Australia worst serial killer: Ivan Milat’s family reveal his darkest secrets | 60 Minutes Australia

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

As if he needed more media coverage.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/back_chat 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
in the column of history marked most evil Australians the name Ivan Robert Marco mullet features prominently so the death of the 74 year old murdering monster will be mourned by few instead it will more likely be welcome news especially for the families and friends of the seven young adventurers whose lives he's so cruelly stole in the Blanco State Forest south of Sydney when you look at Ivan Malad in the last days of his life he looked like just a frail old pathetic man who do you see I see a frail old pathetic man that to me he died a long time ago and he's nothing but an evil killer Ivan Milat brother Boris is calling it as he sees it blood ties mean nothing death cannot soften his judgement of a man who callously killed so many don't forget this man has killed proven to kill seven backpackers in a murderous way torrid and like animals tortured their bodies even after they were dead this man is just an evil serial killer for right to the last bone of you he should he was dead to me a long time ago tonight Boris wants to remember the young victims of Ivan Milat and to speak of his relief that his brother is dead he is the only member of the Millat clan to publicly denounce the notorious serial killer in life and now in death Boris as you sit here today are you proud or embarrassed to be in Malad embarrassed I am definitely embarrassed to be on the lad so no grief and no grief arrived and whatsoever none at all they deserves where he is and deserve what he's got so how much grief would there be within the Malak family with the death of Ivan don't be a big loss this would be poor I've and poor I've and poor Ivan you know poor dog is locked up there you know even though he's guilty but poor Ivan that's it I'm a voice in the wilderness yelling out to them and they think I'm just being vicious towards Ivan and the thing is here don't just want the truth out there so what are they denying they deny and that he did anything they're denying that he killed anybody they are saying that the police made it all up it all comes back to he didn't do it he didn't do it think they must have an IQs it that's what you know a twelve-year-old child would figure with the evidence they put there are yeah but it's all tainted it was put up by the place they planted this and they played at that and they put the bottle in here and I put the tent in here and the evidence there even a twelve-year-old child would stain these papers guilty why is it that they're not horrified like you are at what Ivan Milat did I see it's just an acceptance that they just love the guy they just love the going how does it feel for you Boris that your family would prefer to support a psychopath serial killer it hurts bad it hurts bad well Christ I'll shop me trap up and stepping lips tomorrow and if you get out here and said call it out to what it is there's people out there just like you with daughters that have been torn to pieces by this psychopath and not and it doesn't mean nothing oh he's life's important theirs is not get to hell you've got to be crazy and believe that sort of crap why do you think he killed those people it would have been a bit of money involved it would have been the joy of killing two that would have been involved as a thrill the anxiety but most of all he could get away of it not really just didn't have empathy for people yeah and all of all the bull dust that's it his love came from killing people I would say he's love come from killing people and I don't know if you there's quite as blunt as that but he got a charge out of it obviously we think Monte never noticed that might have been that he'd just seen beautiful things in your like to destroy them they have male or female doesn't matter when you learned about how those backpackers were killed and and toyed with played with brutally mister don't even talk to me about it don't want to go there I'll get emotional hmm I just hmm why would you get a mop or just take a mine it's okay that's all right you just take a moment what's going on nothing - what can I say you've um just pulled on my heartstrings there a bit I'm a bit surprised by your reaction I don't want to go and so part of it are going yeah because that upsets me people have got a right to to die properly an accident or whatever good I'm you don't need some moral to come and do those things no it is that's just too awful to think about isn't it yeah I have changing one question it's okay move on much good I don't please well you know I just I guess what I'm trying to understand from your perspective is what was going on in Ivan's brain what turned him into that monster just away was one in ten him saying what the old man used to say born that way you gotta find if you went right if you could have got into his head that there was something wrong with you it has to be you know that for anyone do all those sort of things no I don't like thinking about how they died and that's still with me you even know you're going on to other questions and because it's really terrible and if you think I get upset about a mother and father and brothers and sisters you know any yeah yeah creep aspect if you would the judge at Ivan Milat trial said it was inevitable that someone else was involved in those crimes who could that be it's known as a boys I got to tell you that down but did you at any time suspect or worry that some of your other brothers might have been involved never what was the reaction at the time when suspicions was raised about both Richard and Wally being accessories to Ivan Richard ash not got killer II knew he himself it was never in my books ever remotely connected with it or Wally well he wouldn't wouldn't be capable of it do you believe that Ivan Milat was powerful enough