Avatar Frontiers of Pandora is Everything Wrong with Modern Gaming (Review)

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hey Su how's it feel to betray your own [Music] race this is where the fun begins the best way I can describe Avatar frontiers of Pandora is The Unwanted sequel to Far Cry Primal which makes everything wor compared to the original game and instead of picking up the mantle of a based caveman fighting against other tribes and clans for the women with the widest birthing hips in territory you instead pick up the mantle of the na'vi in order to destroy the evil oil companies and save the planet from those awful human colonizers we only let the sky people's ways death destruction hate and I think the comparison to Far Cry Primal is the most suiting to this game because it's very obvious they pretty much borrowed everything that that game did and somehow found a way to make it even more bland dull repetitive and seemingly pointless to the point where I put 27 hours into this game until I eventually quit when I realized that I was that far in and I hadn't even seen 30% of the overall open world map in this game because of how over bloated drawn out and just unnecessarily long this piece of [ __ ] game actually is so in case you couldn't tell I really don't like this game guys and tldr if you don't want to watch this entire video should you buy Avatar frontiers of Pandora absolutely [ __ ] not you shouldn't even subscribe to Ubisoft plus to play this game because of how horrible this [ __ ] is I would not wish this game on my worst enemy this game is miserable from start to finish and no matter how many hours you put in waiting for it to get good it never does and you're just continuously doing the same repetitive fetch Quest and outpost clearing activities over and over again to the point where the main story and side activities seamlessly blend together because they're the exact same thing as each other there is no Variety in this game whatsoever and the typical Ubisoft open world format is at the absolute worst in this game that I think it's ever been this is the most Bland lifeless dull repetitive unnecessarily large over bloated just soulless ubis slop open world game they have ever produced in any of their games AAA or able a spin-off Mainline you name it this is absolute slop designed to waste as much time as humanly possible because of the modern misconception when it comes to video games that run time equals value regardless of how mind-numbingly boring those hours are you you spend doing whatever it is you're doing in that video game because for some reason people can flate a 60-hour game is being automatically better than a 10-hour game regardless of what you're actually doing in that specific amount of time so this is Ubisoft at their absolute worst everything in this game feels like recycled boring garbage and you should avoid this game if you have any sort of respect for your personal time whatsoever so yeah hopefully that tldr kind of sums up my overall thoughts on ubisoft's latest open world Far Cry clone because I really don't have anything positive to say about this game whatsoever this is literally the epitome of everything wrong with The Modern video game industry and yeah this is going to be a fun one guys so you know Buckle in those brain cells because let's go ahead and kick [ __ ] off right off the Jump here with the technical issues you will encounter in Avatar frontiers of Pandora so not only is this game in typical Ubisoft fashion mind numbingly boring but on top of that it is fundamentally broken to its core and you will encounter pretty much every single type of technical issue you could imagine I mean within the first 20 seconds of me starting the game initially my entire console hard crashed not the game quitting and going back to the dashboard the entire console powered off completely and I had to restart it I mean I thought I was making the right decision purchasing this game on Console because in typical Ubisoft fashion the PC ports of their newly released games are unoptimized literal pieces of garbage that can't even run well on the top tier PC gaming Hardware available at the time so I thought hey I'll play it safe I'll get it on console and see how it goes because typically the console experience is a lot more polished than the PC experience but this time around the console launch must have been just as bad as the PC version and it's pretty obvious that Ubisoft just rushed this out as soon as they could because I think the Avatar license was probably set to expire at this point so they had to hurry up and pinch this loaf off in the toilet so they could just get something out there and it really does show man because the array of technical issues that you'll encounter in this game pretty much touch all aspects whether it be absolutely horrible frame drops or lighting issues that make it look like you're inside of a rave at a European nightclub let's go Fury a gas oil separation plant let's get to it but also the glitches extend to different elements in the open world like NPCs that literally do not move for the entirety of the game they're literally stuck in one place and even those NPCs have horrible examples of clipping that puts even a Bethesda game to shame getting the nectar I need let me see uh yep there's a facility near you you'll have to take it out that will stop the pollution and the forest should clear up would they Sid will help you do it quietly okay I'll go check it out dropping the coordinates now or even something as simple as a loin cloth in a cut scene that looks like it's trying with every single fiber of its