batman wouldn't do that you don't know we don't know that's not real [Laughter] but like you said this is year one this is and plus this is an angry uh young batman that that that we've never seen on screen sure there's a reason why he realizes like my anger is getting in the way of everything i'm trying to do yeah i can't even get clues right i'm i'm interrogating people the wrong way just busting in and then jacking people up it's like yes this is this is the movie where he realizes i got to get my [ __ ] together if i'm going to do this it's funny because he was thinking about his anger how he was just angry through the whole thing and one of the scenes that that made me laugh unintentionally is that uh alfred who might have died but he's just coming out of a car he's just coming out of a coma and bruce is there how come you tell me about my daddy he's like god damn man i'm sorry i'm fine how are you i like that he's about alfred's like i'm about to quit this [ __ ] job yeah messing with me he wants to hit everyone wants to hit bruce throughout this entire movie so bad and i like that too because i think i think in the next movie what they need to do is that they need to make i think you need to make uh bruce wayne realize i never appreciated you like i should because in this i mean he's he's 35 years old 37 years old and i know that's robert patton's third pattinson is 35. i don't know how old batman is or bruce wayne is i got the impression he's in his like late 20s yeah i got i got i got a 20s thing going on but yeah with the hair and the music yeah yeah i agree with y'all but this whole thing with him he's still acting like a spoiled 15 year old yes and that cuz i got that one scene i love it where he's just mouthing off to alfred and alfred's like look i'm getting sick of this [ __ ] you know and and i ain't michael caine if this continues it won't be long before you nothing i don't care about that you don't care about your family's legacy what i'm doing is my family's legacy you know that scene was followed up with with what every bratty teenager would say you ain't my daddy yeah you know this is like okay man you know this is he ain't your daddy but he's the closest thing that you got and this is what i love about this he just doesn't realize man that's the closest thing that you have to a daddy and a friend and i think that you need to you know we've seen this i you know this idyllic pure batman before getting crazy with every movie but we've never seen one where he did not appreciate anybody because he's so obsessed with his with his job and alfred who being being the closest one to him i like that he they made a scene he tried to push push alfred away yeah but he but even he realizes later on the movie that alfred is all he really has in terms of family like that scene when effort survives the bombings in the hospital yeah and the nurse is like does he have anyone it's just he just says it's just me the movie opens up with a politician being killed and we'll get into the deaths in this in a little bit man there's a politician being killed and you know he has a family of course he's leaving a son behind son still has his mother some not complete orphan like like bruce wayne but i said this in the review you didn't need an origin story this time around we got it and those glasses to that kid they say everything that you need man i'm gonna go pay my respects will you wait for me i'm gonna continue this [Music] [Laughter] [ __ ] you looking at you guys weird mom i was looking at you i'm weirdo i've been there you're trying to get the batman that you've seen all this time and this is not the point here the point is we're looking at a very and this is what's great about it everybody's talking about how you're looking at a detective film yeah and you know and you are you know but this is the first time that we've really we've talked about batman being crazy other people said you're crazy but this is the batman movie where he really is disturbed yes and i think that's the only reason why you can forgive this for not having a lot of characterization on bruce wayne's part i think he'll get that later but you know this is probably this is probably the darkest moment for him and uh this is one where you know you you fear for this man because at some point we actually are scared you know what this guy's gonna end up hurting somebody now he's gonna snap or hurt somebody which is why i would recommend he get better help man you know he won't get therapy because he's a proud man but if he got help he'd be he'd be all right hey listen we we're joking no i really was making a point i wasn't trying to do a really big segue i just thought you know what this is good you know but i mean the opportunity opened itself up take it away batman i gotta go okay i gotta do it anyways you also had to have a segway earlier so i was going i was going to stop and be like let me tell you all this because it's serious anyway yes people we're making jokes we're making jokes here uh but we're not taking therapy lightly we're not taking self-help lightly we're not taking your mental health lightly right here uh listen and i'm be i'm being serious right here i haven't done it yet but i i took therapy before and martin said yeah you needed that [ __ ] so i have gone through therapy before it did help and honestly i thought about getting it again and not because