Autism & 16 Personalities? | Autistic Adult Takes Myers-Briggs Personality Test

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hey everyone welcome back to the life autistic we're actually just going to jump straight into this one today because i got a great topic for you out around the internet or maybe throughout your professional career you found yourself taking one of these myers-briggs personality tests it's been curious to see how others on the autism spectrum are testing and in many ways there's some personality categories that i think we naturally fit and fall into and others towards it's kind of a surprise so what i wanted to do for today's episode is to just kind of go through mine i think i have a good idea on on who i am and for what it's worth i have taken this before so you know i'm kind of cheating a little bit but i haven't done so in a while it's funny in the way that these things can kind of change over time as you learn more about yourself and in some cases like in mine i'm a lot more honest with myself these days so i'm going to do a quick review over these personality types hopefully you'll take this along with me too and i'll kind of go through a bit of a tour i'm interested to see what you end up scoring if you want to go ahead and take this so we'll go ahead and get started so there's this one website that i really like going to and it's only because of the characters and it's called they're not paying me to do this i mean if you guys would like to then i'm okay i enjoy this just because it goes through like these really cute character maps and models so you'll notice that when we go over the different personality types i'm not intending this to be a really detailed explanation of myers-briggs but in general they break off folks into four different quadrants like analysts diplomats sentinels and explorers and as you read through some of these some of them are a little more naturally what you might think of autistic people so analysts really being renowned for rationality impartiality and intellectual excellence i like those things and then more the diplomats where you know if you find people who are more empathetic diplomatic and very passionate about things me and then sentinels you know looking for practicality order security and stability actually you know what like all these things could be autistic people which which is interesting and then explorers people known for their spontaneity ingenuity and flexibility i would be very interested to hear if any of my autistic audience happens to fall under the explorer category i'm open to surprises so hey let's try it out but we'll go ahead and take the test here and i'll just jump in and zip through this here free personality test so we'll go ahead and try to be ourselves and answer and then look at the detailed results and then unlock my potential so this will be fun obviously going through this enjoying vibrant social events with lots of people i'm going to mostly disagree with that i don't like a lot of people sometimes it's fine but again we've discussed this it generally isn't isn't my thing often spend time exploring unrealistic yet intriguing ideas um yeah partially i kind of do i'm not an idealist but i do like intriguing ideas travel plans look more um strangely enough i'm gonna agree with that one and let's park for a quick second on the travel plans i was just actually thinking of this the other day to where my autistic routines don't tend to be planned out by the minute because with each micro disruption i get very aggrieved very quickly i do tend to have like a rough list of ideas so you know what let's actually go back on that i'm gonna move to a smaller agree it's not gonna be as detailed but like for my paris trip for example we cover the louvre but i didn't exactly go into detail on how we would navigate through it uh what steps we would take uh but i just knew hey we're gonna go to the louvre that day i'm gonna think about what you should have said in a conversation long after oh yeah do we replay this is this a typical case of the esprit de which i should really know how to say that better given my french reference but yeah of course of course i'm gonna over analyze that um your first instinct is to support them emotionally you know i'm gonna mostly disagree with this only because for me the key to solving sadness it is it is at the root of it it's a problem and i i have to check myself and realize that it's like this one ad i saw it's not about the nail you know i'm kind of waffling on this one just a little bit but my natural inclination is to try to solve it at first you know i feel like that's the most direct route but i'm learning to just kind of put a more emotional face on it really upset you i'm gonna partially disagree um oh i'm man this is hard because i really rarely upset you damn i'm gonna neutralize this um usually it's not people it's the things they do rely on other people to be the ones to start a conversation and keep it going i'm gonna say i agree i know how to do this in a pinch but my goal is not to keep talking it's to get you talking put your plans on hold top party absolutely um 100 i don't i don't know why anyone would disagree with this rarely worry if you made a good impression i'm i'm gonna partially disagree because i have a certain certain air of not caring anymore i do like to think about whether i can accurately assess um good impressions or not challenge spend the