Automate Data Analysis with This ChatGPT Plugin

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I just found a cool child GPD plugin that automates that analysis in seconds this plugin is called nodable and it will help us generate a complete data analysis from our data sets with just a prompt notable can generate quick reports like this one or we can customize our prompt to get a visualization and Analysis we want the best part is that we also get a notebook with all the python codes used for the analysis this is probably the best chat dbd plugin for that analysis right now in this video we'll see how to make the most of it so let's get started before we start with this video I want to take a moment to talk about today's sponsor Learn Python has courses for everyone from beginners to professionals if you're interested in learning python for data science I recommend you to take this python for that science course which has hundreds of coding challenges and exercises that are based on real life scenarios and will help you go from zero to data scientist in no time one of the things I like about Learn Python is is that they're constantly expanded number of courses on their platform also they offer a 100 web-based experience and here's some exciting news learn is offering their python basic part 1 course for free all you need to do is register via the link in the description below no credit card or additional info is needed so start today alright the first thing we have to do is install this plugin so we have to go to gpt4 and you have to be a chat DBT plus subscriber to have this functionality and then we have to click here on no plugins enabled then we have to go to the plugin store and we have to look for this plugin called notable and right now there is no search bar to find this plugin fast so what you have to do is go to the popular section and probably you're gonna find this plugin so here I have notable and you have to click on install so once you have this plugin you're gonna see a window that will pop up a window like this one and in this window you have to create a notable account and in your notable account you'll be able to see the notebook with all the code that is going to be generated the rest is going to be on chargept so just log in with Google and after you do this you're going to see this and well you'll see your space and you're gonna see a project here in this case the project by default is my first project here I created another project to show you how it should look from scratch so when you have your project you only have to click on the project that you have there or create a new project from scratch you select your project and then you'll get something like this and you get uh the name of your project and my first notebook and what we have to do right now is copy the link of your project so here I'm going to copy this link and we have to save it because we're gonna use it later alright now let's have a look at the prompt to use so here on chat gbt I'm going to close the plugin store and we're going to see The Prompt that we're going to use to automate that analysis with notable and here's the prompt so first we have this message that says load this data set and here we have to paste the link of the data set that we want to work with then we have uh the link of the default project that we're going to use in this case the link is this one that I showed you before again I'm going to show you the steps you have to go to your space then you have to create a project I'm going to use the project that I named automating data analysis for this test and here you have to copy that link of this project so I copy the link of the project and then I paste it here and finally you have to type this act as a data scientist and then you have to specify the details for the analysis that is going to be done now what we have to do is use a data set and for this test I'm going to use this data set that I have here it's on my GitHub and this data set has data about population so the population from 1950 to 2020 for all the countries around the world so here I'm going to copy this link and as you can see this link has that that CSV extension so with this I make sure that it's going to read a csb file so I have the link of the data set I have the link of the project that we're going to use and in this project we're going to get a notebook with all the code and finally I'm going to use a simple prompt for this first test so my prompt is going to be something like this act as a data scientist and analyze the data and make charts and graphs to show the trends in population growth around the world as you can see there are not so many details and I'm just letting cat DBT in notable to do most of the analysis on its own so now I'm going to press enter but before I'm going to enable the notable plugin so I check on the box and then I have this plugin enabled so now I'm going to press enter and wait for the analysis all right notable finish with analysis and as we can see here it says that the analysis provide a high level view of population Trends and this happens because we didn't give so many details and in the next example we're gonna add more details to customize our analysis but for now let's see what chat DBT and notable generated first we see an overview of the columns that the dataset has and well it has three columns and also we see the first five rows then we see a chart this is a line plot of the top five most populous countries from 1955 to 2020 and these countries are China India the USA Indonesia and Pakistan so we can see this line plot that was generated automatically then we can see some notes about this line plot we see three nodes and finally we see that world population growth from 1955 to 2020. and in case you want to see The Notebook generated with all the code you have to go to the project and here we can see that there is a new notebook called population underscore analysis and if I click on it we should see the same visualizations and all the code that was used to get the analysis and also the visualization so we can see first that the dataset was read using pandas and python then we can see that metal live was used we can see the code used to generate the line plot and all the details so now let's continue with another analysis of another data set but in this case we're going to use more details to customize our analysis alright I started another cat from scratch and here I'm going to use the following prompt so this is my prompt and it has the same structure than the one before first it says all this data set and in this case the data set I'm going to use is one from the FIFA the FIFA game FIFA 20 and this data set has information about soccer players such as the FIFA ratings the age that weight the high height the value of the players in euros and more then I have to provide the link of the project that I'm going to use in this case is this project automating that analysis I'm going to copy and paste the link of the project and finally here is the prompt that I'm using to customize my analysis so first I'm saying act as a data scientist and analyze the soccer players from only the countries the USA Canada England Brazil and Argentina then I'm telling chat DBT to make a bar plot to analyze the ratings the FIFA ratings that represents how good a soccer player is at play in soccer then I'm telling child GB to make a histogram and a box plot to explore the average height of the players in these countries in only these five countries and finally I tell to make a scatter plot to see how the weight is distributed and also a pie chart to see the top 10 most valuable players from the USA so as you can see see there are many details in this analysis and this is not a generic analysis but I'm asking for a specific visualizations and I'm selecting some countries so let's see how notable is going to do this analysis so now I have the notable plugin enable and now I'm going to press enter and see what happens alright notable finally got all the visualizations first we see the bar plot with the average overall ratings by country then we can see a histogram that shows the distribution of players heights across all the countries and it was also good then we can see the box plot with the heights by country then we can see the distribution of the weight in this scatter plot and finally we can see the top 10 most valuable soccer players from the USA and again if we go here to notable we can see there is a new notebook that is called soccer players analysis and if we click on it we're gonna see all the python Uncle used to generate all these visualizations alright before I finish with this video I want to show you something even cooler that you can do with this plugin which is reading multiple data sets and doing that analysis so I'm going to enable this notable plugin and then I'm going to paste The Prompt that we're going to use for this last test so here you can read multiple data sets as long as you provide the links so in this case I'm providing the links of five data sets that belong to the game FIFA from the year 2017 2018 2020 and 2021 and with this data I'm going to ask child DBT notable to generate a line plot so we can see the evolution of the FIFA ratings for some top soccer players so to do this first of course I need to provide the links which are here and finally have to specify all the details here in my prompt so I'm telling child DPT to act as a data scientists and load the five data sets then I'm describing what these data sets are about and after this I'm telling how to read this data set and finally I'm telling child gbt what are these five soccer players that are going to be included in this analysis and also I'm telling child DVD to make a line plot to see the evolution of the FIFA ratings from 2017 to 2021 alright now I'm going to press enter and wait for the analysis that notable and charge DPT are going to generate all right tell DVD finish with analysis and now we can see the line plot that I asked for and now again if we go to notable we can see that there is a new file and this file has all the code used to read the data sets to create the column here to only analyze the five soccer players that I want and also to generate the line flow that I asked for and that's pretty much it all of this was generated with this simple prompt and by the way to keep working with another looks that notable generates you still have to know how to write code in Python so I recommend you to keep learning Python and improve your skills and a good platform that you can use for this is our sponsor so don't forget to check the courses that I'm going to leave on the description of this video alright that's it for this video I'll see you on the next one
Channel: The PyCoach
Views: 6,894
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Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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