you know i didn't wait a long time because i was ashamed or anything like that i don't know why maybe it didn't seem as convenient but this actually makes it very accessible uh to get it better help people be let me say it again so you can hear it clearly because some people think you're saying butter help a better like they put two d's in there no people it is better help b e t t e r h e l p what's so great about this is that this is online therapy that offers video and phone therapy and also live chat sessions with your therapist so that you don't have to be on camera if you don't want to some people are shy about that some people who are especially going to therapy for the first time it can be daunting but this makes it very easy and you know you can stay that way or you can ease your way into it uh being face to face with someone they match you up with a therapist based on the information that you give them and listen we talk about therapy we're not talking about you know we're not talking about people who are and this would this th this is for people who are in this condition but we're not talking about dire things like suicide i'm going to hurt myself i'm going to hurt somebody else i mean we're talking about keeping yourself healthy which a lot of people have needed in the last yeah especially the last two years yeah we're not talking about you know like a lot of people like to use this word and i'm just saying this and i'm not using it i'm just giving an example like they say that's for crazy people that's for people who are out there no think of it like this you go to a gym or you exercise to keep your body in shape or just at least to keep healthy you eat right to keep healthy all those are physical things you need to do that with your mind too so if you're feeling stressed if you are having relationship problems you just need someone to talk to hey you know i'm just i'm i just feel like venting that's what this is for right here so people try it man tried you know again with uh with with this what i like about it is that uh you can change your therapist anytime you like too they're there to help you with that you know usually when you're on your own trying to find another therapist if you don't like somebody you know it is hard it is hard but people are there to help you uh and guide you through the selection process if you need it people here's something else if you don't if nothing else hey money talk sometimes so you got nothing to lose by really trying this uh and i'm gonna give you more incentive go to forward slash double toasted and when you put that link in there you can get 10 10 off your first month at again that is b-e-t-t-e-r-h-e-l-p dot com forward slash double toasted double toasted is d-o-u-b-l-e-t-o-a-s-t-e-d and get 10 off your first month over there it's very easy to try it's not like a subscription not like you obligated to stay on it so if it's not working it's not working but try it out like i said just to talk to somebody if you're just feeling stressed out try it and if you don't like it you can quit but get help somewhere or talk to somebody or seek therapy somewhere if you need it there's all kind of options out there but a good place to try is and i want to thank for sponsoring this portion of the show and of course i want to thank all of you out there for your support all right so let's see we can continue with this uh let's talk about the tone of the movie man uh this we were talking about how this is not for kids no it's not at all you ain't i said there's a review ain't selling toys with this you ain't selling happy meals you ain't selling lunch boxes in bed sheets it's not that even dark knight i could see them doing that with sure but this is not the one uh the movie begins even when the movie begins it was a brittle i mean brittle it was it was a brutal murder i'm trying to sit up here and find out that's like a horror movie it begins like a horror movie somebody you know the apology let me see here riddler because the way it opens up it's pretty i won't say gruesome but it's disturbing man a man gets knocked out bludgeoned to death and if they ain't i don't even think he was bludgeoned to death all right he suffocated yeah the riddler went in and this is the beginning of the movie y'all just to let you know take these little kids out here yeah you want to have nightmares who wants popcorn let's go get popcorn okay should every time you pull duct tape daddy he'll kill me nah man you know it opens up it doesn't make duct tape scary yeah the sound oh that sound can he even use that in the trailer yeah uh a guy gets bludgeoned i don't even think he's killed and the riddler pulls out duct tape and wraps it around his face and suffocates him man come on man that wasn't even necessary and he also what cuts his thumb off too when he's alive as well and you see that thumb when we're saying matt reeves was pushing the r rating here he really was man you get a [ __ ] early on in the movie yeah yeah uh there's a severed thumb in there there when i was talking about that this is like saw uh there's a scene where they had we talked about i just briefly mentioned there's a guy who's probably gonna be eaten by rats they show briefly that guy's face was tore up by that those rats he had the commissioner the commissioner that's how uh eventually becomes commissioned yeah they chewed the [ __ ] out that