'Avengers: Endgame' cast talks about the film's highly-anticipated debut l GMA

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I feel that part of the interview is missing.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Theboxofficeexp 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Hemsworth said the wig takes a long time....

He wears a wig in this?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/yellowromancandle 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
more now and Avengers endgame Paula Faris sat down with the cats I guess you joined the cast according to Mark Ruffalo apparently I'm an Avenger they've known until now good morning everybody this cast has something special they have matching Avengers tattoos they hang together off screen you're gonna see in this interview their deep affection for one another and though they are the stars of this film they're truly in the dark like the rest of us about what happens oh my gosh we're rolling everybody in character calm down look alive all we can do is our best and sometimes the best we can do is to start over it's one of the most highly anticipated movies of all time what did that bring you back to me as moviegoers saw in the last installment the Avengers are facing the highest stakes they've ever seen we're in the endgame we sat down with the core six to see if endgame lives up to the hype so this movie is under lock and key how many of you raise your hands if you've seen it none of you have seen it do you know what happens outside of this in your personal scenes we're always on the given my little section I find it strange that you haven't been able to watch your own movie but why is it is it because Mark can't be trusted is it because the rest of you why does everyone say sure we probably could I just think personally I'm actually gonna try and enjoy the experience at the premiere there's so many different pieces going on and there's like three different units happening at the same time and if you're not acting with another actor then you don't know what else is going on in the world because there's so many different parts of this universe that honestly we really all are as kind of in the dark as all of you and that's part of the real kind of little joy and amazement is that you know when do you ever get that these days to be able to have a a genuine Ryan surprise and not anticipate anything so we actually are not lying we don't really know anything more than you guys do kind of fun just to be like cool I'm doing my bit and when you get to the premiere it's like oh my god that's what happened to you or that's happened to me you know it's you guys are so you can you can honestly see that you genuinely love one another what's it been like to work with this group well I think like Mark was saying it is that it is that family you choose even though the the fates brought us together and I can look at each of my co-stars and and and recall many times that we've sought each other out when there was no Call Sheet it's been this really it's been an amazing keep using the word surreal and dreamlike and all that but I think it's um it's been a very blessed affair yeah most of you have kids has this up to the cool factor I was just telling the guys one of my kids thinks that I'm cool yeah just one and he gets fed the most he gets the bathroom the other ones like Wonder Woman so they sleep outside who spends the most time in hair and makeup can you guys give me one word to describe the end satisfying satisfy not yet seen the product you know what it's like what you want to like TV shows when you have the final finale how many times do they stick the landing how many times do you walk away exactly wanted that to go the way I wanted it to go this movie will really I think they deliver I think they really do stick the landing in term Oh in terms of you know yeah addressing the arcs and and really finding a completion it was such a fun interview okay none of them have seen it no they didn't have the option to screen at the day before the premiere in fact Robert Downey jr. invited his cast mates over to watch it at his house but George most of them they're gonna wait for their Christmas that he's going for the premiere yeah they wouldn't be surprised or very few opportunities in life to be surprised anymore that's what they're gonna do well hey there GMA fans Robin Roberts here thanks for checking out our YouTube channel lots of great stuff here so go on click the subscribe button right over right over here to get more of awesome videos and content from GMA every day anytime we thank you for watching and we'll see you in the morning on GMA
Channel: Good Morning America
Views: 4,825,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avengers:, Endgame, Marvel, box, office, Chris, Evans, Robert, Downey, Jr, Scarlett, Johansson, Brie, Larson, Hemsworth, Tony, Stark, Captain, America, GMA, ABC, News, 2019, Avengers Endgame trailer, preview, characters, cast, Marvel movies, avengers new movie, interview, good morning america
Id: bH0frwdtmXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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