Aunt Penny’s Summer Home Tour

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hey everybody me and Buster want to say welcome to little Cahaba Junction where we share a whole lot of junking and even more Jesus enjoy our video [Music] thank you [Music] thank you today [Music] we are at the famous Aunt peonies welcome we're going to do her home tour today are y'all excited hey day before July but we got it in that's right it probably ain't gonna be posted for Fourth of July but we we got it filmed y'all hear pennies puppy dogs in the background yeah I'm sorry you have to just uh look over them we we are animal people so y'all just have to accept it oh that's cute the other day at Hobby Lobby Fourth of July is already 50 off and I thought it kind of looks like Lola doesn't it it does if it was just a little bit fatter and look at my flag oh I'll get it and there's Ruby or um that was Ruby but Amy Lou yeah and there's little digger that's right because he loves to dig and this morning Penny said he got a chipmunk rotten rotten I wish you'd get all of them no you want to start out here on the porch spending with your giant ferns that just look fake guys the trick is to put them in a bigger pot and so that they got room to grow that is all I've done is watered I have not fertilized it anything it's just goodness gracious but they are Kimberly ferns that's the difference of Kimberly fern stand they'll stand up a Boston fern just kind of hangs over these are Kimberly ferns well your porch is always my favorite thank you I told Kayla this morning that my all my flowers were blooming beautifully like a week ago and uh of course now all the flowers are going off of my journey they're not they still look pretty this is so cute this looks so good like this thank you it turned out really good yep I painted I decided I wanted to use it like a coffee table so I painted it uh White and distressed it and then I I love it I don't know why I hadn't thought of that before to do it that way but I love it like this very cute thank you and that's my that was my latest craft oh I saw it on Pinterest and I thought it was really cute and I found uh I saw on Ashley's uh the rusty Pearl before she closed she had that I want posted one day on her website and I told her I want it so I went and got it because I knew what I was going to do with it so I thought it turned out really cute and I love the quilt we got from Jacob from Jacob at the grumpy goat it turned out so cute thank you I love it I love my little Statue of Liberty bust where'd that come from Michael's this year that's very cute peony are always sad about the rusty Pearl closing so I don't know that these that our viewers even know that she closed because I went and did that video last month and then she I'm not sure exactly what happened but she it's closing she closed down her store and she has um got her a booth now at Sammy's antiques in Wilsonville so she's not completely gone she's just scaling it back but we're very very sad because that's everything that you're going to see if a PDF came from the rusty Pearl and we finally got a video over there but uh my little banner I got from Angie Barnett this time oh at her little sale that she had her and her mother uh just a few weeks ago we got that from her turned out so cute and that was my craft from last year uh Alan cut it and cut Uncle Sam out for me and I painted him up oh I thought he turned out really cute he did that's so cute thank you another fake Fern they're not real no yes they are I don't believe you they are they're just super big I don't know they're so pretty I guess they just love that spot where'd that Arctic boy wasn't that wasn't that Betty's it was up in the basement up at Betty's I found it and I loved it I thought it was so cute it was adorable I love it when I saw it I sat down I said I want that I'm getting that so cute and Betty was her mother-in-law that's right she lived her and Penny's father-in-law lived right up the road like a couple of hundred feet 100 yards I mean and so she had lots of hidden treasures and he discovered yes yes she did her last show she was getting rid of some of her display and I bought this from her and I love it and these are all just uh uh junky things things that we found on the yard sale all the terracotta pots a lot of them we found uh we got this I thought this was really good I got one too I found these at um did we get on the yard sale yes we did you got me Kim and you won that's right that's right and I bought the old Tom's jar from Kim she or she might have actually giving it to him you know she's she's pretty good to me uh yeah she's good to both of us that actually that old lunch box was her grandfather's and she she gave me that um so cute we bought the sold the sea bag I'm sorry that's all right go ahead oh the sea bag we found this time uh this past time up at vintage picking in Fort Payne did you get it from the cotton shed or no I got mine from the cotton ship I don't think he did I don't remember because yours has the seed sewer thing still on the side still on the side mine's just the bag he's so cute and this turned out so cute too I love all your flags on your windows I thought it would turn out cute I tried it up top but the way our porch is made you couldn't see them from the road no I like it