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mm celebratory skirt smells like explosives which is funny actually and unintended but funny nonetheless hang magpie welcome to video that is spinning off the celebrating of the catsuit video it just reached 1 million views when I was sleeping so that's [ __ ] up I will process it and other times I promise anyways I thought that okay one way to celebrate would obviously be dropping the song like it could just drop it as this I have been working on it I'm working like crazy on the finished one is tiny bit different like I I have improved will you hate me if it's too different I feel like it's more fun to drop the album so I want to celebrate with doing this instead which is showing how I do this how I did the output and how I always do the output because I do a lot of outputs on stuff because my approach is silly simple maybe stupid maybe harmful like I've heard from a lot of people you know that's gonna harm your equipment because signals in toys and equipment like what I do is I solder straight to the speaker so the signal is very hot and what does that mean well it means that it's super loud crazy electronic cloud but I mean this is the first audio interface I have ever bought and I've done this and never broke him anything and they do it a lot like I have a lot of [ __ ] for example is one of my personal favorites because I put an output on it I'm gonna do it that's the way to show how things are done you just do with and there are ways to put a volume pot there are ways to put a filter super easy to do our C filter look mom no computer has a great video on that so you've probably already seen it but you can do stuff but I'd never do because first of all I'm really [ __ ] lazy and second of all I'm really [ __ ] lazy I I'm gonna show it more in videos whenever I do it I did it with moms recently there's a video that's gonna pop up on that on some toys that I believe are the best toy in two-dimension house however I have another video that I want to do I might do it after this video which is just popping these these are drew calculators hahaha it's like the first generation pocket operators I started a video on these but I'm gonna do the trivia later where they don't have output so I wanna put an output on it also just gonna say the reason it was funny with the explosives is because like the most thing that is commented on the cat video is that I looked like the Atlantis do so I'm gonna shave the beard keep the mustache and we're gonna blow something up so I'm gonna save this one for that because I've got back powder probably legal possibly we are gonna put all something up sometimes there are screws in the feet do not before you break stuff look underneath and then it's just if I see all the skirts when I'm inside the broken plastic yay we're inside and for this video I'm not gonna bend it or anything like that and this one is actually a nice one meaning that it's got black and red wires to the speaker because the simplest way to do this the way I do it is I just go from the speaker and you can choose to do a connector that switches Omo between like when you plug in cut the connection going to the speaker so the speaker works until you plug it in it's really simple wiring I never do it because I don't need this speaker a lot of toys and [ __ ] have just same color just two wires going to the speaker and they're the usually yellow for some reason what can happen is that one is ground one is signal and then if you take the wrong ones like polarity wise we're gonna get into that it will just come oh my god I'm panicking it's humming I will do it those are things wrong it's probably not explorers all day no you just reverse polarity you just flip it around this is the speaker and there's a black one the [ __ ] focus a black one and a red one going into it so black one is ground and the red one is positive not to be confused with the battery ones that will not end good for you first step you pick you away then we snippety-snip and you can have a tool for snipping these are super cheap extremely cheap and they shot but you get to know them then you love them you get the hang of it there are other tools that have holes in them or perfect for just but you can also use your teeth I did that a lot in the beginning but you can also use a scissor and you just come on I don't recommend this on a toy like this because the risk is that I'm just gonna drag off the soldering but as you can see I'm in it rock and roll so pre solder is super smart to do and that just means that says these are a load of teensy tiny wires inside of wires so it's not one solid and that's a good thing in this case because if it's just one solid it's way stiffer and it breaks off easier presold ranges means that you put some LED on torch have we got the host fan thing suck pipe you want to have an output there's different types of output I usually go with guitar cabbage quarter inch Jack can also go with a 3.5 millimeter which I might do in this case there's always a tip on a cable like this which is the one that is positive positive means that it's handling your signal we're talking mono here so this is just grounding on the sleeve beyond the ring there there are also stereo jacks but we don't have to go into that because if this is what you want to apply to toys and stuff like that not that important this one touches the tip and the tip has to signal so that's that one the other one is just a ring here with tooth with the hole it's got dental issues and that's ground kind of out of ground isn't it's teeth I don't know far I can push that analogy what we want to do is we want to solder to it but I'm gonna go with the small one same principle one is up here that one is just touching the ringy the sleeve and the other one has a thing here that touches the tip there's also a third one but we don't I have to give a [ __ ] about that one and you shouldn't shake this much when you solder when you're a grown-up drink some beer to be less shaky what you can have is something like this it's just holding the output in place you don't have to bother with the shaking because you can put stuff through the hole and then your solder on everything so you wire it up you don't have to pre solder and you just cover it in your soldering matter it works works you know now we just want to make a hole here where we put the output boom looks good no shitty plastic it's also wholly plastic what I prefer doing is I just stick the screwdriver straight up in the hole and I drilled by hand and just like that we have oh you can actually and I did this way back you just melt holes with the soldering iron very very much more Yolo and it doesn't always smell good push through just like that you have outputs putting stuff in place is often the worst part of any deal okay let's go back there okay let's tune into the drums I'll always wait with screws until you're done life coach moment here is a quick sample tank for it feel free to download it by ripping the video can I leave a link to our YouTube video downloader service okay that's all the sounds I am gonna make video when I make music with it this can be warm-up session here I'm gonna make a super advanced beat making let's put a timer I have one day three two one timer that's bigger BPM I realize I didn't say it time frame five minutes perfect weird you know make it tiny a bit less untied I wish I could move the camera angle so you could see better but I don't have time for that that's our address starch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] would use more instruments that I have up with it but I don't want to come on make a track savings take out the BPM so much to overuse in my video [Music] G minor [Music] Oh No [Music] where do I go from there oh that one is funky like it's less obvious [Music] but b-minus [Music] that's the obvious it's not be mine [Music] it is d-minor [Music] that's what stress does food [Music] can we sing real quick to just have something that happens please meeting please work me yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not in sync but it kind of cost so now I have to wait I don't have to [Music] I fail [Music] this is me listening [Music] deal a saint's the name [Music] it's up slower [Music] we have to redo it [Music] and in a distortion we're gonna add like a tremolo [Music] I know something like that just to give some tiny bit of space [Music] is to give a feel for how you could do something yeah thank you Wow scream random words thank you for watching I hope some of you liked it and those who don't or didn't or don't want to like anything pet an animal unless you're allergic like that was bad advice a better advice for people not in a good place right now you can always prank call the government or the ceiling looking rock and paint the face you could take a pillow and instead of punching it did you go create it with it no one week that's it it's all advice I can give you by
Channel: Simon The Magpie
Views: 32,432
Rating: 4.9697595 out of 5
Keywords: music, production, studio, home, magpie, simonthemagpie, simon the magpie, magpie demos, magpie pirates, magpiepirates, magpiedemos, guitar pedals, synths, synthesizers, circuit bending, diy, circuit bending guitar pedals, 8-bit keys, cat keyboard, cat piano, music production, diy audio out, audio out, toy keyboard, toy hack, toy circuit bending, music hack, 5 min life hack, studio tips, home studio, toy instrument hack
Id: N_-GgCgtOk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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