Austin Miles Geter Vine compilation (w/ Titles) Funny Austin Miles Geter Vines - Best Viners 2017

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you want to treat okay I'll give you one right after you take your bath don't let anybody in shut the gate there you go give me your best Eva left go away yeah these chips taste kind of funny then no needle what do you want for dinner I'm not gonna tell you again stock act it stop acting up mom can we get Chipotle no you know it's crazy we finish each other's sandwiches you're getting a spanking are you crying the more crying the more spankings seven eight nine you know where you want to go eat yes you do watch some Netflix okay how about Shrek Shrek it is it's loading you listen broccoli you want some lettuce us some chicken you like jelly beans yeah even the black licorice kind do I hate the blacks he said I hate the blacks give me your best baby cry go hmm it's so dangerous if classes are canceled I'm gonna be so tanked Superman we finding me dude with the freaking flying flipper that's bull Pony babe can I please have a kiss Oh Dave I need some Starbucks did I get a pumpkin spice latte Thanks how do you make a tissue dance no and I just want you can say what you okay well I just go I wish life had a pause button okay oh you son of a biscuit [Music] what is that you have really pretty eyes I do not you your suck come here baby what page do we turn to page 179 how was your first day at school Oh Patriots oh you're a Patriots fan all day babe named two players Tom Brady and look all I'm saying well you're wrong quit yelling we're sitting right now yelling what are you even talking movie little shish kebab is this something I like to say sometimes way to be an asset to humanity my boy Jason about to dropkick chase but that'd be like you kissing my mom yeah I was really good at basketball my senior year I was the only one on the team that could dunk nice favorite place to eat on three one two three typical take me home this isn't gonna work want to hear a joke yeah you should learn sign language why it's very handy Dukey your father grandpa's chair scented candle I've always loved the smell of grandpa's chair would you like cheese on that suit yes okay tell me when they broken a Japan over here Val you have to open your mouth yeah it's just been really hard ever since my dad canceled my xbox live account because that's the way I talked to my girlfriend she lives in India Mona for $1,000,000 what does this sound caller number nine don't you hate when you ask your dad something and he's like ask your mom yeah I hate that thing in this law dude wait got it [Music] quit getting man shut up dude I'm not freaking mad you're not come here I always pay attention to you what's wrong buddy what is it talk to me come on got any money you can have a dollar fine I was gonna say shoot kill you Ethan what's the AG double hockey sticks Brandi please don't drink that give me a five thank you Hey what'd I tell you about playing this trick get your butt over here no no no no in Texas we don't get snow we get ice see look this is how fun our snowball fights are take care man wait yes just the kiss are you that fat guy from buying why didn't you text me because my phone was dead why didn't you tell me it was dead because my phone was dead put the money in the bag leave them alone are those glasses what up though what up bro what up - what up PO what up fro what up Flo what up girl what up no Brandon people say we look tonight exactly the same that is so stupid jealous for me I'd love coffee that's why he wrote Hebrews Jesus is my homie you look like that one actor I get this a lot Brad Pitt yes that fat kid from the Sandlot that says you're killing me smalls you go faster in the name of Jesus repent before it's too late did you put something in my drink it is so cool that that guy I can't stab if you want to be cool you're going to jail buddy talk to me no he sucks give it to me how I feel when I run how I actually look where's my soda oh no no what you drinking there Albertson's purified drinking the fake laugh yeah the no breather the perv Oh Austin hmm nine ten hey [Music] I'm right she's wrong I know I'm right this time there's no way I'm gonna say whoa please can I come upstairs please it's okay you know that one friend that just looks sad all the time I know I know love you too mom if you need someone at your side 24/7 can't a pug they'll never leave your side back-to-school shopping paper on clearance so I asked for the hook this is what I got Oh guess what what never mind come on tell me that's not important hey I'm gonna go to subway y'all want to come I'll buy I'm sorry give it to me straight doc you're allergic to bacon yeah who are you I'm your guardian angel where are your wings hey what you don't never touch a white man radio how normal sisters have a good time I so wish I had your hair how we have a good time bloody Brandi whoa Brandi bloody Brandi