Automate Your Outlook Workflow with ChatGPT and Power Automate: Step-by-Step Tutorial

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what's going on everybody Israel Galindo here from brain creative Ai and today we are going to help you with productivity and that's taking Office 365 and chat GPT in making your life easier let's get into it what's going on everybody Israel Galindo from brain creative AI today I just want to talk to you about productivity and the contents of business automation now as a business owner I understand the importance of streamlining processes and yes I'm coming to you live from the Oculus Pro not only because we're recording here but we're also recording in the metaverse this same exact stream that we are doing today anyways I'm excited to share news about the integration of chat jpt and office 365. now why is that even important to a business owner like myself and that is because you can automate your workflows now as a business owner you you will also notice that you're always busy people are always emailing you really really long messages or even short messages and they don't get to the point and no offense to anybody sometimes we just Ramble On and we just need to know the summary what they want us to do in a report apply now with chat GPT what I've been doing is taking my messages pasting them into chat jbt and asking it to give me a summary and what they want out of this as well as creating a quick reply back to them now yes this can definitely be done and I will be showing that to you in a second but one of the biggest things the challenges that I feel are right now is having to stop paste it over and not have the automated items that can be repetitive and repetitive tasks Etc you know like email responses scheduling appointments and even data entry items so these things which are GPT are a lifesaver and as business owner I've been using it probably for the last month and it has been changing and revolutionizing the way I do business as well as professional replies to customers and so on additionally one thing that I do want to mention is chat gpt's integration with Office 365 which is not out of the box you have to do that and this is what we're going to do today means that you can streamline your communication and collaboration process so that means for such things as adding like a chat Bots to your facility and helping out with conversation or even schedule meetings it's got to be something that's going to be revolutionizing all of our businesses so overall brain creative is here to help so we're going to do that for you today so one of the biggest things that I want to make sure to point out is this is an example of an email from a customer and it's a sales email they want a bunch of stuff we met at CES and so on so what I usually do is I take this email and I copy it and then I'll bring it over to chatgpt and so I'm going to paste that on there and once I put it in here then it's going to spit out what it's going to tell me that they were asking about now this is giving me a summary of primax VR now usually you can do respond back to email let them know I am interested and I can take that copy it it'll look at everything I'm doing and it'll and then I'll copy paste it back to email you are gonna need a couple of things number one and this is very important you're gonna need power automate license that's something that comes with Microsoft that you actually have to purchase I went online and I purchased my license I think even ended up being 12 so you want to automate that way I know that a couple of other um uh other YouTubers did not mention about the licenses but yes everything obviously costs money so if you're gonna automate it's very important that you purchase the license you're also going to need post mate and the last thing you're gonna definitely need is obviously having your platform open for open AI That's the other thing that we're going to be needing in here so we can go into the API reference okay so if you do have an account already on open a i great if you don't go ahead and create one once you're in there and yes it's a free account that you can use we're going to go to the API reference this is going to be our first starting spot and then we're going to go to completions now in completions this is going to give you not only the URL that we're going to be needing as well as we're going to have this curl example of the entire code that's also going to be needed that's already prepared for you we'll be modifying a few things but the first thing you're going to do is you're going to copy this code next we are going to go into Postman and if this is the first time you just open an account register it it's also one you can do for free and you're going to go up to workspaces and what I'm going to do is you're going to create a new one I'm going to do a new one since I've already created that one it's got a new space here let's just call it open AI I'm just going to put new because I have another one already in there so we're going to go ahead and do create event now once we've created the event in here then we're going to import that code so we're going to click this little button up here it says import and then we're gonna paste the curl which is going to be the entire item that we have on there now another thing you're also going to need is your API key so keep this tab open under open Ai and under your user you're going to have view API keys now to add a new key you're just going to hit create a new key and it is going to give you a string key that you're going to copy and paste and obviously because these are secret Keys we don't want to divulge them to the public so in this case I've already got my key set in another location and I'll be popping that up in a second to show you guys that as well so let me go ahead and copy that key really quick and I'm going to show you where that is going to go but in the meantime before we go there one thing I do want to show you is once you've copied your key um go into the API reference and then under completions you're going to notice a couple of things that we're going to need we're gonna need a content type and application we're going to need that so keep this open authorization and bear now again this is something that you did copy to open API so it's going to be under the headers but we need some items entered here which is going to be where your key is going to go and then some other items on that so