Automatically Move Completed Tasks to an Archive (with Excel Office Scripts & Power Automate)

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Have you noticed the new Automate tab in Excel for desktop? Now,   I made a video before where I used it to bring  AI GPT-3 into Excel. If you haven't watched it,   watch it after this video but not now, because what  we're going to do today is really cool too. We're   going to test Record Actions in Office Scripts  and move rows from one table to another table   based on a value in a cell. How far will Record  Actions actually take us? We're going to have to   see. This was actually inspired by one of our  community members; I think it was on LinkedIn,   and it reminded me of something I had to  do every single day as a project manager. So, there was one project I was working on that  was quite intense. We had to sit together and   review all the tasks at the beginning of the day.  We had a 6L table, and all the tasks were listed   there. My task was at the end of each day to  remove anything that was completed and add   it as a separate row to the bottom of another  table, which was our archive tasks. This way,   every day we start the meeting, and there  would be no "done" tasks on our active project   list. It's a simple thing, right? But it was  super annoying. For one, I lacked Excel skills;   I was doing every step manually, right? Cut,  paste, delete. And two, sometimes I'd forget   to do it, and I'd be at dinner somewhere, enjoying  my meal with friends, and I'd be like, "Oh my God,   I forgot to move those rows!" It was just an  annoying little thing that was constantly on   my mind. If only I had the Automate tab at the  time, I'd never have to worry about it because   the rows would be automatically removed during my  sleep. I'd walk into the meeting, open the file,   and everything would be done without me  lifting a finger. Right, the finger-lifting   though is something you need to do at the  very beginning to get this whole setup done. There are two players involved here: Office  Scripts and Power Automate. You're going   to get them to work together, and you'll  have one less thing to worry about. Okay,   so over here in Excel for desktop, I have  this simplified table with the different   responsibilities, the priority of the task, the  task itself, and the status of the task. Now,   this is officially an Excel table; we can  see in Table Design, the table name is Tasks.   What I want to happen is that at the end of  the day, all tasks that have status "done"   are going to be removed from this table, and  they're going to be pasted in a second table,   which is sitting on my Archive sheet at the bottom  of this table. This table is called Archives. Now, I want to create a script that does  this, and I also want to outsource the   script to Power Automate so that it's done  every single night at, let's say, 10 pm.   My starting point is going to be right here, the  Automate tab. So, I'm in Excel for desktop for   Office 365 Enterprise Edition. I already have  the Automate tab. If you don't have it yet,   you'll have to use Excel on the web. Also, keep  in mind that Office Scripts are also controlled   by your admin, so they could be turned  off for you and for your organization. To start writing your script, you could go to "New  Script". You're going to see the code editor pop   up. On the site, you have the main function, and  you can type in your code here. But that's only if   you know what you're doing. If you don't, because you don't, let's say, know how to reference a cell or how to reference a filter   using Office Scripts, you could get started by  recording your actions. This way, at least you   get some code that you can work with and tweak.  So let's do that. Let's go ahead and record our   actions. We can see the recording is running on  the side. And we have to think this through to see   how we could make this dynamic. I don't want to  go and specifically select these rows because the   code editor is not going to know what's the logic  behind that. I want to tell it to only select   "done" rows. So one way I could do this is to use  the filter options. I'm going to go to "Status"   and only select "done." Click on "OK." We can see  the code editor is recording that action. Then I   only want to copy the visible cells. So I'm going  to press "Ctrl+A" and then "Ctrl+C." Notice only   the visible cells are being copied. This is the  same as if you go to "Go to Special" and select   visible cells. And once we've copied this, we are  going to go to the "Archive" sheet, go to cell A1,   and use the shortcut key "Ctrl + Down" to jump to  the bottom of this table. And then go one more   cell down, and then I'm going to paste, Ctrl + V. So now let's go back to "Task." I want to delete   these rows. So I'm going to right-mouse click and  delete. Optimally, I want to delete the table rows,   but I don't have an option here. So I'm going  to go to "Delete" and delete the entire sheet   row. Okay, so these are gone. Now let's go  to "Status" and unfilter everything else.   And we're back to our table. We've moved  the "done" tasks. Everything is being   recorded. I can just see a description  of what's happening. I'm going to stop.   Our code was generated. To view it,  we can go to "Edit." And that's it.   The great thing about the code is that we also  get some comments that tell us what's happening at   each stage. The question, though, is does it work?  So what do you think? Just by looking at this, do   you think it's going to work? Well, let's try it  out. I'm just going to copy these last three rows,   paste them in here, and let's change some of these  to "done." I'll just change this one to "done,"   and let's change this one to "done." Okay, so if  we've run this, what we want to happen is that   these rows that have "done" tasks are going to be  removed from here and pasted on the bottom here.   Okay, so let's run this and see what happens.  