AutoGPT: This Is ChatGPT Supercharged!

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Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute  Papers with Dr. Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. Today we are going to see how ChatGPT just  got supercharged. Normally, this is OpenAI’s   chat assistant, where we get a little text  box, enter our questions as a text prompt,   and it shall answer. However, get this, today,  we don’t even need to prompt ChatGPT anymore,   because, and now, hold on to your papers,  because it can prompt itself. What? How?   That sounds insane. But yes, all that  is true. We can describe a complex task,   and it will by itself break it down into smaller  steps. And it also does them all! For instance,   here it is asked to buy a pair of AirPods,  and as you see, it knows that it first has   to search for it, look for deals, yes, we  got one. It is indeed on the right track,   and then, gets distracted by a privacy policy.  Or perhaps it knows something we don’t know yet. Yes, this is a version of ChatGPT that  can make decisions and take action. So,   what can we use this for? Well, we can even ask it to build  a website for us. And it adds the   required goodies, step by step. Really cool! Now, this is Two Minute Papers, so we  want to give it a scholarly task. Oh yes,   let’s ask it to research itself. That is one  more task with several steps involved. And,   yes, this interface gives us a little opportunity  to pop the hood and hear its thoughts. It first   wants to search for AutoGPT, browse around a  little, and finally create an outline about   itself for us. Once again, the key part is  that it can take a complex task, and break it   into small steps. That is incredible. It also  reminds itself to not wander around too much   if it finds a tasty privacy policy, and focus on  the main task instead. Good thinking, little AI! Now let’s see what happens  then…the search takes place,   we get a ton of results, and finally,  it enters GitHub, the home of AutoGPT,   we see how it reads through the page,  and finally, we get our answer. Now,   my first question was, is this a copy-paste  from the website, or did it really read the   whole thing and distill down the information into  one paragraph? Yes it did, good job, little AI! So, at this point, my question was, what is  AutoGPT? What role could this play in our   lives? And, have a look at this. We can also get  a progress report where it tells us what it has   done, and what there is left to be done. So, yes,  AutoGPT feels very much like a team of assistants.   The first version of OpenAI’s ChatGPT is barely a  few months old, and it can already prompt itself,   chain prompts together, and report back to us  on where exactly it is. That is incredible. And we can even ask it to have a look at  a piece of computer code. Then, it again,   breaks down the task into small pieces.  Evaluation, improvement, and finally,   testing. And it does all of that.  Like a team of assistants would. Also,   this is a computer that kind of fixes itself.  How cool is that? What a time to be alive! Now, a few more things that you should  know about this. One, by default, it asks   for permission before each step. That is a good  idea. Two, these are just the first few steps,   and when you start using it, you will find  that it is a bit slow, a bit expensive,   and quite limited. Also, I would like to  make sure not to overstate what AutoGPT   can do at the moment, however, can you even  imagine what this will be able to do just two   more papers down the line? If you have some  ideas, let me know in the comments below. So, do you wish to try it? Can you?  Yes you can! You can run it locally   or even try it on the web. I’ve  included both links in the video   description. Note that you will  need an API key to perform that. Now, look. What is this? Who are these people?  Are you thinking what I am thinking? Yes,   that’s right! This is a long line of you  Fellow Scholars entering an incredible   event in London with our long-time partner,  Weights & Biases. And I also flew there to   hold the first Two Minute Papers meetup of  sorts ever. Here you see the footage I took,   where you Fellow Scholars,  expressed what you really want.   Yes, I approve. And here are some Fellow Scholars  who were very happy to get what they wanted. The event was incredible, the energy was electric,  I handed out a hundreds of papers and gifts,   and got back what feels like a 100 hugs.  Some crushed my ribs but that’s okay.   And what you see here is just a portion of  the thousand plus people who came. It was so   amazing to see your faces, say hello and hear your  stories. I really hope to have the honor of doing   this again someday, so I would like to send a huge  thank you to Weights & Biases for organizing this,   I was treated like a king there. And just one more  incredibly important thing. Please don’t forget:   you make the Papers happen. This show  could not exist without you. So thank   you so much for everything. You gave me  the opportunity to do what I absolutely   love every single day of my life and  I could not be happier. Thank you! Thanks for watching and for your generous  support, and I'll see you next time!
Channel: Two Minute Papers
Views: 192,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, openai chatgpt, gpt-3, gpt-4, autogpt, auto gpt, openai
Id: LqjVMy2qhRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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