dude's face and that guy was like oh just wailing and crying the whole time jesus man that's how they killed him but they did eat his face up man at them and he had some nice fat jowls too they were chewing on those for a while the rats got full before they really didn't get real damage oh man i can't have another bite we're done by the way yeah rat trap man uh man i have to really admire how warner brothers not just matt reeves matt reeves you know there's a lot of directors gonna they're gonna they're gonna take as much as you give them you'll push it but really warner brothers man i want to thank y'all for letting these directors go rated r are as close to radar because they really comfortable with doing it with batman yet right but they ease it into it there they are i would not be surprised if they do for the sequel i mean and they got really close with this one so i was like why not you know i can tell you that it tends to be the way that goes yeah usually goes the opposite way i think so yeah and they're not gonna go right at all they're already they've already now listen you have to know yeah but also he wants to be a kinder friendlier bet by the end that's a good point but the villains might be more crazy but i i just they really more than duct taping people and putting rat traps on their heads there's always [ __ ] let's not forget acid you know yeah i know but you know the even if they go r it's not going to be a hard r no no and that's another thing that i've had a complaint with the people i don't want to go rated r i i don't think it's necessary i admire this movie for not being rated r and being pg-13 because i think first of all because i talked to one person they said all this needle was more gore and they need to put out a rated r no no that wouldn't improve a thing you know what this had there's a lot of movies that are pg-13 because they want to be family friendly they want to be kid-friendly they want to sell stuff this was pg-13 won because matt reeves was held back but i'm glad he was because it felt like this movie had class yeah so talking about something that a lot of people were wondering if they were going to do this and then it was rumored that they were going to do it and then the movie they actually did it uh talking about the joker the joker tease at the end barry what's this guy's name barry barry keon kim let me say this a lot of people say they don't want to see the joker again and frankly i don't either there's too many other villains out there to do that with but this boy right here if they decide to do it i think that's perfect casting a lot of people don't like this act and they don't see it but this boy has been crazy in every movie he's been see i think it's good casting as much as he's always crazy and creepy in everything he does everything he's not trying to be but i think it's bad casting because also can never understand a [ __ ] word he says i you know what i understood him at the end of this like i barely understood him i i understood because i thought it was a great line you know the end of the movie you have the riddler who's next in the next cell and you hear him saying don't be sad you know you you did your best and what gave it away that was the the joker is that he said you know i know when you don't succeed and everybody sees you as a clown and it's like all right you know okay don't we really don't need that but this boy has been and i say even when he ain't he's a man now but when he was a boy he's been creepy and crazy and everything that he's been in since he's been weird since he was like 13 years old i wanted to say one more thing i'm really sorry about bob it's nothing serious no it is he knows and the movie's weird itself too that's the killing of a sacred deer but he made it weirder yes he did he was the one that stood out he made it very weird i mean yeah the direction is weird already but but he takes it to the next level he really does the whole time he's like what do you got to do to get this kid out of your life yeah oh yeah no he was that he was like in a movie that's already crazy he made it crazy because the character like all these other people who are weird already they like get this crazy [ __ ] away from us man also that brings together again the teaming up of uh colin farrell and this actor right here uh so a couple of things that was said so it is the joker at the end of this but did they say the words or did we just kind of know no he's it's the joker first of all he said treating you like a clown yeah so there's that he's laughing and everything yeah he's laughing i mean the hair cause chloe has sort of prosthetic on his face like maybe it's a rectus grin or something right right but i was just i was thinking about i mean yeah you watch you go like oh that's the joker but i was like you know it's not so definitive that they couldn't walk it back okay well matt reeve said it was a joker well yeah so he said it was the joke and he said that he said that he doesn't know here's the good news for people don't want to see this character used again he said that he just want to acknowledge that the character is there okay in the universe okay he doesn't really plan on using them that much and he did use them in this movie more that silence of the lamb scene that i'm talking about so it's batman going to see the joker who's not really full of the joker yet