Autodesk Inventor Tube and Pipe

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hello today we're going to try and cover the tube in pipe module of Autodesk Inventor we're not going to go into details about setting up fittings setting up styles out during fittings and so on which is going to try and go into creating routes and runs and best practices on this one of the first thing that I like to do is have multi character commands sort of like AutoCAD and a lot of my commands are the same as in AutoCAD because I switch in between softn and I like to keep it the same so let's start a tube in pipe at this point if you gonna do detailed drawings of the tubing pipe you may want to considering renaming this so sort of eleven dash of one this will be my tube and pipe assembly now for the runs and the routes don't change them leave them as they are I know a lot of you like to have the size of the run inside the name but you're going to change it so often that you're going to confuse your colleagues or whoever's going to work on this so just leave it as it is it's a unique name anyway okay now the first thing that you want to do is go back to the top level assembly and constrain your tubing pipe that's fine Cuban pipe is adaptive and the geometry inside will change but if you're not careful and you drag it by mistake it will move it's not constrained so come back and constraint and do the same thing on all the runs constrain now it's better now let's get back inside our run and create a new route leave the name as it is don't worry about it now you don't have to constrain this but what I like to do is include geometry and include these three planes sorry I think I've included a second one x no it's fine and make them auto resize we'll use these to constrain our sketch or 3d sketch or route you don't want to use planes from from the assembly because you could promote demote the assembly you don't want to use faces because you could change the geometry you could change the tank to pump everything you just want to try and keep it local and constrain the the route as much as you can by itself in itself now the next thing that you want to do is add your styles I don't have any styles in my tube and pipe template and that's because I don't want to be great the file every time an inventor version is released I want to keep it clean keep it the way it is I can just import my Styles all the time every time so I'm going to import my style I suggest that you do a style for each type of piping that you're doing PVC you stainless ABS whatever you're doing just have a single style for that yeah these are the styles that he's gonna import so let's activate our style and I'm going to edit this for you to show you that you need to keep the minimum length minimum segment length to as low as possible this way you can have consecutive fittings at different angles you won't notice it in the drawing you will have a very small pipe length but you can have fittings at different angles one after the other now the next thing that I like to do that's my Inlet that's my outlet from inside the plant room I've extruded this to 0.1 millimeters so just so I can grab the edge I could have done this with a 3d point but sometimes the point doesn't allow you to route in the direction you want you're kind of stuck to whatever direction it wants so the next thing that I like to do is I have a set of parameters for each size PVC u 1.25 inch I have a set of parameters for that let me just show you I've created an assembly where I've placed my most common used fittings I don't have them all in here I'm at home so I don't have the whole libraries but I just wanted to show you how I've done it so I created a sketch with the sizes and next to it it was the most common feelings that I'm using and then and then I've created a set of parameters for each which I'm importing for every run let me just show you let's go let's go back and import one so our size was 1.25 let's import 1.25 what I have in here is a couple of parameters its sizes and a description so the dimension here will tell me how much a ball valve will take how much an elbow a check ball valve and so on and so on and I have a gap as well you will notice that I don't have a tee that's because in in my case in here the tee and the elbow kind of have the same size this is not the full size this is half length because you'll see the node where the fitting drops in is at the middle of the fitting so keep these the same don't change the name in here keep them the same but change the description this way I can make sure that I have the proper parameters imported you you'll see this in a second but what I'm doing is so PVC you I've got all these parameters now if I decide to change to say 2 inch I can just import my 2 inch size and all the route will adapt and all the sizes dimensions will change I can keep it tidy and this helps with confined spaces when there's not a lot of room and you don't want to keep changing the dimension until you get it just close enough this way I have a 5 mil gap and it would always be a 5-minute gap in between the fittings now you can also add if you want sorry a pipe clip or whatever and I also have like a set of fittings one after the other so it's an elbow elbow plus gap it's easier to just type a eg in a dimension then just type E + E + GP anyway let's go right so you start with a root I have it on a shortcut now as soon as you go and you click on the edge you have you press spacebar to change direction you don't have to for the first time if you do decide to if the arrow points up and you're going down he's just going to give negative dimension because it's going to create a plane