Authentic Red Enchilada Sauce with Dried Chiles

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let's make authentic red enchilada sauce hi there i'm renee fuentes and welcome back to my channel thai caliente today i'm sharing a recipe for a homemade enchilada sauce so we're going to be making a roja enchilada sauce or red enchilada sauce and it goes perfect with any of your favorite enchilada fillings so we're just going to be using some dried chiles that we're going to rehydrate and blend with some water a little bit of seasoning and garlic and that's it so let's get started you guys so these are the dried chilies that i'll be using these are guajillo chiles you can find them at most supermarkets um definitely at a latin or mexican market and this is an ancho chile so feel free to mix up um you know the measurements you can do more ancho for kind of a smoky flavor um or just omit it if you like it lighter but i'm just cutting up the chiles and removing the seeds the more seeds you remove the easier it will be to strain the sauce or if your blender is really strong then you don't need to strain it at all but go ahead and remove all the stems the seeds and then i'm going to place them in a colander because we do want to um rinse the chilis before we boil them so go ahead and continue de-seeding all of your chiles the ancho chile is a little bit harder to kind of de-seed um since they are a little bit thicker um they when they dry them they do get a little bit more stiff so just do the best you can to save most of the chile and just remove the stem um there's not as many seeds as i were in the wahil so this makes it a little bit easier place the chiles under some running water and this way we can remove any of dust or dirt or debris that is on the chiles and now we're going to place them in a small pot then i'm going to add some water and i'm just going to bring it to a boil so i'm only going to let it boil for about 10 minutes and then i'm going to turn off the heat and just let it sit there with the lid on until i'm ready to blend them so now that the chilis have softened use either tongs or a slotted spoon to place them into a blender if you have a high speed blender even better i'm also going to add a garlic clove normally i do too but this one is pretty big as well as some salt and like i said we're not going to be using the water that we boil the chilies in instead i'm using fresh water this is one cup have two cups ready i ended up doing a cup and a half once i blended it so this is not traditional but you can add some chicken bouillon if you need this to be vegan or vegetarian then just go ahead and skip this the salt does add some flavor but i do kind of like the extra flavor boost that the chicken bouillon has so go ahead and blend your enchilada sauce until it's nice and smooth if you have a vitamix then you probably won't need to strain it i did strain it just because there were some chunks but give it a taste and see if it needs any more salt so i looked a little bit too thick so i'm adding half a cup more of water and then i'm going to give it another blend but i will show you guys how i strain the sauce just in case you don't have a high speed blender so this right here is perfect i tasted it again and the consistency is spot on so we're good place a fine mesh strainer over a bowl or large measuring bowl like i have here i get all of that beautiful enchilada sauce out then with a spoon our spatula go ahead and press the sauce against the strainer so that way it comes out more quickly and then you're going to keep doing that until you're pretty much left with just this so it's stuff that's not going to go through the strainer so this is like the pulp and the seeds and with that cup and a half of water i got exactly 16 ounces of enchilada sauce so you can put this in the refrigerator up to a week or you can even freeze it for a couple of months which is perfect to have on hand when you need some inchi lavas thank you guys so much for watching this video leave me any comments below and don't forget to subscribe bye guys [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Thai Caliente
Views: 27,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enchilada sauce, red enchilada sauce, enchiladas rojas, authentic enchilada sauce
Id: IjIB53_8-MI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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