whole weekend with a disagree oh my goodness if i had the whole week i don't get bored i don't get bored and i don't understand that concept there's always something to do and there's something to think about so this is an obvious obvious disagreement more of a detail oriented than a big picture yeah i'm all about the details i do miss the trees for the forest or however that expression goes very affectionate with people this is hard and it's not a defect of my personality it's just difficult for me to be as warm and fuzzy the way i express care and affection it's a different kind of like love language so to speak so i think the people who know that i care about him wouldn't say oh he's affectionate but i am loyal i am pretty fierce so i'm i'm not cold i am a dad of three daughters now and i care about them deeply so oh it's a careful methodical approach to life yes bothered by the mistakes i don't get as bothered by them anymore i still remember them but they don't bother me because i'm able to logically parse out this happened this is what i learned let's not kick myself let's move on parties you can mostly be found further away from the action yeah i kind of like that difficult to relate to people who let their emotions guide them if you are this kind of person you're not wrong that you have emotions and that they guide you it's just a different kind of language and current and wavelength that i don't really understand or relate to and because of that it becomes unpredictable and when it's unpredictable it becomes difficult for me to reckon with this as an autistic person i am going to i'm actually going to strongly agree with this because i i don't relate but i can work with those people spend ages browsing the catalog see this might be a dated reference looking for a movie to watch yeah cause then i go into like these decision hierarchies however i'm pretty resolute if i know what i want to watch so let's go ahead and we'll slightly agree you can stay calm under a lot of pressure i i agree with this when sometimes i'll freak out a little bit but when i know that a situation begets a lot of chaos i kind of start flipping a lot of switches off in order to maintain some order so yeah and in some cases really lose it depending on the pressure and it'll get like flappy and like stimmy and like then it gets like panicky but then when i see everybody else under a lot of pressure you know family kids other co-workers that tends to make me a lot more cool so i kind of i kind of like that so yes next what group um with a group of people you have no problem jumping right in the conversation very much disagree i really have to wait and ramp up to this and i have to wait till i can assess who's doing a lot of it i just disagree tend to be bizarre and fantastical um i mean there's some there's some literary literalities there they're not super bizarre i'm not neutral on that one it's okay to step on others i i disagree with this i just disagree with this entirely i don't think you do that no you just don't only rarely getting sidetracked i i mean if we're talking long-term goals the answer is yes i don't really get sidetracked on a macro goal in a micro then it gets tricky because if i'm working on a certain part of it like even during workouts i'll check like my messages i'll um try to stay ahead on work emails when i probably shouldn't i'll switch songs but the workouts always happen like i will finish those and it's not a side track that derails it i'm going to say i agree because i don't really get sidetracked off of the important stuff if you make a mistake you tend to start doubting what's weird is that you know i'm pretty good about ruling out mistakes but i'm not no i kind of disagree i i think at my worst i do but at my best i realized i just didn't have all the variables i didn't have all the notional components here i'm pretty hyper introspective on this one i don't really revisit these in a negative way social events you rarely try to introduce yourself to new people 100 agree i i need like my wing person or i need somebody to go with yeah i like this is 100 agree i am not i'm not gonna go out and meet new people use interest i disagree entirely with this one when it gets philosophical is when i actually gain interest i love abstractions i love spinning the proverbial wheel on this one you never let yourself cry in front of others um i do cry it's rare but i'm going to say partially agree because sometimes i get a little teary and i get a bit emotional and worked up um yeah let's agree with that more quiet so this comes back to that whole museum or parties question more drawn to places i'm going to say i slightly disagree with this maybe not i like quite intimate places but bustling and busy just depends on what the draw is so i'm i do have more of a draw for my own senses but it has to be a lot i'm going to neutral i can't really make up my mind um different views and theories on what the way hey so if you watched a recent video of mine you know that i like to project into the future and cast different what i call like index of possibilities i think as part of our autistic nature we have to index and pre-plan and do a lot of scenario-based things in order to really help shape and frame what our days and moments are going to look like and even at the long term this is actually kind of a fun exercise so i think i think on this one we'll go ahead and agree uh disagree my head my heart are