The Famous Little House + A Step Back in Time

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hey everybody me and Buster want to say welcome to little Cahaba Junction where we share a whole lot of junking and even more Jesus enjoy our video hey everybody it's me Kayla and welcome back to our Channel today I have a very special treat for everyone you've all heard the stories of the beautiful little house that is curated and just taken care of by our friend Angie Barnett and her beautiful mother Mary this little house sits on their property and it's absolutely filled to the brim with vintage and primitive and antique items walking in this house just takes you a step back in time to when things were simple people just enjoyed the small blessings of every day and life was a lot less complicated this house is full of beautiful Treasures that have been gathered for many years and each one holds a very special story I'm so thankful that they allowed us to come in and take a look around today I absolutely love it and I know that you're gonna love it as well so make sure you tell them below how much you appreciate letting us come by hello special special delivery special guest hey Welcome to My Little House Kayla come on in well I am so excited hey y'all and this is a face that y'all recognize Miss Angie Barnett and this is her precious Mama I'm gonna let her introduce herself oh my name is Mary and uh this is my daughter and she does a lot of stuff out here I'm the helper your your letter food You're The Humble she's very humble but she's got an eye like a hawk for this kind of you're you're the finder aren't you miss me yeah I do stuff and then you know uh if you say hey put this in your little house yes okay well so this is a little house that's on their property that's kind of all y'all live right here together we are on the on the Christmas things my mom and dad um just live right in front of this little house and then my sister and her husband are behind us and I'm on the other side and then I have a sister-in-law so yes it is a compound and we and I would I wouldn't have it any other way exactly right and so y'all just use this as y'all's Little Treasure Trove Treasure House that when Mama buys something or me too we can come hide it and our husbands don't really I mean they don't know and we have a fun time of um just you know just a place to put it well it's beautiful and I know everybody's gonna be so excited that they're actually getting to see it because everybody's heard the stories of Angie and Mary's Little House well look we love to junk and I told y'all in our in my Christmas video of her brother Bobby Joe had a little shop in town and he got us started with his bug and it has just gone from there and Mama how many years have you collected would you say all my life probably yeah so I almost I won't even say her age but a long time several decades of collecting so but this is stress free out here that's right it is this leave my worries out at home and then come out here and it's stress free that's right and I'm just so glad that y'all are letting us come take a look around and I'm gonna let y'all just kind of show us everything and tell us some of your favorite pieces and everybody's just gonna get so excited and look she does not like to talk at all well I'm just so glad Miss Mary's actually getting on camera I was shocked when I seen her come um my mother is a master yard seller a flea market thrift store and like she said people just give her stuff because they they know that she values and teach she loves Antiques and they love for her to have them so she can tell the story of hey my friend or my sister or whoever gave it to her and then that way it's just a great thing to have to remember people even when they've passed yes she's told me stories of her sister-in-law that's giving her stuff so but just take for example the the mantle here um mom and I both went to I think we saw it in the mule Trader years ago this little house has been here almost 30 years we were trying to figure out when they built it it's been almost 30 years and we went to Pea Ridge and we got this mantle from a little old lady you remember that Mama oh yeah and if y'all don't know the mule Trader is our little circulating paper that we use to look for we they sell livestock they sell antiques that they advertise yard sales a little bit of everything it's the old-fashioned way instead of going online you can still look in the mule Trader but anyway we went and got this mantle and then I mean the ladies this this little lady's house was falling in and we drug it out had some help to go and um that was there's just so many stories behind it but then her neighbor she had neighbors over here that have uh recently passed away and they have I mean they gave her so much stuff before they you know just during the years and that's how she remembers them and that's right just a lot of stuff but as you can see it's fun to put it together in a little vignette and then at Christmas you know we do some decorating not as much as we do like in our own houses but um it is fun it's like her little dollhouse I guess you would say to come in well it sticks it up I I need me one every woman needs a she shed or a little cottage house or something yes I really do just to unwind exactly and the pie safe that you see here that was a Marketplace find um a lady had it in I think we went to Pelham 50 bucks she said we'll come get it today so what's going and what the wheels I know look the quilts in it are family quilts or neighbors quilts or just quilts we picked up at yard sales because who does not love a quilt oh that's a beautiful book look at the work that went behind all those little stitches that went