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autonomous GPT a badass open source project that has been dominating the GitHub training page it was developed as an experiment to demonstrate the power of gpt4 and allows the user to define a role for the AI and provide a list of tasks to execute as an example you can tell the AI to look up upcoming holidays and then create a unique recipe based on that holiday the AI will then connect to the internet lookup holidays create a recipe write to a file and shut down once the task is complete in this video I will show you how you can set up Auto GPT locally let's begin for the prerequisites ensure that you have python 3.7 or later installed lastly we also need git installed as well then create a new folder on your PC and open the command prompt we can then copy the URL to the auto GPT repel and in our Command Prompt enter git clone and then paste in that URL press enter after cloning is complete we can open up the auto GPT folder and we can then open up the command prompt again in this folder or CD into this folder we then need to call Pep install Dash R requirements.txt press enter after installation is complete we then need to edit this environment template file first we need to rename the file by removing the dot template in the file name if you get this prompt simply say yes then open up the dot EnV file in an editor of your choice in the environment variable file we need to provide our open AI API key optionally we can also provide any 11 Labs API key for translating text to voice first let's set up our open AI key for this go to and register your account from this dashboard click on personal view API Keys then click on create new API key copy or key and then replace this text with your API key save this file so in this demo we'll ask the AI to go to and then look up the price for an Nvidia RTX 1490 and then write the result to a file so back in our folder we can then enter Python scripts slash main dot Pi first we need to give our AI a name I will call it sharper GPT then we need to define a role for this AI I will just type a shopper bot we then need to list the goals for this AI first we will tell it to browse then find the price of an Nvidia RTX 4090 then write the price to a text file then lastly shut down when the tasks are complete we can then press enter the AI will now try to execute these goals in sequence it will give us information like its thoughts its reasoning its plan as well as some criticisms it will also ask us to confirm its reasoning by pressing y or after pressing y a whole bunch of times the process has finally completed we can see the output file by going to Auto GPT workspace and our AI has found the price on and it's written it to the file this is very impressive and all but having to type Y is not very autonomous so what we can do is start this process again with Python scripts main.pi but we can also add additional arguments to this file by entering Double Dash then continuous when running the script with continuous set we get this warning this is because the AI will no longer ask us for permission or authorization to continue and it will simply just run along so be warned I will execute the same command that we did earlier but this time in continuous mode this time the AI was able to complete its task without our intervention we can see the output of this run and we successfully got the price back lastly otgpt also supports the speed argument this will convert the text to speech using the 11 Labs API so what you can do is create an account with 11 Labs click on your profile and then copy the API key then back in your project open up the dot EnV file and replace this text with your 11 Labs API key then when you execute otgpt with the dash dash speak argument the bot will actually chatting you in a natural human sounding voice this has been Auto GPT in a nutshell if you like this video please consider subscribing to my channel I'll see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: Leon van Zyl
Views: 171,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto gpt4, auto gpt, gpt4, auto chatgpt
Id: 7On7vRBGz78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 38sec (278 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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