Augmented Reality with Revit Model and Drawing

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okay in this tutorial I'm going to show you how we can create an AR application for Android using unity and also an application called euphoria now for the AR application we're going to use this with a target and our endpoint is going to be what you see in this video here so let's play that that's the drawing there and you can see just pops on our three-dimensional model and you can have a look at that and spinning the paper moving a camera or indeed your phone in and in and out against that okay so when I was further ado let's get started so the first thing we need to do is get ourselves set up on v4 in so I'll just kill that off and let's drag this in here so this is view for ya see for a calm and what you're going to need is a developer account on that so a p40 calm go to the dev portal and register and once you are registered and authenticated you can go into the developer portal here and in here you'll see that we have some extra components that we're going to need for unity so we have in the Downloads area there we have this download for unity so it's a package and we're going to be importing that into unity in a little bit but before we get started we need to create a license and also a target so in the Developer tab here I'm going to go to add license key and it's going to ask me what type of license I'm going to go for development that's free and I'm gonna call this the application is going to be YouTube to the bu4 yes okay I click Next on that and we'll have to accept some terms and conditions again confirm and that's it the license has been created and if you click into that you'll see that we have a license key which we're going to be using in a little bit so that's there the other thing we need to do is need to create a target so into the target manager we're going to the refer to them as a database so we'll add a database and we'll call this YouTube beat again and it's going to be device database click create and there it is YouTube view forea and what we're going to do is upload this image and create an AR target with that so click into this and currently there's no targets listed as you can see so we click on add target and the target we're going to use is a single image and we need to choose a file so I'm going to browse to here and on my desktop back to that now that's the image there AR demo so I'll just click open on that and that will upload there the next piece of information we need to supply is the width of that so enter the width of your target in scene units now this is unity users meters but there we go unity uses meters so what I'm going to do is enter 20 in there so the image will be 20 meters in width we're going to scale this out later so click add there and it's currently uploading a target that's the JPEG going up and now it's going to go and process that so that's what that will be I'll go back and just go back into my target manager for a moment this is a previous version I've done so we can go in here and have a look at that target as well so you can see there that once it's finished it has a rating it's status is active and all that good stuff and if we go into the target itself it'll tell us that as well four out of five stars augmenta ball and we can enable the features on this so it's just which box not able will show them and these are the points that it's tracking so you can see there are lots of information that it can use could be better but you know it's good enough for us all right so back to my target manager see how it's doing on this one oh that's very quick I'm just been dumb so just double check that now there it is as these days show features exactly the same really so back to this target and what we're going to need to do is download this particular database so YouTube before you download database and it's going to ask us what we want it first so we want this for the unity editor and we'll click download on that and here it comes that's great so I was going to go into my asset pack over here and just my own sanity I'm just keeping all these in this location so there's my asset package I'm going to rename that because of downloaders similar already okay so that's it there that's pretty much all we need to do it's a quick recap under downloads you're going to need your this absolute unity package here you're going to need under develop you're going to need create a license key and you're going to create a target okay so once we have all that we can get going in unity now a point to remember here is that this currently does not work in unity 5.5 I'm using five point four point three now if you're you can learn parallel versions of unity and the description and our links will be in the docket in the description below but this is where you can get other versions of unity so currently we're at five point five point something but I am using one of these guys here so you can download those and install them it's not a problem just bear that in mind five point four so that said I'm going to create a new project it's going to be C we'll call this YouTube view for you it would be 3d and I'm not going to add any other assets at this point so create the project and unity will often do its thing it comes okay so there's a new version skip a new version now what I'm going to do next is I'm going to import the asset package from euphoria so I went to my downloads here that does it before a unity six point two point six I click open on that and it will come now we're going to be building this for Android so a lot of this we don't actually need just double check make sure it's finding everything yeah it looks good so the things that we don't need see we don't find them that shaders texture is all good okay um I don't need x86 the morning 64-bit processor let's see anything else in there I don't need iOS and I'll just leave it at that okay let's click import okay so that's that in the next thing we need to do is import our target database so again I'm going to go to assets import package custom package that's the one that I had so look at this download but also really up onto the desktop and get the right one see there we go so I'll teach you before your package there click open on that and you'll see here it's got our a our demo floor plan so that's in there and I'll click import on that alright that's everything we need now it's into setup so under the resources here you'll see we have before your configuration so I'll zoom out a bit on that so if we check the inspector on Guzman's actually one thing i do here is just close now before a configuration here it's looking for the app license key and if we go back into here into my license manager youtube u4m this is the license key here so I copy that and simply paste it in here now the next thing we need to do is under datasets here we need to load our database so we click on that and we're also going to activate it so that's done well quite simple so far now I'm getting error here saying no camera connected and that's because I don't have a camera on this computer and I'm gonna be deploying this directly to Android anyway all right so we're making a bit of progress so under let's see plugins okay under View foria and prefabs we're going to need the AR camera so I'm just going to drag that into the scene here so that's our a our camera in place and the next thing I need to do is pop in an image target so I'll pop that in as well so that's my image targets on my AR camera now under the AR camera itself we need to select the database so first of all I'm going to select YouTube view for you and there it is and because there's only one target here it's popped in my demo floor plan so that's it we can now see we have our target in place that's fine it's all at zero zero all good the next thing to do is to bring in our asset itself the actual building so I'm going to again just select into the root of the assets their assets import new asset and this is an FBX of a Revit model which I created previously I washed it through 3d s and did a bit of work on the materials so that's there and we click import on this alright so it's pulling its