in that and it isn't oh it's that's an art form yes it is not a lot of people do it anymore no they don't or at least not like these exactly exactly and then I don't know if y'all know what these are right up here but those are Mama tell them what those are I love it and I told Angie and Miss Mary I want a big basket like this and I saw one this last weekend and I should have purchased it but I didn't you know when your gut tells you you need it you might as well go ahead and pick it up that's right sometimes you you'll regret it if you don't and I do so I'm gonna have to find me one and I love that all the detail on that lamp you know what we have a sweet family member Miss Jess Jessa we call her um Mama's nephew's wife she just gave it to mama she knows mama loves Antiques and she's she's always giving her stuff very sweet and this pace is beautiful too that's one of the favorites she will tell you Mama where'd you find this at Miss Mary I got that down at um what used to be y'all what is that it's rain Wheels oh this lady had a shop in there or a booth and um she had it for sale so I bought it it's huge it's huge how did y'all get it home it's one piece well my son went and took a trailer down there and put it on a trailer that took a bunch of men and a big man hauling man you know it looks like almost like a Butler's Pantry huge piece yes I just don't know did y'all paint it red or was it red when y'all bought it no I painted it it was a a brown looking piece and uh I saw another cabinet painted like a pomegranate yeah and I love that color so it is beautiful I love that too and most of these pictures are these just pictures that y'all find or they're not are they family or no no that's like me that's like me everybody says at my job they say you've just got all these random people on your walls and somebody recently said well you're just giving them a home that's exactly right providing the family that's right I um I bought that and um Gatlinburg and it may be a reproduction I don't know but yeah but why I bought it is because what dress she has on is what I have oh yeah and you'll see in a minute it does look a lot like a um dress when you see this dress it's amazing yes and this way is this is that built in or is that just that's just no it's just yeah it looks perfect match is just perfect it does oh panties balls is that her Bowl she loves these kind of bones yes there we go she actually I think has that one up there on the right oh those are so sweet and these little molds yes I have several of them I never know what to do with them so I need to get them out and display them you just put them in a little trinket box or a basket and Miss Mary is also a really good cook and now didn't she didn't you used to make cinnamon rolls and stuff out here I did yep she was a lunchroom worker for how many years Mama 18. yes I remember Miss Mary working in that lunchroom when I was there I sure did and her mom I miss him my mama Ollie was such a good cook so she learned from the best that's why we're all chubby in our family because we like to eat it well you preached them to the choir over here because y'all know we love to eat yes and look at this old stove that's so pretty when you turn and look we just use that for storage upstairs but um you could use it for a living space but we'll use it for storage so when we you know move things around we could take it up there and it's full it's full we always say I hope the these floor joists up here yes and look at all that cast iron yes it's beautiful she's got a spinning wheel I think she got that in Cleveland Tennessee years ago she had it in the den in here but the kids want to spin it around we were afraid they would break it because it's very proud she loves you can tell cast iron yes look at all those loves cast iron and some of us are collection is so different because I don't care for cast iron so when we're looking we don't have to worry about me fighting over something with her you know saying oh I want that but now some things we do we'll see now me and Penny like the same stuff because when you see it and you want it it's hard when someone else does too but look we know we can share it that's right we can share it that's why I need to have me a compound yes you do so if you and Pentium got to like have a competition yes yes well you know I told her I was going to be the one taking care of her so I said I'll just move her in there with me me her and Debbie Jean will just live all together and y'all would get a long time yes we would and all your Crocs those are beautiful and that's Butcher Block right there isn't it Little House antique did y'all have that made did y'all find that we we actually found it we were cleaning some stuff in here and she had it in the paper still wrapped I said Mama we got to get that out and put it up so Daddy was sweet our daddy again Daddy is our little go-to man yeah and oh my gosh that scale I love that I borrowed that actually if you'll go back and look at my video at Christmas time yeah y'all see why I said I kept I borrowed from my mama because she's got it all yes she does she loves rolling pins too and well I do too so I might just have to get me a few minutes like candle cabinet [Music] that you know when Mama got I was like Mom why you want that beanie pod candles but let me just tell you that's the most beautiful thing yes look how beautiful it is with that little yeah and advertising too absolutely we're gonna spin I love the door I love all of it I think Daddy actually made she's got it shut let me show y'all I love this it's just the little things that she does that I just love yes with Oliver um all of her aprons I love it it's just it just works and she can call y'all to come