team avatar bullying zuko for 2 minutes

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- You're just a child. - Well, you're just a teenager. - How STUPID do you think I am? - Pretty stupid. RUN! - Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. Let's bring the guy who's  constantly trying to kill us. - Who's Zuko? - Oh, just some angry freak with a ponytail  who's tracked us all over the world. - I was wondering when you'd show up, Zuzu. - *snorts* Zuzu? - But believe me when I tell  you there is good inside him. - Good inside him isn't enough! Why don't you come back when  it's outside him too, okay? - We should split up. Aang, you go with Iroh to look  for Katara and the angry jerk. No offense. - None taken. - Oh, hooray! In a lifetime of evil at least he  didn't add animal cruelty to the list. - Let's go find him and give him a medal. The not-as-much-of-a-jerk-as-you-could've-been  award! - Hey, jerks. Mind if I watch you two  jerks do your jerk-bending? - GeT oUT oF hERE! - Weaker, for some reason :( - Maybe you're just not as  good as you think you are. - Ouch. - You're gonna need to learn to draw  your firebending from a different source. - How's he supposed to do that? By jumping into a volcano?? - No. - Yeah, that's a great  dance you two learned there. - It's NOT a dance, it's a firebending form! - Oh yeah? What's your little form called? - ...the dancing dragon... - Well, I did have a girlfriend. Mai. - That gloomy girl who sighs a lot? - *lovesick smile* Yeah. - They make me look totally stiff and humorless! - Actually, I think that actor's pretty spot-on. - How could you say that?? - Let's forget about the avatar and get massages. - HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT? - You saved your uncle's sweaty sandal? - I think it's kind of sweet! - Oh great, it's Prince Pouty. - I see you worked things  out with your girlfriend. - I'm/she's not his/my girlfriend! (Why yes, I did, thank you for asking June.)
Channel: moon peach
Views: 3,493,801
Rating: 4.9726372 out of 5
Keywords: zuko, katara, aang, sokka, avatar, atla, atlab, avatar: the last airbender, avatar the last airbender, a:tla, iroh, uncle iroh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 4sec (124 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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