to take down two people at a time yes no she doesn't oh you could do and beyond these back of course what are you gonna do when I'm covering 45 stuck in your face what are you gonna do tie him up or I'll shoot you - okay that's it what it's all over over that's it Oh fainting you're dead straight away and everyone there is like pickings how do you think your family is going to react to you speaking out on the death of your brother I'm putting it out there on the family death and and I can't push it enough you know these Mongols hate my guts because on one guys I speaks out but somebody's gonna tell these mums and dads what their kids don't you know why he's this mongrel thinks he can wipe them out like a dirty rag and get around and smile and here you go don't know listen we love you still even though you destroy lives you know I know I'm being dramatic doc but that's okay do you think that the the rest of the Millat family had that power had that influence if they wanted to to get Ivan Milat to confess to the backpacker murders there anything else they wouldn't they had to pay low it's too late too late now he's gone now it isn't even about the backpack it's just about their mums and dads they've gone those poor people are gone it's their live ones that's so you know I would have walked even earth not to see them people there you know killed it's just don't think about it it's a horrible horrible person that done it and seemed he's dead now he's where he is and the whole saga is best forgotten but remembered the victims remember these innocent people's as well coming up remembering the victims their spinal cord is cut paralyzing them while perhaps the murderer went away and then came back later and infatuated with a murderer that was probably a fantasy because of its muscly and attractive that way Ivan's sister-in-law makes her own detailed confession were you intimate with Ivan hmm that's next on 60 minutes [Music] police described the murders as premeditated committed with unspeakable horror cruelty in savagery 1993 and the Blanco State Forest south of Sydney gives up its tragic secrets we now have seven bodies recovered seven young backpackers savagely slain and we don't know the cause of death in the present case by a monster on the loose but we do have a serial killer the bodies of two British backpackers were the first to be found Caroline Clarke and Joanne walters both 22 and both subjected to the most awful deaths it would have been quite horrendous what what they went through police spent much of today searching for a murder weapon as Roger Maynard reported at the time the terror and pain the young friends were forced to suffer was unimaginable one of the most terrible things about the way they died was that their spinal cord was cut thereby not killing them but paralyzing them and the theory is that they were allowed to remain in that situation for some time while perhaps the murderer went away and then came back later to finish them off now who would do that sort of thing you know they weren't killed instantly they had to suffer I know for Alice or maybe a day or more before they finally died the chilling details appalled us all but would forever haunt Joanne's morning parents Jill and Ray Walters these people who have done used to look to these girls that they are just proper animals and they are to be shocked but it was just one man Ivan the lash five of the victims were stabbed to death one of them decapitated the other two were shot in the head his actions so twisted and so evil that to the world he'll always be known simply and notoriously as the backpacker murderer when did they did arrest him I was at work they're not seeing it on the TV and we couldn't believe it Maureen is Ivan's former sister-in-law what aspect of it couldn't you believe it was Genoa arresting Ivan yeah but that's the man I knew that was a nice person didn't have guns and wasn't really violent Maureen was once married to Ivan's brother Wally has the place changed much since you were here is the oh yes a great deal yeah that's a lot busier kerbin guttering wasn't there Maureen was just 14 or 15 when she started hanging out with the Milan's here at the old family home taking us back to the 70s you can still see Wally's name etched into their concrete driveway what was it about the Malak boys that you liked so much I guess you're just coming into puberty and it's boys and they were next door and they didn't well they weren't at school they weren't your school friends no we're always a bit rugged they played with cars and like probably what attracted me to Wally but he never wore any shoes just jeans no shirt he was quite muscly and he was all right to talk to but the teenager had to wait a little while to meet Ivan who was then serving time for armed robbery on his release whether it was true or not he told Maureen a tale that was disturbingly prophetic one particular time he picked me up and he drove me home on the way home I I said oh you're in jail I'm what did you go to jail for did you murder somebody because I thought that's what people went to jail for and he said yeah he said I killed a man with a knife and I buried him in the bush okay and he was laughing and I don't know whether it was a true thing or a story I just guess I'll never know what does your gut tell you what does your instinct tell you deep down I think it was true I just don't want to think that he could be capable of doing something like that well he's capable of doing that and plus plenty more yeah exactly but at the time I just it's too nice back then Maureen found her brother-in-law charming and attentive some time while he'd go shooting and he might come and visit me so while while he was shooting Ivan was visiting knew yes were you intimate with Ivan mmm that's a part of my I'm not really proud of but I hadn't been at certain points not all the time and just things happen on and off maybe a year or so not a long time did you think at any stage that you might have been in love with Ivan well that there was a