like that I dropped them down so you could see them and all our flowers for Miss Bonnie yep yep yes I was greedy I took I took more well they I know and make them happy to see it out here right that was a great time that day the ice cream freezer was uh fine this time for me to Barnett her sale and she said this was the she had said she wasn't gonna do anymore but she said this was the most successful sale she had had so hopefully that changed her mind because we always we absolutely love we love her sales yes we do they have a knack things and we did we have a knack from buying things from them pennies babies he's gonna co-host with you that's right and here comes Lola Bay yo she's getting to be a big girl there's almost one oh my goodness Lola's jumping on me she said y'all pay us some attention you can tell she can tell they're so mistreated yes I kind of went off uh uh I I found this print for um flourish or Flora Studio I think it is I'll if somebody wants to know I'll I'll put it in the comments but I love the way it looked like an Old Country Road it reminded me of my childhood when we would go down to my aunt Opals that's where we had our family garden and we would drive down there and uh we would play mostly my mom and daddy um garden and cleaned and planted it but anyway it kind of reminded me that I love the red and the blue flowers and that kind of to me was patriotic looking yes it's very good and I kind of went off the fact of my old childhood favorite things that we did we always I always loved to go on picnics and make homemade ice cream we still like homemade ice cream just made some of that um Saturday yes the Saturday when we cooked in my brother's house but that's just uh I'll just threw that bag up there kind of like you would just pick it up and run out the door to go to the lake or something to go pick flowers and then our sweet puppy dogs so cute and this turned out so cute too thank you thank you Flags car so cute I thought it'd be the perfect touch to put up there didn't you get this chair off Facebook I did I think I think I paid 70 dollars I thought it turned out cute in bed it's adorable but they uh these are some of the things that I've started collecting I haven't I've only got a few things but we found the platter and the coffee cup and saucer at um vintage what's it called Market Market Days the spring show and then I found the picture off of eBay but I want to get a few more pieces of that and and we told y'all we got lots of puppy dogs over here I just did a little collection of of my blue and white plates and doing some red books and added a few Flags that's cute the way we found that brass Bale that cute last year on the longest yard sale hoping we could find some more neat Treasures this time yes we are so excited very excited less than a month away now yes of course I just had to stick a few patriotic things in there to have it looking pretty for summer most most a lot of those pictures came from Ashley at the rusty Pearl does this one have something on the back of it I had one almost just like that that had a little um Sparrow on it yeah nope it's very cute very cute and those I should have bought but Penny I didn't get on the opinion ended up going back and getting them at the same yes I thought they were so cute they are Kim has a napkin holder that is um was it Thomas Jefferson said she's got a napkin the mailman just came look at them tails of wagon I had to clean that window right earlier because it was I said oh my gosh it had so many nose prints you couldn't even see out of it you see they're already back at it that's right well this turned out cute over here I love the flag on the chair how do you tell I saw that on Pinterest and I thought well I can I can kind of emulate that so I thought that was really because you know our country is founded on founded on the gospel that's right we need to get back to that so maybe if I kind of put that in maybe it'll give us some uh good good graces good graces back to the country yes in your giant beautiful built-ins yeah I didn't really I don't think I changed anything I thought I was getting a little bit I was going to put a few flags and I thought man crazy with the fly the fly come on it looks good thank you and then there's a pretty girl they're pretty girl your pillows are prettier than you yeah most of them I got these the fuzzy furry fluffy what do you would you call that Fringe cringy pillows on clearance at Hobby Lobby uh dude highlight that yeah yeah says if my paper which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and see my face and turn from their Wicked Ways then I will give I will hear them from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land level that I just posted in the eyeball that's right that's right that's my favorite Soldier that's paw paws Penny's daddy and my mama's Daddy can't get me that frame and I was like I know exactly what I'm gonna put it in yes and our little Lady Liberty Head yep um actually had to repot my fiddly fig tree I can't believe it's still alive it is actually it was good so I have a upgraded it's growing mine just went on to Glory real quick well I tried to talk to mine and and and coddle mine so I must have smothered it he needs pretty mantle and she's got some Chilton County peaches in there summertime always