Autism and Relationships: Sam Goes Dating

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HUNUA, FRANKLIN DISTRICT Sam! Oh, you're up! Wow, you're organized! Do you know what's happening today? - Today? Rainbow's End. - Rainbow's End, isn't it? (interviewer) Can you start by just telling me your name? Sam...Muir-James SAM MUIR-JAMES (interviewer) And how old are you, Sam? Twenty-seven. (interviewer) And is this the first time that you've been on a date to Rainbow's End, Sam? Yes. What do we need to do now before we go? - Brush? - Yep. Shave. (Jayne) Autism is a complex disorder... ...and no one person on the spectrum is alike. For Sam, it's understanding his world... ...a bit different from everybody else's. JAYNE SAM'S MUM Things are interpreted different. And, sometimes, getting his communication across... ...can be a bit difficult. Some of the boys at high school had girlfriends... ...and, you know, they were displaying them around the school, you know, very cozy and that! And...would you agree, Sam? It was like... - ..."I want one of those." - Yes. What's you favorite ride? Fearfall... Corkscrew. The Corkscrew and the Fearfall is it? - Fearfall. - Oh gosh. I hope Tania likes that! You don't mind me saying that you're caught up... ...with Tania again on Facebook? Yes. I think it was late November, early December... ...they were communicating via Facebook. It's a great thing, isn't it for catching up with people? And they had arranged to go on a trip... Rainbow's End. (interviewer) What do you like about Tania? - Good look... - Good looking? - Yeah. - Mhmm. WEYMOUTH, SOUTH AUCKLAND My name is Tania... Tania...'s going to come out wrong! Tania Allen. TANIA ALLEN And I live with Viv! Excuse me! VIVIENNE TANIA'S MUM Viv's my mum. (Vivienne) When she was born, she had no muscle tone at all. I had therapists coming out all the time. She was a febrile convulser, so that meant... ...I could be in hospital three times a day... ...through different fits she had. Right up to the age of eleven. Glasses...when she got her glasses... ...hiding her glasses. You'd send her to kindergarten with a pair of glasses Come home, no glasses. We went through glasses like I go through my smokes! She would've only been seven. She had one fit while she was at school... we got her to the hospital... ...went to go take her back to school... ...they didn't want anything to do with her. Nobody wanted to deal with her situation. You know, even her sisters and that...'s like, Tania, you know... They just don't grasp the situation. And I thought, I gave birth to her... I'll look after her till the day I die. ♪ Oh mum, I love you Yes, I do ♪ (Vivienne) I'd love her to be way more independent. Like, she's 28, and it's like she's still like a 10 year old. Probably my biggest concern's being.... do you say? Taken advantage of. And that's sort of happened in her lifetime already. And this is by a goddamn 60 year old male. And having turned to being there, and, like, she thinks she's in love. Then I'm losing the plot, thinking: "What do you think...'re doing?" You know, and I don't think she realizes, you know... ...and these people, like these old goddamn men... ...send photos of themselves in bars and that. And that's my greatest fear for her. ♪ I never knew just how much ♪ (interviewer) How do you feel about Tania... ...becoming Sam's girlfriend? Well, I don't think that would worry me... ...because they're sort of of the same mentality. You know, she understands him, he understands her. It's not as though it's a normal person... ...getting with somebody that's like a 10 or 11 year old. Sam has had a few girlfriends over the last couple of years. You know, they've sort of parted ways... ...a couple of them have. With Sam's autism everything needs to be learnt. He needs reminding to keep in touch... ...with your girlfriends, don't you Sam? Either by phone, or... And sometimes because of that... know, things haven't eventuated or gone... the next step further. You don't mind me telling them about the text... - ...Raewyn sent you? - Yeah. It's just autism again, and understanding the language. See, Sam hadn't kept in touch with Raewyn... ...for a good few months had you Sam? And Raewyn sent him a text and said: "Sam..." "...I think we should break up," and he didn't understand the text. So, of course, I read it to him. And he thought "break" was like "break something". And so I had to explain what the break-up meant. Sam was ok about it, weren't you? Yes. Actually, Tania was one of his first girlfriends... ...wasn't she? - As just a friend to talk to... - Yeah. ... at school. (Tania) I actually met Sam back in late 1996... ...just as he was being enrolled. Sam came to me, came straight to me. And I'm like, "Uhh, who's this boy?" "Where did he come from?" I'm like, "Uhh, I'm doing my work." So he just sat there and stayed there. I asked Sam, I go, "Who do you like?" And he goes, "You!" He replied with, "you". So I told him, "Go hang out with the boys!" (Jayne) It's interesting all these years later... they're going to be catching up again. It's really neat. If