future without him no way back then there's probably a fantasy because he was mostly and attractive that way I know a fantasy of what you know oh you look all right but yeah when you think god I don't want you I don't want you for a husband how do you feel now knowing that you did have a relationship with a serial killer psychopath yeah he's a bit bit creepy hmm I just don't like to think about that Ivan was clearly used to taking what he wanted as well as Maureen he had an affair with another sister-in-law Marilyn who had his child a daughter named Lenise Ivan's brother Boris who was married to Marilyn at the time raised the child as his own despite the deception how long was Ivan Milat having an affair with your wife apparently it never stopped and I really wanted to walk away from the whole lot but there was a little girl involved and did you think Lennis was your daughter I knew I always knew that she wasn't my daughter because I suspected what was going on did you and Ivan have a blow-up did you say you are having an affair with my wife this is good Oh what happened I just said do you boy leave me alone later when I caught him up in the house a second time something said to me something's not right I ripped the cupboard door open there is inside a mr. have a door Shivan inshallah could look at this I said I ought to kill you I ought to kill you now and Shivan and shaken can I just ask considering what Ivan Milat went on to do does any part of you wish that you had shot him that you had killed him people have said that to me even the police have said that to me you should have shot it you know do you wish you had of if I know you was gonna harm these people yes but it's not in me to take a life unless I'm defended me Oh coming up he's not innocent catching the backpacker killer he was always in competition with the police and the authorities the one that got away runs down the highway zigzagging across the road and a family's outrageous denials he has actually said to me I have not done this and I believed him with all my soul I believed him that's next on 60 minutes in your opinion John is the world a better place now that Ivan Milat is dead absolutely without question we don't need him with Ivan Milat death the only regret for retired New South Wales Police Assistant Commissioner John Leacock is the last chance to expose melot's darkest secrets he is a blot on our society there's a lot of questions to be answered and probably never will be do you believe that there are more bodies I suspect so years do you have any idea of how many no idea whatsoever [Music] in the 70s John Leacock was a police officer in Western Sydney who knew the Malak family you can call him wild and you call them feral there was constant police activity at their place and early hours of the morning and police were coming and going to the extent that I think they were chalking up frequent flyer points at one stage John would be critical to cracking the case against Malaya he was struck by how similar the backpacker murders were to a rape case back in the 70s back then Ivan Milat had picked up two hitchhikers tied them up at knifepoint and raped one of the women he would get off the rape charge on a technicality but lucky for the backpack and murder task force John had a long memory what was it that led to you thinking that Ivan Milat might be good for the backpacker murders Ivan Milat had been looked at as a person of interest in addition to many others I suggested then that many many years ago that I haven't had a similar mo picking up hitchhikers at the crossroads at Liverpool I suggested that the task force have a look and it was a major change of focus for the task force that was able to pull him out and put him under on the front page how big a breakthrough was it in terms of making Ivan Milat the prime suspect that little snippet that was there all the time but nobody had found it as I keep saying it's all in the documents by now Maureen and Ivan's brother Wally were divorced but that didn't stop detectives knocking on her door as part of the investigation into Ivan I thought maybe it was a robbery or something like that I did not think it would be so horrendous and they were talking to me for about five hours and I think I said like I've got a photo here find it I'll I'll give it to you so that was the photo that they wanted the photo was taken in January 1991 just 11 days later Ivan would use this car to abduct German backpacker Simone Schmid all before murdering her how do you feel about that hmm yeah that's not good okay that upsets me too what he did to those people to those kids and upsets me for the parents and it's just some it's all horrific sorry yeah like to know him man he was a nice person and then he's already had the right to do that to somebody and what they would go through would have been horrific mmm and you never saw a glimpse of that monster no no on the day this photo was taken Ivan offered Maureen one chilling piece of advice it's only what he said when he came to visit you know did kids hitchhike they shouldn't be tried there might be rat bags on the road like me you know oh I didn't I suppose I didn't even take that serious you know I mean you go well I hope you see he taught you you're gonna pick them up they're going from A to B and if certainly he did pick them up T police were closing in but the investigation would ultimately hinge on one eyewitness the one who got away to tell of the terror they must have all felt as Paul Onion's told 60 minutes in his one and only ever interview it was January 1990 when he accepted the generous offer of a ride this is where the journey start and you meet your first Australian yeah that man was Ivan Milat as MLAT drove toward his killing ground Paul began to sense him getting edgy Roger Maynard who closely followed the case says onions gut instinct saved his life that day he was driving down the highway with Mel at Miletus tops on the side of the road ostensibly to get a cassette out to put in the his radio that was his excuse