pretty well on alignment but then there's like things that you know feel right but i disagree i am very logical about these can't imagine yourself dedicating to the life of study that's not true in an alternate universe i could totally be a theologian i mean that'd be a very interesting alternate universe so i'm gonna disagree i actually you know what partially because the abstraction would probably get to me which is why i like doing more practical things in my career next let's see get your revenge rather than forget this is funny because earlier in life i probably would have pro i would have agreed my i think my non-autistic lesson is that to forgive truly is divine you have so much more agency to to let go and to forgive others their faults i mean i'd encourage you if you haven't done like a new year's resolution or habit or goal you know there is something more healing and soul cleansing to be forgiving you know that may be one of the reasons why i find so much why there's so much connection to this channel because i'm there's a lot of campaigning i could do against things in the autism community but i have found that you know what we're gonna take the world as it is and we're going to try to change it for the better having a forgiving mentality toward people who are not ignorant but rather pre-enlightened has helped out a lot you often make decisions on a whim funny enough sometimes i'm spontaneous but not often so i'm going to disagree um i strongly disagree time you spend myself more interesting you know here's what's weird is that i have i get a lot of enriching things from other people and that can make my time alone more interesting i'm gonna only slightly agree because i just need that alone time to be satisfying and i can pursue a lot of interests however you know iron sharpens iron and i love being able to interact with others other brilliant people who have no business keeping company with so i'm gonna slightly agree real meaning of the message of a song um slightly agreed to like i did major literature so i i do understand like the the meta the story behind the story let's do that you always know exactly what you want yes yes i do and wonder rarely think back no i again i'm not a regretful person so i do try to think back on choices but you know to only just only to some extent right what's done is done and then i try to inform future choices with that okay quieter and less crowded areas almost always present realities and future possibilities this one's interesting i'm gonna have to go squarely in the middle here just because i'm trying to orient my future toward better things but i realize that what i do now helps determine that i'll give a really selfish example i was just talking with another buddies on a weight loss journey i'm rooting for him that journey wasn't going to be a complete journey to lose you know 60 pounds or whatever which i did that's another story i realized that that would unlock the door to other things winning a pull-up contest against my family members which i also did so i'm gonna you know i'm gonna slightly agree with this because i'm very focused in the now knowing that it's going to affect the future to a degree hard time understanding people's feelings unless you tell me i'm just guessing i'm sorry and i'm using a lot of prior references that i've had to accumulate i've only gotten better at it now because i've made so many mistakes and i've had a lot of many years of observation of doing this i'm not talking to my two-year-old because i have no idea what she's feeling it's always interesting it's always wild so i'm gonna say i agree i do have a hard time with this um prefer to make it as yes a hundred percent if you've ever worked with me in my work capacity you know that i'm just gonna barrage with questions almost through the entirety of it you know this one stinks when you know someone thinks highly of you you also wonder how long it will be until they become disappointed in you i hate this element of doubt but i do realize that feelings towards others fluctuate and vary so this this is always at the back of my mind and i will admit it's actually been a long process to undo it so i think it's it's a product of fear and it's one of those fears i'm hoping to to get rid of you know look in the life autistic we we have to try to see these outcomes i find interesting i do not feel comfortable with that i do have to scout people out though and come up with that topic so i can do it but i don't feel comfortable just walking up to somebody with this conversation you often drift away into daydreaming you know what i partially agree with that um you often look after yourself so all right confession time this is this is where we get misattributed as being selfish but i have like a weird version of it to where you know a starving servant can't serve i've been watching some downton abbey episodes lately and honestly you can't do the job of serving if you haven't at least had something to eat i'm gonna have to slightly agree with this one not because i'm being selfish but like i get up before my kids get up i get up before my family gets up i have breakfast i have my five cups of coffee to the end that i can take care of everybody else in the household wife kids dogs because i don't have to worry about me i want to i want to get that out of the way so i can go help others um even when you have a plan you usually just end up doing no disagree that's not me i