maybe but he said that you know in that scene he goes to see the joker to figure out how you know uh to pick his brain because this riddler dude is out there yeah he needs to talk to a similar subject like like i'm hunting buffalo like hannibal yeah sure and he said that the reason why he didn't use it just because he already had a scene something like that in there and it just the story worked better without it and the movie's three hours long yeah no you're right we don't need yeah that's what we could have cut more [ __ ] out if you ask me but that's why they kind of have this and they didn't didn't need it but they were supposed to be set up as like these guys all already familiar and batman has already shown us putting people in arkham because when he goes to see this version of the joker the joker tells him he's like oh it's our anniversary already so yeah you know it's so the character's there but matt reeves has said like i don't really want to use uh the joker again he's already said that i'm looking for other characters to use he's he's got a heart off of mr freeze this better not be that [ __ ] where no no benedict cumberbatch is not khan trust me oh oops is he gone yeah well my my thing is like listen okay because i i wouldn't be surprised too it was like we need more joker and everything because he's so powerful i mean the joker the movie made of over a billion dollars yeah successful rate film of all time if they're gonna have him in these sequels which i think at one point they will do something very different with them keep him and arkham the entire time keep make him just a hand henna electric character where batman has to go and talk to you like i'm trying to figure this out and you're you're the only one who is crazier than maybe the person i'm chasing after and i need to just have you answer some questions maybe give me some answers have them like do a big different type of relationship between the two that would be awesome to do that for the whole second movie yes that's why i wanted him to consult yeah and in the third movie you found the joker has actually been running the [ __ ] from the perfect time yeah i'm like god damn it man you could do that how did i not see that instigating people yeah i think pushing people but it makes a lot of sense and if you also wanted to do dr harleen quinzel and really show that manipulation of her over time like that maybe that's his doctor if you want to make it a part just another thing yeah you know you have options but don't don't do the another just joker no we don't need another joker and you know and it's and like he said man for somebody he has a hard one for mr freeze and it's i don't think he's gonna he said i just would like to try to tackle a character and put it in his realistic world i'd love to see what he would do just after watching batman and robin i don't see how you could put any version of his character in this realistic world but i would love to see somebody pull it off yeah and he has he you well martin you can say that but he has some very interesting uh choices are a choice for casting party he said hey i might even try to call arnold up see what he can do [Laughter] yeah i don't know i would love to see how he would work it out yeah you know but he says he looks at that as a challenge now i don't know that's a challenge and the movie yeah i know it's really grounded but there is some sci-fi technology in this film his eyes though those contact lens of his hi of his but those are not far-fetched i know i got one foot in reality because now we're getting these glasses sure yeah sure but i'm like okay so there is some kind of sci-fi element there's some stuff that he could do with this i guess with the mr freeze i'm looking at technology that he already has in this movie um it could be stuff we ain't turning people into a block of ice but it make maybe something that makes people heart their heart stop or something you know i don't know freestyle yeah thank you for playing let's just say that the villains that they have here beside we already mentioned the riddler you know everybody else is cool colin farrell it's great no he's great man he's great we already mentioned that more of him uh what i'd so this is i feel weird about this because carmine falcone was played so well by john turturro man uh i thought john tatura was great in his role and i'm sorry that they killed him man without the one guy in the city more reclusive than me thought you never leave the shoreline wow is that right i love how gangstery these gangsters are man you know old school man and uh i really that's one of the things i was disappointed in not that i thought it was a bad thing but carmine falcom man i was sorry that they got they shot him because first of all he's i always thought that he was just a lighter version of batman's lex luthor in a way he has no powers you know super powers that is his powers come from just being in control of the city yes yes yes well and they do so much with the gangsters that i am sad that it takes so long to finally get to carmel carmine falcone and we get to just as we get to enjoy him he's he's killed off uh or did did we did they say he was dead they didn't say he was dead so he shot he shot him he could come back uh another thing was uh colin farrell is so great is the penguin and love every minute he's on i feel like his character's not