Actress and Activist AnnaLynne McCord Dissociative Identity Disorder Diagnosis (Part 1)

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[Music] nice to officially meet you i'm like so excited about today for me my heart is to change this narrative around the behaviors that follow trauma and and not treating someone or responding to someone or judging someone for their actions but asking what happened to you like how did we get here we actually met last week yes and you had come to our encino clinic and got a spec scan and we talked about it but there's like way more to this story yeah and our goal today i'll we'll go over your scan again but in more sort of clinical detail um because i think you told me you were a neuroscience nerd i am a neuroscience nerd yes sir i am you ever need a little shadow i'll come hang out with you the brain is cool the brain is very cool yeah um the brain is in too which i get excited about i love that so you've come out publicly that you that your rape when you were 18 ultimately triggered the memories of the child sexual abuse i don't have anything until around five and then from five to 11 i recount um incidents throughout and then when i was 13 i have a singled out memory that was just oh one was one thing that um that i don't have anything i don't have the sense of anything else other other anything else at that time this top the way this is talked about is there's so much shame and i am i am absolutely uninterested in shame it is there's nothing about my journey that i invite shame into anymore and and that that's how we get to the point where we can articulate the nature of these pervasive traumas and stuff you know as horrible as they are so i however we can get it out there i i i have one of my guys who just had yesterday i saw his follow-up scan he'd done the supplements and hyperbaric oxygen the brain was so much healthy yay okay amazing have you ever known anybody with the dissociative identity disorder that's yeah yeah my doctor multiple personality yeah my doctor it's a massive spectrum obviously right um but she said that i had it pretty seriously and my splits before before my memories came back i had definitive splits you see you'll in my history you'll see me you know i like just show up with a black wig and a new personality and i was this you know tough little baddie and then i'd be the bohemian you know flower child and and also being an actress there was like oh my ability to split all of my roles were splits but i didn't even realize i was doing it at all until i did a project i'm 90210 i was on for five years and year three during my hiatus i did a film where i played a very very it was an independent film i played a very um like cerebral disturbed strange little girl that was very close to what who i feel i am on the inside and it was very exposing very confronting probably a bit re-traumatizing without realizing it maybe even a bit healing as well during some of it but the crazy thing about it was that i wrapped that film at 2 a.m on a tuesday and had to be happy crazy beverly hills bombshell on wednesday at noon and i couldn't find her she was not accessible i was dark i was in this like i was very deep into this character pauline and i couldn't get and it was what was the name of that movie um excision i mean when i look back in hindsight i'm just like oh my dear god but i there was one moment where i experienced it consciously as i i could be co-conscious with my little and it was very clearly defined that i was me anchored in real time and little me little anna was popping up and i was very i can be very soothing and very nurturing but i spent a lot of my life as the split i was when i was 13 and on and she was a balls to the wall middle fingers to the sky anarchist from hell who will stab you with the spike ring she wears and you'll like it and she'll make you lick the blood from it i mean she was a nasty little creature but i have so much gratitude from her to her because she got me out of the hell that i was in but but your scamp is not like many of the other multiples i've seen really yeah did somebody give you a diagnosis of being bipolar tell me about in 2017 i actually went knowing for years that i felt like i was considering the fact that i had family history and the symptoms seemed to line up but i went to see a psychiatrist after i would use my manic um symptoms to active to to get me out of depression so i would i would kind of manipulate my symptoms i knew that if i if i got went on a crazy you know like sex spree or shopping spree or any kind of heightened thrill seeking skydiving all the time like doing all these crazy thrill-seeking type things but i could always manipulate myself out of depression so i never really got too stuck and then 2017 came around and i went down a depression spiral that no matter what i did i couldn't get out of i tried to not go on like no sleeping vendors where i'd act to activate my mania i tried sexual spending i tried traveling i went all over the globe that that first part of that year um i could not get out of the depression all of the ways that questions in many ways in the [Music] hypomania um or pre-trauma therapy right so how do you know it's not just your brain's pissed off absolutely and so i i'm because you don't really have a bipolar scan i have a program that lets me rotate it it's pretty cool wow oh my gosh that's my brain your brain is the most oxygen hungry organ in your body it's two percent of your body's weight uses 20 of the oxygen in your body 20 and if you have low blood flow especially to the front part of your brain our goal is to activate that this could give you depression and mood instability and irritability really sleepy frontal lobes the frontal lobes are your brains break okay and when it's low and you've had intense childhood sexual trauma you split as a way to manage it and the brighter you are the more you [Music] split never in a car accident um yes i was in a car accident when i was about 15 or 16 and also when i was about 25 maybe um both were i didn't hit my head but i you know got flung pretty you know intensely so whiplash for sure yes so because when i see your scan the reason i think trauma is you see these dimples in the back so i have low activity in the front but if you fall on the back of your head your brain then bounces and hits the front and it's in a skull that has sharp bony ridges and so i don't know why god didn't put bumper grip why didn't you put bumper guards there hello no i didn't know people would play hit soccer balls that's so stupid thought we were going to be in prayer and meditation all day you've already done so much work but there's more to do there's more to do there's more to do now you do everything i say i will do everything you say this is how much better your brain really yeah ah oh my gosh perfect cotton candy i want you to do is love your brain yes because if you love your brain we can make it healthy and then you're a better actress i mean you're already great right right yes ultimately it's your brain that shows up it's your brain that's consistent and with a healthier brain relationships are better money's better health is better everything as a rule i have always liked my brain in the state it exists in normally so your brain is not permanently damaged but it's struggling and it can be better okay and that's our goal and it can be like dramatically better in three months really yeah three months let's do this everything starts with what do you want what do you want in your relationships what do you want for work what do you want for your money your physical emotional spiritual what do you want you have to define it yeah write it out post it all great businesses have a business plan you need to have you know to have a life business now a life business yeah because that way when you're interacting with someone you go what does this fit goals i have and that's what your frontal lobes do they always go does it fit is it true and does it fit and when we strengthen those things will all be easier for you [Music] you are so articulate and now i'm very grateful for this journey and for all of these wonderful little things that i no longer see as my life before the pandemic 51 of the population had a mental health problem at some point in their life it's more normal to have a problem yeah than to not is anybody is anyone what is normal right i think if you think somebody's normal that means you don't you don't know them yeah yeah because we love what we do yeah so many people are suffering yeah
Channel: AmenClinics
Views: 314,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annalynne mccord, multiple personality, multiple personality disorder, bipolar, diagnosis, disassociative identity disorder, disassociative identity, 90210, dr amen, daniel amen, dr daniel amen, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Dementia, Alzheimers, Nutrition, Daniel Amen, Amen Clinics, Psychiatrist, ADD, Mental Health, Brain SPECT scan, Brain Scan, Psychiatry, Integrative Health, Wholistic Health, Memory, Mental Health Treatment, Mental Health Services, Dissociative Identity Disorder, DID
Id: R6s_DYAJd8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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