let's just try this yeah and then go down so it created a plane and it's dimensioning from that plane so instead of because the arrow was pointing up the face of the plane was up so in this case I have a negative dimension it's just a minor inconvenient but let's go back undo route again choose the bottom edge and now press spacebar to change direction yeah now it's oom out a bit if that's too small you press plus or minus on the keyboard to increase the size now I want to go down about 100 mil what I could do is right-click and have entered distance but you don't have to just leave your mouse there over your reference and type yeah now the Triad appears and if you want to zoom out and it's too small again plus or minus to increase its size yeah because I have a 45 degree elbow I can also change this change the angle to a 45 yeah if you didn't specify it in the in the Styles 45 degree elbow you could only go 90 same thing I'm going to go that way just leave your mouse over there and type your dimension the first thing that I like to do as soon as I started I right-click and take off auto dimension and let me just show you why say I want to dimension 100 mil from that wall right click point snap leave your mouse there and you type your dimension if you type a hundred it will go a hundred over the wall if you type minus 100 to go a hundred to the wall so minus 100 yeah and done I believe is the correct thing to do not to not not to dimension from from the world not to project it because as soon as you change the wall the face there you could lose the reference and then your route does not adapt but what I like to do I'd like to dimension them myself and you'll see this with a lot of the experts they always recommend don't put Auto dimension now let's go back for a second but you can click on root or you can right click on the end of the on one of the points and you have root in there as well yeah so root now we want to come here again just leave your mouse there and press space bar to change direction if you decide to click because you want to try an order root yeah and if you decide that there's a correct one as soon as you click finish you go inside you convert it to sketch the order would tend to change itself even though you haven't changed any of the equipment you haven't change the tank you haven't changed the room but the other route will start moving so you don't want to have other routes just convert them to sketch let's go back again route from this point increase this now the same with the angles if you want to change the angle you don't have to click you can drag but it's more difficult to kind of precisely position it what I like to do is increase it to reasonable size leave my mouse over it and then just type say what 35 yeah you got it and depending on the side of the arrow where your mouse is that's the direction is going to change this so if I want to come back 35 I hope my mouse here or there or there and so on you got it so 35 and we're back now again take all the dimension of this would only happen once but because we cancel the command and I've kept undoing commands it went back so the order dimension should not be on now point snap sorry point snap - a hundred yeah now I know that I'm going to have a ball valve and then I'm going to have a tea that I'm going to have a pneumatic valve and then an elbow and so on until I come here just kind of click a couple of times don't worry about dimensioning just just insert some notes that's all you want to do for now let's have another one and then we know we're going to come this way if I try to connect to the last point it's going to give a weird option it never goes straight so most of the times I just start another route from this point just go doesn't matter how much because it's a kind of a new route yeah it's always going to put a dimension at the beginning and the first one so let's delete that now you want to try and constrain the route by itself with dimensions and constraints perpendicular parallel and so on until you have it fully constrained if it's not possible I mean because it at times no matter how many dimensions you put down how much you try to constrain this it's it's not going to be fully constrained don't worry about it just drag some of the points the note and if it's not moving just leave it as it is now the reason why I included these planes is so I can if needed use them as my reference to constraint so perpendicular this to that plane and this line to that plane and so on and so on you don't want to start projecting faces of the equipment the faces can change you can derive the part you can change it for a different part the face will not be there and you will lose the reference so you want to try and keep it local that's why we've included these planes you don't want to include the planes of the main assembly you can promote demote the assembly just try and keep it by itself fully constrain the sketch by itself is possible if not use the planes from the run now let's see why I've used those parameters and how can we can we use them because I'm not going to change the wall or even if it changes I can always modify this dimension it's only going to be one dimensions I can include geometry this wall yeah and then dimension from there a hundred yeah we always wanted that but you will see it's better that inventor is not projecting the face and it's not putting that dimension from my snap point yeah it's it's good that it doesn't do that we'll see in a second why now if you want to make this perpendicular don't do it on display you just try and keep it to a minimum what you dimension and what you use an external reference that can change if you know