Authentic Worship | Peter Tan-Chi

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[Music] greetings in the wonderful name of our lord and savior jesus christ how are you feeling today i'm sure all of you by now knows that the lockdown has started and we will be completely locked down in metro manila for many of us our emotional life is like a roller coaster up and down it's like a yo-yo sometimes you're up sometimes you're down why is it like that can i tell you why you may not realize this because you always think the world revolves around you it's not about you you need to understand if you are self-centered always thinking of yourself what's going to happen if people don't treat you properly you feel bad you want to control you want to make sure things will happen based on what you want if circumstances are not what you believe it should be you are down that's the problem of a life that is self-centered our new series for this month it's called it's not about you turn to your neighbor tell your neighbor it's not about you if it is not about you then what is it about if it's not about you if it isn't about me it's all about god today i will start this series with authentic worship many christians do not really know what is authentic worship you know why because it's about themselves they go to church and in their mind what can i get out they want to feel good their worship is shallow nothing wrong if you enjoy the music praise god but if you go to worship god with that idea you want to entertain through music my friend you have to examine yourself praise god if you enjoy the message but worship is more than just listening to the message real authentic worship begins from the heart it's all about god you want to listen to god's word why because you want to honor him you want to obey him authentic worship is really god-centered how do you define worship worship is the proper response to who god is what he has done and what he continues to do implication the more you know god the more you know who he is the better you can worship him because it is about our response to who god is what he has done and what he continues to do i'm going to share with you psalm 96 because psalm 96 is a beautiful chapter that describes authentic worship it has three cycles first it talks about personal worship it's a call saying to the lord and then it expands the circle of worship to the community the nations and then the last part of psalm 96 is the universal worship of god that's one way to look at psalm 96 another way to look at it is it tells you what is worship why we worship and how we worship those are repeated in psalm 96 as you see the cycle from personal worship to family worship community worship to universal worship i want you to think of three important words first is praise it's always pointing to god you praise god second protection authentic worship is given to us by god to protect us from counterfeit gods and perspective why because true worship authentic worship will align your perspective you learn to pursue god's perspective you learn to see things from god's perspective let's begin with praise point number one psalm 96 let's read together sing to the lord a new song sing to the lord all the earth sing to the lord bless his name proclaim good tidings of his salvation from day to day what is worship worship is praise it is pointing us to god why because worship isn't about you it's about god sing to the lord three times it's repeated sing to the lord saying to the lord worship is something you do as a way of life the verb sing is in the present tense you continue to sing to the lord it is a command it is not an option we are commanded to sing to the lord and lastly it is plural god wants us not just to worship him alone but for others to join us in worshipping him when you worship god do you really sing to him notice the attitude it's an attitude of joy it's an attitude of being happy you delight you sing to the lord another observation what is worship sing to the lord a new song worship has to be fresh notice new song oftentimes i ask people what has god been teaching you lately can you tell me what has god been doing in your life lately i use the word lately oftentimes i hear people the only story they can share is what god did five years ago 10 years ago 20 years ago 30 years ago they have no new encounter with god no worship should be fresh you must walk with god so that you can see how god is at work in your life saying to the lord notice all the earth now you are encouraging others to worship with you saying to the lord bless his name do you notice something bless his name you want to honor his name proclaim good tidings of his salvation from day to day worship is not just singing worship is proclaiming it is talking about god proclaim good tidings of his salvation notice day to day many times people think of worship as once a week event we confine worship to a sunday or for some people we confine worship to a place we think it's inside a building worship is more than that worship can include singing it includes what declaring proclaiming the goodness of god when you share the gospel with people that is worship how do i worship let me share with you what my wife and i usually do we set aside time which is usually in the morning and then i set time to meditate worship is also thanking him and then we added something new we wanted to listen to music especially hymns because music will also impact your emotion so worship is something you need to do intentionally you practice daily and above all true worship is really obedience i tell god i'm gonna do it because i love you so all my actions is an act of worship now this verse 3 tells us tell of his glory among the nations his wonderful deeds among all the peoples here is where you have public worship you are to declare god's glory the word glory means what literally is from the word weighty something heavy you want people to know how great god is still of his glory among the nations his wonderful deeds among all the peoples recently i was having fellowship