Autodesk Inventor - Woodworking - 3 Part Tutorial Woodworking 4 Inventor 1 of 3 - All Levels

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thank you for registering for a class today on Autodesk Inventor for the wood trades my name is Steve Witham and I consider myself an order desk inventor evangelist when it comes to utilizing these tools for the wood trades today's class summary will cover quite a bit of material and we'll try to handle all of that within the next one hour our objectives again are quite full and I do hope that each of you will have a much better understanding after our session today we're going to build a basic cabinet that is nothing more than multiple piece of material put together with all the hardware all of the cutouts the negative shapes the pilot holes that would be necessary to machine this and build it as you can see we do have all of the dowels pins pilot holes everything that's necessary for correctly fabricating whatever we design so that is going to be the results that we're going to be looking for today's first topic will be modeling the type of modeling I prefer to do is a hybrid between solid body modeling adaptive modeling and top-down modeling let's get started so we'll get started by first creating the first part and the first part will be the outside frame which is nothing more than a rectangle that I'm now adjusting the dimensions and I'm going to say it's 60 by 30 I'll do a simple offset so that I have the thickness around the whole piece and let's say it's three quarters of an inch but this I'm going to say thickness equals so that thickness becomes a variable that I can adjust later on I'll now extend the vertical lines so that they're physically going to create a joint by doing that I now have to add dimensions to the top the bottom and the left-hand side and again I'm making them all three quarters of an inch or thickness okay once I've got that next step is maybe let's create the bottom horizontal member that is in a dado and we have no data at the moment so what I'll do is I'll just create the rectangle that goes through the side pieces add a couple dimensions that I want so they'll equal three quarters of an inch and whatever the opening that I'm looking for at this moment in time so five and three quarters of an inch now these dimensions will control the item later on what I'm now also doing is I'm going to say the depth of the dado is going to equal the thickness divided by two mostly no matter how thick the side walls become the data will always be half of the depth of cut again planning for the future this could be a prototype item that I use over and over again and it gives me the ability to quickly just change a couple dimensions and get end results trim up what I don't want basically creating my dado making sure all my constraints and dimensions are there and we move on next let's create a center divider center divider will be fixed I will say it's equal to thickness and I'll set it to vertically be placed in the actual cabinet itself thusly change the width of the cabinet and it stays centered I'm now doing some of the dividers at the bottom piece just drawn a sketch it doesn't have to be exactly correct add a couple of constraints these are collinear constraints and say it's three quarters of an inch okay and make it equal the original again I'm a true believer and trying to make things as simple as possible to get a work done and then as I did before I'm going to say that the depth of the cut into the bottom rail and the fix rail is going to be thickness divided by 2 so that will always allow me to have a dado half the thickness of the material again completely up to me now I want them centered I want to Center it in the butt in the bottoms thusly that no matter how wide the cabinet becomes these will always be centered three three separate openings so I just draw some simple lines I'm going to highlight each line I'm going to go up to the top and say it's construction line and also make them equal and immediately what just happens is that it now has equal opening and I don't have to calculate anything change the 60 inch to something else and it automatically will still continue to become equal information now I also decided I'm going to make those a half an inch not 3/4 and you can see the data changes with me so again it's thoughts it starts the tool of becoming parametric next let's put a shelf in here and what I've done before again we'll say it's the tops and the bottoms of these shelves are collinear so they line up immediately I'll also say it's three quarters of an inch equalling thickness and now I offset the edge let's say it's a sixteenth of an inch and we'll go ahead and we could type in 1/16 we get type in decimals we can type in metric inventor allows me to do any of those things and all I'm doing here is again just going through the routine of picking the dimensions and letting them equal each other okay and now what we also might do is we might want to Center the shelf in the opening and that's exactly what we did so as you can see here I'm cleaning up the dimensions right now just so that they're easier for me to see easy for me to control because this is a model that I might be using over and over and over again when I do this type of cabinet in the future so one cabinet one time from this point will turn more towards an isometric view will start extruding on each of the closed-loop members and will start creating solid out of those members will also say the depth of the cabinet equals 14 so one variable will be able to change the depth of every member now once we do the first extrusion we want to