that your well can change then ignore ignore it don't dimension off of it just use the main assembly because this is constrained flush this is like the center so what what I would do I don't know what sort of you could be equipment you're having and what are you drawing but you could have like a column Center and from there keep those as your origin and from there you can dimension or your nodes and all your roots okay now why have I used these parameters in here I know that I'm gonna have an elbow right there and then I'm going to have a ball valve here so dimension that's going to be an elbow plus both valve plus gap I also have an even simplified version than that so it's EBG which is elbow lost ball valve plus gap because I use it so often it's much faster to just say EBG that's it and I've done the next is going to be the same thing just because it's a it see the tea in my case in is the same as the elbow dimension wise so he BG again now in here I have a pneumatic valve which is kind of big so I don't know exactly what the dimension is either use it that often it's not worth it to put it in here I don't know maybe it would in your case so I'm going to dimension backwards I'm going to say about 200 don't know yet I can always measure later now what you want to do is connect these so let's try and do perpendicular and see if it works the distance from here to here it's more than 100 so I'm just going to have weird angles just bear with me for a second sorry not the line I'll show you in a second why so let's connect these yeah you see it skewed or an angle we're going to fix that so usually when you route any change direction it's always going to add perpendicular one after the other but you can always force it so say you have you can new try start another one right here just kind of show you what I'm trying to say how's that that's that's not that bad so if you turn on constraints these two are perpendicular and then these two and then these two these two and so on and so on so what you want to do is try and force some more constraints so again perpendicular and this is perpendicular on this one and this on that one but we can always force these so kind of kind of skip one these with that one you see what I'm doing well it didn't work but now if I go back if I should demand days yeah 750 dunno 350 I should have a fully constraint sketch now just going to put some dimensions I may need to have because that's a point I may need to set this perpendicular to the base plane 700 don't know 300 now let's try and set this perpendicular to our floor that's fully constrained yeah now what you need is to kind of lock it on in the other direction and that's a fully constraint sketch yeah so I've only used a couple of planes just due to the origin planes of the run yeah and constraints some more the route itself we delete this let's go back to ours so that's cute that's not so bad because that's an elbow that's another elbow it'll be fine but these valves will look weird on an angle see if we can set some more constraints now in this case I can set perpendicular this line or one of these lines into either this plane or that plane which it creates automatically now you can use this plane it's not so bad because if you're going to change this you're going to lose this point anyway but it's up to you how you want to play this you can also set these line parallel with one of these planes at the base yeah so let's try perpendicular this strand there that's not bad that's better now if I set this to say 200 because I'm going to need a fitting in there let's try and drag it and see what else needs is still moving so nothing is moving yeah but it's still not fully constrained at this point no matter how many constraints or dimension you add you may never get it to be fully constrained don't worry about it Dragutin it's not moving it's not so bad you kind of done but you quit now turn these planes off don't be lazy I know a lot of you like to go into view and turn object visibility just think about doing this in large assemblies and how time-consuming it is so the next thing that I like to do I don't like to finish route and start populating it I just go all the way to the top level assembly and save it save it before you populate if you'll go into arrows errors or inventor crashes you've lost all this so now you can go back just play it safe and then populate good it's not so bad one more thing that I like to do especially when starting a new route and you run and a new project I have a text document with folders of my most common used fittings these are not fittings out or in and published in content center these are parts that I've downloaded off the internet and that I like to have it in here I copied the path and I just go place fitting and I just paste it in here and I'm already there yeah if you've thought I've done all right getting there so if you're not familiar with to a pipe you can drop this anywhere it's not problem but I like to have my notes preset already so it snaps to these nodes yeah okay let's drop it in there not bad now plus again or - hold your mouse over the direction type 90 or whatever you want let's go another 90 it's fine this is the easiest way at this point you can always always press spacebar to change fitting orientation yeah I don't know it makes a lot of sense in here it's ball valve but you can see it changing at this point if you decide that you need more gap or you want to change the position even though we inserted a point yeah and we dimension that remember the elbow the ball valve gap which is a 5 mil there that we should have if you decide that you want to position it differently you right-click point