Automatic Negative Thoughts and CBT

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a lot of our thoughts are automatic a thought just  pops into our head without us even thinking about   it some of our automatic thoughts can be pleasant  or neutral but more often than not they tend to   be negative automatic negative thoughts have a  strong effect on our mood and how we're feeling   and learning how to respond to our automatic  negative thoughts in ways that help us feel   better is an important part of mindfulness based  cognitive therapy so now we're gonna look at some   common automatic negative thoughts that people  have that tend to be associated with depression   anxiety and anger when we're feeling depressed  we tend to have very negative thoughts and these   thoughts center around three themes negative  thoughts about ourselves negative thoughts about   the world and negative thoughts about the future  examples of negative thoughts about ourselves   are things such as I'm such a loser I'm no good I  keep disappointing everyone what's wrong with me   I can't do anything right I'm a failure I  feel so helpless nobody even cares about me and negative thoughts about the world which is  just a general sort of negativity about everything   life is so unfair things should be  easier the whole world's falling apart   everything so stupid life stinks and negative thoughts about the future  things are never gonna work out for me   there's nothing I can do about it  I'm always going to feel this way   I'm never going to be happy there's no point  in trying anymore it'll never get any better and when we're feeling anxious we tend  to have thoughts that overestimate the   likelihood that something bad will happen and  we overestimate the severity of what will happen   and we underestimate our  ability to cope with things and so we have automatic negative thoughts   about threats and danger Oh No  what's happening is terrible and about our ability to cope  with things I can't handle this   I'm never gonna be able to do this  people are gonna wonder what's wrong   with me this is just too much what  am I gonna do I should just quit now and all sorts of what-ifs which are probably the   most common types of thoughts people  have when they're feeling anxious or   worried what if this happens what if  that happens what if what if what if and when we're feeling anxious our thoughts are  too a future-oriented and we end up spending   a lot of time and energy worrying about how  things might be in the future and even though   these things haven't occurred yet and may never  occur we tend to respond as if they've already   happened or that they're inevitable and so  we wind up suffering the consequences right   now and even if the things we're dreading  never actually occur we've already made   ourselves pay the price and suffer over  them whether they actually happen or not of automatic thoughts that are associated with  anger are things around the need for fairness   and respect becoming aggravated frustrated  or losing patience violations of rules and revenge this is so unfair why does  this keep happening to me this anymore with him you can't treat people  that way he'll pay for that and in the next couple of videos we'll  learn how we can improve our mood and   help ourselves feel better by managing our  automatic negative thoughts through cognitive   diffusion and letting go of thoughts  and with cognitive restructuring and   please hit the like button and subscribe to my  channel for more videos like this and if you'd   like to check out my online mindfulness based  cognitive therapy and stress reduction course   where these videos come from for free  you'll find the link in the description
Channel: Self-Help Toons
Views: 69,489
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Keywords: automatic negative thoughts, ants, thoughts, Cognitive Therapy, CBT, What are automatic negative thoughts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 38sec (278 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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