we'll put that on here as well okay so now that you've pasted your key this is a very important thing to do you always want to make sure that you post the key right after the word bear with a space and you're going to paste your API key that again we got from creating your API key under your references in here so you're going to create a new key copy it and then you're going to go ahead and drop it right after the word bear everything stays the same now we're going to go over to body and body this is the model that we are talking to say think of it like the engine the the brain that we're talking to with uh chat GPT and then this is going to be the prompt this is going to be the same as me typing in here and I'll just type it so you guys can see it uh uh right uh again on my caps write me a song about a bird and a squirrel you can write whatever you want it doesn't have to be this so I you can copy it or you can type it either way works for me so what we're going to do is we're going to go back into open API and then here to test it I'm just gonna paste what I just wrote okay write me a song about a bird and a squirrel it could be anything hey you can say write me an Eminem rap it doesn't matter you know tell me all the all the different movies out there you know whatever so as far as your tokens this is how much characters it's going to respond back so we're going to start with something like 600 the the maximum is four thousand so think of it like words right how many words it's going to respond back so we're gonna write it like that temperature we're going to leave it as is and then we're going to send this request to chat GPT to make sure that it comes back so as soon as we hit that it's going to go and send the request to chatgpt now if it's successful so it'll actually write back to us the song that we tested in regards to that so I'm going to share it with you here let me bring this up so you can actually see it and I'm not going to read the whole thing uh just a lot but I'm going to show you right here that yes it's going uh burning squirrel their friends living in the same tree they defend the bird with fly Etc these ends are actual spaces FYI but you can see that it did respond back with what we needed so it got us what we needed we know it's working 100 percent okay so now that we see that this is connected and working now we're actually going to build it in power automate to make sure they work so we're gonna go into Power automating again if you haven't registered account go ahead and do that and get your license through Microsoft so we're going to go over here we're going to create a new one and we're going to do an automated cloud of flow that's actually what we want to do when this screen comes up you can skip it uh this is just kind of helping you build it we're not going to need that right now once it comes up here we are looking to use the Outlook product so we're going to go here and use Outlook 365. that's the one I'm looking to do and then what we're going to do is I don't need this trigger um reminders right now it's when an email is here so we're actually going to be doing when an email arrives so we're going to do this first one right here so once we get this part when a new email arrives we're going to hit the advanced options on that and then what we're going to do because this is when an email comes in we're going to forward that to ourselves with a very unique subject on that it has to be unique so for me something that I'll remember I'll just do and I'll do caps chat GPT please summarize so basically when an email comes into us I'm going to forward this over and then this is going to start the flow so we're going to hit next step on that right now so the next part that we need to do is after the email is actually preset for a search the flow is now going to call an HTTP request so we're going to choose this one right here as you can see it's premium this is why I told you you need that license we're going to go here and select that one now everything in here is exactly what we ended up putting over in our account let me go over to our account or post mail account now this is going to be the headers the posts the URL and so on so we're going to start with copying the URL and then going into our flow and then the method is always going to be a post that's exactly what we want the URL is going to be this one here so we're going to do the completions that we have uh you can click anywhere to get that get rid of that window and then here we're just going to copy the exact headers as we have them over in the other window so let me go back into this window go to our headers and we are going to do this one here and we're going to drop it into here and then we're going to go back to this window application Json copy that guy over as well so we're going to drop that puppy in there and then since I have another header on here because you saw it was a couple same thing here authorization go back to it drop it I know it's tedious this is just how it works we're gonna go into this guy gotta go in this puppy drop it into that and Let It Go and then what we'll end up doing is let me get out of this screen and now what we're going to do is we're going to hit the next spot so next step we're going to actually do on here is the body right because we added everything else so we're going to go back into this piece here into a postman and we're going to go into body and we're just going to literally copy this entire Json on here go back into here and drop it into body now you notice that this is when we typed write me a song about a bird we're not going to want that we're going to want the prompt to do what we wanted to do when we were doing it over here okay so I'm gonna go here and I'm gonna basically go so it says give me a summary and to do last for this email so I'm going to do that with you know what and I'm going to add one more request on that because this is the easiest thing it's just going to give you a summary and a to-do tasks from the email but I want to go one step further I also wanted to already create a reply for me so I can already have it ready right because I mean I want to be that more efficient so I'm going to get that right there uh no need for Caps or anything unless you really wanted it but I'm going to go back into here and let's go back into our automate and in this window right here let me open this up a little more so we can see it what I'm going to do is I'm going to