snap and you have again just if we done before you can select the face and dimension out of that phase you can also select a plane if you want let me just go down where is that plane yeah so I can select that if I want I only had five million there so at this point you hold your mouse there and you start typing 125 now this is going to be dimension from the center from the node to that face yeah so I said let's go let's let's go we had five so let's go 20 so distance from that face is not going to project the face it's not going to use that as dimension it's still going to dimension to the end yeah we'll see that in a seconds of 20 oh I guess I should have went minus 20 didn't I anyway you've got the idea so so at any point when you drop a fitting whatever it is you can also change its position yeah on the fly so you don't have to go back the bad part about this is if you go inside remember that nice parameter that we had in let's change and it's obvious I mean I don't expect inventor to change my parameter yeah I've lost it in here as well but it's not a big deal you double click and you probably have it under the last the last one used if you didn't do it that much so yeah what was the EBT wasn't it yep and then the same thing into your EB G that's fine and I can go up again now when I place content center items what I like to do is I go into sorry I gotta finish this I like to go into content center and then add to favorites all my favorites elbows tees and the most common content center items this way I'm in here an interplay City I just go to favorites and I have them in here now at some point autodesk changed any favorites you would only have your favorites I don't want to load the whole content center in here but it's okay you can create a new favorites group so you'll have one for a no machining one for structural shapes one for tubing pipe but I can just double click in here a standard and you drop it in again plus they increase these because otherwise your mouse can jump or can move if it's on a slope or something so kind of increase these to be safe enough yeah and then in that direction go 90 I want to go back 90 oh I didn't choose the right size tonight so change size it was on point 5 that's 40 and this is it and can you see the gap there it is the same and it looks nice and like I said it's good in confined spaces I don't have my space navigator with me it is jumping but it's looking nice that's why it's good to set up your parameters it only takes a time when you do it the first time and then you'll reuse it and reuse it yeah so yes you'll spend a bit of time to set up those parameters but you'll have it now let's show you something else this is something that's not recommended I mean it's not presented as standard option but what if I want let me just show you this I have another Inlet and what I want is a bypass if this valve fails or something happens I want to be able to do a bypass there let's just try and place this valve first a loop place feeding I already have the pot on my clipboard so drop it in come on yeah increase the arrows a bit a little more I want to come this way 90 and I don't like it it's got the connection against the wall press spacebar there you go that's good that's nice all right that that's that's not the right size probably this whole this whole run was a different size never mind you got the idea you kind of know what I'm trying to do here no we were talking about doing branches so first of all let's save everything save it as often as you can all right now go back what if I want to do a branch in here well event a doesn't like branches but will force it so we can start out at this point go there undo to the wall and go down go to underneath have another valve there yeah so rude sorry go in that direction point snap would not help because it's it's on an inclined line so just kind of go there then I want to go sorry I picked the wrong thing root it's going to go - all right stop there for a second now let me turn my planes back on so perpendicular this into this line as well oh you see what I've done there it was already perpendicular to this one now the only thing that's missing it's a dimension to dimension this point this node you see it yeah that's the only thing that's keeping this from being fully constrained also and remove that and go again dimension a hundred I could reference it yeah good thank you and then we're going to go this way let's uh perpendicular to face that's where I want to go then I'm going to go up to there that's going to be a ball well and then I'm coming here just like on I'm going to have a tea there so we're going to connect now you could cheat you cannot connect these two points and any two points yeah to kind of make a branch it already went into violations so it's not allowed to go back you could cheat and you can have coincident constraint between this point and that line and then the other point at this line yeah it's not going to complain now but as soon as you try and populate this root is going to complain it's going to throw you back in here to fix this so let's go back now we're going to do just half of that version coins in that this is that yeah are you with me and then dimension in here that's going to be a tea or an elbow and then in here I'm going to have cap plus elbow I'm just going to leave it up in the air no one's going to notice let me try and drag this make sure that everything is fully constrained went bad let's dimension this there's going to be an elbow ball valve and gap I'm only doing this because the second root is the same size as the first one so it's not going to be a problem generating populating all this yeah now this