Audioslave - Cochise (Official Video)
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Channel: AudioslaveVEVO
Views: 61,679,461
Rating: 4.88239 out of 5
Keywords: Audioslavevevo, vevo, official, video, music video, single, album, alternative metal, Audioslave, Cochise, Epic, Pop, Audioslave Cochise, Audioslave Vevo
Id: KDMvN45sjo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2010
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That scream at the end of the bridge is iconic and one of my favorite screams in any song. Great video too.
RIP Chris.
I will always upvote anything Chris Cornell. This single dropping was so goddamned exciting, finally having new music from Chris after Soundgardenβs breakup, and with the guys from Rage?? Seeing this video for the first time gave me chills, and it still does for the same reasons. Such an awesome moment in time.
Went to see Muse in concert last year who were supported by Tom Morello - He was simply amazing... He played a few of his own bits, but mainly ran through his massive library of riffs from the awesome bands he's been in over the years - The crowd was going ape over most of them, but the 2 where they went mad the most were Chochise, and Killing in the Name. Absolutely brilliant!
I miss Chris.
and put the blame on me so you don't feel a ttthhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnggg!!!!!!!
When I was a kid, before I started playing guitar I always thought the sound in the beginning sounded like a roller coaster going up that first big hill. It wasn't until later when I started playing that I realized Tom was scraping his pick up the string. Still, every time I hear it, I think of slowly going up the big hill of a roller coaster then when the riff comes in its like the big drop down the hill.
Such a great song from a great band.
What a great combination, his voice and those musicians; happy times, yet sad times.
Blows me away every time
artist pic 2,251,645 listeners, 56,163,724 plays
tags: rock, alternative rock, hard rock, Grunge
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