AVATAR: World of Pandora - Complete Timeline & Recap

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How’s it going guys and geeks!? Welcome to  Geekritique! My name is Dakota. Today we’re diving   deep into the world of James Cameron’s Avatar and  exploring the vast history of Pandora. For those   of you who know me and my channel’s extensive  work in mapping out the Marvel Cinematic Universe   timeline, you’re probably wondering right about  now how I plan to make a whole timeline video   on just two films. Well, over the past few weeks  I’ve gotten myself absolutely lost in the history   of this fictional world because there’s so much  more to the story than what we see on screen.   I’ve meticulously sifted through all the  comics, games, tie-in websites, plays,   and more to determine what is canon, what used  to be canon, and what probably never was canon,   to bring you the most up to date chronological  timeline info on the World of Pandora. But before we begin, I wanna know how many  of you are watching this after seeing Avatar:   The Way of Water? Or are you watching this  video in preparation for the new movie? Let me   know down below! Either way, we’re going to keep  spoilers for The Way of Water on the mild side,   so as not to spoil those of you who haven’t seen  it yet. If you enjoy what you see here today,   or just want this video to succeed, please  like and subscribe. Our timeline journeys   are only just beginning here at Geekritique,  and I’d love if you’d join us for the ride.   With that being said, welcome to version 1  of the Avatar: World of Pandora Timeline. Pandora, one of 14 moons orbiting the gas giant  Polyphemus, was discovered some time in the mid   21st century, and was colonized by humans sometime  in the early 22nd century. Jake Sully lands on   Pandora, as part of the RDA’s Avatar Program in  the year 2154. This year, 2154, is pivotal to our   timeline, as we’ll use the original Avatar film  to place other titles before, during and after it. We begin our Pandora timeline some 3000 years  before 2154, during the time of the First Songs,   with the first title on our list - Toruk: The  First Flight. This is a Cirque du Soleil play that   ran from 2015 to 2019 that according to Avatar  co-developer Jon Landau “is definitely part of   the canon.” While it’s not available to watch live  anymore, it was recorded for a dvd release. The   story revolves around two young Na’vi boys from  the Omatikaya clan named Ralu and Entu as they go   on a quest to save the Tree of Souls from burning.  They must unite the clans during a time of Great   Sorrow to prevent the destruction, and along the  way young Entu becomes the very first ever Na’vi   to ride the Toruk and become Toruk Makto. At the  time of the first Avatar film, Jake Sully becomes   only the 6th person ever in Na’vi history to ride  one, so this is a particularly special moment.   “He brought the clans together in a time of Great  Sorrow. All Na’vi people know the story.” Toruk:   The First Flight is currently unavailable  to stream, but you can find the entirety   of it on Dailymotion, which I’ll link in the  description. But before you head on over there,   I have to warn you, it’s a really hard watch.  While it’s plain to see that the show must have   been a massive spectacle to behold in person,  the wow factor simply doesn’t translate to video,   and ultimately it was a huge letdown seeing it  in this format. It’s very light on story, and the   narration reads more to its mythological quality  than anything else. We’ll place it circa 837 BC. Jumping almost 3000 years into the future  we learn that humanity’s first ROVRs to   Pandora land in 2084, some 70 years before  the first Avatar film occurs. Pandora ROVR   was a flash game created in conjunction with  McDonalds around the launch of the film,   but is no longer playable by conventional  means. Which is why I don’t consider this   title canonical. I bring it up because  despite being unplayable and non-canon   in my opinion these early games did help  flesh out the lore of the overall world and   history through small tidbits of knowledge  like when humanity first reached Pandora. While we’re on the topic of canon, let’s take some  time now to consider why the games that came out   around the time of the film aren’t included on my  timeline. Aside from a few interactive websites,   there were 5 unique games that were created in  2009. Three of these very different games were   all creatively titled ‘James Cameron’s Avatar:  The Game,’ one of them was more simply titled   ‘James Cameron’s Avatar,’ and another still was  more descriptively titled ‘Avatar: The Mobile   Game.’ Both ‘Avatar: The Mobile Game,’ for phones  that predate smartphones like Nokia and Motorola,   as well as ‘James Cameron’s Avatar,’ a mobile  game for iOS and Android phones, are no longer   available to play as they’ve been removed from  their online stores. These are simple enough to   retcon from canon. The other three titles, all  of which were called ‘James Cameron’s Avatar:   The Game,’ all fall into a sort of tiered-canon,  similar to old Star Wars Legends games. Most of   them have been retconned in some way,  or were simply ignored and forgotten,   but they’ve each added to the lore in unique and  memorable ways, such as introducing us to clans   like the Tawkami and Anurai which have made  their way to actual canon titles. While these   games likely aren’t canon any longer, and won’t  make their way into our visual timeline graphic,   I find it hard to believe James Cameron ever  thought of them as canon stories in his world   to begin with, as he didn’t even like the idea  of someone adapting the original movie into a   novelization for fear that they would add stuff  he didn’t write. But I think in more recent years   his opinion on other’s playing in his sandbox has  softened quite a bit, as we’ll get into shortly.   While we’re still on the topic of games, two more  mobile games have been created over the years:   ‘Avatar: Warrior’s Journey’ and ‘Avatar: Pandora  Rising,’ both of which have been abandoned before   being completed and were removed from  App Stores. These aren’t canon either. Now that we’ve gotten all those non-canon  titles out of the way, let’s actually talk   about some meaningful additions to the  Avatar Timeline. As work began to pick   up on the Avatar sequels around 2015, James  Cameron realized the story he wanted to tell   and the world he wanted to share was bigger than  what he could flesh out in the films. “Even with   three sequels in the works we still have more  stories that we want to tell, so Lightstorm   will be working in partnership with Dark Horse  Comics to reveal new storylines from the past,   present, and the future world of Avatar.”  So with that partnership it’s safe to say   that the subsequent comics that have arrived  since 2017 are all solidly in the canon camp. Based on a quick line from General  Ardmore in The Way of Water we can   surmise humans first landed on Pandora circa 2124. The earliest chronological comic run on our  timeline is the recent 2022 series called ‘Avatar:   Adapt Or Die.’ Grace Augustine first introduces  the idea to Mo’at and the Omatikaya people to   start a school to teach the young Na’vi the  ways of the Sky People, aka the humans. Talks   of starting a school are delayed as the children  begin getting very sick to a mysterious new   illness. Grace and the humans are blamed for the  sickness and she’s told to stay away, but soon the   avatars themselves begin showing signs of the  very same illness. Mo’at and Grace separately   realize they need each other’s help to find a  medicinal cure, and it’s through this partnership   that Grace’s school for the Na’vi is eventually  realized. This story gives new meaning to the line   that Selfridge says about their past dealings with  the Na’vi. “We’ve tried to give them medicines,   education, uhh roads.” Adapt Or Die takes place  around 2142, some 12 years before the first film.   We know this because the school had been shut down  for two years prior to the film and Grace claims   she taught the kids for ten years prior to that.  “But I put ten years of my life into that school.”   I highly recommend Adapt Or Die as an entry  to the Avatar comics, and the 6 issues will   be collected in trade paperback form on February  28th. I’ll leave a link in the description so you   can preorder it now, as well as links to buy any  other graphic novels I highlight in this video. From here we jump back to earth.  