eat that's right the kids love to ring that again I bet they do it sure is look at there that is gorgeous oh well you probably don't remember when uh Mr Headley had his antique store over here in Thors I got it from I bought it over there and it's been hanging here for 30 years I love it I can't believe this house has been out here for 30 years no we were trying to add it up and out it was when you know Katie was a little bitty and she it's been almost 30 years yeah cause I'm 32 and and if y'all don't know my mother lives right down the street so sweet I grew up with these ladies and their daughter Katie and y'all would love Katie because she is a mess I told you too remember I told you Katie's even starting to get interested yes well good mainly the Vintage holiday but well I know she's good and y'all said Ollie was who now that's my mother's Mom that's my mother yes that's right [Music] um and now we are in the Next Room y'all this is just a giant treasure Trove this is one of her favorite things to collect uh Mama come in here now because some of this stuff I may not come on Miss Mary kitchenware stuff and I'm telling y'all she has the best look at finding bowls and things that you know in an antique shop would be 60 to 70 dollars and she'll say look I found this it's so and so for a dollar I know it me either but she uh she she she goes a lot so well it's it's a there's worse habits you could have Miss Mary yeah junk in there it is therapy because I tell you I ain't never been sad in a flea market well unless unless like I can't afford something I really want when you see something and you see the price tag and like no I can't have that and uh even any cake now okay this little girl she loves she loved we love we're creating a little junker well good and y'all y'all would love that sweet baby because she is precious and just all kinds of you had that Hoosier cabinet you've had that a while and I love the Jade in it we did when we were organizing it you know uh couldn't really figure out what to put in it but I love that Jade yes it pops against it and her little egg and this is what Mama tell them if this is right here over here when Kayla spins around this way okay this white piece this is here oh the people that used to live up here in Mr Ellie pounds is old home hype and and they they moved and this was uh she kept her her groceries in but it's it's original a little chicken pen it's a chicken that is precious is that not neat I love that I've tried to get it two or three times but she ain't she said yes it would I said no I love my cookie cutters in there yes oh you can store a lot yes and still see it exactly I told y'all before on a video that their house is almost like a Cracker Barrel over here there's so much to see you have to really look but this is this is much better when these days they're gonna come out here and Miss Mary's gonna say so and so is missing and they'll see they'll see my track marks out there where I've spilled spun out just to get away and this was on your table wasn't it for your tour that I had borrowed to put um the ornaments in and we actually were out um junking this past week and we saw two that weren't even half that size and we flipped the price tag over 500 I believe it I could not believe it until mama said I there's no telling what that would cost now I couldn't afford it now but that right there would probably cost probably eight hundred dollars what I told her it's just unreal I didn't realize I heard that expensive people people have really got to where they love primitive and and vintage stuff again good pieces are really really difficult for especially for Primitives because that's what I really love is our Primitives and they are beautiful and I love that scale I love everything really like I love red in a scale I don't know why I guess because you could use it for Christmas and it's just real pretty and then look she these I where did you get these your ovens mama didn't you travel far to get one or I never forgot uh where we went it was way down below Montgomery but this one look now I got this local look the old timey stove there and she was talking about and I had told her mom it takes up so much space to you I'm not getting rid of that one of these days we're gonna need that yes you wait this world's going we may have to use it that's right that is awesome for now we're gonna look we're gonna think how pretty it is but it'll be here if y'all need it exactly and look she's got dubbed I mean it's just it's just a lot but it's a it's a good stuff to have it's a good lot of stuff to have what is what is this just a chair that flips into a table or yes it's a bit and the top flips down and then it's got the little pegs that go in there yeah they're trying to look them up before and you just really can't find a whole lot of information on them but it's a neat piece because see it's out of the way till you need it yes and I love all your mannequins dressed up they are so sweet I told her you had one named after your grandmother I do Esther Reeves and I said we could call that one Ollie that's right this is Ollie yeah she was scared of skin cancer so she well that's a smart thing to do and those sleeves well that's a good thing to do because it's because I I need to do better take better care of my skin too and y'all even their bathroom is beautiful I love that tub and she got that tub down at Vita Alabama they have a um auction it once a year you and Penny need to go to that yes but um I love call me and say well I bought me a clawfoot tub I said for what to have my little house to have yep and enjoy it worked out well so it works well you get into mind I guess we can come right on out here and take a bath at the little