with a couple and i asked them what has god been doing in your life and i praise god for this young couple god impressed upon this couple to return an idol the idol was given to him when they got married but the lord convicted this couple returned the idol to your parents now do you know how difficult it is to return an idol to your parents but they wanted to trust god they believe that it is more glorifying to god if they honor god by being respectful so they explain their parents while they're returning the idol of course the parents were so angry and the parents said you will never have babies because i gave you this idol so that the idol will grant your prayer request so you will have a baby would you believe it two months later the wife got pregnant now you have to know the story for many years they wanted the baby but that idol did not do anything and when they returned the idol the lord granted them their prayer requests what's my point that is the meaning of worship it's a fresh encounter you see how god is at work i heard the story of the wife she was in the fashion business and when this pandemic hit of course their business was affected but because of her love for the lord she kept serving god and what did she do she converted her machineries to make face masks and she used it to donate to ccf to donate to hospitals and would you know what happens you they were telling us the story in god's amazing way the people that were recipients the hospitals that were recipient of their goodness decided to order from them and they told me their business has never been better that my friend is the meaning you tell of his glory tell people what god has done in fact worship is not just confined to your stories the bible tells us you worship god in many ways first corinthians chapter 10 verse 31 tells us whatever you do do all for the glory of god that is true worship it's all about him you point people to god it's praising him in whatever you do we are now in the olympic season the 2020 olympic is ongoing in tokyo japan and here's an example of how you can worship god how you can honor god in every way in every area of your life let me share with you the story of sydney mclaughlin sydney won the gold medal for the 400 meter hurdles she not only won the gold medal she broke the world record but i want you to notice something how she worshiped god in the midst of her success this is what she said i no longer run for self-recognition but to reflect his perfect will that is already set in stone i don't deserve anything but by grace through faith jesus has given me everything records come and go amazing testimony that is declaring the glory of god worship is praise everything points to god it is not confined to just once a week experience is not confined to a place why do we worship god let me tell you why we worship god look at psalm 96 4 great is the lord greatly to be praised he is to be feared above all gods the greatest being in the whole universe is none other than god himself why do we worship because of who he is what he has done what he continues to do but we worship him because god is great and he deserves our best greatly to be praised he is to be feared the word feared means what reverence treat him with respect do not worship god flippantly if you notice verse 5 it tells us for all the gods of the peoples are idols but the lord made the heavens authentic worship is pointing us to god it's praising him and it protects us from worshiping idols then he contrasts psalm 96 contrasts the true god with idols all the gods of the people are idols but the lord made the heavens splendor and majesty are before him strength and beauty are in his sanctuary do you notice he is now saying you need protection from counterfeit gods for all the gods of the people are idols but the lord made the heavens you have a description of who god is that creator the almighty god the creator of heavens and earth verses counterfeit gods what is god like splendor and majesty are before him here are descriptions of god's greatness splendor majesty these are beautiful descriptions of the greatness of god strength and beauty combining god's omnipotence with god's beauty you may say what are idols idols anything that takes the place of god in your life what do you love most idols are very subtle it can be your children it can be your career it can even be god's work but you need to examine your own hearts if something is taken away from you and you get so angry be careful that can be an idol and the most dangerous idol is yourself you want people to treat you in a certain way you want people to act in a certain way and if they don't do what you want to do in your mind they're wrong and you get so angry and that my friend is a symptom that your idol is yourself you want people to please you you want to please yourself and you are not focusing on god who alone deserves our worship who alone deserves our obedience our trust something that is good can become an idol it can be family it can be career it can it may be ministry it can be marriage it can be children and most of us don't realize we are no longer worshiping god we are no longer putting god first why because we have idols some of you your idols are your children you over protect them i reminded of this wife she wanted to have a baby she has been praying for a long time to be a baby she was telling herself if only i can have a child i'd be the happiest person god granted her a baby girl and she was so excited she began to pour her energy in raising up this baby girl she protected she provided she guided this girl became the central focus of her life guess what happened without realizing it that girl has become her idol when this young girl became a teenager as she grew up she decided to leave home why did she leave home because she felt she was being strangled by her mom her mom's over controlling manner her her mom's desire to make her into the kind of person she wanted to be you see you will know something is an idol when it becomes the most important thing in your life how do you know