Tom Sully, Jake’s twin brother,   begins training in earnest for the Avatar Program  in 2145. “I know who you are, and I don’t need   you. I need your brother. Y’know the PHD who  trained for 3 years to be on this mission?” Well,   after training for three years, Tom Sully is  killed in the Summer of 2148, a week before   being shipped off to Pandora. But luckily for  the RDA, their investment didn’t go to waste,   as Tom had a twin brother whose DNA is close  enough that it’ll match up and link with Tom’s   avatar. You get to see a bit more of Earth in 2148  in the Extended Collector’s Edition of the film,   if you’re interested. Jake Sully leaves for  Pandora a week after his brother’s death.   Some time in 2152, several Na’vi children  stopped attending Grace Augustine’s school   and burn down an RDA bulldozer. “The  troopers pursued them to the school.   They killed Sylwanin in the doorway, right in  front of Neytiri, and then shot the others. I got   most of the kids out, but they never came back.”  Sylwanin was the older sister of Neytiri, and the   first love and original betrothed to Tsu’tey.  After Sylwanin’s death, Grace and all other   Dreamwalkers were banished from the Omatikaya  clan. After leaving earth in 2148, it takes   Jake nearly 6 years to arrive on Pandora. “We’ve  been in cryo for 5 years, 9 months, and 22 days.” That brings us to the year 2154, and the primary  events of the first Avatar film. Jake Sully   quickly acclimates himself to life on Pandora,  and goes into his Na’vi avatar once a day. While   his brother Tom may have been the scientist  in the family, Jake Sully’s background as a   Marine quickly became a blessing in disguise.  The Na’vi accept Jake into their clan so they   can study the ways of human warriors, and offer  to train him in their way of life. Jake begins   his work on the Avatar Program on May 19th, 2154,  as seen in the timestamp on his first video log   entry. Because Jake is so quickly accepted by the  natives, Colonel Quaritch tasks him to retrieve   intel and take an active hand in getting the  Na’vi to relocate, before they bulldoze the   Omatikaya’s great Hometree for the unobtanium  that lies beneath its roots. “You’ve got three   months. That’s when the dozers get there.” And the  film actually elapses some three months from here,   in a surprising level of timeline synergy and  logic. We even know the date the film ends,   thanks to his 98th log entry being dated to  August 24th, 2154, which is exactly 98 days   after his first log on May 19th. What’s even  more impressive is the implication here that   Jake somehow kept these video logs going while  he was imprisoned, riding out to unite the clans,   and leading the war front. I don’t know how he  did it, but he did it. While the on-screen dates   correlate very well with the overall story  being told, there are some inaccuracies,   like this footage displayed as March 19th when  it should read August 19th, or these slides on   Quaritch’s screen which are dated about a week  and a half too early for them to line up properly. But alas, the film’s climax occurs in August 2154,  which is where we’ll place it on our timeline,   and a lot happens during those 3 months.  Jake is accepted as one of the Na’vi,   he and Neytiri fall in love and mate before  Eywa, the Tree of Voices is bulldozed,   the Hometree is destroyed, Eytukan dies,  Grace Augustine dies, Tsu’tey dies,   Jake becomes the 6th Toruk rider, he unites  15 clans, the War for Pandora is fought and   most of the humans and the RDA are pushed out  of Pandora and sent packing back to earth. Oh,   and Jake Sully passes through the Eye of  Eywa and fully links with his Avatar’s body. There are a number of new stories that have  been introduced through the Dark Horse Comics   partnership that occur concurrently to the first  Avatar film, but it’s important in my opinion to   keep the film before those concurrent stories  on our visual timeline as it sets the stage for   those other tales. The next title you’ll want  to experience in this time period is Tsu’tey’s   Path. This is essentially the events of Avatar  experienced through the eyes of Tsu’tey. By   only watching the film, Tsu’tey is little more  than a cocky, jealous, and generally unlikeable   character. But Tsu’tey’s Path does an incredible  job of flipping that script and showing what’s   going through his head as Jake Sully becomes  more closely entwined with Neytiri and the   Na’vi. His clan is on the verge of war with the  Sky People, he’s being positioned to become the   next olo’eyktan (or chief) of the Omatikaya, and  he’s being pushed to train his hunter initiates   to become warriors. He has a lot on his plate,  and this 6 issue series from 2019 highlights his   insecurities as a leader and recontextualizes him  as a much more misunderstood, more likable figure.   