being to avoid giving you a crot shot of one of the main NPC navies you'll find throughout the game to turn so vicious did the sky people do this to them they have no peace no calm only the hunt if they have your scent maybe I can catch them unaware perhaps but give them the mercy of a swift death only then will they finally be reunited with AA the poor Beast deserve that kindness at least and keep in mind this is during a cutscene not even when you're just standing there and able to move around freely interact with the open world this is literally in a pre-rendered sequence that plays out when you initiate dialogue with a quest related NPC only the hunt if they have your scent maybe I can catch them unaware and sticking on the topic of NPC is when it comes to combat the combat in this game is not free of glitches either in fact some of the worst glitches that I encountered while playing this game were from combat one example I can think of is when I was shooting enemies with a longbow every single time I would kill them they would literally disappear in real time like their entire character model would just instantaneously [Music] despawn [Music] or when you're clearing out an outpost in this game for the 800th [ __ ] time you know I encountered this issue several times where I was trying to snipe the mechs from a uh distance or from a rooftop or whatever within the base and you know for some reason my arrows would not be able to make contact with him now whether this is a glitch or an invisible wall preventing me from traversing I'm not entirely sure but just go ahead and take a look and try to explain this [Music] one be aware this is a level one alert follow protocol we're going to make but it gets even worse from here because there's another issue I encountered while playing this game that when I was aiming down sight with my weapons all of a sudden for whatever reason my character would automatically turn 100° to either the right or the left completely [ __ ] up my aim and making it so I wasn't even looking at the Target that I was trying to shoot at at that particular moment and just all of a sudden like someone else had remotely hijacked my controller and aimed me in a completely different direction ction all of a sudden I wasn't even looking at the same enemy and it happens basically instantaneously definitely leading me to believe that this is 100% a glitch but you know go ahead and take a [Applause] look and in a game where you die insanely quickly this is beyond frustrating because it can literally be the difference between life or death in certain instances so it definitely is what I would consider to be a gamebreaking bug 100% but even something as simple is interacting with a [ __ ] chest which to be fair this moment was by far the most interesting thing that had happened 10 hours into my playthrough but even something as simple as interacting with a chest in the environment can literally serve as a gamebreaking bug [Music] now if only my journey with the game had actually ended at that point I probably would be a lot happier right now but that just goes to show you man pretty much every aspect of this game has something fundamentally wrong with it and just to make it even worse I got one more thing I forgot to even mention there are instances where you will be traversing the environment and you will fall through different objects in the environment and because there's no actual like reload last checkpoint option or anything like that you have to literally exit to the main menu and reload the game and hope that you're not stuck in the place that you're stuck and this happened to me I want to say at least 10 to 12 times playing this game it feels like the environment was very poorly crafted I know Ubisoft probably uses some degree of AI or procedural generation in making these massive Bland open worlds so it wouldn't be surprising if that's the reason why but the amount of time it happened to me was beyond frustrating and here's just one example of that which makes it even worse because you can clearly see there should be a way for me to get out oh and just one more thing to add fuel to the fire just this is a personal gripe personally it doesn't directly have to do with the game but it also kind of does the achievements in this game are bugged it does not properly track your progress while doing the achievements I had several achievements that should have popped during my playthrough POP 3 hours after the fact never unlock at all never properly track the progress like it just didn't [ __ ] work so that's another thing maybe you don't necessarily care about achievements but for me personally I do actually really care about gamer score it's one of the few reasons why I continue to play on Xbox because I do love Xbox's Achievement System so if you're a Trophy Hunter or Achievement Hunter which I know a lot of people who play these Ubisoft games are that's something to keep in mind because you might be doing all this [ __ ] to unlock achievements and you're not even going to get the achievements at the end of it which makes the mundane brain dead and mindlessly boring [ __ ] quests you're going to be doing over and over again even worse because you don't even get that little payoff at the end but yeah I think we've beaten the horse buried it dug it back up and beat it some more and now it's in the [ __ ] incinerator so I think we've covered quite enough surrounding the technical issues of this game if you aren't convinced by now I don't know what the [ __ ] to tell you this game is a buggy broken pile of [ __ ] and it's worse than the majority of Ubisoft releases which is actually