Auto Tiling in Unity - Tilemap Rule Tiles - 2021 Tutorial

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Thanks, that was very clearly explained.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/poly-pheme 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
When you still place your tiles  by hand, one after another,   then you should definitely watch this! Auto-Tiling is a cool feature   which automatically places your tiles based  on rules you set. And the best thing: It's   easy to achieve without any coding required! I start with a new 2D project. Open the Package   Manager und "Window" and go the Unity Registry  tab. Currently the 2D Tilemap Extras Package   is still not fully released - if you see it -  fine!- but if click on this little settings icon   and "Advanced Project Settings". Here  activate the "Enable Preview Packages".   Now you should see it and can install it. If you still can't see it, you may use the   Unity 2021 beta version where it's not visible  at the time of recording. But you can install it   by going to this little plus icon and select "Add  package by name" and just enter its name. It will   automatically install by clicking on "Add". So the package should now be installed.   I added this chocolate Tilemap from a  kenny asset pack because - CHOCOLATE   and also a rectangular Tilemap. In a new folder I called "Tiles",   I'll create a so called "Rule-Tile"  under 2D > Tiles > Rule Tile.   In this Inspector dialog we can now easily  create our rules as long as they are not   too special. This would require some coding. As it says on the right, we need to add sprites.   I use a center piece as the default one.   If you configured everything right,  this won't bother at the end.   I also add this one as the first rule. In  the grid on the right you can specify this   rule by clicking on the fields. A green arrow  means that another tile must be adjacent.   A red cross means that  there mustn't be anything.   The little bobble in the center represents  the position of this current tile.   If not open click there at the  bottom to open this preview.   This looks a bit odd now, because our ruleset is  not done, but based on what your tileset will be,   this is also not reliable to look at. I highly recommend to test your rules live.   Drag your created rule tile in a palette and draw  something on your Tilemap. As you can see our top   tile is already applied when the rules match. When we now add another rule we can see the   changes. So this helps a lot if you are not  quite sure where to put arrows or crosses.   I won't add everything now, but let me  show you some other cool features.   Based on your tiles you may also must  watch out for the diagonal adjacent ones   like in this case. By checking  the "Extend Neighbor" checkbox   you can even spread your rules out further  which can handle more complex cases.   This diagonal one here is not applied but  rather the center tile. The reason here is   it looks almost the same but the one cross.  The center rule is ranked higher in this list   so it is applied first. We could just drag it  below or better specify the rule even more.   If you have more than one tile for the  same spot you can change the output to   "Random" and increase the size of this list  and now drag your other sprites in. It will now   automatically add one of the sprites in the list.  By changing the "Noise" slider you can change the   "Random-Factor" which will be used. So now there  are more tiles with candy on top - great.   You can also let the tiles roate randomly or  mirror along the X or Y axis or both of them.   In this case the tiles don't change when  mirroring along the x axis, so yeah...   Another cool feature are "Animated  Tiles". You can create them separately   but also inside a rule, like this. How about: you can't jump on those   tiles when there is candy because  you want to eat the candy.   Let's switch to another project. This  is how a default RuleTile looks like.   With this tile i can create those basic shapes. But I also have these paths which are three tiles   wide. A fully centered one and two small border  pieced. The rules only look good when drawing   all three pieces. This is easy by  using this rectangular drawing tool.   But the preview of this rule tile look just  strange. That's why I recommend to test your   rules right inside your scene. If you are interested in more let   me know in the comments. Thank you for  watching and I'll see you next time.
Channel: Velvary
Views: 7,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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