really all that germane to everything that's happening no like if things had to be cut you could cut him and the story would be the same unless this is whole this whole thing is set up for uh falcone to be knocked out and then the penguin ascend in the next movie well that's what they did i mean that's what they that's what they're gonna say that's right would he be the next big villain i was gonna say i did not like that they killed carmine falcone but it's a great between killing uh carmine falcone and the floods it sets up the penguin because there's a there's a power back yeah it's an empty slot there now that whole thing of killing carmine falcon was a way to like bring up the penguin i think that's what that uh that penguin series is about now that he killed carmine falcone he's taken over and that's in that show is going to be about his ascension to being like a major player at this point so that's one of three shows they're doing they're doing the gotham central show which i imagine with jeffrey wright and all the cops okay and then they're doing an arkham series which was announced recently so that's probably where you're going to get joker joker in there yeah which i'd love to see they're going all in with this universe okay yeah interesting i can't just say with uh i really love john duterte in this role he's so weird because he can either be like really scary just give an incredible performance he's like really goofy in a movie sure he's a lot of range but i just love this quiet menace to him i really like uh catwoman in this man yeah let me see here i like universally everybody's loving catwoman yeah so kravitz did a great job they did a lot of great stuff with this character by making it true to this movie a more grounded character but also really catching the essence of the comic book character [Laughter] cause i've seen hats do this before where they gave her the cat ears yeah but it's because the hat has like naturals yeah dude i i will take this over the actual cat point of view any day because it wouldn't even have made sense for her to have that whole get up on it they never caught a catwoman in the movie no no she's always selena in the movie and i like that you know and and again they capture like comic book moments like when she's up when she's doing some dirt batman's always they're like hey [ __ ] what you doing [Laughter] stop that's why i had to throw us in that table because she wouldn't settle down she said i'm just damn i'm just talking god damn it stop this [ __ ] uh now i like that i tell you what i did not like about her character in the movie um and it's not really it's not a problem with her so much uh she was fine loved her character uh what i had problem with is in the movie i think what makes her so cool is that she's not and we said this in the review she's not self-serving even though she's you know going out and doing burglaries she's doing this for another person yeah she's trying to take care of this immigrant girl who's working for falcone she's she's in danger because falcone is freaking out because you know people are talking the batman is out there and he ends up strangling her killing her this immigrant and i thought like you know in the beginning catwoman was talking about selena kyle was talking about how she was trying to help this girl and i thought i know the movie is long but i think they could have traded off some moody scenes i would have loved to see her relationship with this girl no just one scene with to set up the emotion between them you know a hug and you're gonna be okay because when she died i didn't it was terrible that the character died i didn't feel anything yeah she was she's a prop in the movie yeah yeah but if cat we had a scene where she says i'm gonna protect you you'll be fine come here baby i got you then you would have had two things that happened you would have one this girl to feel bad for and then you had this devastation from uh catwoman who couldn't protect her yeah so i thought that that that's that's one of the major problems i had with the movie i thought they could i didn't think about it but you are right i mean at the point where she turns up dead it was like well yeah see that's a that's that's one of my problems with the movie that's why i didn't love it but thought it was really brilliant and good i just didn't have the emotion right in there because first of all bruce wayne is being so standoffish he he is not unlike so many other batman or batman he's not somebody you can crawl into and go like yes i see myself as this guy he's always somebody over there like wow dude i'm just checking you out yeah exactly you know yeah he's like you know got his rockstar glasses on himself but you know there's just not a lot of emotion for me to attach myself to in this movie it's moody it's dark in the best way uh but you know it's a movie that i it's a setup towards probably getting to that point but i didn't besides catwoman and alfred i didn't really find myself like emotionally attached to anybody even people like jim gordon i like that character i thought jeffy right was great jeffrey wright is brilliant in that role but it's a great actor but i didn't really like oh man like okay so in dark knight you know jim gordon has a family the whole the whole precinct is against him yeah and this guy you could man he's frustrated trying his best and you fell for