Automating gamification in education with Google Forms

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[Music] in this particular tutorial we're going to be looking at gamification with Google Forms specifically how we can create self marking google forms that will send student badges depending on their results we'll be looking at setting up the self marking google form adding and editing the code to automatically email badges testing the form and sharing the form so i've already entered my questions for the quiz which is a really simple quick quiz for the purposes of this tutorial and it's a solar system quiz there are five questions that need answering as well as a field for students to enter their email address now having a look at the field for entering their email address it's a short answer text field but I have made sure that it's validated there's a text type field and the validation type is an email address and I've put in a custom message to say that does not look like a valid email address should they the email address not look right as you're adding your questions make sure that each question is marked as required because you want students to be going through and answering everything so once you've entered your questions you need to go into the settings of the forum to tell Google that you want it to be a self marking quiz so let's go have a look at the settings so the first tab are the general settings now if you are using a Google Apps for Education environment or G suite for education environment if you are using G suite for education you wouldn't ask students to enter their email address you would tick this tick box to collect email addresses automatically there are a few other options here so you can limit to one response you can allow students to edit after submission I'm going to allow them to do that as I'm looking at a assessment for learning approach I don't want them to see summary charts and text responses terms of the presentation I would get the question order shuffled I'd give students an option to enter another response and you can add your own confirmation message and finally this is the last tab this is where you set up your quiz so we want to make this a quiz and we will assign point values to the questions to allow the auto marking we're going to immediately allow students to see their results and see their miss questions correct answers and their point values to add in our responses and marks we go to each of our questions and go to this answer key let it know what point value we have and then select the correct answer for each of the questions and we go through and repeat that for each of the questions on the forum [Music] [Music] the last thing that we need to do is we need to make sure that the responses are being collected into a Google sheet our code will be accessing the information in the Google sheet to provide the correct email information to the students so we go to responses we click on this green icon here to create the spreadsheet so it's going to create a new spreadsheet it's going to give it a name based on our form and we click on create so this it's automatically open up the sheet there are no responses there at the moment if you have a look in your Google Drive you'll see that the sheet for your responses is saved in the same location as your form that we've set up our form it's time to copy and edit our code that's going to automatically send the badges out to the students so I've already uploaded my badge to my Google Drive it's a PNG file and this one's 200 pixels by 200 pixels then I find that recommended page size is really really small so we go to the Google Apps website which has the code that we need to get so we need to select the code from line 1 through to line 21 so right from the beginning of function down to the last bracket and I use ctrl C on the keyboard to copy now we go back to our form and we go to the three dots over here and go to script editor so that loads up the Google Apps Script editor we get rid of what's here paste I like to use control-v on the keyboard give the project a name which is a witchy I'll call it email badge okay and now before we're ready to go we need to go back and replay we need to go in and replace some of the information on this code depending on our particular circumstance and requirements so for instance so the website the posts in Google Apps action comm actually has a table that lets you know exactly what you need to replace so line three we need to add in the Google sheets file ID that contains the response information so I'll go into my Google Drive so I open up my sheet that will collect my response information I don't have any responses yet so it'll just be the headings and the file id is this number or code over here so highlight that and I control C on the keyboard to copy flip over to my code and here in this line 3 I replace with my file id now this is the row so line 5 has is where it's getting the information before the school so I've got to go check in my Google sheet so here it's saying it's getting it from column 3 and I have to check so it's actually column 2 so I need to change that okay so obviously the email address is going to be stored somewhere other than column two so let's have a look to see which column we looking at so it'll be column three oh I'll go back and change the email to column three so subject this is where I put in what subject the email that goes to my students should contain you so I want my students to get the badge if they received a score of four or more so that means if they get a score over three they will be receiving their badge so I'll replace that seven there with three so here is so this section here is the message that students who are successful in receiving the badge will receive so okay so now I have to find the ID of my badge file so getting the file ID for your badge or PNG or whatever format picture file you have it's a little bit different to the spreadsheet so we need that for line 10 so what we need to do is we need to go to where our badge is located in Google Drive we need to right click and get shareable link and it will give you the option to say anyone with the link can view and what we're looking for is just after this ID equal sign this number over here so we select that and use control C on the keyboard to copy and then we go over to the code and replace this part here with the file ID of the badge file next is this section is for students who did not succeed in earning the badge what I like to do is I like to give them an opportunity to attempt the quiz again should they want to you need to get the form ID so I'll go to thend get the link and just copy that link so ctrl C select where the URL should go ctrl V to paste and here I can change the message that the students say so mines encouraging good try at the quiz have another try to improve your score and earn your solar system expert badge you can access the quiz that and it will email them the quiz reply so now it's time to enable the script so to do that we need to go to resources and go to current projects triggers so at the moment it has no triggers so nothing's going to happen at any time so we click on here to add new triggers and this is exactly what we want on submit from form on form submits what that means is when the person is completing the form submits it that's when this script is going to start so click on save and we need to review our permissions so review permissions so it's just saying what this script wants to do so it wants to many files that want to view my email so I'll click on allow so make sure we click on save that's our quiz script done next step now is to test out our form and the way we do that is by putting in our own email information and answering the quiz using the previewed feature over here so what we need to do is we need to make sure that we get the Vantage when we put the right the right number of answers in and we don't get the badge when we don't have enough answers right so we click on preview and that will bring up our form so I'm going to try it out a few times and see how I go so I finished testing it now and this is one of the emails as a result of the test so I tested with different scores to make sure that it was working okay so now the last step is to actually share the quiz so there's a few different ways we can do that so we go back to where our forum is and you'll see up here is a send button we click on send so we have a choice to send via email we can get a link and there are also shorter versions of the link as well there's still quite long so I use a service called bitly which allows me to create customizable short versions of links and if you are working with a website or a blog you can actually embed the form into your page with the HTML code and now you're ready to go with your automatic badge dispensing Google Form [Music]
Channel: GoogleAppsAction
Views: 10,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamification, badges, Google Forms, edtech, G Suite for Education, Google Drive, elearning, blended learning
Id: EjWAjkbYgWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2017
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