a Triumph for them because how they managed to continuously outdo themselves in this regard is quite impressive if you ask me but overall man just for this aspect alone I would definitely not recommend picking this game up because the amount of issues I ran into is just downright unacceptable for a $70 or $130 AAA game depending on which version of the game you buy digitally so the fact that they released this game in this state just shows you that they were trying to rush this [ __ ] out as soon as possible either to avoid losing the Avatar license or they were trying to get this out before the end of the year to help their companywide financials by having this game sales counted in their quarterly financials ending in December but regardless of what that reason is it doesn't change the fact that this is by far the buggiest most broken Bland and downright boring AAA release of 2023 hands down that I have played this year and overall for these reasons alone I would tell you to hold off on buying this game but let's go ahead and move on to the next category of this review and that is none other than the amazing open world that you will be exploring in Avatar frontiers of Pandora now what you're going to see in the background of this game is basically how long it takes to get from one point on the map to another within one individual Quest activity before you get your flying Mount creature thingy that you can fly around on which does make the traversal significantly faster but during the first 4 to 5 hours of this game you will not have that and you literally will be walking in a straight line essentially across this map for like 10 to 15 minutes getting from one objective to the other and this was to the point where I was playing it and I was literally dozing off in real time while playing it you could ask anybody that was in the Stream watching me play this game I was literally falling asleep for like a couple seconds at a time sitting in my gaming chair playing this because of just how bland and boring it was walking from point A to point B in the same recycled environment over and [ __ ] over again because you are lucky if you encounter a singular thing to interact with of any [ __ ] worth within the open world environment for like an hour on end at times because once you finally filled up your microscopic pouch with cooking materials and healing items there's literally nothing to do in the open world aside kill the like little generic three to four enemies that appear in packs every once in a while that are just like little generic animals or the occasional RDA troops that might be guarding a key location but even those are few and far between and you will literally go hours in some cases in this game without engaging in combat once it is downright miserable and it just shows ubisoft's open world design at its absolute [ __ ] worst now like I mentioned once you do get access to the Flying Mount the traversal is a lot more manageable you're still going to have the symptom of flying in a straight line for several minutes on end for no real apparent reason whatsoever there's maybe the occasional two or three helicopters you can shoot at but once you kill them they disappear from the map entirely because they only guard these floating platforms so once you kill a certain amount of them there's literally nothing to engage with in the skies of this game whatsoever so it just makes the game feel even more lifeless and Bland and like it's designed as solely nothing other than a Time sync like this game's open world is beyond unnecessary to the point where 90% of it is literally just going in a straight line from point A to point B with literally nothing of any sort of substance along the way and the flying aspect while speeding up the traversal really just exacerbates this even more and just makes it feel like you are literally just wasting your time in this open world which talking about the open world every open world needs the open world map and Ubisoft is known for having a map filled with activities and collectibles inside things to go and do and explore well in this game this has to be the worst open world map I think think I've ever seen you literally cannot zoom this thing in to any actual manageable degree like you're constantly left with this massive like you know overhead Viewpoint that you can't actually zoom in and see the smaller details of the map because a lot of the items you're going to have to go and find and pick up are based on altitude because a lot of things are up in the air in this game because you can fly around to like the floating islands and everything like that so it can be very hard to pinpoint exactly where the item is that you're looking for that's marked on the map because the map doesn't actually allow you to zoom in and get a feel for where that item is actually located so that is definitely a big annoyance when you're playing this game the map design is absolutely [ __ ] horrible and on top of that this map is just [ __ ] massive dude and like I mentioned at the beginning of this review I played the game for 27 hours and when I say that I only experienced about 30% of the map that is the truth man now I looked up footage of what the rest of the map looked looks like and it's really not that different it's pretty much the exact same [ __ ] but what this game does that's really obnoxious and we'll talk about this more when we get to the game playay segment of this game uh this game basically blocks off areas of the open World Behind either plot progression or level because once again Ubisoft is back to level-based combat because it's just so much [ __ ] fun