share the sketch so that we get the sketch back so we can start extruding each of the other close loops and we're going to pick the parameter depth as our actual value so go ahead and extrude each each of these we want to extrude we want to make sure we say it's a solid body not just a normal extrusion so that when we're finally done we should have about ten solid bodies and we'll then have to add the back to this particular unit as soon as I've extruded all of the pieces that I'm working on at the moment so again it's a lot of it is similar over and over again so the first one you do might take a little bit of time but a cabinet like this shouldn't be more than a half an hour to an entire finished piece and if this is going to be absolutely parametric so that I'll be able to change it at any time to any dimension I want so we'll put the shelves and now I don't particularly like the shelves flush to the front so there's so many ways of manipulating it on in this particular case I'm going to use the thicken command and I want to reduce it by a value of one inch so I touch the face I'm going to cut into it one inch and I'll cut into each of the pieces one inch okay so again lots of different ways of attacking how we get to an end result different workflows that each of us might want to use or not use this is just one way of accomplishing a task so let's flip this over let's create a new sketch on the back and I'll sketch on the back surface of one of them vertical member so I have my start point and then I'll use the project tool and touch a corner once I've done that I'll create a rectangle starting at one of the corners to the other corner and then extrude it Oh a value of most the time it's a half inch back but again whatever you want this is a this is a back that actually rides all the way across each of the sides and you can see that we've accomplished our goal and we've created the basic cabinet now just to show you we could change of values let's say we want to change the horizontal and vertical value from one value to another by hitting the update button you'll notice that it is already parametric but it's still a single solid if we go and take a look at the thickness tool we can show it that when we change the thickness and parameters you'll see that the joint just changed also though so again we just we just basically test it the world that we've created we can say that the thickness of the material is three-quarters of an inch and the depth of the cabinet is twenty-four inch or what have you and you can see that it is changing on us automatically change the thickness back to 3/4 and that of course now updates our cabinet so we're in pretty good shape here it looks like where we can change anything we want and nothing is failing I've tested the waters everything is staying actually centered the openings at the bottom are always equal to each other so I've proved out my first my first steps you'll see that there are certain the solid bodies every time I extruded something it became a solid body now what I'm about to do here I'm doing is I'm now calling I'm basically typing in their names each of the parts each of these extrusions should have a separate name because the end result to what I'm going to do here is that it is going to create single parts that can be manufactured and I have to know what the part names are so I'm I'm now giving it so as I touch each of the solids it lights up in the isometric view so I'm naming things like left side top right bottom or what-have-you I can double click on it to name it or I can right-click on the actual part and go to properties and rename it there so there's lots of different approaches again to renaming but this is just one of them so we go through the process we name it whatever we want and if it's two parts or twenty parts this is the way it's done because every time you do a extrusion of a solid body it gives it the next sequential number solid one solid to solid three solid four now once that's accomplished okay I'm going to do a couple more unique kinds of things here and I'm going to tell inventor itself that I want to prefix any of these solid names with the name plywood okay plywood - so when I start creating on my assembly it will have that name so right now this is a single part it's called master IP T and what I'm going to do is go up to manage make component and I'm going to touch each of those items each of the solid bodies and it's going to create a new file master dot I am or an assembly file as you can see the component names are all plywood left side right side and so on so it did correctly name the things that I asked it to name once I hit OK what just happens is that it now creates an assembly file utilization utilizing all of the parts from the part file or all the solid bodies from the parts files and just to test it again what I'm going to do is touch the right side take the grounding off and I'll pull it apart and see that it actually moves independently so I can move it away from each other I have my joint there and it's a real part that now can be machined so quickly from the original - to this and you could see that I'm about to hit save and this is going to save each of the individual parts you can see the naming conventions the browser all say plywood whatever and now not only do I have a assembly file but I have a part file I have both of these working together now if I change the master part file as you can see I'm changing it from 70 inches when I do an update okay the assembly file will change if I change the depth from 24 inches to 14 inches okay you'll see that the part file just changed once I go