this guy because you felt like this is a good man i don't get any of that in this movie there's not a lot of strong character in this film yeah i'm i'm with you on that it's yeah it's like watching a film that's really well put together and going i i'm not getting that that emotional boost that makes me go oh i'm really behind you or oh i care what happens or i really want to see this again yeah but you know it's it's if i when i look at it like well it's setting things up then i can go like all right i guess it's all right that it's it's doing this and and like you i really like the film i think it's i think you know i think it's good it just doesn't have that thing that makes me love it yeah exactly and i really do man i'm right i'm right on the cusp of love but i'm just not there and you know i'm not saying it every character because i get it for bruce wayne he has to be detached he has to be putting people at arm's length but there's just so many other characters i thought we had that opportunity to do that with that we didn't i even wanted more from the riddler because for as much as he's talking about what he's done and everything he's set up once he's capturing we get to really talk with him he monologues but i was like yeah i'm still not quite like with the with the better villains you're like nah man i see where you're coming from and i was uh one thing i did like like about the really that he pointed out because what this movie does really well is point out little things that you just have to catch and him saying him he'll make drawing that line between yeah it's a lot easier to be an orphan when you're rich and you're like yeah batman oh he said i'm mad what about all these other kids who don't have [ __ ] well that was something that i thought was good and i thought you pulled this out the last minute you know i'm talking about how i didn't feel for anybody in the movie but when bruce god damn it when bruce wayne goes to talk to uh when he goes to talk to uh the riddler in arkham and really just tells his ass off what the [ __ ] is wrong with you you know you weren't you weren't cast away as a kid you didn't see babies die you know they actually made me feel sympathy for the riddler yeah you know i thought but for that little bit but up until that point i was just like he didn't even seem all that threatening wait man what how did y'all let this guy do so he scared me he did i thought i i really like paul daniel's performance i know there's been some criticism of especially in that scene of him i got a problem with paul dano uh it was um because i don't people like when when he freaks out in the movie people said like oh he's just doing a a poor man's heath ledger and um i never said that i said that it went jokery near the end that's the thing with riddler though it's like riddler always likes to present himself as the smartest man in the room and he initially is very calm and he's like yeah this is my point and then any time he's proven wrong or someone gets under his skin which is very easy to do so he [ __ ] flips yeah and he can't control himself and i like how even paul dana was like acting where he just started he just started like wailing and i was like man we know people like that yeah yeah i'm just like oh my god i've seen this behavior before and so i was like that was uh that was very accurate no that that was that and that's true when you say we know people like that i have a criticism it's not even paul dana's performance is i wanted more interaction between batman and the fiddler uh because most of the time they're just talking through skype or cell phones you know that's pretty much it but he did a really good job no i think we're gonna get more of them anyway but i i got to i did like paul daniel i thought i thought this was perfect cass uh another problem i had with batman because i said it was we you know he's messy and yeah and it fits oh let me see and this could be argued that this fits his character now while he's still trying to get himself together there's being messy and there's just complete disregard for human life out there [Applause] i was like okay man how many people died yeah yeah those people are dead you blew that dude up man and that was your fault so i thought even batman is so obsessive about protecting people at this point uh that is gone beyond this whole vengeance thing and whatnot is dark stuff he's like he's he's here to be a savior for gotham so i think that with him being so obsessive that he would be careful not to put people in danger it's not only that it's we we go through this this car it's a very dangerous car chase for everybody involved and blowing up the tanker offered him to chase down the penguin and him and gordon show up policeman they questioned him it wasn't me well all right all about your business you gonna tell them you want to put the cups on just leave them there oh like uh what about all this that that's that's irrestable and not only that but even the penguin he even knows something that they don't in terms of like spanish you don't speak spanish abel espanol la rata not yeah you idiot i was like all right he's like [ __ ] and you know what somebody chat said this and i see this there's like a lot of a lot of people were complaining about batman killing people in the the snyder movies he killed a lot of people yeah ain't nobody saying [ __ ] about this