We learn that he’s able to commune with his  first true love, Neytiri’s older sister Sylwanin,   who was killed in the old schoolhouse,  by spending time at the Tree of Voices,   which brings new meaning to this look of pain we  see on his face when the Tree of Voices is cut   down in the film. It ends with Jake Sully becoming  the olo’eyktan after Tsu’tey’s death. It’s a great   read if you want to spend more time in Pandora,  and you’ll find all 6 issues collected in the   Tsu’tey’s Path trade paperback. It is however a  bit confusing from a timeline analysis, as events   that we know are spread out over three months  in the film often feel like they’re happening   within a much shorter timeframe. If you’re just  reading this alone, it seems as though the film   occurs over the course of a week, though we know  that’s impossible. Still, inconsistencies aside,   this is considered a canonical title,  and we place it right after Avatar. The next title, Avatar: Brothers, is a short  one-shot story that Dark Horse released for   Free Comic Book Day 2017, which also parallels  the events of Avatar. The film itself never   shows us how Jake Sully managed to subdue  and bond with the Toruk through tsaheylu,   and that’s the purpose of this short comic, to  bridge that gap. We also learn a bit more about   Jake and his brother Tom’s differing personalities  through the narration as he hunts down the Great   Leonopteryx. This short story is collected  within the Tsu’tey’s Path trade paperback. After Brothers, we exit the confines of the  3-month time period outlined in Avatar and see   what happens shortly after the war against the  Sky People is won, in Avatar: The Next Shadow.   This 4-part comic run follows two weeks after the  events in the film, and showcases Jake Sully’s   insecurities in being the olo’eyktan or leader  of the Omatikaya people. It’s not a burden he’s   necessarily prepared for, and after the war is  over he finds the balancing act as clan chief   a difficult one to bear. Now that the Omatikaya’s  home has fallen, and most of the humans have left   Pandora, Jake Sully relocates the omatikaya near  the human settlement at Hell’s Gate. Meanwhile,   the parents of Tsu’tey wrongly push their younger  son Arvok to fight for the position of olo’eyktan,   a position they claim Jake stole from them,  despite Tsu’tey very publicly naming Jake   his successor. During the duel, the parents  secretly poison the blade, and when Jake is   cut he goes into a comatose state, wherein  he must face his own demons in his mind. The   Na’vi and the humans must work together to save  him. This title occurs in early September 2154,   and the four issues are collected in the Avatar:  The Next Shadow trade paperback, linked below. After this we jump forward 7 years to 2161,  when Jake Sully began training a Na’vi war   party to be ready for when the humans returned  from earth, even training them in zero-g,   in orbit around Pandora, so the RDA  would never get the opportunity to land. Jumping forward another 7 years to 2168 takes  us to the graphic novel trilogy, Avatar:   The High Ground. This three part graphic novel  series is originally based on Cameron’s own script   for the second film, but has since been adapted as  a prequel to The Way of Water by Sherri L. Smith,   and honestly? It’s required reading. It sets the  stage for the second film so well I’m surprised   more people don’t know it exists! 14 years  after the first film, it’s finally happened.   