ready to get some cassettes from wonder this week to put it put some music on well he just seemed odd because there's actually cassettes Inbetweeners produces a revolver and then onions sees a coil of rope and that really really scares him as soon as I seen the rabbit at all that's gonna be a you know it's gonna take a bit of time he's gonna do whatever he wants so onions jumps out of the car and realize is that if he's gonna save his life he's got to escape and he runs down the highway zigzagging across the road while MLAT is pursuing him with his gun shooting at onions I thought the next vehicle that comes over there to bear the deal I'm just gonna stop it no matter what but jump in front of them yeah in desperation Paul throws himself in front of a people mover driven by Joanne berry you just about screamed help me he's got a gun and that that was very clear when you did look back as a car retreated did you see the look in his face well like a smeared life it's a bit strange the way he was looking that's not the last impression or a blur and after that of course mrs. berry and onions go to the local police station barrel and report the incident but remarkably nothing happens and so a great missed opportunity there one of many missed opportunities I suspect if that opportunity hadn't been missed what could that mean for the other lives lost certainly some lives would have been saved if MLAT had been apprehended at that time two years later and back in the UK Paul Onion's catches the news headlines cease reports of the terrible fate of the missing backpackers and points Australian authorities to his original police report investigators fly him to Sydney to identify his attacker I went through all the pictures and that was the one what gave me initial reaction it's made me uneasy when I look to me and then when I look closer so too much that's the person while I think I meant that day it was Ivan Milat police swooped on his eagle-vail home where they found a treasure trove of evidence gun parts from the murder weapon electrical tape backpacks and sleeping bags of the victims he was always in competition with the police and the authorities and I would say he thought he would never get caught how critical was the evidence found at the Millat house there was a link between the deceased people in Ivan mullet and the crimes that's pretty important stuff particularly if you've got names on on property which had occurred that belonged to some of the backpack in further raids police found more evidence in the homes of melot's mother and his two brothers Wally and Richard who both deny any involvement but at trial mallets own lawyer argued police had arrested the wrong family member during this interview with Richard Colton in 1996 Richard MLAT reiterated his innocence mr. Richard maleic give me your explanation please of how come Carolyn Clark this is the woman that got ten bullets to the head her sleeping bag is sleeping bag cover her sleeping mat and her tent were found in your garden she had Charlie here say no it's not hearsay at all of the evidence evidence of her in the sleeping bag of Joanne Walters a 22 year old less was found in a cupboard in that same [ __ ] can you explain please okay now Alex why not worry I'm gonna explain how come into the cupboard how it was they yeah I can't be sure now if you can't be sure then is it reasonable for the likes of me and others to speculate that maybe you had something to do with it getting there well I don't know you want to trust the police well for a moment I'll trust you if you tell me yeah I can't say what would you accept it looks a bit sussing no I don't accept that it looks at it's us [Music] despite the judge at his trial believing the killer hadn't acted alone Ivan Milat was the only one found guilty of the murders the evidence was overwhelming but his family including sister-in-law Caroline here with husband William mullet continued to maintain his innocence what would you need to convince you that your brother did it he would have to tell us he would have to use those words I did it and then I would believe him but he has actually said to me I have not done this and I believe him with all my soul I believe him I believe he did it he's not innocent why do you think so many of the mullets believe that Ivan Milat is innocent I can't understand it but though they all stick together they're a strong group they're strong family and they'll stick together no matter what coming up the man the last confide of him but it would always have an answer the revealing letters he really genuinely thought he didn't do it uh ultimately you know you and the murderers final days he wouldn't plead guilty to breathing he certainly wouldn't confess to a murder that's the prison number golden it's good address to have yeah I must admit when they started arriving at my post office the post on the staff gave me some raised eyebrows when they saw the name on the back in 1996 Ivan Milat was given seven life sentences for the murder of seven backpackers from the confines of his prison cell Malak chose author Roger Maynard to be his pen pal always protesting his innocence in his prodigious letters does he talk about death at all in his letters he talks on a couple of occasions about death that cancer he says is a real bastard God's way to keep the faithful a bit more faithful and and Miletus is those end-of-life thoughts of course nothing matters once you're dead mostly you are soon forgotten though my relatives will remember a long while after I die and then he finishes if I died tomorrow I lose the possibility to establish my innocence so he's clearly taking his his guilt to the grave before he was in the throes of esophageal cancer Malak wrote to Raja for eight years hoping to convince him he'd been set up Malik would always say oh it was planted I was framed but he would always have an answer he would always have a a reason or an answer to support what he was saying you know and did you ever blame no not talk no no no no not once you know you have