something has become the most important thing what makes you angry if you're afraid to lose something if you're afraid that that thing will be taken away from you that thing has become your idol and idol has a way of controlling us you see anything that you want to control will eventually control you for some people it is the approval of your friends validation from social media you are not being controlled by the opinion of people you want to be popular can i share with you how difficult life will become you are now controlled by others what they think about you friends the worship of god and god alone will protect us that's why this topic is so crucial it's not about you it's about god make god the god of your life most important in your life should be to please him to worship him be aware of the idols in your life worship is foundational it is so important god made us to worship him if we don't worship him we will worship something else and when we worship something else it will affect our christian life it will even destroy our own life and that's why i learned to worship god i like what aw toaster said if you find worship boring then you are not ready to go to heaven apparently what he's saying is authentic worship is an indicator of your spiritual life an indicator of your spiritual maturity let us learn how to worship the lord true worship begins when you recognize that you have false idols you have either in your heart you need to surrender your idols to the lord confess that sin and you begin a real relationship with god through jesus you need to say lord jesus i need you i need to connect with god the father through you and that my friend is where true worship begins when you experience the reality of jesus as your lord and savior i believe this pandemic is god's way of preparing us to understand what true worship is you begin to realize you can worship god anywhere because it begins from the heart it is recognizing who god is it is responding to the reality that he is god you give him our praise you worship god when you tell others you worship god not just by singing you worship god by doing it does not have to do with your body position people say should i be standing up should i be raising my hand those are secondary to worship god in spirit and in truth according to jesus in john chapter 4 you must worship him in spirit and in truth what does it mean worship is from the heart and that's why he warns us don't be like the hypocrites who worship god with their mouth but their heart is far away if you read the next verse you know what it says you disregard the word of god neglecting the word of god you hold to the tradition of men true worship will never compromise the truth about god the truth about this world we think if you are sincere it's good enough sincerity will not compensate for truth feelings should not take the place of authentic worship many people you go to church building you attend worship why feel good you love the music you like the clapping you like the dancing praise god but that is not true worship true worship will involve the mind the emotion and the will the action after worship how do you live your life true worship is transformation of the life why you want to honor god you want to please god and that my friend is why this message is so important authentic worship it's not about you it's about him pleasing him living for him i like what tim keller said worship is ascribing ultimate value to an object engaging your mind your heart and your will the whole being in other words worship involves the mind the heart and the will worship you have to be intentional who are we worshiping god it involves the heart it involves the emotion because of who god is how precious how great it involves your feelings and it involves your will and that's why the psalmist is saying ascribe to the lord ascribe to the lord give what is due him let me share with you the importance of knowing god you see worship is like a thermometer a thermometer measures the temperature worship is like a spiritual thermometer it measures your spiritual health it measures your spiritual life the more you know god the more intimate you are with him the better is the quality of your worship i am reminded of the story of a mother who decided to clean the attic and when she went to the attic she saw the gift of her grandmother it's a beautiful necklace it's an heirloom from grandmother to mother and to her however it has been gathering dust because they did not wear it she never saw her mother wearing it so she decided to have it appraised when she went to the appraisal company she noticed something the man began to use a magnifying glass the man began to examine the necklace and she noticed something the man began to mumble the man began to have the following expression wow whoa and his breathing became stronger and stronger as if he was gasping for air wow wow after a while the woman asked her sir what do you think of this piece of jewelry the man said this is amazing how much is it worth hundred thousand dollars the man said more more it couple of hundred thousand dollars more more is it over a million dollars he said more more how much he said madam this is priceless the diamonds the precious stones the cut the technique this is priceless when this woman heard that this piece of jewelry is priceless how did it impact her life i guarantee you she will no longer treat that piece of jewelry as ordinary it will no longer gather dust in the attic why because of the value my friend authentic worship happens when you understand the true value of who god is that's why the psalmist said in psalm 96 verse 7 8 ascribe to the lord glory ascribe to the lord glory bring an offering come into escorts when you use the word ascribe ascribe worship is really ascribing value the ultimate value to the ultimate being that is who god is the truth is this once you know god you will never treat him the same way there will be worship there the respect there'll be adoration do you notice bring an offering and come into his courts worship always involves