is fully constrained now if you start dragging you got to turn off constraints if you have if you have constraints on is going to pick on the point so you won't be able to drag so turn off constraints and then start dragging just to kind of see if it's moving or not yeah it's not it will however jump on to the other side with this let me just try and force it see if I can try this side here we go you see it it kept the distance it kept 47 that's the distance but it jumped on the other side let's go back there's the only problem now you need to make sure about this I make sure that it doesn't happen I mean there's nothing you can do about this I haven't found a way it's not complaining we don't have any violations so let me just finish my route and see what's going on oh that's good as lovely thank you replace this in here place feeling you see what I've done I've just selected it and then place filling so it's right there to drop it perfect because I kept the distance it's looking good I should probably move this to kind of the same distance there as long as they can take it out of the line and as long as you leave some room for pipe clips but it's looking good kind of the same distance all over here and that's why use the permit now we gave a different name to the tubing pipe assembly we specifically call it a - oh one instead of leaving it as two M pipe because at some point you may want to do a drawing if you the drawing of the tubing pipe you're making as part of the layout of the main assembly kind of doing separate sheets but you know having this part number and it's fine but if you want to create the drawing by itself you give it a new number yeah and question here is how do you set up level of details and design view representation so that you can have say this bit of Route on its first sheet and the other one on the second sheet and maybe the whole to be a pipe on the first sheet if you look into the to the pipe you only have level of detail so let me show you a trick what you can do is you can open it up if you want to set up a level of detail and representation for each run because you can have multiple routes yeah and if you want to set up a level of detail representation for each run you count in here so do the same thing you can open it up yeah presentation it's called that route one it won't allow you to save it this is a trick it doesn't matter let me just copy this to my level of detail and I can activate that and I can just gonna take a second take this off now I'm inside of Iran when I try to save it it doesn't allow me it doesn't matter how we have it open in here or in here so as long as you you do the changes in here that you want to do like hi these that's what we wanted to do go on disappear right so we've got these you can't save it in here but as long as you have it open you can save it in here and everything will save yeah I just closed a different price so save it in here and it's fine all these changes are in there now yeah I know I don't care just close it it's still open it's still in memories and now if I save it you'll be saved so that's the trick so you can open it separately and setup your level of details and design your presentation in there but come back and save it in here in the main assembly now let's do a couple of more branches I'm sure there's there's going to be just a few problems with that see this room is in the way so what I'm going to do is disable it this way it's not pickles as a geometry it's not going to snap to it but be careful about this because if you forget about it and you want to use it as geometry I mean you will pull your head out so let's go back and what I'm gonna do is create another run and I'll show you why and we're going to do a different size let's do one inch create another run leave the name forget about don't don't even try and change that so um again root know I have written the root our root start from that point kind of go out until up old valve leave a bit of room for it for the feeling there take off all the dimension then go down down root Auto dimension is all good that was just verifying that kind of go to the ball valve and then some more I haven't left room in here every night so I can delete that route again oh I'm not following my practices all right let me go back and constrain it constrain let's find this that is a bit there's a couple of my logic that I need to show you later and this with that yeah and then go back and like I said first thing include geometry these three planes and make them or resize all right okay thank you lovely you see that I don't have it I don't want to have it too big too small just kind of the right size now I've done this I can delete these it always put a dimension when you start a new a new route or for a new connection so let me see if I can perpendicular this into that it doesn't need to but I can come inside these two points okay now import my parameters whenever I just go into to the pipe parameters and get the one inch it's fine I have an e BG there and then you could have you can either click in there but watch it's right there in the last used so that I don't tend to use other dimensions because if that dimension gets deleted and I'll show you in a second when that can happen when when that dimension gets deleted all these will remain orphans so dimension that because we cannot want 350 sorry and then too much and that's fully constrain yes okay let's try the other end now change direction go out a little more come up do the same thing to the bolt valve and then some more get rid of all this I didn't ask you for nose go inside these two points and then you there and I should still need that oh sorry it's