A Secret Garden Tour in the Pouring Rain! βœ¨πŸ’¦πŸŒΏ // Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going so we are still here at the grand garden show i have a couple of hours this afternoon to get out by myself and do a little walking so i just wanted to bring you guys along because you know we get to look at these beautiful garden spaces but there are so many beautiful views and other things going on on this island that i wanted to try to capture for you like this for example so mackinaw island you guys if you haven't heard of it before or haven't been here it is like taking a step back in time there are no motorized vehicles on the island you get around either by horse and carriage or by bicycle or by walking and everything looks lush and beautiful right now like back home you know everything's kind of taking on this brown cast you know as it does usually late in the summer but everything is just so gorgeous it might rain on us today but it's beautiful overcast so you can see up there the porch of the grand hotel here comes another carriage look at those beautiful horses oh hey there's a bunch of our friends right there yes yeah so we've got the deck up there and then the lane here and then down below this is the tea garden we're gonna head down there in a minute so you can see the fountain close-up there's also a greenhouse down there that's really neat but they're setting up for a cocktail party that we're going to be going to this evening and check out the flower beds so they always have these completely decked out every single time i've seen them this is actually our fourth time here on the island and every time we come just full of color full of beautiful combination ideas really i mean you can see the purple fountain grass here with the annual salvias there's marigolds mixed in dusty miller we've already got some cabbage and kale going on there's some heliotrope look at that adding a nice scent which is nice when you've got horses all over the place anyway just apps oh dahlias there's some dahlias back in there yeah anyway just absolutely beautiful just gonna walk down this little lane here we're gonna take a quick look at the entryway beds here because they're also like complete islands of color really beautiful so the entry beds are right here and then there's another one right over here couldn't you just stand here and study all of these gorgeous plants right here there's terrenia right here in the front and then it looks like more marigolds there's maybe some what is this is that a type of koofia and then dusty miller some cabbage and kale coleus some supertunias it looks like some patience the beautiful cannas you can see it is quite breezy this afternoon and then the cosmos in here look at all of these gorgeous you guys i just got completely sidetracked because i found the most beautiful garden space you're gonna love it and then the head gardener here at the grand hotel i ran into her her name is cassandra super sweet she gave me a tour through it and a tour of their greenhouse and is starting to pour rain but we're going to do this i want to show you this garden so i just came down these stairs from the main road and there's this beautiful shade garden space here just beautiful because their hostas look so gorgeous compared to ours at home right now i'm just loving this so much i'm drinking it all in like quite literally at the moment oh not under these trees though look at how tall these trees are beautiful we've got some hydrangea macrophyllas in here blooming beautifully see the blue right there looks like this is a fairly new-ish developed space can you see the rain coming down here beautiful entry gates here well not a gate but you know kind of like flanking the opening there's some patients and cannas there and then let's go to the greenhouse that seems like a good thing to do right now so this greenhouse they use to uh kind of swap their geraniums in and out from the geraniums that they have on the front porch i think on the length of that front porch up there um it's got like 1400 red geraniums and they swap them out so they've got them constantly growing if one of the plants kind of cycles out and isn't looking great they pull it out and put a new one in so they just have this rotating kind of yeah rotating plant shuffle so this here is the greenhouse an outfit out of wisconsin i guess put this up i don't know the brand but it's really nice looking it's got larger stones there on the bottom and then the forest green that's real pretty but it had to be designed to withstand like crazy heavy snow loads like 70 pounds i think is what she was saying so it they were actually kind of like okay we're going to see how this goes and kind of use this as a test case you see some red mandolias and then you can see a bunch of the geraniums that they cycle in and out there's some orange ones there red ones there all kinds of stuff i was really struck by these the white mandavias here really beautiful and then you can rent bicycles over here so they've got like the little bicycle hut which i don't remember that being here the last time it looks really nice for the kiddos okay we're gonna just go back out good thing about the rain we'll probably get a view of that secret garden all to ourselves as we walk through you can see views of the grand hotel right up above so you know you've got your main walking paths and then if you kind of cruise over here to the left look at this like transporting me to a different realm here okay ready oh oh my goodness look at this space this garden is only five years old they had big trees in the background that came down in a storm or partially came down so they had to remove them and then all of a sudden this most spectacular view of the hotel opened up and they just knew they had to create had to create a garden down here with kind of that beautiful vista in the background they even installed a bridge here they call it the selfie bridge because everybody likes to take pictures here with the garden behind him in the hotel up above it's just rivers of color and cassandra said that in the spring they've got rivers of blue like the muscari the great pious running through this area i can only imagine how beautiful that is flagstone pathway i'm kind of underneath the shade or the canopy here of this it's a crab apple or something plum i don't know oh my goodness i'm completely drowned i see some is that helenium the really tall yellow bloomer over there there's rudbeckia back there okay let's just go back out take a look there's some red or mahogany splendor hibiscus right here that's an annual hibiscus i grow this one from seed they're grown in our flower garden right now the beautiful huge that's a banana right i think i called the plants up there cannas in the entry way beds but they're bananas right i think i got that wrong lemon coral sedum there's some more impatiens lobelia marigolds heavy use of impatiens and marigolds really there's the bridge leading over to a bench and there's a little raised bed just stack stone right in the center there kind of just like elevated by all of these flowers okay we're going to continue on this way oh just every view down here is just glorious all the astilbe is right here is that um is it gunnara or something like that something that i can't grow big huge leaves look at this massive gorgeous look at that color got some alliums that are are they just budding up yep they're just butting up just about ready to explode with color