giving deuteronomy chapter 16 verses 16 17 tells us they shall not appear before the lord empty-handed every man shall give as he is able according the blessing of the lord your god what is this verse saying because of who god is because of what he has done for you you are acknowledging god owns everything and because he owns everything you offer him the truth is this giving to god is a privilege i praise god for many ccffers in spite of the lockdown by the grace of god the giving has continued you know why because you are giving from the heart but the best kind of worship if you look at the bible is found in romans chapter 12 verse 1 it says the following i urge you brethren by the mercies of god to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to god which is your spiritual service of worship there are many ways we worship god we worship god when we sing to him we worship god when you tell others about the good news when you share the bible that's worshipping god you worship god when you give but can i tell you one of the best way to worship god present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice you are to offer offer your bodies do you know this some of us have not understood what worship is true worship is giving your life your all to god living holy sacrifice acceptable to god which is your spiritual service of worship that's how you worship god because of who god is god deserves your best and what's your best your life your entire being friends have you dedicated your entire life to the lord do you notice the description living and holy sacrifice the word living and holy is a contrast from the old testament in the old testament when they offer an animal sacrifice it's dead in the new testament our worship of god is to offer our own lives living holy dedicated to god friends have you given your life to the lord that is authentic worship through worship we align our perspective what do we mean look at psalm 96 verse 9 to 10 worship the lord in holy attire tremble before him all the earth say among the nations the lord reigns indeed the world is firmly established it will not be moved he will judge the peoples with equity this verse is telling us it's telling me that when you worship god you have to realize worship has to do with how we live in the old testament the priests will wear an outer garment it's white but real worship is more than just putting on an outer garment it's really a way of life say among the nations the lord reigns it is recognizing the lord is king your perspective should be worship is ascribing to guide for who he is therefore who is god you notice the lord is king in verse 10. notice in verse 10 he is not only king he will judge the peoples with equity wow look at the expansion of what you need to understand let the heavens be glad let the earth rejoice let the sea roar and all it contains he is now inviting the entire universe the heavens the earth the sea look at verse 12 let the field exalt all that is in it that all the trees of the forest will sing for joy do you notice worship is now being expanded the whole universe the heavens the earth the sea the trees the plants everybody and the attitude is joy rejoicing be glad why look at this perspective before the lord he is coming he is coming to judge the earth he will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his faithfulness my friend this is the meaning of what true worship is for who he is what he has done and what he will do this is future tense we are now worshiping god for what he will do in the future it's called faith in god's promises the lord is coming again you worship him he's coming to judge this is future tense he promised he will come he will judge the world in righteousness the peoples in his faithfulness friends worship will expand your spiritual eyes worship will remind us that we are not to judge god based on what's happening now because the truth is this worship will expand your horizon it tells you what's going to happen in the future and what's going to happen in the future god is coming again he's going to judge you will judge the world in righteousness the people in his faithfulness what do i mean let me give you a closing example of how a man was so discouraged this is found in psalm 73 because he could not understand how come a good god will allow the wicked to prosper there are many people today who probably identify with this man in psalm 73 this is what he said i was envious of the arrogant i saw the prosperity of the wicked there are no pains in their death their body is fat they are not in trouble as other men nor are they plagued like mankind he's saying lord i don't understand you how come the wicked are prospering how come they seem to be at ease i'm sure many of you feel the same way at times you see politicians you see people i'm not saying all politicians are bad but i'm saying the truth is there are people who take advantage of their power they take advantage of their position and they've accumulated so much worse and then this man is feeling sorry for himself he said in vain i've kept my heart pure and washed my hands in innocence i've been streaking all day long chasing every morning you know what he's saying i'm feeling sorry for myself i've been following god yet i am not blessed i struggle with finance but look at my neighbor they don't follow god they are so blessed lord that's not fair what was the turning point of this man's life when he was feeling sorry for himself notice what he said in verse 16 when i pondered to understand this it was troublesome in my sight until i came into the sanctuary of god then i perceived their end what was the turning point in his life he said i was so troubled i pondered to understand this i could not understand why the wicked are prospering and why the righteous oftentimes suffer then he arrived at a turning point in his life how until i came in the sanctuary of god you see there is something about worship as i've said before worship doesn't have to be in a particular place but oftentimes there is something about entering the