It ran. One of them was removed. The other one   is still here. What happened in "Archive"? Well,  everything was copied. It wasn't just a "done"   task, but it was everything. So, yeah, the code is  clearly not working. It was kind of working 50%,   but not what we needed to do. So we need  to tweak this. Okay, so let's remove   these rows here. Let's right-mouse click, delete,  delete these table rows. Okay, so our archive   is back to what it was. Now, let's see what's  happening here and what we need to tweak. We're   going to start from the top. What the code does is  that it has created a Task object, a Table object,   and it's assigned it to workbook.getTable("Tasks").  This is my tasks table so we can see that's the   tasks table. Then it got the Status column, and  then it's adding a filter for Done. Then it's   assigned Archive to workbook.getWorksheet("Archive").  Okay, so far so good. The problem happened here.   So after I did some investigation, I realized that  it's always copying everything between the header   and total. It doesn't copy the visible range.  So we need to tweak that, and we want to copy   the visible view. So, we want to get visible view,  and we have that method here. But unfortunately,   it doesn't work with the copyFrom, so we need  to set this up in a different way, and the way   I came up with is this. So first, we can define  our visible view. So we're going to define a   variable for that. We're going to get visible  view, and you can call this whatever you want,   and we're going to reference our Table  object, get range between header and total,   and we want to get the visible view.  Okay, so that's the first step. The next step is we need to define our paste  areas, our paste cell, and then we need to   expand the size of the range that we want to  paste into. This type of behavior is something   we don't need in VBA, but it looks like we need  that in Office Scripts. So what I'm going to do   is define paste cell to be this. Basically, we're  going to go to cell A1 in the Archive sheet. We're   going to jump to the bottom and go one cell down.  So all of this part is actually what we need. So   I'm just gonna grab this and paste it here.  We don't need this part. So now we're ready   to paste our done tasks. But remember, we need to  specify the location of our page. So basically,   the size of our paste area. So I'm going to define that as well, "let paste_location," or   you can call it "let paste_range," equals paste cell. We want to resize this, so "getresizedrange." Now,   whenever Intellisense is not popping up, it is  because we've typed something wrong. "paste_cell"   is like this. So "getresizedrange," and now we can  define the range. The range is basically the size   of our visible view. I call these long names,  "get_visible_view," but I want to get the row count.   Okay, so now I know how many rows my visible view  has, but I have to deduct one because Office   Script is zero-based. So this is the size of the  rows. Now we're at the column, so we need to go   back to "get_visible_view." This time, we're going  to get the column count, and we're also going   to minus one. Okay, so now we know where we're  pasting into and how big our paste range is. Now comes the actual paste thing. So  that's going to be "paste_location.setValues,"   and we're setting it to "get_visible_view.getvalues."  Okay, so now is the time to grab the values of   our visible range. Now, if you're wondering where  you can find the syntax, you can find it from the   Office Scripts API reference that you're going to  find in Microsoft Learn. If you scroll down here,   you'll see the common classes. I'm in the  Table object here, you can find all the   different methods that are associated with a  table, and this was the one that we saw before,   "getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal()." This gets  the Range object that's associated with the data   body of the table. "getRowCount()' is what I used  before. You'll find the definitions all in here,   together with some examples. Now,  let's go back and finish our code. Now, the part I'm not happy with is this  part right here. I'm deleting specific   rows. I don't want that. I also don't want  to delete the entire row because I might   have something to the side of the table. So,  I'm going to remove that. This part is fine,   we're clearing the filter. But right  here, I want to delete "done" tasks,   and the way I want to do it is to loop through  the table from the bottom to the top. Whenever   I come across "done" in the Status column,  I want to delete it. Because I'm deleting,   it's better to loop from bottom to top  instead of looping from top to bottom. So, first of all, let's figure out how many  rows we're dealing with. I'm going to create   a new variable called "tasks_rows". This is going  to equal "Tasks", so our table, and we're going to   get the row count of the table. Next, we want to  grab the values that we have in this range. So,   let's create "tasks_range", and this is going to  equal "Tasks". Now, we're going to get the Range   Between Header and Total, and we're going to grab  the values of this range. Okay, so, so far so good. Now, let's start with our loop. We start with  the "for" statement. We are going to define "i"   equals "tasks_rows", right? So, this is the  number of rows that we have in our table,   and we're going to deduct one from  it because Office Script is zero-based.   And we're going to loop through this as  long as "i" is greater than minus one,   right? Because we're going from the bottom to  the top. So, as long as it's greater than -1,   we're going to do this. And because we're going  the other way around, I'm going to do "i--". Now, we're going to open the curly bracket, and  inside here, we're going to do our check. So,   "if (tasks_range)" and we have to  define the row and the column,   the row is going to be "i", we have  to put this inside square brackets,   the column is going to be "5". Why 5? Because the  Status is our fifth column. This is zero,   right? 