Auto desk Maya OX CART Model Using Polygonal Tools

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okay let's create on simple model okay so this called oxcart model missing polygon primitives so I got one image here so I'll place it so it come back to you so it's very simple basically it's very simple you can have a look at me after this one so it have most of all similar kind of pieces like this one this foundational similar and this one right here is similar these are all similar okay even by the way this wheel also it's kind of all these things are similar to each other so what I will do I'd create first one side of its object I will start from the wheel okay so start from the ocean go to create polygon primitives pipe okay so you can create a pipe like this way for the border okay so even you'll get in this polygon shelf editor so right click on this form so you can see you know right click on this you will get the same primitives okay so primitives will be headed in different different places okay fine I will adjust this one so here by default it will be 20 so I don't want to that much detail the father now so I will make it into 16 segments okay so I'll scale it up and I'll increase the thickness like somewhat like this must and I will say reduce this one okay so wheel base these portions just make sure that this portion is ready for this one fine next I'll make this value 0 so that it will be in exactly it's interrupt this one so I will create another cylinder for the center portion and this one also make it 16 so that it will match to each other go to any side of your front view press 4 and keep it almost like this way this is fine it's not exactly the same value so go to top you right click face select this one alternative ansari select alternative one and now you can see i want to select only this area but it's selected everything so I purposely I did that holding the control deselect all those things now you can see this only this portion got selected now use the tool called extrude control ease the shortcut key here you have the tool control so extra you will get the manipulation tool here I'll reduce this size somewhat like this way and that's fine again press extrude or hold the shift and move so it is kind of extrude only press better extraor it move it you can add one more line near the border by extruding again so place it exactly near to this area and have a look at this image we have one more extruded portion over from here so what I will do I'll select this top portion by drag select and obviously bottom also got selected so holding the control deselect them make sure there is nothing extra other than this is selected and extrude again scale down and more bit extrude again scale down and again extrude I am pressing G to repeat the last use to come on okay so in this corner to make it round shape here select this border so we have a one more tool called bevel so what this bevel will do it is split that one vertex into - 1 edges component into 2 you can reduce this segment like 0.2 0.1 something and increase the segment to 1 to clear so you got this we got created ladies bit if you need okay even for the wheel border also you can do the same it should have selecting each and every border so you you want for all the four border then directly selecting object more use the bevel tool recently which I used bevel ok control B or this is the icon for that event so again I can bevel it reduce this to point one segment clear so these two have got selected now you can combine these or else you can group them both anything you can use it for combine this one so better I will do I will combine them so go to mesh and I'll say combine now it become a single object now I'll rotate this into ninety degree and I'll place it somewhere here okay so your captain is ready next is this base mesh so it will start from the center and it will extend it to here so take a cube it's quite simple and better go to any cooperated view so so more this size and I will place it start from here and now I'll use the tool called bevel again say 0.2 or 0.3 something and the segment smooth okay so if forgot to add the sorry increase the length so don't worry so don't scale like this now what happened can you see that bevel edges distance got increasing getting increased okay so right click and go to vertex mode and select these vertex and pull it to this distance so how much distance you want yes not balanced okay and now again if we need later go out that you can do anything so duplicate this one and create this one okay so I will place it on top of this slightly scaled down and I'll place it somewhere here okay fine is it clear okay so next one I will create this portion using the cylinder so we can create it like that so I'll use a cylinder to create and I don't want these mini segments obviously I will reduce it to 12 or 16 so that will be enough for that and reduce the scale and place it so better bring it in here to this one and make sure it's just not too much height than the V this is fine and for more optimization what you can do so the phase which is inside this portion now so this portion so you can delete it if you don't want okay so because of all that's unnecessary it's not visible correct and this area you can use the bevel on to spine and increase one segment so it will become wrong neat okay go to top you segment press shift D to duplicate it the briquette special shifting ship you can align it wherever oh I hope that is fine that is a little bit for this area and now duplicate this shifting and shifting this is done so looks like it have too much of thickness right use it and scale it okay girls left other side no here and we did one mistake we beveled from overall so it's created a strong necessary lines here so just you can delete a tutorial sequence immediately you can create one more new just don't take much time to create this actually extra it created by mistake Lee applying the bevel so that I don't want can delete it or us just recreate that shape it's very quick take a pipe and reduce the value sorry segment fine so Nate entry fine so I group this so that you can go to center of the object and say press ctrl G ctrl G the shortcut key for grouping and I will say duplicate and here I reduce x-axis to - because you can see the blue color online so blue color indicates as a taxes sorry I'll say - one here ok if you feel this is too close to each other just move it to this distance now freeze them so that the value of this will become 1 and now group it not duplicate - 1 now you can see got created clear okay so I'll create this portion and other portion so better I will take this duplicate again I'll place this one to Center port and I'll rotate it and I'm or similar kind of segment I'll take one more duplicate let's start from here you this is enough and even for this these are all extra faces you can delete them okay press press yup lovin so you can go to face mode select all and deselect this one only this will be left over so anyway server he done you can delete okay for more optimization so that your poly count will be getting reduced fine is it clear okay I hope this is clear and next we'll do this barrier okay so this you can do it in two three method I will show you one simple method how we can do take it cylinder and increase the segment so I already sit up to 12 it's quite enough height so I'll make sure that what is my maximum height I'll get can use so somewhat this much height is more than enough can place it right okay place it somewhere here now I'll do the shape so double tap on this mid one press B so that it will activate the soft modification so I can scale it up select these two and I can scale it a bit and select these two again I press B it will come back to normal and now we can reduce the scale and slightly increase the Hat okay so I can select these portion extrude them scale it and again extrude and pull it inside so you can see so top portion of that can be created like that way this is another metal piece which is attached to this one so that you can create it separately and you can use pipe and I can place this one exactly on top of this one I'll place it here and I'll say thank you very nice thickness can attach this one to here and I started to placate this one then we let it change the shape yes fine so here select these two these four types aside you can scale it slightly for this you need you may need one more lines okay our time being you can you do this one yes you can we just created one a piece of code that which is even here they also created so same way we can create one more so now I exactly I want then the same in opposite direction so what you can do is first please hold the D and X and place the PowerPoint in assent n so again duplicate it in scale X make it minus 1 so it will flip to this angle very easily and very quickly okay so say one more I will say Center pure and I'll duplicate it different shape right now I will select all these things and I'm say combine and I can place it in number of things okay say ship today [Music]
Channel: AUK Creation
Views: 2,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Maya, Polygon model, Oxcart, Lowpoly Model, Basic 3D model
Id: yVuwyOZIZOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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