back to the assembly file and do an update you'll see that the assembly file changes so in other words what I have here is a master part file that's controlling my entire assembly a very very simple way to do things I don't have to add any constraints whatsoever to the system and again it's a matter of just changing the original part file by the parameters that I had already preset doing an update going into the assembly file and doing an update there so this is called solid body modeling and it's a very functional way to start building hit save and we'll move on the second area that we want to discuss is the assignment of materials this is where we tell inventor it's made out of solid stock material plywood's but the grain direction how the edges are treated very important when it comes to woodworking because of Autodesk's open system of customization we're able to put together menus and changes in the API that really has changed the way that we address this and have become much much more effective so let's take a look at this now if we take it if we go back to the model and we look at it we want to go up to what we call furniture design and go to material assignment in material assignment there's something called part type and in part type we can tell the system that it either will be edged banded it is made out of plywood it's a board or it's made out of solid stock which is a profile we have other functions in here but for the moment this is what we're going to present so we now say that everything in the system is going to be plywood now the reason we're doing that is so to show you that once this is done and we assign a material and we have multiple materials this is not the material list that comes with inventor this is our material list that we can add to change alter change the code change the texture change the grain all these things are fully customizable and adjustable so I created two materials called my own and my own B which is a maple looking type of material and I'm going to pick the wrong one and you can see the grain direction is the short way and if I click on the bottom button what it'll do is it'll sign everything that material that the entire project now we can either do a global change or we can pick individual components so either way will work just fine and again as I said before the grain will run the wrong way in this particular situation unless of course that is what one desires grain is nothing more than JPEGs or bitmaps that we can grab from any different source on the internet so you can see that it's going the wrong way so at this moment I'll just go back to my material group and say I want to change the grain and you see the grain change and now I hit OK and because I'm saying global everything is going to change so either pick individually or everything and I don't have to worry about it I don't have to go and touch each individual item at any you know individually and work through that release 2013 a little bit better in that way but still not as fast now if we look at the model after I've accomplished this look at the edges the edges show up totally different because if they're plywood okay or MDF or anything else they'll show that the edge conditions should be taken care or they're raw now the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to just assign the two shelves a whole different material just by picking both of them and hitting okay and because they're plywood also you'll see that the edge conditions show up in that fashion so if I go ahead back to what I call part type and say it's made out of solid you can see the edge conditions now show up as solid material and of course we can make the bottom dividers a different material also so basically just click and pick from a library now the next process within our system is again to take a look at the different functionality that we have okay and again we go back to the material group and you can see that the bottom line is blank where you can start adding more materials now if we want to edge band and that's very common we have an edge banding group it's called and if we move to the right you'll see that here is all your edge banding the code number whatever you want to name it and then the thickness of the edge banding itself and you can have literally hundreds or just a couple whatever the cuz you know the company uses now when we decide on the edge banding you can see the list we're going to say it's a 45 mil it shows you the color and now you tell it whether the edge banding will decrease the size of the blank by the thickness or the edge banding will increase it by the thickness of the edge banding and once you do that all you're going to do now is go ahead and touch any of the edges that have the checkerboard pattern and what that will do is of course it will then apply edge banding to those edges I'm showing you the user the designer that those edges have been taken care of now they don't necessarily have to be edge banded we can of course put some realistic molding around it or anything else that we so desire so we're not limited to what we can do here is just giving us functionality that we really didn't have in other areas and again this is absolutely customizable and the edge banding of core
Channel: WidomTech
Views: 274,084
Rating: 4.8663697 out of 5
Keywords: inventor, millwork, autodesk, autocad, Cabinet Making, Cabinetry, Joinery, Bill Of Materials, Cut List, Furniture, Solidworks, Autodesk Inventor, Management, Technology, Data, Moulding, Hardware
Id: HXiKNqBhlqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2013
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