in the other way so it's going to be minus that dimension okay fully constraint yes now the problem is that's got to be a tee and I've got to come from around the corner from there where I have a flow indicator coming down from behind the pump and so on and then from here it needs to go into a tee sample valve and pressure gauge and so on into the next of the filters to the next equipment how am I going to do that let's write route I can't pick on these that's fully that's I mean it's fully constrained if I can do at this point get creative just kind of use anything that you can any edge anywhere yeah so let me choose try that watch this I'm just going to increase that go up a little more some more yeah it's fine I can delete this now and the point and the plane and the point and just dimension these roughly how much was it 180 that is I missed my mouse I usually have escaped and entered my thumb 180 do it again right now call linear these it that oh that's not bad now go down are you with me in fact I think I use the wrong reference because these last ones are probably going to delete or change so I should have done collinear between these and that one it's not so bad dimension it's going to be an elbow or a tee they're not bad why did this change to from fully constraint I do not know mystery ignore it oh I guess I know why because you can drag this above yeah so let's undo that for a second I can delete that let's do it properly linear between these on that okay now from here probably need to go in there somewhere I don't care for now let me turn these off because I don't need them oh we need to do the same thing in there so I'm going to come that way a little or just do a couple yeah and then delete the last one and then the problem is you gotta mention them otherwise they might overlap jump one one over the other and then sorry colinear to that one drag it this way and I'm having oh sorry an elbow or a tee redoing of dimensions from here to there level okay it's not bad why do we need that so I'm gonna have a tee there and then I need to go that way and then come down so I'm going to have an elbow elbow gap in there but actually I have the elbow so it's gonna be an elbow gap I'm gonna have an avoidable gap in there yeah another one there we see how easy it is when I have these as far matters now what did we say perpendicular this kind of jump one whenever it changes direction use that one then sorry let me dimension that just kind of go down I'll let me see can still rotate this way so let's try and receive that works it worked you can still come that way that's perpendicular to that one what else can I do in here can I do brilliant and it's all by itself now of course if you delete a one of the lines or you insert nodes you may need to reconstruct but it's better to have it all by itself than floating around based on geometry that might not be there at the end now another trick I don't like to use reference dimensions like I've showed you as in if this is referenced by that one yeah we just put elbow there and this I just want to show you how to deal with reference dimensions when they break so say it's going it's overlapping I'm sure if you can see this that's one and there's the other one and it's 39 but it's 39 above so they're overlapping what are you going to do this is simple case where you can just drag down but you could have that these two were overlapping so what are you doing then you don't want to delete the dimension because if you delete this and it's being reused than all the others you mean orphans and they lose the reference so what do you do you select it and then you go into 3d sketch yes I'm not in the route I'm in the 3d sketch and you send it as driven dimension yeah this way I can freely drag it to whatever I want and then you can just press space bar because it's repeating first command which was repeat driven dimension and it's back to a value yeah I can i I still need to type my dimensioning but at least this hasn't lost reference this is still D 15 because I normally I would have deleted it and put another dimension there but then all these have law would have lost reference oh it's getting late now again all the way up I don't populate it save say you don't want to lose all this save it you never know it may crash now you can go back and run to and populate the route and I'm going to show you how to drop a couple of fittings real quick I'm not going to use this the text anymore I'm just going to try and use whatever we have in the assembly see I need the T there I need the ball filter I need both valve TT and so on and so on yeah now I've already placed some T's there different size and they're in different route I cannot pick them up so what do you do well you actually activate the Select in here but but you can always use the keyboard like I do just hold down shift and right click and this way you can choose between power priority future and so on and so on yeah so you cannot pick it now because it's in a different assembly from it's going to be a different run but I'm going to need that valve I'm not going to need that size I'm just going to need one that's in the same folder so watch this right-click part priority now I can select it right-click I properties real quick copy the path just ctrl C use the user keyboard guys I can't I can't tell you how how helpful this is so I've got the path now I can choose place fitting just paste the path get a 25 and drop it and drop it once increase the arrows and change to 180 fine and continue and drop it twice now the that the room is not in the way because it's not enabled it's not pickable so I can drop it again increase the size a mouse tends to