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Now, because we also  want to make sure that letter case doesn't matter,   we're going to make sure this is a string, so  convert it to a string, and if we want to convert   it to upper case. Okay, so once we have that,  we're going to check whether this equals "done". Now, we need to open the curly bracket here  as well for "if" statements, and if it is,   we're going to do "tasks.deleteRowsAt". We  have the address, right? It's "i" and "1". Okay,   so that's pretty much it. If at any point in  time you want to check something, you can write   it to the console. So, for example, let's say  we want to know what is our row count here,    we can do "console.log" and put in our "tasks _rows" here. So, it's a great way of debugging   your script. So, I have no idea if this  is going to work, but it doesn't look like   we have any major syntax issues. Let's just  test it out. So, our Archives now are clean.   Only done tasks are there. We have two "done"  tasks here. Let's run this and see what we get.   "Done" tasks were removed from here, and in here, we  just have our two "done" tasks that were copied to   Archive. And down here, we can see what  we wrote to the console. So, it's at nine   because we had nine rows at the time, right?  So, now it's seven because two were removed.   Okay, so let's just comment this out. Well,  that's it basically. Our script is done.   Next step is to outsource the running of the  script to Power Automate. Before we do that,   let's give it a proper name and let's make  sure that the script is saved and it is.   Okay, so now I want to set this up so that it  runs at 10 PM every single day. Where do I need   to go to do that? Well, not far. I just have to  go back to the Automate tab and select Automate a   task. This gives me Power Automate directly inside  Excel, and I just need to select this template:   Schedule an Office Script to run in Excel. This  is going to open a tab on my browser. I can see   the template here. If you aren't logged in, you  might need to log in now. And then, you just have   to select Continue. And all you need to do here is  select what you want to have inside the boxes. So,   how often do we want our script to run? Well,  I want it to run once every single day. If I   wanted it for a month, week, I can change  my selection here. Under Advanced options,   I can define the time zone. Mine is UTC plus  one. Then, at which hour or hours do I want   this to run? I wanted to run at 10 PM, so I'm  going to select 22. In the preview, I can see   that it runs at 10 PM every single day. Next up,  I need to define the location of my file. So,   my file is saved on OneDrive for Business. If you  have yours saved on SharePoint, you can adjust your   selection accordingly. Document library in this  case is OneDrive. The file itself is saved in   this folder right here, and it's called Completed  Tasks. Next up, I need to select my script,   which is called Archive Done Tasks. And that's  it. We just have to save. You can adjust the   name of your flow if you want to, and then it's  good that you test it. We could, in this case,   run a manual test. We can set this to manual and  run our test. But before we do that, let's just go   back to our file and change some of these to done.  So, I'm going to change this one to done, and   let's also change this one to done as well. Okay,  I'm just going to make sure that this is saved.   Now, let's go back to our flow and let's trigger  this manually just to make sure that it works.   We're going to click on Test and run the flow.  Okay, so it successfully started. We can monitor   this if you want from here or we just go back to  our Excel file and see if it ran successfully. So,   I'm going to go back to Excel, and we're  going to see that our "done" tasks were removed,   and they were added to our archives. Now,  this is going to run at 10 PM every single   night. Of course, you don't have to  have your file open. All you need to   do is just make sure that it's saved on your  OneDrive or on your SharePoint. That's it. One thing to point out is that you can go back  to your code at any time and optimize it as you   need. Well, what happens, for example, if  we don't have any "done" tasks here? What do   I get if I run this? Well, it's going to  run with errors, and we don't want that. So, we're going to make this better by adding an  if statement so that it only runs if our visible   row count is more than one. So, right here,  I could add an if statement and check whether   the "get_visible_view.getRowCount(),"  if this is greater than zero, and if it is,   then I'm going to run the rest of my statements.  So, I'm going to do the copying and pasting   here. So, I'm going to do this until here, and we are going to want to indent this.  Now, you can optimize this even more by also   making sure that this part doesn't run. Just  for the purpose of this demonstration, this is   now running without errors. So, that's our Office  Scripts and Power Automate duo. The recorder does   help us to get started faster, and then we need  a bit of knowledge to tweak it. Power Automate   takes care of the rest. Let me know what you think  about this. Comment below. I hope you enjoyed this   video. Subscribe if you aren't subscribed  yet, and I'll catch you in the next video.
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 200,079
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Keywords: XelplusVis, Leila Gharani, Advanced Excel tricks, Excel online course, Excel tips and tricks, Excel for analysts, Microsoft Excel tutorials, Microsoft Excel, XelPlus, Microsoft 365, Excel 365, office scripts, append rows in office scripts, learn office scripts, power automate, create flow office scripts, scripts and power automate, productivity, automatically move data
Id: Y7PoYlZUMgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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