mean maybe some autistic people are like that but that's not me your mood can change very quickly no no never really can human existence um that's too broad i disagree and you often talk about your own feelings and emotions i'm gonna slightly agree with this one because i feel the need to rationalize a lot of how i'm feeling to better explain and relay that to others so next how far are we on this one 80 oh yay got detailed education no i i don't uh what i was doing five years ago has nothing to do with what i'm doing today it's kind of strange like i didn't i didn't foresee this future being a data analyst i was in organizational leadership like who knew where that came from so no you rarely dwell on your regrets um i actually agree not much of a dweller um drained spending time in a dynamic atmosphere lots of people around quickly makes you feel treated yes yes yes this is like the autism gotcha question this sort of dynamic draining and that's just it it's not like i don't like people it just takes all my spoons and my energy away very quickly realist and a visionary um it really depends on the context but i'm going to say i probably i'm going to fall yeah i'm going to fall kind of on the eq this is tough because there's like some rather interesting i'm gonna agree i just know where i'm limited i'm very practical who has gone through something i hate to say this but it's not easy for me to empathize i try my best as an autistic person navigating human feelings to relate but i've actually come across to say i i have no idea what this feels like but i felt things similar and those were hard and challenging it isn't easy but i do try organize consistent efforts i disagree sometimes you get some like virtuoso stuff i will actually say that a lot of my work has been through like these crazy winding patterns of virtuoso things however it is a product of organized and consistent effort so i'm gonna slightly disagree with this your emotions control you more than you control them no a fun party is just what you need after a long and exhausting week no wondering how technical i don't really know um no not frequently no i'm neutral but i again by dint of occupation and interest i i have that thought every now and then actions might affect i slightly disagree because this is an unnatural thing i have to remember the repercussions and be more broad and i've actually been caught aware by this whether it's something i say something i do it's not because i'm adversarial i'm just plodding through and just thinking okay if this if this helps me and doesn't hurt others there are no negative consequences but sometimes i just fail to see this um so let's disagree honor the commitments you've made i do agree actually i strongly agree what's hard is like i've actually had to read books on like how to get out of commitments and how to properly maintain them but even there's commitments you make to yourself or i will honor it or find a way to have it honored but i i'm better at making the commitment up front and making it intelligently rather than over promising and under delivering rarely feel insecure i am no i'm pretty i'm pretty pretty confident regrettably so all right what do we have here all right good we are an architect i'm relieved because i uh that's what i thought i was yeah this makes sense for me very introverted even though i can pretend and mask as an extrovert very intuitive so mental energy i like how this does come across as balanced you know i am more of a thinking person with some feelings on the sides um judging i mean i'm not i don't think i'm as judgmental you know i like how there's a little bit of a split on this one because i i'm prone to a lot of mental malady but not to where it's so overwhelming that i can't i can't handle it so this is this is really good but yeah i you're gonna find maybe in males that like the architect is is quite common pretty cool stuff i totally encourage you to you know take this test for yourself against i'd love to know yours you know you know mine you probably would have guessed it but share yours maybe what surprised you what surprises me is that well nothing i'm sorry i've taken this before i'm surprised that i guess the splits i how it marks me is very different our balance between like turbulent and assertive and intuitive and feeling and frankly you know what look being on a spectrum there's an individual spectrum to where you know i do lean firmly in a very turbulent state sometimes other times i'm completely assertive on some days i'm very spontaneous like today i'm doing a video i didn't really plan on doing it but normally i'm not but when i'm spontaneous i am and when i'm not i'm very not so anyway yeah i would love for you all to go ahead and take this test follow through on the link below i'd love to see your results in the comments share a little bit again about surprises but otherwise i think you'll find that just based on how we present and how our experiences and our own self-honesty shapes us we do have a broad spectrum of personalities within this broad spectrum of autism catch your next round otherwise take care thanks for watching be sure to like and subscribe cheers
Channel: Hunter Hansen - The Life Autistic
Views: 1,530
Rating: 4.961165 out of 5
Keywords: MTBI, personality test, INTP, hunter hanson, the life autistic
Id: Zf98Qb3e314
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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