makes me think of peaches um you know I grew up in Chilton County and summertime always meant that there was fresh peaches on the trees and we we might have been known to go by and do a run by jump out and grab a couple off of a tree we haven't stole a lot in life but we may have started a green plum I'm in my childhood at least you wouldn't let Mama nag somebody that turned out Keith though he drilled me the little holes we got those that day we went to Thomasville what's the name of that little antique store the marketplace I got those there it's so cute I thought it turned out really really sweet dead I love it I put me a little scarf up there to kind of like some bunting it's very cute I love it I still love my picture I don't know what it is about it but I just I love it but I pretty much left all this the same I did add a few flags and some blue hydrangeas that was another Eagle that we found last year on one of the yard sales I'm not sure where I don't know if I remember that one we may have but I thought me and you found it Ashton at that one of the places it was under that big old tent uh very first places we probably did I think I found it there oh and that is my lightest little find over there the old way wooden wagon and I did I just stuck it up there for right now but my plan for Christmas time is I'm going to put a Christmas tree in it with all my shiny bra oh that'll be so cute just stick it over there with some of my extra picnic baskets i i as you can tell I have a thing for picnic baskets yes we have them everywhere we we kind of go through these spells where we always look where we get obsessed with stuff yeah yeah so I've got a few stuck around uh this was my one of my lightest ones that I got so cute Alan took me one day up junking up in north Alabama we went to um Cleveland Alabama and Arab and I bought that picnic table picnic basket at that pretty little place it was called um Dry Creek antiques I was gonna go you have you got to go back I was gonna go on my way to Huntsville but I was afraid to get off the beaten path because you know you know I'm directionally challenged we're gonna go back for sure here because it was awesome out in the middle of nowhere that's what Kim told me and you know how I am I think yeah everything the Cali takes everything Highway like nobody we're not even near Highway but it does she's awful that's my cute little uh new little basket I got I treated myself birthday and got myself so cute um antique Farmhouse either them or or cotton and crate yeah that's cute I think so that is adorable this is a little bit cheaper on their site so I gotta save a dollar when I can that's right so we can buy more yeah and I had done this last year in the four year with the window and I just loved it so I said I want to do that again but let's get really pretty in here with all my touches of red white and blue uh that was a purchase this year I got that from uh Hobby Lobby uh you always wait when they have they're half off of their uh art or Walmart and I get always get them and I think I ended up I think it was about maybe 15 bucks something like that yeah 12 bucks 15 bucks Corey has this in his man cave and it's so pretty and then your little stove that's right is that where you sit now and feed your grapes and fans you with a little elephant earliest that's exactly right that's right but I prefer cherries than grapes oh okay good but he has to put them before coming into our favorite room of the house the kitchen yes this is where all the homemade treats all the homemade treats you keep yes I don't think anything really changed over there I was all I just changed out my regular pin for um may have added a few things to this cabinet that we we found uh When Alan and I went on the Highway 11 I found this old um I think it's actually ginger beer bottle I want some more of those and then when we went to oh one one day he took me to uh trustful Antiques and I got these really cute little butter uh molds and then I got that one that day up at that Dry Creek when I went to Hamilton not Hamilton Cleveland and uh shape look at my flowers to Alan Pittman the other night we went out to eat uh for my birthday and he after he got in the truck he went and left behind the truck and cut me some roses off and brought them to me I already cut them raises yes how sweet what I wanted to do I just can't really care what my plan is is to change this out and put all kinds of tiny of the little tiny individual creamers syrup oh those are so cute I call it creamers creamers and individual little syrup things yes and there's her she finally got her a chance we got that that day up at the uh one in Arab and I can't remember what the name of that one was but it was massive uh I mean I got lost they actually is so big that they actually have Maps Oh my Jesus they have maps to tell you where things are yeah we we're gonna have to go back yeah we're gonna go back why did she think she can go with her husband you know um Alan surprised me into me well my husband don't like junkie so I told you to be that third wheel we've been married a while and I think I finally trained him that he uh he knows what I like and if if he wants me to be sweet he treats me sometimes said this is this is where all the magic happens the homemade shirt the homemade when I when I