there's the rudbeckias here and there's some iris in here morris lots of a still bees there's also some ligularia the bottle rocket so these look like they have already bloomed so they shoot up stocks with bright yellow blooms in them we've got some budlia in here blooming more hydrangeas i love these huge clumps of this helenium i'm going to have to check that out because i can't remember exactly but they're gorgeous they're huge you can see they've had to stake them up here which i would have to do as well but that's like a large shrub right there i always appreciate a good hosta and fern garden look at all of these wow there's some bamboo down in here the caution tape can't go that way let's go through there's a hibiscus i think right why do i want to think it's something different anyway oh that's a ruby falls redbud look at that plant look at how fresh that color is oh my goodness now it looks like this tree has had maybe a little bit of a struggle at some point right here but you know it's kind of perfect it's backed up to the back of this garden space so this is really the way you see it jeez so the heart-shaped leaves beautiful vibrant new growth that deepens too really it's just a purple little tiny bit of green in there looks perfect with the yellow flowers okay it looks like there's an opening in here i'm not sure if i'm supposed to force my way through here but there are some beautiful flocks and it looks like this is the end of this path right here so there's arborvitas here huge ones and hostas ferns look at all of these ferns right here some type of a willow so like an arctic willow back in there and a nine bark red nine bark there a black lace elderberry right there looks like there's some fine line buckthorns good fall color right here there's a little trio of them these will be bright yellow vinca ground cover more alliums here and then look at the structure with these trunks here look at how gorgeous that is some baptisia here beautiful perennial grows this big fresh from the ground every season oh here comes the rain again oh boy oh my word i cannot believe this rain i always have to remind myself that to have gardens that are full and lush where the ferns and hostas grow like crazy you got to have the rain which is something that you know we lack so anyway just gives me a taste of what it's like more often in places like this where the gardens just look so darn lush i am taking refuge underneath the trunk of this tree right now i'm still getting wet but my head's not getting quite as wet as the rest of my body here i cannot believe how much it just poured it's still raining but not as hard so let's keep going okay so back down this pathway we saw it from this side already but we've got japanese maple right here that's looking pretty crimson queen probably oh this is pretty what is this acanthus look at that oh i love that color i love bloom so that come up in panicles like that like rise above the plant or the leaf canopy rather i think that's just so pretty and then this is the view of the bridge area from the other side what a treat to be able to see this space i didn't even know it existed okay we're gonna go down through the tea garden really quick and then head back up to my room oh hang on what is this here what in the world is this oh my goodness oh look at this secret too there's another this is a weeping what is that weeping something that looks like a redbud to me look at this wow holy moly just a little flagstone they just create these little hidden opportunities down here oh i'm getting showered again from the wet leaves no this is not a red redbud the trunk looks different i don't know what it is exactly okay so they've just got really deep borders up here oh the rain's starting and again heavy look at these hydrangeas aren't those beautiful oh my goodness they still have a tent down here i'm making a run for it people well there's the fountain i don't know what the diameter is of that fountain but it's huge probably looks bigger if we're closer up on it okay guys real quick because it's still raining but not as hard here's the fountain isn't that gorgeous it's so pretty and i wonder because the inside is painted this color to make it look so vibrant and i wonder if that helps because you know ours gets algae like you know many fountains i can see some algae down in here but our stains the algae stains the concrete to where like it it will be clean but it won't look clean so i wonder if painting it this kind of color kind of helps mask some of that that's a thought okay we're gonna make paste to these stairs over here it says like 20 million stairs that's how it feels to climb them but there's some gorgeous vanilla strawberry hydrangeas right here big bank of them right above that white bench looking a little bit flopped from all the water that's okay still pretty color look at that beautiful all right here we go we're gonna attempt not to slip so i did make it back to the hotel i really was hoping to be able to show you a little bit more outside but i thought what we got to see was just beautiful i got dried off and aaron and i got dressed for the cocktail reception that is where we are heading now and look at aaron doesn't he look nice all spiffed up i don't get to see you like that very often we're actually heading down to the tea garden that's where the cocktail reception is because it has cleared up so i at least can show you a view of the lake how do you feel good i actually feel a little bit weird not wearing a tie you want to go grab it no okay aaron buck in the system we'll see if you get kicked out it's a little misty yesterday you know it was so sunny and bright you could see a lot further but it is gorgeous still oh we meet again stairs all right guys check it out there's the cocktail reception erin you want to play a little cornhole so the attire at the grand hotel after 6 p.m uh men have to be in suits and supposed to be in ties but we're not on the porch we're out in the tea garden so i think you're fine and uh women have to be in either like dress pants slacks i'm wearing black jeans i didn't get kicked off the porch last night and wore the same thing and you ca or dresses something like that it just has to be uh something a little bit nicer gotta get close to that band got my drink we're gonna oh my gosh you guys i had to come back to the room because of course whenever i wear a color that's other than like navy or black i spill something on myself so i go out on a limb and wear a green shirt and i spill a bunch of my drink down my shirt when i was clapping my hands marshall from proven winners he made a speech and anyway we were all clapping and a bunch of my drink just you know so anyway back in the room now got a new shirt on i'm gonna head back down and enjoy the cocktail reception i hope you guys enjoyed this video we are enjoying ourselves so much it's been such a wonderful time i'm getting to meet some of you guys who watch our videos and just be in a beautiful garden environment you know honestly it's just so inspiring to see fresh landscapes and and fresh color and things like that i just love it so anyway we're heading home tomorrow and i'm excited to see my kids and all that but anyway thanks so much for watching this video and we will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 172,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: vh6wO9Ik3e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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