nothing comes of it I know they'll be good friends. It'll be a great friendship, anyway. Yeah. Personally, as a mum... ..I think they're both very well-suited for each other. But I'm going to back off there. We'll leave that up to you, yeah. What are we going to wear for Rainbow's End? Are they going to fit you? They should fit me. - You don't want to wear black? - No. (Tania) Black will burn me! Going to wear that over the top of that? Yes, over the top of... And then what are you going to wear if it's cold? This. (Tania) That's my final choice. So, there's something you forgot to put in your bag too. The present! - Whose present? - Tania's. Yeah, don't leave that behind, will you? - Well, are you excited? - Yes! Cool. Here you go. [We're going after you.] (Tania) Don't like the Power Surge. But we'll still go on it. - Hi! - Did you come to meet Rainbow? Yes. Give them a high five! Hello. (Tania) Thank you. - See, there's the Invader there. - Yes. But we're going down to the rollercoaster. Okay. ♪ (music playing) ♪ (riders screaming) Do you want to go to this one next? Yes. (riders screaming) Sam! Woohoo! Two chocolate milkshakes, please. Let's go to... the bench. You are welcome. - Thank you, Sam. - You're welcome. (Tania) I don't want this. Wasn't it a great idea... ...Tania getting hold of Sam again through Facebook? (Jayne) Gee, she hasn't changed a bit she's still her chatty self. Really, really good for Sam, you know. She is, because she's very social. And it's like, if he's quiet, she'll go, "Sam! Blah blah blah..." And he goes, "Yeah!" (Jayne) I'm hoping, fingers crossed, they'll continue... see each other. You know, because Tania's really good for Sam. (Vivienne) That's what I thought. And she's known Sam since intermediate. And it's like she, even though in those years... ...they didn't contact, she always talked about him. She talked about other classmates, but a lot about him. (Jayne) Great, yeah, likewise. (interviewer) So, how was the date? (Sam) Excellent! (interviewer) Ah, excellent, great. You had a good time? (Jayne) Yeah, he's not really a man of many words, But when he came home... ...he had a big smile on his face. And you and her looked really nice together. Got a lot in common. And you've known each other for a long time now. So, yeah, I think they might be going places. Yeah, I hope it continues. Because it's really important for Sam... have a good friendship, isn't it too, Sam? - Anything else? - What is go...places? What I mean by that, is going lots of places... ...and spending a lot more time together. - Yes. - Yeah? (interviewer) So, have you got any plans... see Tania again soon? (interviewer) Oh ok, and what are you going to do? (child speaking indiscernibly) (Vivienne) She's going out on her first dinner date. Which, you know, I think she's really excited and I think I'm more nervous than excited. It's freaky! We're not the sort of people that go to restaurants. (hairdresser) Do you like Indian food, Tania? (Tania) I've never tried it! (Vivienne) I think she's nervous. Pacing up and down, up and down. Over there, get on her phone, text... ... "Shall I get ready yet?" "No, no, no, plenty of time." "We'll get ready in afternoon time." This, like, all day long! When she walks out of here, she'll look a million dollars! Would you like me to pretend to be Tania again? - Yes - And you're you. Yep. So, have you decided what you're going to order? What have you decided on? On chicken tikka masala. So, I will order- this is just pretend, remember... I'm going to order buttered chicken. Do you think I would like it mild, or very hot? Mmmmm... mild. Mild. So are you going to suggest that to Tania? - Yep. - Yep, that's a good idea. So, you have a really awesome night tonight. - Okay? - Okay. What time do you have to pick her up? - Seven? - Six-thirty? Do you think that's a good time? Yeah, six-thirty. Gives you time to pick her up and drive to the restaurant... ...doesn't it? - Excited? - Yeah. I'm excited too! (dog barking, child laughing) (child) Sam's here! Sorry guys! (crosstalk) - Hi Sam! - Hi, how are you? - Ready for tonight? - Yes. - You nervous? - No. No? (interviewer) Sam, kiss? (Vivenne) Oh, he's ready, he's keen. He's keen Tania, go for it! (Interviewer) Yay! Very nice. - He's a good man. - Yes. - Eh, Sam. - Yes! - What time do you want to go? - Anytime! - Ok, we'll go. - We'll go? - Yep, go. - See you later! (Sam) See you later! - Bye! - Bye, Sam! Have a good night. - Bye! - Bye, Tania! (Tania) Look, Sam! Out the window! She's trying to take photos of us, Sam. - Chicken tikka masala. - Chicken tikka masala, yep. So, how spicy do you want? Mild, Indian hot? Indian hot. - You want it hot-hot, Sam? - Yes, hot-hot. -So, do you want a starter? - A what? Like, an appetizer. Yeah, you want something? - Yeah, appetizer. - Like this one? I didn't see that one! These are all curries. Do you want something from that? Yeah. [One side...?] (Tania) If you want to... Do you want the same one, or three? So, what do you want? Shall we get the same one, Sam? Yes, the same one. (waitress) So, are you finished? Do