override this here let me add a little space of course didn't grab it as I wanted it all right let's kill that but what I'm gonna do also get me a summary and to do task list for this email um and I'll just put also create a response back for me and I'm gonna put a colon now there's a reason why I'm putting a space on there and I'm going to show you why in a minute this window that's on the bottom that you can barely see this is actually going to be something that we want to do as far as the body so I'm going to put my mouse on there so it clicks and I'm gonna go the body of the message so it understands what I'm referring to so you don't have to copy and paste it so I'm going to do that right there so boom there it is and it's just it knows that is exactly what I'm doing as far as the tokens because it's more characters I'm gonna put the maximum which is 4 000 so everything looks good here we've entered our data we've entered our headers we've got that URI on there and with the post that's all we need on there so once it's ready I'm gonna go ahead and hit Next Step okay so the next step is going to be to parse Json our data so it understands what it's looking for so we're going to go on the next operation and we're just going to put the word parse in Json so it's going to be right down here I'm going to select that one now we need an example so it understands remember when we looked at uh writing the song for us so we're going to go back over here and we're going to take this entire data right here all the way down because this is kind of an example or the example of what we were looking for when we asked the item right up there so what we're going to do is we're actually going to take this all right so what we're going to do is we're actually going to go back into here and I want to generate from a sample right so I want to drop it in here and I'm going to say done now this is actually going to put the information for me in that so here it is here's the full example of what it's needed making sure that everything I've added is in that spot let me verify it and yes this is the fourth thing okay so in here I'm going to be pulling it from the body of the message that's basically where we're pulling the information from so I gave it the example I'm going to go ahead and do body because that's exactly where we wanted to come from and then we're just going to be going to the next step okay so in this operation right here what we're going to do is we're going to go back to Outlook because now we're talking to Outlook again for response and then we're looking for the reply to so we're going to go down the list you can type R it'll make it easier as well but it is reply to email boom and then in here we're looking for the message ID right so we're going to go down this list and we're going to do basically the message ID which is going to be this one right here and then in the body of the message is we're referring back to the Json parse and what we're looking for is we're looking for the text of the Json on there as well so what you're going to notice is you're going to notice on here the different models that we have the different objects and I'm looking for the one that says text because that's what I need now you notice that it's going to be on here called choices which is the text one that I'm looking to do okay so now that we've done that piece right there we're going to save this flow once you've got it saved on here make sure that the entire flow is on there and it'll say it's ready to go so we want to go ahead and test it on the top right and we're going to do manually and we're going to hit test okay so while this is testing what we're going to do is we're going to go back to Outlook and we're going to find an email and most likely this is probably the best one right here I want to just forward this to myself and then the subject it's going to be that word that we used right the chat GPT please summarize and I'm going to send it off to myself so in a second the automate and depending on the speed your internet Automation queues and all of that you should get an email back in a few seconds here so as you can see the message originally was a lot longer so we're going to look at the original message that we had here which had all of this information in it including theirs and the summary really came back as this so this is basically what it told me that Max Wang I was trying to get a hold of me introducing their items so yeah it's a little bit shorter but at least it is better anything you ask chat GPT you can do it so it comes back on here so you can play around with this you can change it now this is a reason why I had one that was a lot longer I picked another one that was maximizing the number of length on purpose because I wanted to show you this is one of the tests that you always want to also check too if your request is for a larger email email that goes pages and pages and Pages yes the model is going to say hey that's too many tokens a little more so what you could do on those scenarios is you can actually switch it to smaller tokens so as you can see to make mine work I dropped it to 2000 and which makes it a smaller request versus where we originally had it at four thousand and then that should help you fix in case you do fall into any errors or issues but you can always tweak this around the flow is actually there for you so you should actually be able to go in here and look at any of these floats multiply change parsed anything you want to do you can actually do it any requests that you have please let us know and don't forget to like And subscribe this video share it to your friends and any questions you have we are definitely here to help you I'm Israel Galindo with brain creative Ai and I will see you on the next one please
Channel: Brain Creative AI
Views: 2,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Power BI, Power BI Tutorial, Power BI tutorial for beginners, power BI desktop, power query for power bi, learn power bi, M language, chatgpt tutorial, chat gpt tutorial for beginners, how to use chatbot for business, chatgpt business applicaitons, chat for business use, chat for business applications, chat for buisness, chat gpt for social media, how to teach chatgpt, chatgpt business use, chatgpt business applications, chatbot tutorial, train chatgpt, office365, integrations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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