dude I think the most egregious example I can think of in this game is literally in the first area like the part where you start out in the open world there is a level 8 Outpost and directly next to it across the river is a level 20 Outpost now keep in mind in my 27 hours of playing and basically just grinding side quest activities Collectibles you name it things that would directly result in me leveling up as quickly as possible I only got to level 7 in 27 hours of playing this game so I don't even want to [ __ ] know how long it would take me to get to level 20 in order to do that Outpost that was next to the level eight Outpost and of course in typical Ubisoft fashion if you're level seven a level eight enemy is going to kill you in like two hits and it's going to take forever for you to actually kill them yourself so you know the wonderful balancing of ubisoft's level-based combat and World design is back in full force and it just further adds to this insanely boring and slow sense of progression which coupled with the boring generic an unnecessarily large open world makes it seem like a literal chore simulator to explore and do the various activities within so this is by far my least favorite open world that Ubisoft has ever designed it has never felt more bland than it does in Avatar frontiers of Pandora this game is absolutely horrific from an open world game design and like I mentioned early on in this game is when it's the worst because you literally will have to walk on foot for like 15 minutes at a time in a straight line in order to get from one objective to the next because you don't have any fast travel points unlocked at that point so it is absolutely [ __ ] obnoxious and a genuine chore to explore this world and there's no actual meaningful Rewards or experiences that you will encounter while exploring so it makes it even [ __ ] worse like it would be one thing if the open world sucked but there was still like some interesting [ __ ] to see and do within it every once in a while while that is not even the case and as far as combat encounters even go those are few and far between as well so it just feels like another soulless ubis slop open world that was [ __ ] out of like [ __ ] chat GPT if they asked it make a boring generic unnecessarily large open world themed around Avatar and this is exactly what it delivered and overall this game definitely suffers from that so moving on from the open world guys to another happy topic and that of course is the game play now the game play of Avatar frontiers of Pandora is a mix between Far Cry Primal and Far Cry 6 and when I say a mix I mean all the jankie of Far Cry Primal with the bow and arrow mixed with the guns of Far Cry 6 but not anywhere near as fun creative or actually good to use because the gun playay in this game feels absolutely absolutely horrific which the Gunplay in Far Cry has never really felt that great like Ubisoft and shooting mechanics have never really done well together I don't know what it is but they just don't really seem to have the ability to nail that firstperson shooter feel and make a very responsive and fun game to play it always feels like it's really clunky and Bloated and just doesn't really know what the [ __ ] a firstperson shooter should feel like but that is made 10 times worse than any other Ubisoft firstperson shooter that I have played to date the controls in this game feel borderline Jank you can't even aim down sight while using a gun you can literally see the guns have a [ __ ] sight you can press LT to zoom in your view you cannot actually look down the reticle or iron sights of the gun even though canonically in this game your na'vi character has been trained with human [ __ ] Weaponry dude when I say that this game is an absolute [ __ ] joke man I absolutely mean it because you know Far Cry has never really had great Gunplay like I mentioned but somehow they made it feel even [ __ ] worse I mean I guess it's so you get the full native experience and you're trying to like prioritize people to use the bow and arrows because they genuinely feel more [ __ ] usable in combat scenarios than a [ __ ] assault rifle which is just absolutely incredible and yeah I know like it's probably paired with the anti-gun propaganda throughout this game that's sprinkled into the dialogue I'm 100% sure that has a big portion to do with it but overall I say that to say this the Gunplay and gameplay in general of this game feels janky it feels clunky it feels unrefined and it feels just completely [ __ ] rushed and at no point is it ever actually fun to play even the traversal is really [ __ ] obnoxious at times and just borderline Jank beyond belief but that's par for the course for Ubisoft and not exactly what I want to focus on here because what I want to focus on in terms of gameplay is this horrible level-based combat system that is present in Avatar frontiers of Pandora and is by far the worst implementation I have ever seen in terms of Ubisoft implementing level-based combat progression and how you actually go about that so in a traditional Ubisoft game with level based combat you have a situation where you kill a certain amount of enemies you do a certain number of quests you get XP you level up you get skill points and your level you know increases as you go through that gameplay Loop regardless of what you're doing you're being rewarded by getting XP to level up in order to get to that next plot point or do the next Story Mission but Avatar does it in an even more obnoxious way because you could literally go liberate a 100 outposts you could kill 10,000 enemies you could hunt 5,000 animals you could