move so I need these really big a couple of pluses on the keyboard should should help now if it was aligned the other way just press spacebar yeah no we okay continue and drop it in there let me see is it looking the same here we kind of the big side on the outside it just needs to look hope place filling drop it in there done now I need a T what am I going to do same thing well actually let me show you something else now at times at times I don't know why it's just a random behavior you not you may not be able to pick any of these although you are on part priority you won't be able to pick them don't go crazy just choose part priority again that's right just choose part priority again and it will work don't ask me why is just try and turn ten and use part priority again and if you're inside the assembly sometimes picking these won't work so we gotta use component priority because it's in the same run yeah anyway just play with this now I need an elbow I'm sorry eighty getting tired so I've got that place fitting you've got two options you either drop it up in the air somewhere change sides then pick it again and then drop it in or I don't bother I just drop it in and you can either click and then press spacebar to change the orientation or you can just press spacebar now yeah so I could drop it in and then use spacebar or I could have used a change orientation before now done you need to place it then use CS change size keyboard guys and we're going to go 32 again why did you do that editing orientation tada done and I have the proper gap there it's all nice good now let's do it again it's fitting drop it in there change direction go in there done do it again drop it in there increase the size a bit go that way 90 that's where I want to have it now I need another I usually don't place all the pipes and everything I kind of tend to no one will be able to see in inside the fitting watch this I connect in here so mean it much go 180 yeah and then done then I can change size to half inch and then what you want to do is adding feeling connection with that like I said this guy is getting late now I actually want these are defined I want it on 0 this will bring it out a bit yeah and then I can I can yeah I'm working on you guys I've copied the path before so I can drop it in there and make this bigger place just go 90 that's that's done and then I can that's the last thing we got to do I just want to show you how quickly you can do this done nice feeling same place with simple love yep connect in there and you're done yeah all right now I think we covered enough or maybe as much as we can at the moment by the way this is inventor 2015 and we are pushing for some changes we already got response from Autodesk about doing some changes like say in here if you need to go on a different size just kind of to the end with a feeling you should be able in 2016 to select multiple component and then you can change size I know you can change the ammeter now but that's not available for for all the fittings so it's like if you choose valve or other power parts from content center the change the diameter is not available now so if you select more than one then the change size when you right-click adjust when you right-click the change size is not available but it should work from 2016 if you need to go who say a sample valve or something else you have another bit of pipe there or you need to show reducer I would not create a different route I would just change the size for it right here I mean you know you don't want to keep it too complicated in here here we're talking about setting up a level of details and view representations this should be just good enough yeah so that's about it now let me just ask you how do you do tags component types valve tags you know the P&ID the same valve can have different identification numbers we start our valve tanks at 100 and Instrumentation at 500 so how do you do that in here this is the same part I'm not going to start putting it in I don't know I properties this is crazy I mean you can go to up to 300 valves on the same P&ID so what do you do the secret is or what I found is you can use the browser name or just show you this you're curious name so it's kind of the Nick that the assembly give to this component to keep it unique that's just a nickname that's inside the assembly but you can use that as tagging now even if you're on part priority you cannot change current from a different assembly you need to be inside that assembly but luckily I have created a bit of code it's free on the internet it's free on my blog you can find it where you can just change tags on the fly and let me show you that right I've loaded my rule here's the rule it's very very very very very simply it says for whatever you pick in the assembly ask for for the tag yeah so let's run this okay pick something that one what's that oh that's going to be a valve 101 sorry capital V V 101 what's that one that's v-102 yeah and then when you're finished or when it gets into an error you just escape now let's look at the eye properties even though I'm on a different assembly it's still gonna put the name there yeah and then it's still going to be there let's run it again if in here oh it already tells me that it's 101 do you want to change for somethings if in here you click cancel it's going to default it's going to go back to default so good that's what I wanted I didn't intend this to happen but it does so lucky us okay and then let's try and do that was say V 105 is started v + V 106 because I need to show you how to get this into the drawing we've got the the different bit of code for getting all this into the drawing I forgot where was