you want any more drink? - Just... - And your rice. - You all right there, Sam? - Yeah, I'm fine. Come on, Sam. We've got to go that way. - Thanks for dinner, Sam. - You too! - It's been great seeing you. - It's been great seeing you too! Yep. Yes, we will! - We'll let Mum know. - Okay. Sam's really grown up and matured quite a lot... the last few years, I would say. So, he's starting to get the hang of this dating thing. And I can see him and Tania probably... Well, my hope for Sam is that they continue... go out together, and have new and different experiences as well. You know, I just want for Sam what any other parent wants. I just think that Sam and Tania are a really good match. Yes. Things are working out pretty good now? Yes, pretty good with me and (Tania). Yeah, I think they are working out with you and Tania. Last few months... ...I've never seen you look more happier... ...than you ever had before. (interviewer) Would you like to get married one day, Sam? Yeah, I would get married. I think they might end up being... ...what do you say? Husband and wife. Isn't that a scary thought? Why can't they have the same opportunity... normal people have? You know, at the end of the day that's my sort of outlook. If she's gonna have a baby, I'm going to be there... support her. She's one who attracts babies, you know. She's brilliant with kids. And if the opportunity arises, if she has one... ...I'll be behind her 100%. She's just another human being, she's got her disabilities... ...but I believe she'd be a good mother if she ever had a baby. (interviewer) Do you feel like sometimes people have pressured you... the opposite direction? Yep. Right through her schooling days. "Put her on the injection! She's never going to have kids!" And I just got on the anti, she was only eleven! And I thought, "Who are you to tell me..." "...she's never gonna have a baby?!" (interviewer) Would you like to have children one day? Yeah. Would you like to have children? Yeah. How many? - Four. - Four?! - Two. - Two? Okay. Four's a big family now, Sam. I know they'd always need support... ...if that came about. But, you know, if something like that happens... ...y'know, we'll be there for them. And, y'know, it's just a possibility, y'know. At this stage it's a bit of a dream. Well, it's a dream for me. But dreams come true sometimes, don't they, Sam? - Yes. - Yep! Mmm. One month later.. Sam is competing in the Rangitoto Ocean Swim (tour guide) So, Rangitoto’s going to be our first stop... ...then we'll be going on to Half-Moon Bay. Traveling time to Rangitoto looking at around about 15-20 minutes. Sit back and relax, enjoy the ride. (Vivienne) For Tania to go watch him... ...was just like, far out. Y'know, because she saw the shark thing on TV... ...she's thinking of the sharks, y'know. "What about the sharks?" "What if..." She was concerned, probably two days out. (Jayne) I feel a lot of confidence in him I know he's going to do it. He's just really, in the last five years... ...become really competitive with the swimming. (Sam) Hello! (Jayne) It's pretty exciting. Hello! (Jayne) Y'know, he's a confident young man. Hi!. Good! We're good. Are these your goggles? Okay. Vaseline for chafing... Looks nice out there, Sam. Just a little bit choppy in the middle. - Good conditions, - Yeah. (Jayne) Who's going to be waiting at the other side? - Tania! - Tania. Wow, that'll be great. And when you get close enough...'ll see the brick toilets WALLY SAM'S DAD - Brick toilets? - Yep. See the white marker where the boat is now? The white marker just past it? - White marker? - See it? Yes. Where the big boat is just coming past? You head straight for that. And when you see the toilets, you aim straight for those. (water splashing) [horn blasting signaling start of tournament] He's back there! (Vivenne) You don't like that? So how many laps was this? Um, no laps, just straight across... ...straight across from the island, so it's 4.4 km. - Was he going to come through? - Yes. (Jayne) That looks like him! This is exciting. That's him. You've gotta let him run through to get his time. (Jayne) Awesome! Way to go, Sam! Woohoo! Come on! Run, Sam! Run, Sam! Run! Run, run, Sam! Run! Woah, thanks love! Look who's here to see you! - Tania! - Yeah! - [I'm glad to see you] - Congratulations to you! You too. (interviewer) How did you feel when you saw Tania? Feel.... ...proud. Proud? Great, (Jayne) Now, do you think you can do that at Cook Strait? - Yeah, I will. - I reckon you will, too
Channel: Attitude
Views: 323,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AttitudeLive, Disability, learning disability, special olympics, Sam Goes Dating, Autism, Intellectual Disability, Aspergers, Love Stories, autism love story, aspergers love story, relationships with intellectial disability, autism and dating, aspergers and dating, aspergers syndrome, disability discrimination, autism speaks, autism spectrum disorder, disability awareness, autism family
Id: JuKrbmPiJo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2016
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