gather 300,00 th000 plants and not level up once in this game the only way to level up an avatar frontiers of Pandora is directly linked to [ __ ] gear stats and the only reliable way to get better gear in this game is to [ __ ] craft it so not only are you going to have to grind a bunch of [ __ ] side activities in this game you have to go out and look for rare materials to use the blueprint that you acquire from doing the quest in order to actually craft the items that are going to slowly level up your character and on top of that it's paired with different gear mods that you find scattered throughout the world either from completing quests looting chests or whatever the activity is and you have to do that essentially to level up so you don't even level up in the traditional sense of like getting XP killing enemies completing quests you have to go out and gather material to craft new equipment in order to level up and this is a painstakingly slow process I was grinding for an hour and a half trying to do side activities collect skill point Collectibles around the map find new blueprints get new gear just in order to get from level six to level s it took me almost 2 hours to do that this game is mind numbingly [ __ ] boring when it comes to the progression system and you will literally be hard locked from progressing the story after every single Mission because there is never a scenario where you complete a level six Story Mission and are actually level seven by the end of it you have to go back out into the open world and go [ __ ] scavenge and try and marginally increase your gear just progressively in order to just get enough to get to that next level so that you don't die in one or two hits from enemies that are just one level higher from you in the next campaign mission it is just one of the worst implementations of level-based combat in a Ubisoft game I have ever [ __ ] seen I hated this in previous Assassin's Creed games where basically you know you would have to go and do like a bunch of activities and get enough XP to do the next campaign mission I thought that was bad but this is even [ __ ] worse because I hate forced crafting mechanics in a [ __ ] firstperson shooter dude like it's just beyond obnoxious and at no point does it ever actually feel like the gear is actually affecting your game play whatsoever all it is is some arbitrary [ __ ] number that makes it so that you can progress to the next area of the map or do the next story or side mission that's basically locked off because your [ __ ] loin cloth isn't a high enough number in the menu I mean it's absolutely [ __ ] infuriating man and this kind of bleeds into another aspect that I wanted to touch on in regards to gameplay is just the quest structure in this game because when I mentioned you have to like do one story Mission then go do a bunch of generic side activities what I started to notice is the story missions have the exact same format and overall objectives as the side activities do in this game so when you're doing these story missions after having to grind side activities for a very long time it doesn't even feel like a payoff because the story missions are the exact same structure as the side missions they involve you know liberating an outpost taking out a a certain number of RDA soldiers finding a specific item at one part of the map and bringing it back to someone like regardless if you're doing side main or just generic activities throughout the map you're going to be feeling like you're doing the same thing over and [ __ ] over again and the majority of these quests are just fetch quests through and through so even when you actually get the payoff of doing all this [ __ ] to artificially inflate your level for no [ __ ] reason other than obvious [ __ ] padding to draw out the runtime of this game there's not even an interesting payoff in any way whatsoever the only interesting main campaign mission of this game is when you get your flying Mount but even that felt unnecessarily drawn out at times and once that's over it is just a complete [ __ ] dull grind until the very end that's filled with unmemorable activity after unmemorable activity and an effort to just squeeze as much runtime out of this game as humanly possible so and that that regard the game play is a complete [ __ ] unbearable slog Fest that's worse than any [ __ ] Ubisoft game I think I have ever seen to date and that really is saying something because modern Ubisoft games are just absolutely horrific when it comes to this aspect an avatar frontiers of Pandora manages to outdo all the previous examples we have of this exact same problem that plagues the modern Ubisoft open World experience so yeah even in the rare instances of combat it's just downright not fun the exploration is tedious monotonous and extremely repetitive and on top of that the quest structure whether you're doing side quest main quest or just side activities in general feels like it's literally the exact same thing over and over again with a few standouts here and there but nothing to actually justify sitting through this absolute [ __ ] slog of a main campaign and overall man if you were hoping for the gamepl to redeem this game whatsoever ever you will be gravely mistaken in that regard and very disappointed but once again man Ubisoft strikes again and somehow topping themselves and their race to the bottom but moving on from that let's go ahead and talk about the story now I did not finish the main story of this game but I did watch the rest of the campaign on YouTube and watch the ending and everything like that and it definitely does not get any better from the