sanctuary of god there is something about corporate worship until i came into the sanctuary of god then i perceived her and his perspective was changed how was it changed this is what he said he discovered verse 18 surely you set them in slippery places you cast them down to destruction they're utterly destroyed in a moment they're utterly swept away by sudden terror he's saying lord i now understand there will be a day of judgment and the judgment will be fast and they will be destroyed his perspective changed and he began to realize the truth and what is the truth look at verse 23 he said lord these are my blessings worship will open your eyes it changes your perspective look at what he says nevertheless i am continually with you you have taken hold of my right hand he is now realizing the reality of god's presence he said i'm always with you in the midst of pain in the midst of suffering in the midst of injustice it's okay you know why i am with you you are holding my right hand look at verse 24 with your counsel you will guide me afterward received me to glory here is an amazing perspective that his future is glorious his eternity is secure and then look at his conclusion whom have i in heaven but you besides you i desire nothing on earth in other words he's saying lord you are my most precious possession my flesh and my heart may fail but god is the strength of my heart and my portions forever when he began to worship god he realized the ultimate value the most precious possession is god himself that my friend is true worship when you begin to realize the ultimate value of life is not the blessings of god the ultimate value of worship is experiencing intimacy with god is god himself you see many times we're so busy we're busy with activities we fail to slow down and worship god when you worship god you meditate on who god is his presence worship is really involving is engaging the mind god's word who god is that's truth spirit from the heart and above all you experience his presence when you engage your entire being you'll notice something you can quietly experience god's presence without doing anything just meditate learn to appreciate the beauty of god's presence and that only happens when you take time to worship the lord so worshiping god may involve singing worshiping god may involve telling people about the greatness of god which you will learn every time you evangelize people you are declaring the good news that's worship whatever you do for god it can be business activities that's worship when you dedicate your life your entire being to god whatever you do do it for god that is worship you can be a mother you can be a student you can worship god in your daily activities because you do it for him you are conscious there is worship and above all often times worship can just be silence in his presence and that is what psalm 73 talks about my prayer that you will grow in your worship you see worship is not just a thermometer worship is a thermostat it will help you recalibrate your mindset it will help you grow in your spiritual life you know why as you focus on god as you study god's word it impacts your spiritual life just like the psalmist he was discouraged he felt like giving up and then he entered the presence of god he worshipped god and the lord open his eyes you and i need to have our eyes open you and i need to have our perspective transform and that can only happen when you worship god your perspectives are changed worshiping god is exercising faith faith in his promises faith in what he will do in the future psalm 96 closes with the future declaration it's faith the lord is coming he is coming to judge the earth he will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his faithfulness this is solemn truth today many people are hurting why because the reality is many times there is no fairness there is no justice that's reality today people are abused people are taken advantage of but the good news is this why do you worship god because you are reminded someday wrongs will be made right injustice will be corrected the righteous will be rewarded and the guilty punish in the meantime you have to keep on worshiping god trusting him when you worship god your eyes are open you begin to see your horizon is no longer temporal your horizon begins to be eternal you don't sweat over small stuff you're able to forgive you're able to love you are able to think things differently you know why because the temporal is now clearly understood compared to the eternal friends how's your worship today i pray that as we begin our new series oh it's not about you it's about him and how do you focus on him is practicing learning to live a life of authentic worship today most christians are not discipled to worship god properly why our worship is shallow it's feel good you go to a worship service it's about feeling it's about getting but through worship authentic worship is much deeper it is ascribing to god who he is is living a life that's pleasing to him it's giving thanks to him in spite of you know why because worship will transform your life it changes your perspective it protects you from counterfeit gods and above all it will point you to jesus you will praise him a life that brings honor and glory to the lord worship begins when you dedicate your entire being to the lord that's the real first step when you say i will have no other gods before me you and you alone will be my god you and you alone will i worship have you committed your life to the lordship of jesus the first step is to surrender your idols i don't know what are the idols of your heart it can be yourself one thing to control it's all about you or can be a family member you put so much value in a particular person your joy your happiness all your fear are all tied up to the well-being of that person my friend that is guaranteed to fail you because idols are doomed to disappoint us but only the true worship of god will protect you from the roller coaster of life the worship of god will protect us from a yo-yo spiritual experience the worship of