now he could be said we didn't see anybody die but that's an explosion y'all i just don't think that this bad man would be this careless and if he wasn't that careless it should be acknowledged like i could see him doing this and like i i gotta calm down i gotta stop doing this [ __ ] i gotta put myself together well it's you know you think about how now they're training police to not get involved in these high-speed chases because a lot of times you get a lot of people yeah innocent people killed in them and and this is it's the exact reason that man did that fiery explosion should be enough for you to look at your rear view and stop like all right i guess i'll catch him later or let me go see who i can save yeah you know it's kind of the even though i like this chase sequence and you know it reminded me of the chase sequence in batman begins which is excellent the tumbler yeah but batman kills so many cops in that chase sequence in that original movie so yeah the one thing you can say about a lot of these live-action uh live-action batman for the most part at least they don't use a gun that's the one thing i'm very anti-gun but he he does kill him and i tell you man uh i like the chasing like i i still i still think that that's a a cool shot i think this whole sequence is cool man besides choreographed besides probably killing somebody but when it comes out the fire what's the reaction [Laughter] i love that i love that and i love when the crash happens we're not the clip but when the car's upside down and batman slowly walk into the car again another shot where they made him very threatening but i don't think that that was well thought out or we needed another scene to kind of see even ram in the car he could have killed the penguin yeah oh they got his answers i mean that one shot when you were inside the penguin's car and he's like yeah yeah yeah he's like that man's dead yeah i just acknowledgement of like you know what about this [ __ ] back here what did you get that's a good that's a that's a criticism that's a valid criticism uh i what do y'all think about because we're talking about villains man and we don't want the joker i've already put my villains out there i think two villains that would actually work in this world and some others that haven't been presented i got one that could work in this world and one that couldn't uh i think two-face could work because they you know uh uh again we you know we we didn't meet uh harvey dent here we need a new d.a they need a guy by the way can i just say peter skarsgard i know a tertiary character but great performance but you're right two spaces could totally fit in this well we've seen two-face work yeah no they could it's a character that's just and i'm saying what i this here's the real reason why i want to see two-face in this movie because this movie is so dark and and they've already alluded to these gruesome crimes i think they could just do a good job at making his face just look completely messed up yeah yeah and realistically messed up yeah yeah like makeup makeup wise yeah yeah i think that could work very well uh and i've already said this i think uh a character that has never been used except in the show gotham in in the cartoons but scarface i really love to see scarface be used i just like that character a lot you know this guy who this nerdy guy this is you know this nevish guy who's actually a cold-blooded killer but that's because he's schizo man yeah yeah he's like with his own little corybot yeah [Laughter] now [Laughter] uh what would you like to see though huh well okay so no votes for tweedledee and tweedledum huh i mean they were you saw your movie oh it was the twins that was i thought that was kind of a a loose adaptation of the tweets oh was it i think so oh okay yeah all right well then there you go there you go well you know what i i want justice for bane uh because i think there's some way to do bane in a way how would you do bain here well uh i mean the idea that he's somebody who's been who's seen batman and studied him and just like i want to i want to take out i want to take this guy out and he doesn't necessarily have to have the whole tubes set up but he could just have you know whatever thing he does with a syringe to pump himself up and go after him yeah and bane always had a crew of guys with him that's right so he would just be a rotted out dude yeah crazy off drugs like a mercenary yeah mercenary and just i mean somebody could hire him or he could just be on his own maybe batman thwarted him he's just always like i i'm gonna get my revenge on that guy no matter what up there's a moment in the movie did you guys notice this uh when when babin gets shot on top of the catwalk in the stadium and he's like you can't breathe and catwoman comes to save him and then she's getting beat up by that riddler thug he injects himself of something that's very green did you notice that people were saying is that venom or i was like was that adrenaline is adrenaline's not green and that looked like venom to me so i don't know i don't know might be one i like that idea maybe uh who is some of your buildings uh i want quarterbacks i think that you can do that secret society here i think that would make sense i feel see i feel like with this movie they already did they're like oh but you think you know gotham but this is what's really been going on there's