The RDA have returned to Pandora, and all the  training that Jake and the Na’vi have done to   prepare to take out their single ship before  it lands is all seemingly for naught, because   they’ve brought ten ships this time. The RDA and  General Ardmore offer the remaining humans on the   base a deal where they’ll receive back pay and  become full RDA employees again if they comply,   but Jake Sully isn’t having any of it, and goes  ahead with his plan of attack anyway. I don’t   want to spoil what happens, but rest assured  it’s an incredible read, the stakes are high,   and my heart rate went up like crazy reading  this. I highly recommend the three graphic novels   to any fan who wants to spend a bit more time  on Pandora. The books introduce us to the new   cast of characters, Neteyam and Lo’ak, Sully’s two  sons, and Tuktirey, his daughter, as well as Kiri,   a war orphaned Na’vi child with strange gifts, and  Miles ‘Spider’ Socorro, a human orphan. We learn a   fair bit about Spider’s mother too. These three  books occur within the first week or so of the   Sky People returning to Pandora, and fall within  that 1 year time jump we see in The Way of Water. In Avatar: The Way of Water, we’re quickly  introduced to a highlight reel of the events   that occur within the first fourteen years after  the Battle of the Hallelujah Mountains. After the   humans return, the film jumps a year ahead. Jake  Sully and his Na’vi war party have seemingly been   caught up in war with the RDA for the past  year. The Sky People have been fast at work,   essentially 3D printing Bridgehead City up in  just a year’s time, accomplishing more groundwork   in that year than the previous 30 years the  RDA was present combined. General Ardmore   welcomes a new Avatar/Marine hybrid recom  group, led by the Avatar of Miles Quaritch,   whose sole job currently is to hunt down and kill  Jake Sully. Jake must put his family first and   leave the war and the Omatikaya people behind to  live a secluded life with the Metkayina people,   whose ways are foreign to the family. And that’s  really all I’ll say about The Way of Water for   fear of spoiling any of the fun. Go see it, it’s  a great film. I previously assumed the main events   of this movie occurred in 2169, exactly 15  years after the events of the first film,   but that isn’t the case. The Visual Dictionary  claims that the youngest daughter, Tuk,   was born in 2163, and is now 7 years old.  That means the earliest this film can take   place is in early 2170, and so long as that  falls before August 2170, that still falls   within the 15 year proximity to when the Sky  People were originally sent packing back to   earth. Early 2170 makes sense as the day/night  cycles are a bit different this time of year,   as opposed to the later cycles seen in August.  Instead of Polyphemus eclipsing the sun during   their night cycle, it eclipses it during  the day in this film. We can also gauge the   amount of time that elapses in the film using  Ronal’s pregnancy, to about 2 or 3 months. Now, I’d love to add more items to this timeline,  like the Pandora: World of Avatar themed land   in Disney’s Animal Kingdom, which some have  theorized occurs about a century in the future,   but I don’t currently see it as canon.  I’ll revisit the park soon and I’ll try   and determine whether it is or isn’t canon. As  for the upcoming games, Avatar: Frontiers of   Pandora and Avatar: Reckoning, we’ll have to  wait and see where they land on the timeline. But for now, that’s it for our Avatar: World of  Pandora Timeline version 1! If this video does   well I’ll consider updating it in the future with  new Avatar titles. This gigantic timeline visual   will be exclusively available to our Patreon  members, of which I’m so grateful for. I can’t   believe there’s so many of you out there that  are willing to help fund timeline work like this,   and I hope to continue meeting your expectations  with more content just like this in the future. If you liked this video, please don’t forget to  throw a thumbs up my way, be sure to check out   some of my other work, and subscribe! And  because this’ll be my last video of 2022,   I wanted to share the love and keep you guys  lost in Pandora, so be sure to check out   these other amazing Avatar videos from some other  creators right now! Thanks guys. Oel ngati kameie.
Channel: Geekritique
Views: 279,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, Pandora, James Cameron, Avatar timeline, James Cameron’s avatar timeline, Avatar the way of water, The way of water timeline, Avatar time line, Pandora history, History of pandora, Pandora: the world of avatar, Avatar: World of Pandora Timeline, Geekritique, Timeline, James Cameron’s Avatar, The way of water, Avatar 2, Avatar frontiers of pandora, Avatar comics, Avatar 4K, Avatar recap, Recap avatar, Avatar 3, Avatar: The Seed Bearer, Avatar history, Avatar lore
Id: 0a1q6WzlHl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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