house I live out here I told her they actually thought about moving out here but I said my mom if you move out here then you really it's not a place to go to it's just every day she said I know that's right but it is cozy it just feel good to come out yes it does this is the last little room so we just made a little circle but this one is one of my favorites mine too and um vintage clothing mama has always loved vintage clothing but if you that picture she was talking about just a minute ago yeah this dress y'all she normally keeps it up in this because you know you don't want it to fade but when the Jemison Trade Center was here we've got some really good things out of that and I see I just I used to go there all the time but I didn't care I wasn't looking for this stuff that's right yes I was looking for stupid stuff I don't know I wasn't looking for all this stuff say at least 20 years ago that you bought this would you say well longer than that it could be but I she came home and she said I had to have it and she said I know I probably paid more than I should have but she said that's gone with the winter I just I was just about to say garlic look at this waist what you would have had to have to get in that dress it's just beautiful yes it is I mean it looks just like something Scarlett O'Hara would have wore we would really know if it was it was a dress they wore or somebody made it as a costume I don't know well it's gorgeous this may it's well made yes and I love this picture this little girl right here it looks kind of like Katie's baby yes she does isn't that crazy and I love all your baby gowns I have a bunch at home and I never really know what to do with them so I love baby gowns you need to find you don't you have a wardrobe and you can hang yes I do that's what I need to do because most of these are local just and that one is precious isn't that the sweetest love that that's when children dress really just those older vintage pictures yes just so classy and just so precious just beautiful is that I guess that's is that a nightgown or is that a yes it is just like something Carolina as well yes it does and she's always loved dolls my grandmother loved my granny she loved dolls I love your volley and I've got one of those I found not long ago she um that was that that's an A Mandolin or is it mandolin another one there's one of them that yeah she bought that local just and then Kayla got her the Little House book is that not sweet I had that and I said I've got to give that to Miss Mary I put it with my baby dolls they're reading it to each other in there and their baby bed because that's where they are at their little house and did you make all these little curtains Miss Mary or no no no no no uh-uh no I I got them down until when they had the uh um assignment shop at uh used to be Bennett's yeah I found them down there she loves sewing machines too yes this one right here I've never seen one like it and I can't find nobody to tell me you know how it works because whoever had this had to do this and so at the same time over here yeah and uh so if one of your viewers knows maybe they can let us know some people collect sewing machines that is beautiful they would have to be very very coordinated yes they would have and I'm not that coordinated all so pretty and this charge this was a window her brother Bill gave her that was in his old barn you know don't know the history of that either it could be from a house in Thorsby I don't know but um I just wonder if this kind of glass that used to be in here was this etched glass it could be in that is gorgeous I love that all those birds sound so pretty out there and you said this was who now that is daddy my my daddy's mother and that is my dad when he was a baby and his brother J.O and again my daddy and his brother and my grandmother and that's Mama's so that's that's the the lady who who this little house is just centered all around and what is this uh press or something I'm really not sure I don't know what it is it's beautiful I love it whose glasses are those he somebody's glasses that's sweet yes just precious she lived to be a a good older age so she had a blessed life so we love to remember her by looking at her things out here and yeah that's why I love antiques in one of those too it's just back in the time where life was simpler and people were people were good to one another and one of these days I just I hope we can get back to that but we know we know that it's we're all gonna be friends in heaven that's right and have all the Antiques we could imagine y'all's y'all's Mansion is going to be made of primitive yes because I would prefer that over goes yeah yes you would he knows that it didn't take a whole lot for me to I just you know it's well I love it all and y'all even the outside of the little house is beautiful we both love flowers we love the outdoors thank goodness we have local businesses that have uh plants that are so reasonable yes I love the new one in Thorsby over there that's that one and then you know I love Hollywood down there oh I do too I I go there all the time piece of this is either a flea market or a yard sale or thrift store very rarely just do either of us buy from an antique store because it's just you know it's just we have a budget and we try to stick to it and I mean if it's something really special that we want for a big event like Christmas or a birthday we might spend a little more but anybody can be a collector it's just it takes going often to be able to find the good stuff yes and I just found one of these yes that out I thought about you need a little bowl planner or the I guess you prepare your ground to put the bulb in there and I had just the funny thing is it's