How to make a Sourdough Starter

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hi everyone and welcome to my channel in today's tutorial I'm going to show you a very simple and low waste method of making your very own sourdough starter you only need a couple of things in a few minutes a day and in about seven days you'll be able to make a very delicious and nutritious loaf of sourdough bread so what do you need well just a couple of things you need a mixture of 50 percent whole wheat flour and 50% all-purpose flour you also need water you can use filtered water or you can do what I do I just take a jar I fill it with water from my tap I let it sit for an hour then there's no chlorine and you don't have to worry about it killing the east in your starter you need a jar I use these wet jars I like them because I can see everything that's going on in the starter they come with a glass top that is breathable but you can also use a bowl with a plate you can use a mason jar with a canning lid set on top or just a piece of fabric wrapped around the jar and held in place with a rubber band you will need a spatula to stir the starter with every day you will need measuring cups and measuring spoons that's it so if you're interested in putting together at your very own sourdough starter stay tuned and let's get started on day 1 you're going to add 1/2 cup of the 50/50 flour mixture and 1/3 cup of filtered water to your jar use a spatula to stir this up really really well making sure that you get all the dried clumps incorporated and you're just going to scrape down the sides really good I like to take some water and a rag and just kind of clean up around the sides at the jar a little bit put the top on the jar and then let that sit for 24 hours on day 2 we're not going to add anything to the jar you can see that there's hardly any bubbles I see maybe one so what we're gonna do is just give it a little stir this will just help incorporate some air into the mixture [Music] and that's it put the top back on and let it sit for another 24 hours okay this is the morning of day 3 and as you can see there's lots of bubbles on top of the starter so it is nice and active ok so now that we are on day 3 and we have kind of let this sit we're gonna go ahead and start to discarding and feeding every single morning so what you want to do is get a clean jar and let's just go ahead and stir up the starter a little bit and we're gonna take 3 tablespoons of the starter and put it into the grinder [Music] okay we'll take the we'll take this starter and this will either go into compost or you just discard it just throw it away to this we're going to add 1/2 cup of the 50/50 flour mixture the whole wheat and all-purpose flour and then we're going to add 1/3 cup of filtered water and let's go ahead and give that a really good stir [Music] you just remember you always want to make sure that you're you're really incorporating everything together really really well you don't want any dry spots in this [Music] so now just scrape down all the sides with your spatula okay and then if there's any um anything on the sides I like to take my filtered water and simply just clean that up all right so at this point you're going to start seeing some activity every single morning so I suggest just taking a rubber band and putting it around the jar at the level that the starter is and that way you can see every morning if it's risen and fallen and just kind of gauge the activity so what we're gonna do is take the top one and we're gonna let this sit for 12 hours it's been 12 hours since our a.m. feeding and you can see that the starter has risen about doubled and if you look on the top there's lots and lots of activity going on so we're gonna go ahead with our p.m. feeding and we're not going to discard anything we're simply going to add two tablespoons of flour and then a tablespoon and I have about tablespoon and a teaspoon or so just to make it easy we're just gonna stir this right into the starter this is gonna feed it while it's sitting overnight so it doesn't run out of food to keep building up the yeast in a starter so by doing this method where we are discarding and feeding in the morning and then just simply adding a little bit of food in the evening we're cutting down a lot of waste okay so we're just scraping down the size as usual I always just like to go and clean up around the inside of the jar so and then clean the rim just make sure there's no book basically what you're doing I just like to keep everything pretty clean okay so we're going to hop back on I'm gonna slide this little rubber band up just so I know where it started all right so we're just gonna let this sit on the counter again and I'll come back on day four and I'll let you see what it looks like on day four in the morning it's the morning of day four and you can see there's plenty of bubbles on the top of the starter so we're going to go ahead and do our discard and feed [Music] I'll see you in 12 hours for the PM feeding this is the evening of day four so we're going to give it a PM feeding [Music] [Music] I'll show you what it looks like tomorrow morning it's the morning of day 5 and I just want you to see the the top of the starter it is very liquidy and that just means that the East are getting more and more hungry they're eating a lot of the food that we're giving it and so it did rise at all actually it may have risen and going back down overnight I can't really tell but this is perfectly normal ok you do see the bubbles and everything on top so that's really what you're what you're looking for so again this is the morning of day 5 so I'm going to go ahead and do the I am feeding [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you and we'll be back for a PM feeding just a little bit okay we're at the end of day five you can see that it has risen and there's bubbles see if you can see the top there so [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys it's the morning of day 6 and if you see on top lots of bubbles it did rise overnight and I'm not sure if you can see it right here in the back there's this line it rose and it fell back down so at this point I'm going to assume that it's not strong enough to bake bread so maybe another day or two so let's go ahead and just do our normal a.m. feeding [Music] [Music] see you in 12 hours it's the evening of day six and I just want you to see that the starter has doubled in size so it is very active you can look on the top and see lots and lots of bubbles so this is what you should be seeing on the evening of day 6 let's go ahead and give it feeding [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this is the morning of day 7 it rose and fell so I'm going to give it a morning feeding and then in about 4 or 5 hours we're going to do a float test to see if this can actually be used to bake bread on the seventh day so I'm going to go ahead and discard and feed it with the normal am feeding it's been four hours since I have fed the starter on day seven in the morning so you can see it is doubled so what I'm going to do is what is called a float test and that is where we take a small portion of the starter and put it into a bowl of warm water or I'm not sorry not warm water a bowl of room-temperature water and if it floats then it's ready to bake bread and you can see the starter is floating so I'm going to go ahead and use this starter in a loaf of bread and I will show you the results [Music] [Laughter] [Music] here you go guys I just finished baking us about an hour ago and you can see that it has a really good rise a really nice oven spring nice and golden so let's go ahead and slice this open and we'll see what the chrome looks like and there you have it it's possible to create a sourdough starter that will give you bread in about seven to eight days so I really hope that you enjoyed this tutorial on how to make a sourdough starter if you have any questions just leave it in the comments below I'm also going to be making a video on how to maintain your starter and how to make a basic loaf of sourdough bread so if you enjoyed the video like subscribe share with your friends and I'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Little Spoon Farm
Views: 1,189,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a sourdough starter, sourdough starter, how to make sourdough bread, steps to make a sourdough starter, sourdough bread, how to make a sourdough starter from scratch, how to make a sourdough bread starter, sourdough starter recipe, sourdough starter from scratch, wild yeast starter, sourdough bread starter
Id: GHIOmtuB2oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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