I 8 I don't know ten let's say ten how you distracting me guys okay save now let's create the level of detail we will get just this into the drawing this is too big so let's isolate all this just these that's what we want and let's do sorry new we're going to call these um tags thanks one copy to level of detail please okay let's activate that as well I just want to make sure there's nothing in here come on your changes yes like I said on my the mouse that I have it work I have entered and escaped with my tongue it's much easier plus this is a laptop mouth side it's really small right save now let's go into it right so I've created a drawing with a couple of views just keep going into raster mode so what you want to do is right-click include routes enter there are then dimension you kind of have emotion there now if you want to keep it neat I haven't set up my Styles look at all that precision doesn't matter so if you want to keep it neat I think I'm going to have to shut it down and start again because even though I'm taking it off it's still there and we're back I told you I had to shut down your vendor now dimension dimension that oh I don't like that why is it doing that so right-click annotation plane show all part work planes of what of the elbow I'm gonna use that use it in there and then do that that's not good annotation plane short part word planes do that I like that why can't you do that that's not bad now I'm getting tired eyes down and then right at the end way you don't have to do this you probably have your style set up correctly just trees two zero one zero and copy properties on all these yeah and that's how you align them I should have probably left it kind of horizontal in that plane look better but so you gotta go into your run right-click include route centers here and that's the way to dimension you can also dimension like from there to come on there yeah and you can also change plane and play with this this is how you get it in now we've done all that tagging inside the assembly but how do we get any here well the only thing the only way I could think of is to create custom balloon I don't want to mess up the balloons for the items parts list so I've created a new balloon actually I've created a new balloon style come on it's called tags and it's of type X argon and it only tells item in it you'll see it only has item that's it why did I have to do that well because the code that we have to bring in the values from the assembly will process the balloons but only if the balloons have the name tag you need the style sorry the style has the name text because you don't want to process all the balloons you may want to do a parts list you don't want to mess that up okay so balloon don't use auto balloon just use manual balloon that way if you use manual balloon yes all levels annotate format I'm going to choose tags I want that to be of type tags when use manual balloon you can even balloon the same thing multiple times yeah okay save this and then we have the code for doing a tag this is a little more complicated because it's processing all the sheets and it's got two options let's try and run it so do you want to get it from the browser from the assembly browser or do you want to get from the balloon I want to get it from the browser sometimes it cannot process all the balloons that's because I know it it cannot get all the reference geometry so you just just change your point drag it to a different point if you cannot get the value in here if it still sells fourteen or whatever the number is just choose another point now let me show you why the other option so I'm going to shoot number two and we got a balloon and we got balloon --tags --tags so run get it from the browser get it in here as well now balloon again sorry about the confusion I just want to show you this tags and we said this we want it three 200 I'm trying to say is you can you don't have to do it in the assembly I find it easier to do it in assembly in 3d you can do it in here just place the balloon first and then that was what y.v 107 here and then run the code get it from the balloon send it to the to the assembly so if I open them forever if I open the assembly let's check that part priority that is v200 I just need to get back into the drawing what I'm saying is you can you can send it from the drawing so get it on browser now that's too hard yeah and that's how I do tanks and that's about it I'm sure I've left a lot of the things out and that's why I want your comments and we want to see how you're doing all this stuff what your best practice is don't be shy send us an email you know go to the to the blog this is my blog I don't know where this guy is but there's a lot of good info in here ah that's the blog by their blog 80s that's all calm I told you about multiple change sides it's been accepted it's going to be implemented in to 2016 there's a lot of good influence on so going to Chris's website he's a speaker and trainer at Autodesk University and he's got a lot of good info about to show you that that's nice about the Cuban pipe and also go to the blog to inventor sorry to the forum to the inventor forum there's a lot of good info in there as well so CAD trips CAD tips tricks sorry Chris don't get it don't worry thanks for watching
Channel: Adrian Salariu
Views: 169,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autodesk, inventor, tube, pipe, routed, systems, tips, tricks, branches, tags, ilogic, representations, level, of, detail
Id: r0NuTAwpYFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 50sec (4010 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 13 2014
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