another layer you want that i want that additional layer thick layer for pillow of owls quarterbacks all the conspiracy theorists yes yeah i think it'd be fun i mean it kind of adds to also i thought i i was convinced that okay quarter i was gonna be in this movie and it's gonna be riddler unearthing all of them but there's no reason why they can't do in the sequel but for those who don't know corals is a recent creation they are seeking society that has been in existence for about 250 years since gotham's founding and they control every aspect of society in the city uh political economic cultural and batman discovers this um and you know he he realizes that his family was involved at one point all these villains might have been involved and so he has to take him down and that's hard to because they're so entrenched within gotham and also across the world yeah uh that'd be cool one right there yeah i most of all i just really would love to see somebody they haven't used can i say another person what's up matt hatter i don't know that would have been my second answer mad hatter pedophile i mean he's pedophile i don't know if they'll they'll go down that road it's so dark but there's the character the mad hatter who is the pedophile in the universe you know i think i mean you know what if you're going to go this dark i say go with it man yeah i think you do this character he you know he's just the guy that dresses up really crazy and yeah he's obsessive alice in wonderland he has that whole that's part of the schtick you know he wants his alice yeah maybe maybe you can have it where he's kidnapping all these girls across the city in batman let us stop him a lot of people saying hugo strange that would make sense for arkham yeah yeah uh the batman jason todd hey corey after watching the batman i had an idea that they could introduce jason todd second robin as a young kid who was reluctantly with the gang in the beginning of the film in the third film the trilogy they would be able to do the story line with the joker killing jason tide hmm you know a lot of people have been having ideas about robin i'm not i'm myself i'm not really thinking about robin right now but he just he does not need us a young warrior he is too unstable to be inducting child soldiers at this point so there's uh there's this like jesus can you imagine that kid at the funeral they're like that could be robin no that kid i was like i'm not really thinking about a robin right now i think that'd be kind of corny yeah yeah you know i i did think that i was like what if they make that kid rob i was like nah that wouldn't really work i don't i don't think this kid still has a mom yeah yeah exactly well batman killed the mom in last thing i'm going to put out here unless anybody wants to add something but i will say that uh one of the things i liked and i should have mentioned this earlier when we were talking about the riddler so we could have you know kept everything in context but i loved the way they handled henchmen here yeah yeah henchman the really had henchmen but instead of like hey boss we work for you now you know no he came in it was like it's it's so relevant to what's happened today it's people who crazy people are people who follow crazy people and conspiracy theorists online yeah i mean clearly he's okay with recruiting white supremacists oh yeah that's what most of these are yeah uh but yeah no he found a way to to crowdsource his henchmen he's a streamer in the movie because he's broadcasting all his crimes oh yeah and he's attracting all these people who like q anon people and stuff like that that was uh i was a great touch because that was something that connected to this world it was very uncomfortably identifiable too i was like oh my god wow yeah i even love that scene when uh they find the video underneath because they find the whole clue underneath the carpet and then put in the video and like the riddler sits down and he's like hey guys so it's like it's like a typical streamer yeah thanks for all your advice especially in regards to detonators that was really helpful wow it was very good yeah some people some people said i'm laughing at the chat we talked about my q a somebody said r and on riddler yeah man so i don't you know there's a lot of stuff to cover here we talked a lot about things it's a lot of movies we tried to talk about things that we did not talk about in the review because they were spoilers but if you know send us an email and tell us about things that you saw in the movie that we might not have covered here or things you notice and maybe we'll cover that next time on the show [Music]
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 105,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Batman, The Batman review, The Batman movie review, The Batman Spoilers, The Batman spoiler review, the Batman spoiler movie review, The Batman trailer, The Batman reaction, The Batman explained, The Batman ending, The Batman movie, Batman review, Batman movie review, Batman trailer, Batman, The Batman joker, The Batman riddler, The Batman penguin, The Batman catwoman, Movie review, Movie reviews, Movie, Review, Funny video, Double toasted, Doubletoasted,
Id: 62RuxRXr1Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 39sec (3039 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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