materials and whatnot okay so that's now in now what I need to do is pop it into here now as you can see this thing is huge in comparison to my image target so what I'm going to do is scale this back so first I'm going to scale it to point one all around and see what I get okay so it's still considerably larger than my target so I might just go back in here let's try 0-5 and see where that gets us okay still a bit large and turn off perspective let's look at the top of this thing alright go do it still a bit too big say 0.25 does and getting close to the mark anyway whoops now zero in front of them okay so let's have a look not still looking a bit too big maybe just go a bit smaller all right look on and leave it there at that what I'm going to do is rotate it around now the two cubes you see the back there is something I'll show you in another tutorial but basically it's just something I use to track the size of the things so okay we're getting that's looking pretty good there actually alright it's a little bit bigger than the and what's on the drawing but that's okay okay so that's that now what I need to do here is once this is scaled up it needs to be a child of the image target so I'll just pick it up and plunk it on top of the image target there and that's it it seems to be happy a task alright that's this that's it that's all done so what we need to do now is to start setting up our build settings and I knew that so first before I do that I'll try a quick play on this see what it does yeah that's fine it looks a bit mad because the camera is pointed at something as turnoff we don't need this directional cameras or this main camera so let's delete that what's that camera see yeah that is seeing there that's all fine okay so now we need to start looking at deploying this out now in order to do this you're going to need the Android SDK and we'll look at installation at node point but what I'm going to do is first of all go to my build settings now currently we're building for a PC which is not what we want we want Android and it currently says no modules loaded so maybe I need to do that alright so I'm just going to run this agree now when you do this with a package I have several versions of unity running in here so I need to match these numbers it's currently going to the last version of unity install which is not correct so I'm going to three there and click install now what this is doing is adding the unity support but there is also the need for the Android SDK so that has finished let's get my mouse back here somewhere finish incidentally the complete version this application is available on Google Play you'll see it there and the target is available here okay so with that done I think we want to have - it's updating now after that it's not going to pick up the build so let's do a quick build settings here under Android it's not loading so what I need to do is restart unity at this point with the Android support enabled so I'm going to do is just save the project I'm also going to save this thing as YouTube view for if I click Save and I'll do a quick restart on unity alright so I'll just pause while I do that and then we'll come back ok so I've just restarted I'm going to click on YouTube euphoria is still here note that here it's telling us we're in five point four point three so I'll click on that what it's saying that the application is built about so back to where we were now under build settings I should have Android available so we can see texture compression don't override I'm going to add the open scene here as well actually so this scene will be built now there's only one scene in this so it's going to build it anyway but good practice so Google Android projects maybe not and about one build basically don't bother turning those on switch platform and what that'll do is set this up as the default so it's doing its work and once this is done we're going to have to adjust the player settings the few little things to be done in there but nothing major and then we can deploy it to our Android device okay so that's that done now under player settings it brings up our inspector and you'll see in here that we have our Android settings so resolution and presentation I'm going to leave all those alone they're fine we're going to go to icon and you can put in icons there if you like so I just I'm going to use the default unity one so we find splash image if you want and other settings now this is one you need to pay attention to depending on how this works you can walk around with the rendering settings I don't propose to do in this tutorial but we do need to get this bundle identifier sorted out so you have to give this a proper name for it to be deployed into Android so VC YouTube euphoria okay version one bundle code version one all that kind of stuff now minimum API level we need a decent machine on this so I generally go for about 4.2 you can go higher than us if you're using AR sorry virtual reality you're going to go much higher than that but I'm going to build for jellybean now under the rest of this let's have a quick look device filter now this is going to go against arms seven that's the processor type we need that there's no point in building this out for anything else let's see anything else all right and then we're going to run a test build so that's going to do now is ask us to give it a name for our apk file this is what the your Android application package so we're going to call this YouTube you for amped leave it at that and then click Save and you can see what's going into here so I'll click Save and it's just going to run through and see can it work this if you get an error at this point is probably because you don't have the Android SDK so it's currently detecting to see if it has those now I do know that I have got this installed so it should find in the moment there we go it's a good idea to just run a straight build before attempting to deploy it anyway now I'm going to do a later video on getting yourself established and talking to your Android device I currently have my mobile phone attached to this thing so we'll see what happens next so building asset package okay that's all looking good that's it it says done all right so I'm happy enough of that so I'm another quick look in here see am I happy with this I am so now we're going to do is deploy it now before I can deploy it I need to have my device connected so after you install the emulator the Android SDK you will find your platform tools under user whatever your user name is app data local Android SDK and platform tools now app data is a hidden directory but once you're in command prompt you can still see it and the thing you're interested in is adb so if you run adb it gives you a list of all the junk that's in there what to see if you're connected you run adb devices and currently it is showing that my device is connected it's worth remembering that this service has to be started and you will have to start by typing in the adb devices it'll start and then connect your device again another tutorial for that one so just confirming my device is connected and now I am going to deploy so build settings again YouTube yuphoria I'm happy enough with us all good now I'm gonna hit build and run so it's going to be the same as before I'm going to override this and this time it's obviously going a lot quicker and this time we were just getting my detached devices there and what it will do is it'll copy it over you okay so now it's copying to device you can see that happening I rather old Galaxy s4 and what it does once it's copied it over it automatically starts it so the application will start and then you get to test it so let's see okay so you can see it they're attempting to start so let's see we go okay so I can report that it is running on my machine and I will create a video of that and append it to the end okay um thanks for watching you
Channel: Paul Vesey
Views: 30,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, Augmented Reality, Vuforia, Unity Game Engine, Architectural Visualisation, ArchVis
Id: BvXgiKNsXXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2017
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