get my apron on and I want to bake up a wonderful homemade treat this is where all the magic happens yeah so uh these are my latest um Luther's Lounge losers Lounge purchase um I thought they were turned out adorable and uh this is my little imagination that their their strawberry and blueberry muffins so I have my fresh fruit that I'll have to blend into my cake batter yes she does a lot of blending yeah she does did you pick one up and try oh yeah yeah all of her little bowls my bowl collection is really growing it's yes it is it's really growing this one actually came from do you remember what her name was well we talked about her in the last your last time you opened it and showed it I loved it it was a surprise a sweet prize from her oh and all I did up here was I left my milk glass faces and I put a little bit bit of baby's breath and stuck some Flags and those um I went this past I was telling Kayla I went Wednesday I think on my way to work and Hobby Lobby has already got all their spring stuff 66 off so they had tons of cutting boards already 60s and I think I think this one ended up like five dollars oh that's six dollars you and that's what I do I wait for them when they mark their stuff off at the end of the season and I I get lots of things at really good prices that way we got to have more money today I got to save my money for the yard sale that's a pretty picture got that from all her mom I don't know what we're gonna do I don't know I don't know I'm Torah I am too I don't know maybe hopefully she'll just she'll keep she'll have a big Booth with lots of um good stuff but that is the bowl that I got from Angie it was Miss Mary's bowl and I bought that ah this this last time at herself and that was the actual thing that we had that I plan and I was like Kayla I've got to have that ball so you run straight in there and get that and I did and I got that from uh the cranky Queen she had a booth yes I seen I shared that on the video yes yes I bought that her she has she had a very large at the one that's over in Childersburg sweet Pickens Pickens she's got a big booth there I ain't been there in a long time a month ago we're gonna have to go back I've been thinking about that about that but uh I've gotten I was surprised at how many blue bowls I found that I had that had packed them away and then when I started pulling them out I was like man I've got I've got quite a collection she does there's always room for more maximalist that's right it's collected not cluttered that's exactly right table I owned up want to buy a bunch of stuff on the table so I just you know put one on another one of the um yes and put it there with a flag in it and called it a day a few little touches over on my pig rack that's cute God shed his grace on me it is sweet too yeah I hope he continues too yes because we are still so blessed that's exactly Lola are you laying on the air vent baby yeah oh yeah preciously and diggers in my office uh diggers in my office and he's got a recliner in there that he claims that he sits in there in the office with me he's in there sleeping yeah that's his that's his safe space he goes back there and this thing's a hey there yes she is she might be tiny but she's Mighty oh she's a mess well thank you so much penny for letting us come look at your beautiful house I'm glad you guys did I hope you enjoyed it and uh I hope you have a very safe and happy Fourth of July yes whatever your name is she don't know [Music] bye-bye and here's Penny opening her prize from Dusty she sent it to us I told her I'd get it to her let's take and we've got our other package of goodies since we're gonna we're gonna have them we'll come back hold on oh halfway that's how precious so much that's so cute oh that will be on the tree this year for sure they might have to sit out even when he's not okay can be cute under a little clothes and that's that is exactly how uh Emmy lays yes they kick their back legs out yes and she makes the soap oh that's beautiful that's so pretty I brought mine because I didn't know she knows near wait how sweet thank you so much Dusty that was so sweet and then she sent us all other kinds of stuff that we'll have to go through and split up look at all look at my all my stuff from Kayla I got this is Penny's Birthday y'all know Penny's birthday was the 30th of June so I got another shirt and her new designs I love that Penny just brings me t-shirts and says make me some shirts and that one an old they saw the bow on the last one but this is me and Penny have we were gifted by Miss Betty Janie two of these carts I love it I love it love it love it and I brought Penny the foot of the fan that Miss Betty Jamie gave us because I knew that she would like that on her porch she's got a lot more space she got me two of my creamers to go in that cabinet that we're telling you about in there I'm so excited and she gave me some uh put some flash cards but that one is for her and Allen and the puppy dog and our three puppies is that not precious I love it I love you Kayla I love you you welcome yeah penny likes to get spoiled I love prizes
Channel: Little Cahaba Junkin
Views: 30,457
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Id: VPezYPJ94qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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