always so weird I said Mama we need some little bitty bitty tiny pots and she called me I told her like I think it was like last Tuesday she said well come see what I got down at the cow barn and y'all found these little let that pop that little uh 10 pan with all of those in it what you think should pay for it I don't know I don't even want to know three dollars oh my goodness I said Mama yes she is because oh my goodness I'm tore up I know I want to see who I wanted them to go on my mind for work I know it comes in comes into hey I want that too but wheelchair and those little skunks those are so sweet to the Maplesville First Baptist y'all had a yard sale two or three weeks ago oh did y'all get them there we got them there anything in there was two dollars oh my God except they had some things that were more they were basically just giving it away yes um and that little rabbit down there that little male rabbit when Rodney worked my husband Rodney and worked for Tommy Corporation in Thorsby a Metal Manufacturing place he cast that rabbit and I've got a Santa Claus but he did two or three of them I love that rabbit now he's heavy he is adorable I told him I said can't you just have a little metal shot yes I just love that I'm tore up but she has paid three dollars for it and everything is so pretty y'all this is a little slice of paradise and y'all love vintage bicycles and I do too what is this plant growing honeysuckle oh my God a bird planted yeah it grows into this beautiful Masterpiece I can go buy a plant and look and it won't be so you're a master junker and a Master Gardener Miss Mary I can't grow when mine die they're just I don't know what they put in their soil or whatever isn't that cute I said what is that she said something that goes on a telephone pole that is I love it all is this one of the Wild Roses too Miss Mary yes ma'am that she said she got off the side of the road and and planted it and it has just growed like this y'all they don't believe them everything is so pretty and Miss Angie's house is out that we went and visited is off on the other side over there and our foreign yes where now where is the corn crab oh there it is yes there's the Corn Crib with our stuff so in a couple and you always cleaned a lot of stuff out of here yes in a couple months we'll come back because this little thing out there is the corn crib and she has a big old sale we filmed it one time yes you did my little uh Grand uh baby Waylon he's only four he loves to watch it yes that's Katie's baby and she's got two and they are precious and her eating them Donuts I was just dying yes she does I love them too but she's she had a Angie posted a video and the baby was crying and she said you she said y'all you've already had two and she was just a squalling and she put the donut in her can and she just quit that was them fake alligator tears [Music] she had that donut she was ready well y'all it is just absolutely beautiful oh we got to do the front porch too every little thing is so pretty she's very meticulous and she'll move it move it around and and look y'all when they have their Corn Crib sales they have it staged just as pretty that's why they have she'll lose something I'll say no mama who's in charge that's right and all y'all's flowers are gorgeous I just love it all now look I can get to this up here y'all gonna Rodney's gonna be out circling the neighborhood because he's gonna they're gonna be a domestic disturbance over here I'll be throwing stuff in the back of my husband's truck it's just temporary that's right that's right well yeah y'all I hope so because I mean y'all know we y'all's best customers Kayla are our best customer we show up at 7 30 and we wait for them to open it up and we run to what we want yes we that's what we enjoy about it is the people and it's our same customers they keep coming yes yeah we just all SWAP junk we should just have a thing for all of us to bring our junk yes yes absolutely well thank you all so much ladies for letting us come it was such a treat look we're so glad that y'all came because we've seen all of Kayla's videos and um we love her stuff too so always watch to see what she has that I might want but not nothing comparing look this I said Miss Angie Miss Mary are my goals well Mama's my goal but I've told her you know the other two sisters are not junkers at all like they don't like I said you know mama you know this is in your wheel for me that's right that's right we were laughing about it she said no what'll happen is they'll all get interested in it and I said that's probably true but just all kidding aside this is something me and Mama love to do together it's fun nobody else in our family enjoys it but us so when I say mama you ready to go junkie what you say yeah on junking that's right can we just make a day of it so well I love it and yeah Mother I Love My Mama we're so close but she's not into the junk but that's what well that's what my panties for my panties my junker Europe is my mama and and my mom was there for the comedic relief so well thank you all so much I we just absolutely love it and we can't wait for y'all's Corn Crib sale and well thank y'all and even being interested in watching it because I love when people are interested in old things well everybody is going to absolutely love it thank you Caleb yes at any time so until next time y'all be blessed and happy jumping and we love y'all from the little house
Channel: Little Cahaba Junkin
Views: 57,890
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Id: SuPKIV8xdm4
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Length: 37min 53sec (2273 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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