Female Celebrities Being Thirsty For Chris Hemsworth

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chris you're ugly just really ugly thanks sum up your agents in a word what would you pick do me all do you okay um mirror mirror on the wall yes what is your favorite way to work up a sweat well it's pretty obvious somehow he doesn't know how to button his shirt up and uh it's so distracting there's a scene with chris hemsworth and i in a hot spring and we filmed it for like eight or nine hours how do people have eight abs let's see we're done have i don't have eye contact yeah hilarious we were like did you bring writers or something [Music] um chris you're ugly oh here we go they're straight everyone's been talking about it you're just really ugly thanks um well they say it's beauty is on the inside and inside you is just awful wait you're insulting the black widow as if it's like a real person like me what do you got what oh god i don't know it's so hard it's just really hard to insult you chris you're such a good person but is spending nine hours in a hot tub with chris hemsworth all i imagined it would be and more there's a scene with chris hemsworth and i in a hot spring and we filmed it for like eight or nine hours in this hot tub and it's funny because in the movie it seems like it's a very romantic sexy scene but um have you seen your hand like after 30 minutes in a bath all right yeah it looks ridiculous i started to look like i was 120 years old not because of you not yeah what happened is we're supposed to be like flung around and then we fall onto each other you know that like speed plastic hollywood thing oh what are you doing there [Music] but the positioning was really awkward and the kite was in my face tape was in your face and like i was sweaty like it was not how i wanted it to go down this is going to be hard you could do each other for this one if you want i'll do it you do me oh do me all do you okay if you had to sum up your agents in a word what would you pick do me all do you okay um you are intelligent and boring isn't it for you guys we had a conversation yesterday is it okay for you to call yourself no i didn't ask permission i was mainly cast because i can make anyone look huge [Music] i'm just extraordinarily short but yeah they usually had some sort of ramp that i would like walk up somewhere near his face should we should we stand up and show it and i have like very high heels on right now are you an alien how do people have eight abs let's see we're done have i i don't have adopts chris hemsworth has six abs i think he's getting nine he's probably got nine he's got so many that's almost like a one pack at this point six ah eight i googled it our good friend chris hemsworth yeah i mean now i think i think i've got a picture of chris hemsworth uh [Applause] [Laughter] i just feel like i'm an audience member watching this they're part of the marble university it doesn't feel like any other film where i feel like i'm [Music] miss hemsworth is in it and he doesn't wear a shirt i understand yeah no somehow he doesn't know how to button his shirt up and uh it's so distracting for everybody his body is just insane it's so remarkable and truly such an accomplishment [Music] wow and then i met you no no listen listen listen and then i met you and i was like oh my goodness he's so funny and really sweet and that's the one okay we'll go with that how about that oh zach or chris hemsworth oh um zach you're gonna stick with zach all right and check out the they're beautiful i heard you talking about looking for some horses there's a bunch down here actually which i've noticed in the paddock what are you doing well we're doing the weather for the today show um and i often get teased about not having the best presenting skills or pronunciation you want to help me out yeah let's uh let's mispronounce all of these all right i actually said at the time that i thought it was a big mistake that they they let him have his shirt unbuttoned because it's almost you it almost like wipes your memory of anything prior to that i have a lot of strange emotions coming up during the day what are your emotions chris so you got that check i sent you thanks dude i got your back oh wow that's so insanely generous and nice i don't even know what to do with that that's really sweet all of the talk around it i find very flattering but it's a little overwhelming you know it's all of it is really great but overwhelming getting really really committing and uh and chris hemsworth is uh easy on the eyes he's [Applause] it's too much will that be the response for me in like shorts now yeah i'm back when i read the script it was um very amusing to read because my character was kind of a badass but not a love interest in this one we don't have that and it was also very heartwarming for me too because she was just a powerful character but also this character originally was written for a man not for a woman and i think that's what's make it also very interesting there's always some kind of love interest involved in there my husband craze i think the thing that he likes more about me i think that i am very positive and usually very happy and smiling and just seeing the positive things of life i think that's uh that's what he likes the most this was voted people magazine's sexiest man alive only one of them i think is this one yeah [Music] my brother from another mother it's not this guy not yet wow controversy well yeah i mean of course what would you say is the best looking the best looking oh really honestly did i say that you said it was a great sam's word sorry sorry scarlett johansson thanks that was better i was ex not expecting that nice to hear thanks yeah is it weird that i said amazing it's weird it's on film now it's out there obviously your character could have easily just been kind of written off as the sexy one of the team how important is it that really have you seen chris hemsworth i mean like hemsworth's hair takes much longer than yeah for sure oh he's so sweet he was here uh not too long ago i love him everybody loves him so i just start getting heckled and it's like yo your door's here man no door your thighs are dying so assume that and the moment i started walking through the cells and it's like h block of this thing it's all just kind of the you know cell upon cell and so [Music] that looks like hemsworth's abs yeah you knew that too quickly uh right out of it right out of the beat that's the hemisphere yeah i mean that's ham's worth yeah that's the happiest place on earth of course oh yeah how'd you feel about not being in these civil wars they sort of benched you for that one what how did you feel and that's what everyone thinks i actually chose not to be in it i was like busy yeah i just hang out with these guys and oh come on oh stop it damn just stop it stop it [Music] you
Channel: The Daily Celeb
Views: 596,534
Rating: 4.9277782 out of 5
Keywords: celebrities being thirsted over, celebrities flirting with each other!, comedy space, chris hemsworth, hollywood celebrities flirting with each other, celebrities flirting, avengers game, avengers endgame cast, chris hemsworth workout
Id: QpDMUTov1-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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