to accept that he was deluded I think he was he was so used to denying his involvement but he really genuinely think thought he didn't do it ultimately you know he oh yeah yeah I'm sure I'm sure he got himself into that sort of frame of mind if ivan velez letters do not hold confessions or information about other murders potential murders he committed what is the value of them I think it probably offers an insight into his mind more than anything the fact that he can continue to deny it I was always hopeful I was always hopeful that he might drop his guard that he might say something that could incriminate him but he never did how would you describe the mind of Ivan Milat I think the mind of a monster he was definitely a man or the very evil side to him man who got to his kicks out of these deviant acts if you like and then weren't just straightforward murders there was a great element of deviancy to them from his letters did you get a sense of whether he was crazy no I didn't I didn't know at all I thought he was a very sane individual apart from you know his you know his depraved activities if you like you know I think he was very clear minded I think he knew what he was doing he had a very clear understanding of the case the case against him and how he might try to fight it how he might try to demonstrate his innocence there was a desperate hope that in the face of his own death the serial killer would finally confess to all the lives he'd taken but even on his deathbed mercy was beyond Ivan Milat just as his former cop foe john Leacock predicted he wouldn't plain guilty at the breathing and he certainly wouldn't confess to a murder or to a homicide and you knew that all along yep look I think if you drove your car to the jail don't interview I've and a bit of a crime you might as well keep the matter running [Music] 74 year-old Ivan Milat has finally succumbed to cancer by all accounts his death would have been painful perhaps some comfort for the families he tore apart when he started his mindless murder spree thirty years ago it certainly doesn't seem to trouble John Ivan's former lover Maureen or his brother Boris and his manner of death you suffer gall cancer what do you think about that well be the cards that were playing to himself I can't say too much about then he certainly can't say anything sympathetic empathetic now what is your emotion around the death of Ivan mallet hmm no my suppose oh I don't think anything about it at all to me he died 20 odd years ago when he was arrested for this wasn't the person on you I'd rather remember the person on you a nice person yeah though I had no feelings whatsoever it's just person that's died have you given any thought do you have any belief on what happens to Ivan Milat now that he's dead none at all except a big relief that the world is rid of one other our Australia is rid of one of the notorious serial killers and Psychopaths and that's where he is it's a damn shame that he couldn't have been coerced him with the rest as a he's a loving family don't torment to it coming up never forgetting the years of terror it all comes back and the question that couldn't be answered do you accept it looks a bit sassy no I don't accept it as looks if it's us what there's the property of murdered women in your garden [ __ ] new record it's not sus that's next on 60 minutes the trial of Arden mullet in the New South Wales Supreme Court lasted 18 weeks in July 1996 he was found guilty of the murders of the seven young backpackers as well as the attempted murder of the man who got away British backpacker Paul onions the day after the conviction 60 minutes broadcast a remarkable interview with Paul onions he bravely taken Charles will he back to the scene of his escape from Malaysia so it all comes back just bent over looked under the seat just pulled out a revolver and obviously all the questions in the same program that Paul Onion's described mullets depravity our former colleague the late Richard Carlton spoke with members of mullets family including two of his brothers Richard and Bill mullet they tried to convince the country an innocent man had been convicted I don't think any of the brothers are violent but it was the claim Colton was having none of and he went on to show why he was one of the best interviewers Australia has ever produced or would you accept it looks a bit sussing no I don't accept that it looks a bit us well that there's the property of murdered women in your garden [ __ ] and you reckon it's not suss how many people have identified this stuff well you wanna know how many were murdered I know how many people were murdered by your family by my family I'd like to know how many both Richard Carlton's incredible interview with the MLAT family and Charles Willie's exclusive story with Paul onions can be seen in their entirety online now and they're certainly worth watching Ivan Milat terrorizing a nation is an awful chapter in our history but also a reminder of the bravery and nation of those people including police who brought this mass murderer to justice hello I'm Tara Brown thanks for watching to keep up with the latest from 60 minutes Australia make sure you subscribe to our channel you can also download the 9 now app for full episodes and other exclusive 60 minutes content
Channel: 60 Minutes Australia
Views: 1,468,080
Rating: 4.7407107 out of 5
Keywords: 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes Australia, Liz Hayes, Charles Wooley, Tara Brown, Liam Bartlett, Allison Langdon, Ellen Fanning, Ray Martin, Jana Wendt, Jeff McMullen, Jennifer Byrne, Mike Munro, Richard Carleton, Peter Harvey, George Negus, Ian Leslie, Gerald Stone, Sarah Abo, Ivan Milat, the backpacker murderer, milat, serial killer, evil, true crime, australian crime, monster, belanglo state forest, salt creek, australian outback, backpackers, murder
Id: 3MkG5HHroCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 9sec (2469 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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