god will deliver you from self-centeredness but step one confess your idols let's pray lord jesus i surrender my all i want to acknowledge you and you alone as my lord you are my god i worship you and worship you alone may you be the most important person in my life may you be my great islam [Music] thank you for the blessing but i pray i will not worship the blessing but i'll worship you and you alone thank you jesus for being my lord for being my savior thank you jesus for loving me i come before you as my lord and savior jesus name i pray amen if you have been blessed or you want to chat more i encourage you to click on the space provided below we have people who would love to pray with you to counsel you if you have questions feel free to ask us in a short while we will have fast track and we have discussion questions i hope you will take this time to learn more about worship god bless you good day ccf family and welcome to another edition of ccf sunday fast track we're here with our senior pastor dr peter tanchi to answer our questions regarding the new message that we've heard today pastor peter for our first question can you elaborate more on the hindrances to worship you said these are idols or counterfeit gods in our lives are there any warning signs that we should be watchful of so that we do not fall in this hindrances the reality is all of us were made by god for worship so people worship you go to any culture even the western culture while they say they don't believe in god but the truth is they worship something either is anything that takes the place of god in your life for some people it's money for some people it's popularity and that's why they're devastated when they lose money they're devastated when they are criticized so the hindrance to true worship is first of all counterfeit gods you need to identify what are the idols now for christians it's dangerous because idols can be something that's good it does not have to be bad it can be god's blessing it can be family members it can be your loved ones they're good but when what is good takes the place of god your true worship is now in danger i like that point the good can never take the place of the best pastor peter our second question what are the signs or fruit of a person that is worshiping god in spirit and in truth the evidence the sign of somebody worshiping god is based on you can tell is he god-centered look at his actions does she give god the glory or does he take the credit himself look at his emotions is he stable if his emotions are up and down when something happens you can see he or she becomes very angry if you are easily controlled by others by anger my friend you are not worshiping god because worship of god enables you to relax to say god is in control i trust him but when you worship yourself you insist that things must happen based on what you want it's really the ultimate idol is yourself you want things your way not god's way you are afraid to surrender the future to god but may i remind you it's not about you it's god and that's the title of our series it's not about you pastor peter for the last question it's been over a year and a half since we've all worshiped together face to face and for many the experience is not the same worshiping at home alone doesn't feel the same how do we maintain or develop the same passion and posture for worship that we have at the church building in our own homes i call this the principle of intentionality what do i mean i believe this pandemic this lockdown is god's preparing us to examine our lives to see if we really understand what true worship is now you are learning through worship is not dependent on the place it's not dependent on so many other people it's really something private something personal and the truth is this private personal worship will prepare you for corporate worship so what do i mean by being intentional learn to practice the presence of god in your life on sunday when you gather together realize you are singing to the lord when you listen to god's message imagine god speaking to you and god telling you this is what i want you to do so it's really simply practicing god's presence in your life it's all about the heart not the external and that is through worship it begins from the heart thank you for those answers pastor peter and i hope that clarifies our questions please stay tuned for more about worship in the series that we have for this month god bless you all [Music] here are some suggested questions that i'd like you to review even though we've discussed them in the fast track i'd like you to discuss among yourselves question number one what hinders us what hinders you from fully and truly worshiping god second question how can you worship god in spirit and in truth and lastly how can we be passionate for worship even in our own private homes may this be an amazing sunday experience as you discuss the message together remember the purpose it's all about him to know him more to love him more to worship him more god bless thanks for watching we would like to invite you to be a christ-committed follower by being part of the movement as we honor god and obey his great commission to find out if there's a csef satellite near you log on to satellites we also want to encourage you to join a small discipleship group where you can deepen your knowledge and love for jesus and others to sign up log on to slash discipleship group all of csf's video resources are available free of charge and are constantly being improved by our team would you consider supporting ccf through prayer in giving so more people can be blessed you can give securely through our website at www c for more videos like this please subscribe to our channel thanks and god bless
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 101,935
Rating: 4.9001889 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message
Id: ohYEhKy0SWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 59sec (3359 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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