Australia VS Canada - Country Comparison (2023)

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/OttoVonDisraeli ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 12 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

When I was a young man I was preparing to emigrate to Australia. In those days Canadians could just get off the boat and say "I'm here, give me a job".
Then I got my American girl friend pregnant and that was the end of that dream.
In a twist, my son emigrated to Australia, and now has kids of his own and a good life down under; I've never been.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/kittenskadoodle ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 12 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I thought it would be a comparison of their country music. Iโ€™m deeply disappointed in myself.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Bolikstan ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 12 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
australia canada two gigantic countries with low populations incredible living standards and friendly welcoming people welcome back to the geography bible i'm sam your narrator for the video in this video we'll be comparing two countries which are actually quite similar but geographically are nowhere near each other then once you've watched the video and dropped a like of course we will then ask you which one you'd rather live in and which one you would rather just visit and why we'll compare their demographics geography economies quality of life and of course we'll throw in some interesting facts along the way [Music] so let's begin by looking at their key demographics starting off with their populations so out of the two canada is more populated with around 37.7 million people making them the 39th most populous nation on earth behind poland and above morocco fun fact there are more people living in greater tokyo than there are in the entirety of canada think about that a city in the world has a higher population than the second biggest country on the planet wow australia is the 55th most populated country in the world with roughly 25.5 million people putting them above niger and below north korea now that we know their populations let's look at their population densities this one is incredibly close and mind-blowing so with 3.92 people per kilometers squared canada is technically more densely populated making them the eighth lowest densely populated country in the world then we have australia with three people per kilometers squared making them the fifth lowest densely populated country in the world again this next one is unbelievably close their life expectancy at birth so australia just takes the win here at just under 84 years followed by canada at just under 83. this means that australia has the eighth highest life expectancy in the world and canada is in 16th place but are you ready for another crazy fact which actually counteracts the previous information which country in the world do you think has the highest cancer rates i'll give you a clue it's a country with lots of sun and generally quite a pale skin population it is of course australia and then in 11th place canada and finally for demographics let's look at the average age of the population now a younger population is generally a better thing this means a younger workforce and less of an aging population to hinder the economy and healthcare system so australia wins this one with an average age of 38.8 compared to canada's 42.4 all right let's now move on to their geography starting off with our total land area this section should be interesting because they are both gigantic being the second biggest country on earth only behind russia canada has a staggering just under 9.1 million kilometers squared total land area compared to australia's 7.7 million which makes them the sixth biggest country in the world while australia is an island it is considered a continent but it technically is the biggest island on earth for a visual comparison of these two countries let's hop over to the where we can see the true size of these countries side by side it is difficult to represent our three-dimensional world on a two-dimensional map so this website allows us to see how big each country actually is in relation to each other so by grabbing both of these countries and putting them on the equator we can see their actual sizes side by side so yes canada is obviously massive but its proportions are incorrectly displayed on a traditional map let's now take a look at what percentage of these countries landmass is covered in forests and also how much coastline they have with 16.2 percent 39 of which is in queensland of the country being covered in forest australia has significantly less than canada at 34 so more than a third of canada's total size is actually forests canada actually has the third most forest by area in the world and australia has the sixth okay so before we reveal this one out of the two which one do you think has the most coastline this country also has the most coastline out of any country on earth so if you said australia you're wrong unfortunately so with 202 000 kilometers canada has by far the most coastline in the world followed by australia which is in seventh place with a measly 25.7 k kilometers now to my surprise norway actually has the second most coastline in the world all right so let's move on to the economy and some financial statistics for these two countries again this is another one which is neck and neck the resemblance for these two countries is uncanny so let's begin by looking at their total gdp the gdp can be calculated by adding up all of the money spent by consumers businesses and government in a given period so with 1.3 trillion us dollars australia has the 13th biggest economy in the world which is actually very impressive considering their population is only 25.5 million this puts them above spain and below south korea then with 1.65 trillion canada is the 10th biggest economy in the world behind italy and above russia however canada's economy is actually growing faster at just over three percent in australia just under two percent now that we know their gdp we can calculate their gdp per capita by dividing their total gdp by their population australia actually takes the win here with around 55 000 us dollars per person compared to canada's forty six thousand two hundred so the personal wealth of the average aussie is around nine thousand dollars more than the average canadian however australia is the sixteenth most expensive country to live in in the world compared to canada which is in 24th place so this probably balances the two nations out and to end the economy section let's have a look at some quick fire statistics both of these countries have identical education expenditures at 5.3 percent inflation is higher in australia at 2 percent compared to canada's 1.6 and canada has the eighth most billionaires in the world with 44 compared to 31 in australia which puts them in 12th place and finally let's end this section by looking at the big mac index no seriously this is a genuine thing so buying a big mac in canada will burn a bigger hole in your pocket compared to the land down under at 5.29 and 4.98 respectively and to end the video let's finish off with some quality of life statistics and facts an area which both of these countries excel in in my opinion when i think of canada and australia i think of high wages good education and great living standards in general of course they are both not perfect and they do of course have poverty in certain areas let's start off by looking at a not so great statistic for these two countries to which they are neck and neck their obesity rates they pretty much have the same percentage of their adult population classed as obese at a roughly 29 this comes to no surprise as both of these countries indulge in a 21st century western diet and aussies sure do love their meat beer and barbecues australia has more physicians and hospital beds per 1000 people with 3.8 and 3.59 respectively when it comes to school life expectancy australia is ranked as the number one in the world the school life expectancy or the sle is a total number of years of schooling this is primary to tertiary that a child can expect to receive so with a staggering 23 years australia takes the win here canada sits in equal seventh place with many other countries at 17 years which is still very impressive australia just misses out on the top 10 happiest countries in the world in 12th place which coincidentally sits behind canada in 11th place when it comes to the global peace index canada ranks as the 6th most peaceful country on earth compared to australia in 13th place however when it comes to corruption australia does make the top 10 compared to canada who are in 16th place and finally the last one let's compare their military strength ranking and to no surprise these two countries are neck and neck again with australia having the 19th strongest military in the world compared to canada who are in 21st place so now it's your turn let us know in the comments below which one you would live in and which one you would just visit and why we can't wait to read your comments and while you're there let us know which cities or countries we should do next personally i would live in australia because i'm a summer baby who loves the ocean and i'd visit canada for sure it's another dream destination for me that i hope to visit soon so thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed the video or you learned something new a like would be much appreciated and if you love this sort of content consider dropping a sub we've got plenty more to come thanks again for watching and we'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: The Geography Bible
Views: 1,076,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canada vs australia, australia vs canada, canada, australia, canada vs australia for students, australia or canada, canada vs australia immigration, canada australia, canada or australia, Austrilia vs canada size, australia vs canada economy, canada vs australia cost of living, australia vs canada population, canada vs australia country comparison, aus, aus vs canada, australia va canada 2022, australia 2022, canada 2022, aus vs canada 2022, canada vs australia 2022, sydney, perth
Id: w1otbYtaI54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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