point I got to so I can safely say that the story of this game is a complete and total [ __ ] joke it's extremely predictable it's puddle deep and overall this is one of the most low effort stories I've seen in a Ubisoft game to date especially one of their AAA games even some of their spin-off games have a more deep and like actually you know interesting story than this [ __ ] slop so overall man the story is not even good for what it is and of course considering the fact that it is the Avatar franchise it is absolutely filled with woke propaganda at every single opportunity the entire premise of the Avatar franchise is basically a bunch of eot terrorist natives rising up against the evil colonizing oil company and on top of that this game literally sprinkles in anti-gun rhetoric all sorts of capitalism bad messaging and I mean [ __ ] dude you know the game's going to be absolute [ __ ] dog [ __ ] in this guard when the opening [ __ ] line of dialogue in the game is literally a knock against Christopher [Music] Columbus good morning let's review the ambassador program when the RDA discovered Pandora you can't discover something that was there all along let me say discovered we mean it was the first time humans came here so for all the people that were calling me out saying that this game wouldn't be woke you know you look like an absolute [ __ ] fool because the entire premise of the Avatar franchise has literally been political propaganda since James Cameron first dreamed it up in his [ __ ] demented head of his where he believes that testosterone is a [ __ ] poison yeah but essentially to sum up the story basically you're a na'vi that was kidnapped you're one of the few surviving members of like your na'vi tribe or whatever and essentially you were trained and raised within this RDA facility 8 years go by you escape from it and essentially the entire plot surrounds about you learning what it means to be a na'vi taking out the evil oil refineries and outposts of the RDA and then eventually getting revenge on the person that took you away from your family essentially that is the entire plot of the game it's incredibly mediocre boring and at no point is it ever interesting just like the movies that it's sourced from you know go figure but overall the story is filled with absolutely horrible [ __ ] cringe dialogue and characters I mean as far as dialogue goes it doesn't get any [ __ ] worse than this [ __ ] sorry sorry filter got stuck didn't think SE got it figured out now oh my gosh another one I am so glad you're here since you know there's so few of you left oh oh God I'm so sorry welcome to resistance HQ uh right sorry oh well na Kam what extremely cool well I think it's cool no you'll think it's cool too you know whenever you get a chance to come see like whenever it's fine I'm on my way back to HQ see you soon yes and as you probably noticed from that clip your character sounds very familiar he sounds just like the [ __ ] voice actor of Miles Morales from spider Mid 2 and I checked it's not the same guy but throughout the game you will definitely notice a pretty incredible similarity and it's bad for all the [ __ ] same reasons it was in Spider-Man how long were we asleep but they stole it we must change that wait wait wait what should I do now do soldiers but yeah the writing in this game is absolutely [ __ ] horrific and there's only one interesting character in the game and of course he's the evil [ __ ] white guy so you know you got to want to kill him bro and they make him comically evil but because they do that he's actually unironically the most interesting character in the game because he doesn't feel like some some shitty Reddit Marvel movie tier character and of course they have to make him the villain stop that can you hear me got where'd you catch Harden ah you don't got to worry about this one it hasn't got anywhere near the fight it sister did murderer well look where it got her such a shame they could have been ofuse once but now there are no Navi ambassadors only Navi obstacles but yeah there's only one based scene in this entire game and you know I wish I would have recorded my reaction to it in real time cuz it was [ __ ] great but here's the clip man I was actually cheering and this is one of the few moments of the game I was actually excited H we saved you gave you a home an identity we already had an identity we are not me no you are what I made you we may not remember the words but we can still sing the songs of our people stop singing I said shut up stop [Music] singing We are going home I'm warning you Harry not another [Music] step stop right there [Music] what did you do no no no but aside from that moment they there's really nothing interesting that happens in the story from that point out all you're really doing is taking out oil refineries drilling sites and the different outposts that the RDA has set up across this region of Pandora so overall man the story is completely forgettable none of the actual Navi characters are memorable because they all literally look and sound the exact same so none of them really stick out and you kind of forget about them like within 2 minutes of interacting with them to be completely honest and just with the amount of woke [ __ ] sprinkled into this game down to the like literal core [ __ ] plot mechanics it's just cringeworthy at every opportunity and overall this game is just as blatantly [ __ ] obnoxious and obvious with its true [ __ ] intentions just like the movies so if you were thinking that maybe the story could come in clutch and maybe redeem this game in any way shape or form it does not it is just as halfast