crazy Brandi I lost my phone my keys and my wallet and I have no idea where they're at here at school can't find a parking spot yes front spot oh we have nothing sorry boy I won't let you go but I can't I'm sorry I'm sorry can I get a coffee how would you like that I just want a black dude you can't stay mad at me forever yes I can fine your p-set Dookie okay let's take a break for just one sec oh my gosh I was not [ __ ] at you and I said I am fat [Applause] want to go eat yeah where I don't care you pick Chipotle no oh garden no chick-fil-a he will have contest [Laughter] and watch out for that tree the dirt wanna hear a joke okay okay what did the pickle judgment days comin buddy forgive me Lord you reap what you sow your piece of doo doo I love you I love you too you're my best friend oh I love bacon I love bacon [Music] why does Snoop Dogg carry an umbrella drizzle dude I've always wanted to do this [Music] yeah everyone did this as a kid and it made you feel like this let's go so where do you want to eat I don't care McDonald's Chili's that's cool Chipotle yes I'm that's cool God remember that Facebook post jail for Jesus keeps growing for the devil yeah you kept scrolling yeah I hear somebody coming yeah well you're ugly that was too far sorry time to get home buddy oh yeah if you're cool like my family you have your own secret language if you're here reveal yourself to us something made this ghost angry sorry I must take your love sorry that's it speak oh yeah oh good boy you can have some too but you don't know trick [Music] sit give me high five oh that's a good boy come swim with me you don't even have a pool I made one thank you jesus loves you buddy yeah I'll be singing happy by Pharrell Williams one two one two three about to go to Marco's about to act like I run this place naina give me your best dance moves go all right guys let's have a clean game this time [Applause] that wasn't very loving you meanie boo-boo love the neighbor people always call me fat make fun of me when I ride my bike and I don't know why hello I'm busy today oh really okay you talked me into it I said in your dreams at least I can pass English at least I can pass up seconds on the buffet I'm a man I don't cry in movies yes just in time my crush Dexter you want to go for a walk you want a treat oh yes flat tire dude stop screaming at everyone I always thought having a personal cheerleader would be cool but it sucks [Music] what do you call a beer that sings me watching vines during the day he watching vines at 1:00 a.m. see this man he's a magic man he's gonna touch this hot fire oh man he's a magic man so grateful [Music] I just don't know which one I want maybe no filter perfect how to baby kid people always say what do you have just look at the menu Oh what do you all have let me hide my drink where no one can find it - there's let that oh yeah come down take out the trash sweetie just tell me I won't laugh okay I peepee in my bed have you ever been in a situation where you can't laugh and that one person goes and you can't help but go I'll totally cut something off when I'm driving and be like see but if someone does it to me I'm like did you [Applause] did you ever hurt your little sibling and you didn't want him to tell your mom so you were like just some candy oh I can explain hey miss Berger will you be my Valentine no no no why not you do that you busy no why want to help me move what was that [Applause] where's the remote no I'm dieting claritin McDouble and a diet coke this is how to recover from an embarrassing fall dad there's a creepy man outside whoa whoa don't you love it when you come outside and have a flyer on your car hey show yourself coward Jay's gonna try to jump these trash cans hey it's a wild thing here I'd give you anything in the world but you only nods me would ask if you want a treat baby these are the cutest little rabbits I've ever seen people say you are what you eat which makes no sense to me reposts or you die in five years five years late better excuse me sir I just wanna let you know that I love you thank you I love you very much how deep do you think that is seven feet cannonball was very grand hey Robert you see those ladies this is the cutest girl do something funny go Oh Coco such a sweetie brandy competitor Taylor if you win give me a shout-out on stage please I have kids oh can I have one yeah right Kacie bunch up chase [Music] you wanna give me get how deep is that I don't know two three inches belly flop I just love my puppy Dexter selfie [Music]
Channel: Best Viners 2
Views: 8,499,729
Rating: 4.8445339 out of 5
Keywords: Vine, Vines, Vine compilation, Best Vines, Funny Vines, Austin Miles Geter, Austin Miles Geter Vine, Austin Miles Geter Vines, Austin Miles Geter Vines 2017, Austin Miles Geter Vine compilation, austin miles geter sister
Id: LSC6k5areoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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