and low effort as the rest of the game in true Ubisoft fashion so I think we've kind of you know heard enough about this game at this point in all honesty I'm kind of getting sick of talking about it just as I was sick of playing it so let's go ahead and put a nice little bow on this baby and wrap this [ __ ] up so in conclusion guys I think it is a very safe statement for me to say that Avatar frontiers of Pandora is the worst game of 2023 that I played personally or within the AAA gaming genre I'm sure people will point to games like Lord of the Rings Gollum or Kong Skull Island or whatever the [ __ ] but let's be honest guys those were not genuine legitimate game releases from like a AAA game Studio those were shitty [ __ ] asset flips just trying to cash in on a popular IP and well yes Avatar is very similar in that regards it is a shitty [ __ ] asset flip from Ubisoft trying to cash in on a popular movie IP it is coming from a legitimate development Studio this is supposedly developed by the studio behind the division games at Ubisoft so this is not some [ __ ] no-name bum [ __ ] Studio putting out their first project into the video game industry so I think that's why this elevates it in my mind because this game obviously had a massive budget and a large amount of resources behind it and it was just completely squandered and wasted potential at every single opportunity to the point where I literally cannot think of anything redeeming about this game whatsoever other than the game looks pretty good at times man now there are cases where the game looks downright horrible but overall I'd say graphically it's a pretty impressive game but when you consider everything else that goes into it the shitty Quest design the generic Story the horrible level-based combat and level up mechanic tied to gear in this game the insanely unnecessarily large empty and soulless open world there's just nothing to redeem it here and on top of that the gaml that is there every once in a while is complete and utter [ __ ] and feels like a massive downgrade from the Far Cry games themselves so overall I just don't really have anything positive to say about this game whatsoever so that's why I feel very safe in ranking this as the worst game of 2023 at least in my personal opinion from what I have played and experienced myself now I think Dreamcast guy unironically put this best when he described Avatar frontiers of Pandora in his review of the game what up gab Dreamcast guy here and this is my brutally honest review for Avatar Legends of Pandora wait that's not even the name of it it's frontiers of Pandora this game is so incredibly boring I literally can't even remember the name of it in my opinion boring is worse than bad if you have a game that's a complete dumpster fire an absolute train wreck of fun glitches or complete breakdowns of Court game mechanics at least that's interesting to pick apart at least for me as a reviewer this game is just so Bland and basic it's difficult to even explain to you why you probably shouldn't buy it Okay so we've heard a lot of bad and a little bit of good let's go over to the ratings board and put a big number on it I am giving Avatar frontiers of Pandora a six out of 10 and while yes I agree with Dreamcast guy that boring is worse than bad because I'm actually able to have fun in certain bad games like the original Dead Island for example I would not go as far as to give this game a 6 out of 10 because as boring and just downright [ __ ] miserable as this game is to sit through I don't think this game deserves anything above a three out of 10 bro this game is absolutely horrible and should be avoided by anyone and everyone that even has the slightest respect for their personal time or just wants to have any sort of fun playing video games at all because there is nothing fun about this game whatsoever it is a miserable experience from the moment you pick it up to the moment you eventually just give up bored out of your [ __ ] mind but anyway guys that is my review for Avatar frontiers of Pandora my worst game of 2023 hands [ __ ] down and I don't even think it's close so let me know your thoughts on this game in the comments section below did you pick it up did you play it did you like it am I full of [ __ ] make sure to let me know I'm definitely interested in hearing what people have to say about this game in particular so if you could do that I would appreciate it and if you enjoyed the video make sure to drop a like on it as well it does go a long way in helping out my channel in Z algorithm so you can do that too that would also be greatly appreciated but with that [ __ ] said guys this video is already long enough so if you made it to the end Big Ups to you appreciate all the support on the channel recently guys you guys are the [ __ ] best and I will catch you guys next time with hopefully a much better game to talk about
Channel: Griffin Gaming
Views: 79,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Griffin, Gaming, Ubisoft, GTA 6, GTA 6 Trailer, GTA 6 Gameplay, ubisoft avatar, ubisoft avatar game, avatar game, avatar frontiers of pandora gameplay, avatar world, avatar frontier of pandora review, avatar frontier of pandora is woke, avatar is bad, james cameron avatar, avatar is trash, frontiers of pandora, avatar frontiers of pandora trailer, woke gaming, modern gaming is dying, modern gaming, modern gaming is dead, ubisoft star wars game, ubisoft forward, ps5, xbox, pc, ps6
Id: rA4JhyP7kgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 38sec (2738 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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